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275 He actually treated a man...?

Haofengyuan is the residence of Zheng Guogong and his wife.

After dinner, Duke Wei Qin of Zheng went for a walk in the garden. After entering February, his heart began to bloom. Recently, apart from eating and sleeping, he spent the rest of his time in the garden.


So when Wei Shuyi came to Haofeng Courtyard, his mother Duan was the only one sitting in the hall.

Wei Miaoqing, who heard that his brother had returned home, followed him closely.

"...How? Is there any new news from Suining? Is Xu Zhengye really attacking Luoyang?"

Duan asked hurriedly: "I heard from my second uncle that at the court today, the officials were all talking about Suining's memorandum? Bah, these people have their own agendas! Since I mentioned that I granted Suining the title of

From the beginning, the general started to find faults everywhere! In my opinion, being in the capital was a real injustice to them. They really should be sent to Luoyang. After all, their mouths would block the rebel army's swords if they cut them off! Having said that, you can just let it go.

They took the opportunity to plot Sui Ning and General Chang Da? Are you going to tear them apart...have you stopped their bad mouths?"

"..." Before Wei Shuyi had time to answer this series of questions, he heard the waves following closely behind -

"When it comes to Mrs. Chang's message, there are a lot of vitriolic words everywhere!" Wei Miaoqing said angrily: "That day, the eldest husband of the Wu family was in Dengtai Tower and said something in public. Mrs. Chang's message read

It is not orthodox enough, every word and every sentence is just arrogance, and it is clearly a propaganda article to enhance his reputation, but it is praised and circulated everywhere. It can be seen that the current atmosphere of the literary world is really worrying, which makes him extremely disappointed..."

He also said: "He has also written an article, which is so orthodox that it makes people pinch their noses and cannot read it. Once the article is opened, the sour smell can spread out of the capital! If it is crumpled and thrown in,

In the chicken coop, the chickens will be so smoked that they will burst into tears and will no longer be able to lay eggs!"

Wei Shuyi went to bring the tea cup: "This Mr. Wu Dalang is also the biological eldest brother of the girl from the Wu family. If your vicious words reach the ears of the girl from the Wu family, be careful that they will not take you with you again in the future."

"These exact words were said by Sister Wu herself!"

Wei Shuyi: "..."

"The elder man of the Wu family just started talking nonsense in the Dengtai Tower. After drinking two ounces of wine, he went back home and went crazy. He actually ran into Sister Wu's study and found Mrs. Chang's deeds book. In front of the servants,

My son, I tore him into pieces!" When Wei Miaoqing said this, he was already gritting his teeth.

Wei Shuyi hissed lightly: "This is considered a violation of heaven's rules."

"Sister Wu returned home, and when he was drunk and asleep, she had people dig out all his sour poems and sour paintings, light a fire in his courtyard, and burn them all!"

"He was so drunk that he jumped out. He was so angry that he cried loudly and passed out. Mr. Wu had someone pinch him in the middle of the body. After he woke up, he was thrown into the ancestral hall and made to kneel down."

Looking at the poetry and picture album that had turned to ashes, Mrs. Wu turned around and praised his granddaughter Wu Chunbai - it was well burned. He had wanted to burn it for a long time.

Wei Shuyi put down the tea cup and sighed: "Mr. Wu is very righteous."

Mrs. Duan frowned and looked at her careless son, and patted the table twice: "What are you talking about now? Where is the question I just asked you? Well, you answered it!"

Wei Shuyi had a headache, but upholding his filial piety, he still answered them one by one - it was him. If anyone else were to be his mother's son, it would be difficult to remember what she asked.

Finally, he said: "I just hope that Bianzhou can hold on for a little longer and hold off Xu Zhengye's army. When Xuance's army arrives, Luoyang City will not be lost."

"If Luoyang City is saved, will Mrs. Chang and General Chang not be punished?" Wei Miaoqing asked the question that concerned him most.

"It can only be said that if there is nothing wrong with Luoyang City, it will not be a serious crime." Wei Shuyi said: "But if Xuance's army protects Luoyang, the credit will go to the imperial court. Then one's defense will be disadvantageous, causing Luoyang to be in danger." I'm afraid it's hard to escape the crime of "falling into the hands of rebels."

Not only did the court want to accuse her, but those in the world who regarded her as the reincarnation of a general star also wanted to "accuse" her with that appeal.

Wei Miaoqing became anxious: "Then how can we get rid of the guilt?"

"There is only one possibility." Wei Shuyi said: "Unless she can kill Xu Zhengye with her own hands as she said in her confession."

"As soon as Xu Zhengye dies, the rebel army will definitely be defeated. By then, not only will she have no fault, but she will have meritorious deeds. Naturally, there will be no more accusations in the court."

When big words come true, they are not big words, but great achievements.

Wei Miaoqing frowned tightly: "... According to my brother, is it possible that Mrs. Chang can kill Xu Zhengye?"

"Based on the current known situation..." Wei Shuyi shook his head: "This is not possible."

Xu Zhengye had already passed Xuzhou, but she was still pursuing her from the rear. It would be difficult to catch up, let alone cross thousands of troops to kill Xu Zhengye?

Xu Zhengye wouldn't give her this chance either.

Even if the Xu army does not need to conquer Luoyang, it only needs to conquer Bianzhou... Bianzhou will defend it to the death, and once there are tragic casualties, her crime will be determined.

"...How can this child be so careless? Why do he have to act like a hero and write such an essay, and give others the opportunity to make a fuss in vain!" Duan was worried: "It is said that Xu Zhengye was deceived by her essay. The call to arms went to Luoyang, so it became her fault even though it was not her fault!"

Wei Shuyi thought about it without saying a word. Did she really have no expectations for the current situation?

"Then what should we do?" Wei Miaoqing was so anxious that she started gibbering: "...We should send down a fire from the sky to stop Xu Zhengye and the others, so that Mrs. Chang can catch up and chop him with a sword!"

Wei Shuyi looked at her worriedly: "...or why don't you go and pray to the Buddha?"

Wei Miaoqing's expression perked up and she stood up immediately: "Yes...I'm going to burn incense right now!"

Seeing his sister leaving so solemnly, Wei Shuyi rubbed his temples.

If one day, his sister really becomes a crown princess, or even the mother of a country, he really can't believe what a wonderful scene it will be.

If faced with competition for favor in the harem, she would probably choose between being mean and careless. Between being framed and being framed, she would choose to be cunning.

Faced with such a daughter, Mr. Duan rarely remained silent for a moment.

Wei Shuyi signaled Chang Ji to close the hall door.

Duan subconsciously looked at her son who suddenly became cautious. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Wei Shuyi speak in front of him: "It is not impossible for Mrs. Chang to kill Xu Zhengye."

"Just as no one believed it before, she could actually kill Ge Zong and Li Yi with her own hands." Wei Shuyi said: "She can always do things that others think are impossible..."

"Mother, have you ever thought about why this is?"

Duan looked at him puzzled for a moment: "Everyone in the world knows this, is it because he is born with generals and talents?"

"But from my son's point of view, the ultimate talent that can truly amaze the world should be glimpsed at a young age, rather than suddenly appearing one day sixteen years later." Wei Shuyi said.

Duan was startled.

Wei Shuyi said slowly: "I guess the source of Mrs. Chang's 'talent' may be that she has experienced things that ordinary people can't imagine."

Duan was confused when she heard this: "What could that be?"

Wei Shuyi shook his head: "Ordinary people can't imagine that although my son is very human, he couldn't find the answer for a while."

"..." Mrs. Duan frowned and thought for a moment: "Or...as mentioned in the slogan, the guidance of the savior immortal?"

This sounds very absurd, but at this moment, Wei Shuyi narrowed his eyes slightly... Are you an immortal?

"My mother once read to His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess Chongyue, so I know the former Crown Prince quite well... In my mother's opinion, does Mrs. Chang look more like the eldest princess, or does she look more like the former Crown Prince?"

This question was so sudden that Duan's eyes trembled: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Wei Shuyi saw her reaction in his eyes: "I once heard that General A Dian say that Mrs. Chang is very much like the former Crown Prince, very similar."

Duan's breathing stopped for a moment, and many chaotic pictures began to appear in his mind.

Those things that she had automatically attributed to "fate" in exclaim in the past suddenly changed direction at this moment and rushed towards another exit.

"Did mother think of something?"

"I..." Mrs. Duan wanted to speak, but she couldn't explain in detail. After all, she couldn't expose His Highness's secrets, so she omitted all the clues and left only one incomparable saying: "Then if you say so...

Could it be that he is possessed by the former Crown Prince?"

No wonder she made such assumptions, after all, she is a complete theist!

This absurd speculation, which had been lingering in his mind for a while, made Wei Shuyi's breath stop for a moment.

Outsiders only say that he has no resemblance to his mother, but there is one thing that has made him exactly the same as her since he was a child, and that is his fear of ghosts.

The prerequisite for fear is faith.

I believe it is possible for such things to exist in this world.

Wei Shilang, who had always been as steady as an old dog even when Mount Tai collapsed, forced himself to calm down and asked, "Can mother tell me the basis for such a guess?"

He had just seen his mother, who rarely used her brain, and showed that her brain was clearing up quickly.

Duan's expression was already a little flustered: "Mother knows some of the old habits of His Highness the Prince... When I thought about it just now, I felt that it fits very well!"

For example, was the box she dug out really just a dream from His Highness...or was His Highness right in front of her?!

This guess made Duan almost faint.

Wei Shuyi still wanted to seek proof: "What are the old habits? Can mother explain them in detail?"

Duan said categorically: "No!"

She was already so confused that she had to keep His Highness's secret secret, but her disgusting son was still asking questions. Her mind was already on fire!

Faced with her son's confusion about whether he was a member of her own family, she simply said bluntly: "In short, just listen to me when I say it's appropriate, and don't ask anything else! There are some things I can't express to you clearly, so I just got rid of them. I have sworn not to leak any private matters involving my old friend!"

He said simply and rudely: "If you don't want your mother-in-law to be struck to death by lightning, you will have to hold a funeral at home tomorrow, so don't ask any more questions!"

"...?" Wei Shuyi rarely showed an expression as if he was being tortured.

Mrs. Duan no longer cared about his life and death, and began to walk up and down the hall holding the handkerchief: "How could it be so? Is it true that there is such a thing as resurrecting a corpse...are those words in the book...actually true?"

Hearing the words "borrowing corpses and bringing back souls", Wei Shuyi couldn't help but think of some of the words he heard when he interrogated the kidnapper couple in Hezhou.

——"It looked like he was dead... but he suddenly came back to life!"

——"Monster! It must be a monster!"


Those words that he heard indifferently at that time suddenly caused him to have a completely different state of mind and sweat in cold sweat.

Wei Shuyi swallowed his saliva very slowly, raised his sleeves, and slowly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

After an unknown amount of time, the hall door was pushed open with a creaking sound. Both mother and son were frightened, with pale faces, looking toward the door in horror.

Zheng Guogong, who was humming a little tune, walked in and was startled when he saw this: "...What's wrong?"

Mrs. Duan: "You... why are you pushing the door open!"

Zheng Guogong looked innocent, this is his yard!

He did not refute, but chose to accept the situation and asked uneasily: "But what happened?"

Why do both my wife and my son, who has always been calm and collected, look like they have seen a ghost?

"No...nothing." Wei Shuyi stood up, forced himself to salute his father: "Father and mother had rested earlier, and my son resigned."


When Zheng Guogong looked at his son who was walking away in vain, his heart was in his throat. Even Zi Gu was like this, and he still said "nothing happened"?

"Madam..." Although he was shaking himself, he still supported the trembling Duan, helped her to the inner room, and asked in a trembling voice: "Madam, please tell me the truth, is it your wife?"

Gu, did he... commit any serious crime of confiscating his family and exterminating his clan?"

Although he is an elegant person who can only appreciate flowers... okay, he admits that he is a loser, but a loser also has the right to know, right?

Duan, who was speechless, pushed him away, staggered towards the bed, buried her head between the soft pillows, and burst into tears.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zheng Guogong froze on the spot, with only two words left in his mind - it's over.

Wei Shuyi, who was regarded by his father as having "committed the grave crime of confiscating his family and annihilating his clan", left the Haofeng Courtyard and felt a coldness coming from behind him from time to time.

"You..." He looked at Changji beside him: "You walk behind me and help me keep an eye on it."

Changji glanced behind him subconsciously. What did Lang Jun ask him to look at?

He was about to ask, but his husband said cautiously: "Don't ask anything."

Changji: "...Yes."

Wei Shuyi walked a few steps and suddenly stopped when he passed a fork in the road.

After a while, he changed his route.

"...Brother?" In the Buddhist hall, Wei Miaoqing, who was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue with great piety, was surprised to see someone coming: "Brother, you are also here to ask the Buddha to send down fire from heaven?"

"...No." Wei Shuyi said as calmly as possible: "I just suddenly wanted to burn incense."

Wei Miaoqing understood, blinked at him, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, are you here to pray for Mrs. Chang's safety?"

Hearing those three words, Wei Shuyi was so excited that he almost dropped the incense in his hand.

Wei Miaoqing looked at him teasingly and said that she didn't like Mrs. Chang. She was obviously more nervous than anyone else.

With this in mind, Wei Miaoqing looked at her brother with a look that said, "Let's see how long you can fight back."

For the first time, Wei Shuyi didn't care to feel the eyes of the people around him.

After offering incense and leaving the Buddhist hall, Wei Shuyi's mood calmed down a little.

Incense is really useful...

He comforted himself so much.

So, looking as usual, he returned to the living room to bathe and change clothes, and did business for another half an hour. Then he returned to the bedroom, put on his clothes and lay down to rest.

He just told the boy: "No need to turn off the lights, I still have uses..."

He also said: "Everyone is asked to take turns guarding the outer room and not to leave."

The boy didn't dare to ask more about the reason, but he became vigilant in his heart. After Lang Jun said this, could he have a premonition that there would be an assassin in the night?

The boy didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately went down to arrange the matter, and specially found the strongest nurse to guard him.

Wei Shuyi lay on the bed, tossing and turning until late at night. He finally closed his eyes, then opened them again and sat up.


If she was resurrected by His Highness the former Crown Prince, then...

Of course, the possibility of such strange things happening is very rare, and Zi did not talk about the strange power and chaos. He just said, if, if, if it happens...

If it is true, then she... what "she" contains inside is actually the soul of a man?!


He actually treated a man...?

Wei Shuyi sat stiffly for a long time, his expression changing as if he had been struck by lightning.

Immediately, he felt that he should not bear such a tragic and helpless feeling alone, so he pulled another person out - this matter... Cui Ling'an, does he know?

He even wanted to write a letter to Cui Ling'an immediately, the eight-hundred-mile expedited one!

The Spring Examination is divided into three sessions, each lasting three days, for a total of nine days.

Before the end of the Spring Festival, Cui Ling'an, who was far away in the Anbei Protectorate, did receive an urgent and secret letter from the capital.

To be precise, it is a secret decree.

On the same day, Cui Jing secretly left the northern border, led his light cavalry, and rushed to Hedong Road, all the way south.

"Speaking of which...how did Cui Dadudu know in advance that there would be a secret order for him to leave the northern border?" After Cui Jing left, Qin Duhu asked the reporter next to Cui Jing in confusion.

Governor Cui left very suddenly without a word of explanation.

However, the reporter's office next to Governor Cui quickly came over. Only then did the Qin Governor know that it turned out that Governor Cui had already arranged his affairs after leaving the northern border in detail, and only asked the reporter's office to relay the arrangements.

The reporter also shook his head.

Yes, how did the Governor predict the future?

Is it possible to predict the location of the Holy Will even though he is thousands of miles away? Or... has he made preparations to help the girl from the Chang family a long time ago?

However, Cui Jing had only been away for five days when one of his companions, a light cavalryman, was injured and turned back. It was extremely difficult to support him and he fell off his horse when he returned to the Anbei Protectorate.

After hearing the news, the Protector of Qin arrived quickly and saw the light cavalryman being helped into the mansion in the front yard.

When Qin Duhu saw this, his face tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to support the light cavalry.

"Qin Duhu..." The cavalryman was seriously injured. When he saw Qin Duhu, he finally spoke with difficulty, "We... encountered an ambush."

Protector Qin's expression changed drastically: "How could it be...that Governor Cui would now..."

"Grand Governor, something happened..."

After saying this, the cavalryman completely fainted.

Qin Duhu's face turned pale and his body became stiff for a moment.

Something big is going to happen now!

This chapter has been completed!
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