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377 He is a very good person

Chang Sui Ning didn't talk too much to Chang Kuo, and Chang Kuo didn't rush to ask questions. He just let her rest assured that he would take care of the affairs in the army.

Looking at the back of the girl leading the horse away from the camp, Chang Kuo smacked the bird's mouth: "It's almost the beginning of autumn, it's time for someone to make the mutton soup."

Chang Suining took shepherd's purse and his party, a total of ten people, and headed all the way to Hezhou. In this year of peace, he could go alone. In this world, safety must come first.

After reading Tianjing's letter, Chang Suining had a very clear voice in her mind - she needed to find Wujue herself.

If what Tianjing said is true, and Wujue is now plagued by bad luck and despised by all things in the world, and the latter is the reason why Wujue is reluctant to appear in front of her, Lao Chang and others, then Meng Lie is afraid that it will be easy

You can't find him, and even if you find him, there is still the possibility of Wujue trying to escape again.

And through the theory of cause and effect in the letter, Chang Suining also had an indescribable intuition in her heart. That intuition told her that perhaps, only she could find Wujue.

To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be brought back personally.

They set off at noon and traveled for most of the day. The group stopped for a night's rest when the sky was dark. When it got light the next day, they quickly set out on the road again.

The sky had been gray since early morning, but around noon it finally started to drizzle, bringing with it a bit of coolness and blowing into the arms of those who were riding on their horses.

Taking advantage of the fact that the rain was not heavy yet, Chang Suining put on his cloak and hood and continued walking.

The group walked in the rain for more than an hour. Shepherd's Purse raised his head and looked ahead, and what he saw finally felt familiar: "Girl, there are at least ten miles ahead, and we can enter Hezhou City! We are going to the city.


"We won't enter the city for the time being." Chang Suining had already thought about it on the way. Meng Lie's hidden stake was in the city. If Wu Jue wanted to hide, he probably wouldn't enter the city. At this moment, she said, "Follow me near the outside of the city."

Check it out in several counties."

Shepherd's Purse and others already knew that she was here to find someone, and they had also seen the portrait. However, they did not know the specific identity of the person, but the person who allowed them to come and find him in person must be very important.

They didn't dare to be careless and followed Chang Suining into the nearest small county. They took the portrait and asked people, but they got nothing. Chang Suining still left the two of them to stay at an inn here and continued to inquire.

He took shepherd's purse and others to another county before dark.

The name of this county is Nanhe County, and it is the largest county under the jurisdiction of Hezhou. When the people here saw Chang Suining and his party riding horses, most of them cast a wary look, and then started whispering.

Hezhou was attacked repeatedly by Xu Zhengye last year, and Nanhe County was also unfortunately bloodbathed by Xu's army. Now it has just been rebuilt, and the surrounding area is not peaceful. Suddenly I saw a group of strangers wandering around on strong horses, which made me feel uneasy.


And within the entire Hezhou boundary, under the leadership of the Hezhou Governor's Office, from officials to the common people, there was a strong awareness of being wary of Japanese spies and other rebel forces. Therefore, the whereabouts of Chang Suining and his party were very clear.

People in Nanhe County soon reported him to the county government office.

It was already dark now, and Chang Sui Ning, who still had nothing to gain, was about to find an inn for lodging, when he was blocked by a group of officials who were walking quickly.

"Where are you from? Why are you here? Is there a way to guide you?" The leader of the official asked them to dismount and reply.

Normally, you need to show the way to the soldiers guarding the city gate when entering the city. At this moment, a Detachment soldier beside Chang Suining was about to choke when he heard Chang Suining say from the front: "Shepherd's purse, show them the way."


Most current road guides are customs clearance documents issued by the government office where the person is registered, which will state the registered name of the person holding the road guide and where they are going.

Although there were countless refugees during the war, and most of them had no road guide, in the eyes of the officials, the group of people in front of them were obviously not refugees. If they were traveling seriously, they would have a road guide at hand.

Shepherd's Purse jumped off the horse, walked a few steps, and took out something from his arms, but it was not a document, but a token.

She took it in her hand and showed it to the chief officer: "We are coming from Jiangdu. Here, this is our guide."

She still spoke with a Hezhou accent, which was surprising due to her official status, but the next moment his attention was attracted by the token. He looked at it carefully, looked at it again and again, and couldn't help but be shocked - it clearly belonged to the governor of Jiangdu.


Jiangdu Governor... Chang Governor is here?!

Who is Chang Cishi?!

The chief officer looked behind Shepherd's Purse in shock and panic. The moment he saw the youngest face, he almost had the answer. He stumbled out of surprise and said: "It turns out it's Chang... Chang


Shepherd's Purse interrupted him in time: "We adults are traveling incognito and are here to look for someone. Please don't make any noise."

She knew that these officials who came to inspect were also responsible, so she spoke relatively kindly.

The leader of the official was shocked and nodded immediately. Hearing the chirping of his subordinates who were unaware of the situation behind him, he turned around and shouted: "Don't say anything!"

When he turned back, he quickly put on his obedient and respectful smile, quietly clasped his hands in the direction of Chang Suining, lowered his voice, and asked shepherd's purse enthusiastically and diligently: "I wonder who the governor is looking for? Maybe I can see you.

It’s still unknown.”

Shepherd's Purse took out the portrait pinned to the waist of his cloak and unfolded it in front of him: "Have you ever seen this person during your daily inspections?"

This portrait was painted by Meng Lieren. It depicts Wu Jue Lin's emaciated appearance when he left the capital. Considering that Wu Jue Lin might not continue shaving his hair to cover up his whereabouts, he added some short hair along the sides of his bald head.

, but the top of the head is still bare.

The official was first attracted by the hair and couldn't help asking: "...are they Japanese?"

Nowadays, most Japanese warriors shave their hair on the top of their heads and keep their side hair.

Shepherd's Purse was silent for a moment, then said: "It shouldn't be...just say whether you have seen it or not."

The official looked at it for a while, frowned, rubbed his eyes, and looked hard again, but finally showed a dejected look - he finally had a chance to see Chang Jishi, but he couldn't help at all!

Isn't he just a bald man? He patrols the streets every day, but why doesn't he see him? The level of regret is such that he would probably hold his grandson's hand and cry in regret before dying, treating this matter as an ancestral regret that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Go down.

Therefore, he could only wave to the brothers behind him to recognize him.

But a group of officials shook their heads one after another, saying that they had never seen it before. Sheepspurse asked them to take a closer look. One of the officials, who seemed to be the youngest, blurted out: "This person is so disgusting in life. If he had seen it, he would definitely


The leading officer glared at him fiercely - he made rash comments without knowing the relationship between the other party and his superiors. This is a taboo in the workplace, do you understand?

The young official didn't take it seriously - the people in the portrait didn't look like good people at first glance, they were probably criminal thieves who did all kinds of evil.

The next moment, the girl sitting high on the horse said: "He is a very good person."

In the drizzle, the girl with extraordinary momentum seemed to be protecting something very important and fragile that needed to be protected when she spoke, so much so that she didn't even want to speak too harshly: "If you see

If you see him, please don't embarrass him."

The leading officer secretly stepped on the talkative young officer, he just said it!

"Yes...it's just a villain talking nonsense!" The young official was flustered and apologized repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Governor Chang. If we see the person you are looking for, we will treat him properly and place him properly!" The chief official asked very diligently: "I wonder if the portrait can be used to trace the person?


Shepherd's purse looked at Chang Sui Ning for instructions.

Chang Sui Ning shook his head: "There is only one portrait, so it is inconvenient to keep it. You all have errands to do, so you don't need to go out of your way to look for me. You just need to pay more attention to me when patrolling the streets in the past two days."

I will ask someone to stay in your county temporarily. If you meet someone similar, please let me know and I will be grateful."

Of course there is more than one portrait, but it is definitely of a "dead person". If the portrait flows into the official office and it is known that she is looking for the person, she is afraid that the portrait will be passed to places where it should not be passed, and it will be unnecessary.


It's one thing to have seen the portrait, but leaving the portrait behind will easily lead to clues. This trouble can be avoided if possible.

The chief official responded repeatedly.

Finally, shepherd's purse told them that her family's visit should not be made public, and the official responded quickly: "Yes, I understand!"

After a group of people mounted their horses and left, an official behind him managed to find out the identity of Chang Suining from his companions. For a moment, his face was filled with excitement and despair: "...It's over, I haven't even been able to kowtow to Chang Suining."

If my parents find out about your size, they will definitely beat me to death!"

This is Chang Jishi!

When they and the state were besieged by Xu Zhengye's army, it was General Chang and his daughter who came with 20,000 light cavalry to share life and death with them and the people of the state. In the desperate battles, they finally helped them preserve peace.


After that, Governor Chang personally killed Xu Zhengye and pacified the entire Huainan Road.

When the Chang family's father and daughter left Hezhou, he and his parents bid farewell to him in tears. It is no exaggeration to say that Governor Chang was a great benefactor to them and Zhoucheng. It was an unforgettable kindness!

The leading officer grabbed his ear and said, "I said you were deaf, right? I told you not to make any noise about it. What's the matter? You still have to go to your parents to scold me, right?"

"Keep your mouth shut for me. Who dares to talk too much and reveal the identity and whereabouts of Governor Chang? Let's see how I deal with him!"

The chief officer reminded his subordinates to keep their mouths shut along the way. When he returned to the county government office, he found the county magistrate alone and lowered his voice: "Sir, do you think who came to our Nanhe County?"

In the study, the old county magistrate, who was in his fifties or sixties, was lighting a lamp and boiling oil to handle official duties. Hearing this, he raised his eyelids and said angrily: "You are a lantern riddle, and you have to ask me to guess it? How can you sell it!"

The official lowered his voice and said, "It's the governor of Jiangdu!"

"——Who?!" The old county magistrate suddenly stood up. Because he stood up so violently, he was dizzy for a moment and almost lost his balance. Fortunately, the official had quick eyesight and quick hands, and went around behind the desk to support him.

"Sir, do you now understand why the villain wants to show off?"

Isn't it because you are getting older and you want to take a break so that you don't get excited again?

He remembered clearly that when he sent the Chang family and his daughter out of the city, he cried so much that he couldn't stand up in the end, and it was he who helped him back home.

Magistrate Nanhe said quickly: "Where is he? Quick, take me there quickly!"

Yu Gong, this is a high-ranking official whose official position is much higher than his. Yu private, this is the benefactor of his whole family.

"Sir, this must not be possible. Governor Chang has said that he does not want to make it public and not to be disturbed... I dare not reveal this matter to you because of my conscience!"

Magistrate Nanhe paused: "Don't let it be publicized..."

As night fell, the rain became heavier.

In Hezhou City, in the Governor's Mansion, Yun Hui had just undressed and lay down after finishing his official duties.

At this moment, the young man rested his arms on his head and looked at the spear hanging on the wall beside him, unconsciously lost in thought.

This spear may seem ordinary, but last year he used it to kill Xu Zhengye's general Ji Xi and avenge his father.

Afterwards, he kept the gun and hung it here to alert himself at all times.

He will always remember that day, when the sky was filled with blood and the heavy snow covered his eyes. The girl forced his enemy towards him, gave him a chance to take revenge, saved him, and also saved Hezhou.

He was seriously injured at that time and was exhausted, but he could still hear her words very clearly: "The great revenge has been avenged, congratulations."

When she left Hezhou, he had told her that if she needed anything in the future, just ask him. She nodded politely and asked him to work hard so that he could become more capable as soon as possible.

It would be better to help her.

He agreed, and from then on, he took up the post of governor of Hezhou and worked diligently, not daring to slack off for even half a day.

When Yun Hui was in trance, an attendant came in and said through the screen: "Sir, the magistrate of Nanhe County has come to see you, saying that he has something important to report to you!"

The magistrate of Nanhe County is old and calm, and there must be something big happening if he comes late at night——

Yun Hui didn't dare to delay, so he immediately got up and dressed to go see him.

"You mean... the governor of Jiangdu has come to Nanhe County?!" Yun Hui's solemn expression turned blank for a moment, and for a moment, a look of surprise that could not be concealed suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"That's what my subordinates said, but I have never seen it with my own eyes, because my subordinates don't want to reveal the name... But I think someone is pretending to be the governor of Jiangduchang with evil intentions, so I came here late at night to report to the governor.

Sir, please explain this matter."

A mature ginger knows how to rationalize the fact that he is not strict with his mouth.

"Okay, I understand..." Yun Hui nodded, but suddenly he seemed to not know what to do. Should he go see her? But it was too late now, and she said she didn't want to make it public. What reason should he give for going?

How can I not look presumptuous when meeting her?

It was at this time that the magistrate of Nanhe County relayed that Chang Suining and his party were here to look for someone and would stay in Nanhe County for two days.

Looking for someone?

Maybe he can help!

Yun Hui immediately said: "It's rainy and the road is slippery, so Magistrate Hua County will stay here for one night. I will return to Nanhe County with you early tomorrow morning."

That night, the rain didn't stop, and the young man who had already forged a calm appearance in front of outsiders almost didn't sleep all night.

This chapter has been completed!
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