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299 Why should we save her?

"...Where are your adults? Do you need us to help you?"

Before these words were spoken, the figure who was slapped from behind suddenly turned around like a frightened bird, raised the hand holding the dagger, and immediately stabbed the person behind him.

She moved very quickly, and the other party was startled. He leaned back to avoid it, grabbed her wrist holding the dagger, and said in confusion: "I'm just asking you a question, why did you stab me?"

She wanted to withdraw her wrist but couldn't. The dagger in her hand had fallen to the ground. She just raised her other hand to attack, but was restrained.

Facing such a swift and powerful skill, she was anxious and afraid: "...let me go!"

Ah Dian was surprised: "You are a girl!"

The girl pretending to be a man turned pale when she heard this, and subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the alley. In a hurry to escape, she suddenly moved her head forward and opened her mouth to bite A Dian's hand.

A Dian was so frightened that he quickly let go of her, and when she was about to run away, he immediately restrained her arms from behind, pushed her against the wall of the alley, and shouted to Chang Suining, who was leading the horse.

: "A Li, come and see, I've caught an assassin!"

Chang Sui Ning, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, walked over: "Assassin?"

"I'm not!" The girl struggled to move and said anxiously: "I just got separated from my family... I'm just an ordinary disaster victim!"

A Dian said hurriedly: "But she has a knife! What a fast knife!"

He used one hand to restrain the opponent, and pointed the other hand at the dagger: "Here, it's right there!"

Chang Suining stepped forward to pick it up and looked at it carefully.

The girl's voice became even more urgent: "...Someone took advantage of the chaos to grab something, I just used it for self-defense!"

Chang Sui Ning was noncommittal and asked her: "Are you from Xingyang?"

This place is only more than thirty miles away from Xingyang City. Xingyang is between Luoyang and Bianzhou. Chang Suining has led people to this place for disaster relief in the past few days.

"Yes...I am!" The girl's tone was more pleading: "I didn't mean to hurt anyone just now!"

Chang Suining said to A Dian: "Let her go."

A Dian did not hesitate and immediately let go.

Only then was the girl able to turn around and look at Chang Sui Ning, or to be precise, at her only self-defense: "Please return the dagger to me, I..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly heard rapid footsteps and voices coming from one end of the alley: "Quick, this way!"

"Since some people say they have seen it, it must be nearby!"

"This way!"

The girl's face turned pale, and she immediately stopped asking Chang Sui Ning for a dagger, and immediately ran towards the other end of the alley.

However, as soon as he lifted his legs and took two quick steps, he heard a calm voice reminding him: "I just came from the front. There are more officers and soldiers there who are chasing and searching for the whereabouts of the fugitives."

The girl paused, then subconsciously looked at the person who spoke.

In the misty rain, she saw a pair of calm and clear eyes under the bamboo hat, looking at each other. The owner of those eyes asked: "Do you need me to help you?"

The girl opened her mouth, and then nodded hurriedly: "If you can help me, I will repay you afterwards..."

Before she finished speaking those words of promise, she saw the other party quickly taking off a set of rain gear from the horse: "Put it on and lead the horse for me."

The girl grabbed the coir raincoat and bamboo hat that were thrown at her and put them on in a hurry. At this time, the group of soldiers had already arrived at the entrance of the alley. Chang Suining took a step sideways to block the girl behind him.

After the girl was dressed, she tried her best to remain calm and held the reins of the horse.

Chang Suining turned around and said, "Let's go."

Is it really possible to get away like this? Doesn't it mean that there are people chasing her in front? The girl is not sure, but she still nods cooperatively, turns her back to the soldiers who are looking at her, and leads the horse forward.


The leading soldier shouted loudly.

The girl's body froze, and her fingers holding the reins trembled. Sure enough!

She subconsciously wanted to run away, but she heard the voice ringing in her ears: "Hold the horse."

This voice seemed to have the power to calm people's hearts, and the girl's feet seemed to be stabilized and did not move for a moment.

Chang Suining turned around and looked at the group of people.

As the group of soldiers walked over, they asked, "What do you do? Where did you get the horses from?"

To facilitate disaster relief, Chang Sui Ning and A Dian both wore light robes and covered them with raincoats so that their identities could not be identified. However, that horse was a rare and good horse and could be seen at a glance.


A Dian immediately replied: "We are providing disaster relief!"

"Disaster relief?" Looking at the fine horse, the leading soldier narrowed his greedy eyes, and then fixed his gaze on Chang Suining: "Such a good horse, ordinary people cannot afford to raise it..."

He looked at Chang Suining's figure and ordered: "Raise your head and take off the hat."

This tone made A Dian get angry: "Why should I listen to you!"

"Just because we are ordered by General Li Xian in Luoyang City to search for fugitives in nearby states and counties!" The soldier in armor looked at Chang Sui Ning steadily: "You are acting suspiciously and are obviously unusual.


As he spoke, he suddenly drew his knife and pointed it at Chang Suining: "What, do you want me to pick it for you?"

Chang Suining raised his hand to stop A Dian, looked at the tip of the knife pointed at him, and asked: "If I donate the horse and the money on me, can you all make it easier for me?"

Guiqi's ears suddenly stood up when he heard this, he turned around and shouted dissatisfiedly.

The girl quickly tightened it.

The soldier who was pointing the knife at Chang Suining's eyes moved slightly when he heard this. He suddenly smiled and put down the knife: "It still needs to be checked routinely, but as long as it is proven that you are not the fugitives we are looking for, naturally there will be no

Make it difficult."

Chang Suining also smiled: "Search for money while taking advantage of the chaos. It turns out that this is how you hunt for fugitives."

The soldier's face, which had just calmed down when he heard this, immediately darkened: "What did you say?"

I thought he was a wise guy!

In the current situation of natural disasters and chaos among the nobles, countless people die every day. He just kills them as if they are fugitives from the nobles. Who can do anything to him!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In these days, their swords have been stained with the blood of many noble people. Watching those high-ranking scholar-officials in the past die tragically under the sword, in addition to the relief of Qi

In addition, it gave them an indescribable sense of superiority and accomplishment.

This feeling made them act more and more without scruples, without any rules or order... It should be noted that they were working for General Li Xian, and General Li Xian was working for the saint!

At this time, seeing the young man in front of him without any fear at all, the soldier felt that he was being greatly provoked, and he suddenly raised his knife to chop him off.

At the same moment, I saw the young man suddenly lift his leg, his movement as fast as the wind.

Chang Suining kicked him hard in the upper abdomen, knocking him three or five steps away, and he fell to the ground with a thump.

The soldier gritted his teeth and climbed up to sit up, and said angrily: "They are indeed the remnants of the noble rebels! Why don't we capture them quickly!"

As he said that, he immediately grabbed the long knife at hand and wanted to slash at Chang Suining again.

Just when they were about to rush forward together and kill them on the spot, they suddenly saw a group of official officers coming quickly at the entrance of the alley behind the three people and one horse, led by a few people here. officials.

The girl holding the reins tightened her eyes when she saw this. She felt that her way forward and retreat were blocked, and she was panicked for a moment.

"...What are you doing!" The leading official was shocked when he saw this and asked the soldiers who raised their swords.

The man who had just been kicked to the ground by Chang Sui Ning frowned, not afraid of the local officials: "We followed General Li Xian's order to capture the fugitive and tracked him all the way here!"

"Where is the fugitive?" An official stepped forward quickly and raised his hand towards Chang Sui Ning: "This is General Ning Yuan! If you commit the following crimes, you will know what the crime should be!"

Ning...General Ningyuan?!

The soldiers in the group all changed their expressions for a moment, looking at the young man wearing a bamboo hat in disbelief.

How could General Ningyuan come here to personally provide disaster relief?

Seeing several county magistrates and other officials coming forward to salute the young man, the leading soldier had no time to think more. There was a bang in his head and he knelt down: "This villain has no eyesight... I didn't know that General Ning Yuan was here. I hope the general will forgive me for the offense I committed!"

Although this General Ningyuan is only of the fifth rank now, the saint had made it known to the world as early as last year that whoever takes Xu Zhengye's head will be rewarded with an official rank of the third rank... Putting aside the official position, this woman is now extremely prestigious, and they really can't afford to offend her. .

While he regretted it, he also felt that he was really unlucky - why didn't the other party reveal his identity in the first place?

Immediately, he thought of the other party's words about offering horses and money, and the man couldn't help but feel a little in his heart... The other party was deliberately testing them and deliberately catching them for their mistakes in running the errand!

As the man panicked, he saw the tall figure walking in front of him with muddy boots: "Waist badge."

The man didn't dare to disobey, so he hurriedly took off his waist badge and held it up to the opponent with both hands.

Chang Suining reached out and took it. After taking a look at the position and name in front of him, he threw it back to him and said: "What have you done these days? Please go to your General Li Xian to apologize."

The man kowtowed to the figure who turned away: "Yes... thank you General Ningyuan!"

He knew in his heart that she had already marked him down, and it would be impossible not to accept the crime. The man secretly felt that it was bad luck, but he could only send her away respectfully.

"...Has General Ning Yuan been frightened?" After leaving the alley, the county magistrate asked. Although he also felt that those people should be frightened, it was always right to be concerned.

The disaster in their county was very serious, and the officials in Xingyang City were too busy taking care of themselves to pay attention to them. Fortunately, General Ningyuan led his troops to come to rescue, for which he was truly grateful.

Chang Suining shook his head and asked him about the progress of various places. The group of people walked and talked.

The girl, whose face was obscured by the bamboo hat, led the horse and followed behind. She looked at the back of Chang Sui Ning in front of her, with a dazed expression under the bamboo hat.

Is it actually General Ningyuan?

General Ning Yuan... didn't he obey the orders of a saint? Since he guessed her identity as a fugitive, why did he save her? Why did he dare to save her?

The group had not gone far when Shecai, who was responsible for building a temporary shelter for the victims of the disaster in the county, came over with someone and reported the progress to Chang Suining.

"Thanks to you all... I will ask people to resettle the victims."

Several county officials saluted Chang Suining and others again.

At this time, the rain has decreased a lot, and most of the victims have been rescued. Now there is only one issue left to consider, and that is food.

Before the imperial court could allocate relief grain, half of the grain stored in the county's granary was destroyed by water, and the remaining half was almost used up. They had no choice but to seek help from the Xingyang government.

The official mission sent to ask for food went to Xingyang early in the morning. At this time, he had not turned back and could only wait for the news.

Floods are different from droughts. Droughts do not destroy stored grain. However, when floods occur, people's houses collapse and food is difficult to preserve. Even if the grain warehouses are stored improperly, heavy losses will occur.

Chang Suining went to help resettle the victims and waited with them for news about Xingyang. If the Xingyang government also had no food or was unwilling to allocate food, then it would have to find other emergency measures.

The rain stopped, but the dark clouds never dispersed. The sky quickly became dark, and the lights everywhere were sparse and swaying, making it look particularly tired and unbearable.

The officials finally turned back, but they did not get the food. The Xingyang government claimed that there was no food available, and asked them to find other ways to support themselves while waiting for the delivery of disaster relief food.

Some people cried and complained when they did not receive food, and some people who were so hungry that they lost their minds robbed the few dry food left by those around them and started fighting.

After the county magistrate came forward to control the situation, he had to take out the last remaining rice and cook porridge to distribute to the victims.

After the porridge was cooked, the county magistrate personally brought a large bowl and presented it to Chang Suining.

Looking at the gray-haired magistrate, Chang Suining shook his head: "No need, we have dry food, please use this bowl of porridge."

This county magistrate does everything himself. It is not easy for him to be immersed in water and save people at such a young age.

Seeing that Chang Suining repeatedly refused, the county magistrate asked someone to bring another bowl, poured half of the porridge out of the big bowl, picked up the bowl himself, and asked someone to bring the rest to

A scholar who was injured and unable to move.

What comes out is mostly rice soup, and the rest is thicker.

Shepherd's purse watched the old county magistrate finish the bowl of rice soup and then asked the injured people about their medication. She couldn't help but sigh: "How can this go on?"

This is just one county, but now there are many people facing the same situation.

Chang Suining, who was sitting on a stone, subconsciously looked in the direction of Xingyang City, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

At this time, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came through the stagnant water.

The figure of the girl who was distracted behind Chang Suining immediately tensed up.

Chang Suining just looked away and looked in the direction where the sound of horse hooves came from. She arranged for soldiers to stand guard, and soon someone came to report: "General, it is Cui Dadu who is supervising them!"

Cui Jing is back?

Chang Sui Ning stood up immediately.

Cui Jing has been here to inspect the embankment of the Yellow River for more than ten days.

In the past ten days or so, the world inside and outside Luoyang City has completely changed. There were not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters.

Under the illumination of the torch, a group of people and horses were wearing mysterious clothes and armor, and their aura was majestic and inviolable.

The leader of the young man's robe was half wet, and the eyebrows on his face with raindrops became darker and darker, and his outline became clearer and deeper.

He dismounted his horse at this time and strode towards Chang Suining.

Chang Suining noticed that there was someone beside him that she had never seen before.

Seeing that person, the girl who dared not leave Chang Sui Ning, her eyes were a little surprised for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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