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394 There must be a war

And if this workshop really gets started, people can advance payment this year, and maybe next year they can pay taxes to fill the national treasury!

If we can cover the anti-Japanese expenditures in the future, we will be truly self-sufficient!

And before, when people said they wanted to kill Xu Zhengye, they killed him. In order to shorten the combat time, reduce casualties and expenses, they even led people to the Bian River to kill him, and then decided the outcome in one battle... How considerate, how saving money and effort.

The best way to kill!

Those losers should be told to learn a lesson!

Faced with Chang Jishishi, who was so good at saving money for the Ministry of Household Affairs, Shilang Zhan would have wanted to get a portrait and hang it in the lobby of the Ministry of Household Affairs to enrich the national treasury, had it not been forbidden by the rules.

Nowadays, the one who can save money is the God of Wealth.

Tan Li, who also worked in the Ministry of Household Affairs, had similar thoughts. This group of newcomers was particularly difficult. As soon as they joined the Ministry of Household Affairs, they encountered the poorest and most difficult year in the Department.

There is no need for his parents to worry about him being embezzled. With such a clean treasury, even if he wanted to be embezzled, he would find it impossible to do so.

In addition, in order to "increase revenue", the Ministry of Household Affairs has recently quietly joined forces with the Yushitai in private, planning to seize some corrupt officials to replenish the national treasury.

In the past, corrupt officials stared at the treasury, but now it is the treasury that stares at corrupt officials... How can such a household department be considered extremely poor?

In such an environment, people would inevitably prefer Chang Cishi, who was good at saving money.

However... Tan Li couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about the fight against the Japanese.

The Korean Duke Li Xian was defeated in this battle, and the words "if the enemy cannot attack for a long time, it is a taboo for military strategists" are often mentioned everywhere. Chang Jishi's anti-Japanese war has been going on for several months since the first confrontation between the two sides.

However, water warfare is different from siege warfare. The Japanese army is good at guerrilla warfare, so it is inevitable that the battle line will be stretched longer.

It's just that Dasheng is now surrounded by crises, and everyone is tense, fearing that one day news of defeat will suddenly come back to Jiangdu.

If the Japanese army really invaded the land south of the Yangtze River, how the grand event would be broken into pieces...it's hard to even think about it.

Therefore, the burden on Chang's shoulders is indeed particularly heavy, and he is not favored by most people.

Yesterday, he and Song Xian also heard several officials talking privately. They all sighed and said that Jiangdu's situation was not good, but it was just struggling to support itself. They didn't know whether they could survive this year...

Nowadays, no one is clamoring for Yi Shuai anymore. War breaks out frequently. Even if Chang Sui Ning is replaced, there is no suitable general to replace him. Moreover, the Chang family is a father and daughter who jointly defend the enemy. At least there is still Chang Kuo.


In a bleak and uneasy atmosphere, the sweet-scented osmanthus in the capital declined exceptionally early this year.

At the end of August, there was no more cinnamon in the city.

The Double Ninth Festival is approaching, a rain has fallen, and there is already a slight chill.

Ah Wu's kennel in the Imperial College has replaced the mat with a soft mattress. In the past two days, when Qiao Jijiu took the dog fishing, he would also bring a small quilt to wrap the dog because he felt it was inconvenient.

So he and his wife discussed making clothes for Ah Wu to wear.

After finally getting Madam to agree, Qiao Jijiu asked again, it must be quilted, the face must be made of fine silk, and it is best to embroider two wine bottles on it...

Mrs. Wang became impatient: "I think you look like a wine flask!"

Seeing that Madam was about to give up her son, Qiao Jijiu hurriedly resorted to betrayal: "Madam knows... Wujue lost his mother when he was a child, and was picked up by his master early. Now he is finally brought to us, tell me.


Wang resisted the urge to roll her eyes and turned around to look for ingredients.

Ah Wu's new clothes are still being sewn, and Taifu Chu, who is old and is afraid of the cold, has already tied a cloak on his official robe.

When the sky was getting dark, Taifu Chu came back from duty. When the sedan chair fell, his servants held up umbrellas to greet him.

The road was slippery on a rainy day, and the old man couldn't fall. Another servant carefully helped the old lady back to the courtyard.

Stepping up the stone steps, Mrs. Chu saw that the rabbit lantern was still hanging on the corridor, being blown by the wind and rain, and he quickly said: "...Quickly get the ladder and take off the lantern!"

The servant quickly fetched the ladder. Seeing that the master subconsciously wanted to climb up the ladder and take off the lamp, the old servant was so frightened that he stopped him and said, "Master Lang, you are almost seventy, not seventeen!"

After the New Year, I will be sixty-nine!

The old servant asked the young man to take down the lamp. Master Chu took it and wiped it carefully with his sleeve, while complaining that the servants in the courtyard were not doing things properly: "...if it rains again, remember to take off the lamp as soon as possible!"

While the boy agreed, he murmured in his heart that it was just a lantern. I don't know why the old master was so precious.

When Taifu Chu returned to the house, the old servant took off his cloak and took out an account book: "...all the money sold is here, totaling more than 100,000 taels."

"Only one hundred thousand taels?" Taifu Chu felt a little disgusted and said, "Take out my one hundred thousand taels as well."

"Are you talking about the 100,000 yuan in the private treasury?" The old servant was stunned: "That is your pension money."

The Taifu was an upright official and raised a large family. The one hundred thousand taels were dug out separately and kept for his retirement. After all, the family knew too much and was too noisy.

The queen of the country wants to hide away alone for a while.

These one hundred thousand taels are used to hide quiet pension money.

But now, the Taifu actually wants to give away this pension money?

I also sold the calligraphy and paintings that could be sold... Is this life still going to last?

"You don't need to worry about these..." Mrs. Chu hummed proudly: "And there is someone to take care of me in my old age."

The old servant sighed, what he said was true. After all, his grandchildren were all in their twenties, so they didn't have to worry about having no one to take care of them in their old age.

"Those calligraphy and paintings are all your treasures." Thinking of those calligraphy and paintings that were sold off, the old servant still felt distressed.

Mrs. Chu said in a tone that was not worth mentioning: "What kind of treasures are those..."

The old man looked at the picture of secluded mountains and rocks hanging in the room, as well as the framed palm-sized "kowtow statue", and stroked his gray beard with satisfaction.

As for those he sold, they were just dead objects. If they could be thrown into a brazier to keep his students warm, he would not hesitate.

It's already a bit chilly in the capital, and it will definitely be even colder on the sea next.

He is most afraid of students getting cold.

Over the years, he often has a dream, in which he can always see with his own eyes the scene when students leave——

His unlucky student killed himself with a sword in the snowy field, the sword, the wind and snow... He always thought about how painful and cold it was.

Every time they met in a dream, he would always ask her "Does it hurt? Is it cold?" She would always smile and shake her head, but when he held those hands, they were clearly cold to the bone.

【Not a word of truth in your mouth!】

In the dream, when he opened his mouth to scold her, his voice became hoarse and his eyes turned red every time. He had to cover his hands that were bloody and covered with snow particles in distress, trying to warm her up, but he couldn't get any warmth.

That chill often emerged from his dreams, piercing his old and thin body that should have been numb. It was like the most biting wind and snow in Beidi, pouring into his heart.

He is so cold. How can a stupid student who has battle wounds and was tortured for three whole years in Beidi not be cold?

Now that this silly student like him has gone home, as a teacher, he can't just curse people. It's the New Year's Day soon, so he has to get some charcoal and money for his students, right?

Military resources are tight, and she runs a school and a workshop in Jiangdu. I heard she owes a lot of debt to Xuanzhou...

He couldn't control the big ones or the soldiers under her command. He only took care of her alone. The two hundred thousand taels were more than enough to keep her well fed, clothed, and warmed.

The rest was packed as New Year's money for her in advance.

The old lady wrote a letter and repeatedly warned the person on the other end of the letter not to freeze herself!

The letter was sent to Jiangdu on horseback, and within six days, it was delivered to Chang Suining together with the two hundred thousand taels of silver notes.

When Chang Sui Ning saw the letter, she couldn't help but want to laugh. It was only the beginning of September, how could she be so cold?

And two hundred thousand taels...

Which charcoal fire house has so much money?

The teacher has always been clean and honest, and he has children and grandchildren to support. These two hundred thousand taels... I'm afraid he didn't get it by selling iron out of the pot, right?

Chang Suining put those banknotes back into the box.

She picked up a pen and wrote a reply. She had to tell the teacher that she was not poor now, but rich.

In order to prove this, she planned to give the teacher another two hundred thousand taels and send them back together.

Just think of it as the New Year's money given to the teacher in advance... No, cross out the New Year's money, it's too big and not too small, it's better to change it to filial piety money.

Although I crossed it out, I don’t intend to rewrite it.

Looking at the clearly visible words "New Year's Eve", Chang Suining dried the letter paper with satisfaction.

Press it well. The purpose of New Year's Eve is to ward off evil spirits, drive away evil spirits, and live a long life.

After sealing the letter personally, Chang Suining handed it to Xi'er and asked her to send it out.

Not long after, Ah Zhi came to the tent, holding a box in his hand: "Girl, what you want, Manager Shen has asked someone to prepare and deliver it."

The Manager Shen mentioned by A Zhi is Shen Sanmao.

The thing Chang Suining asked him to make was a polo.

This polo is about the same size as Chang Suining's fist. It is made of wood and painted with paint. It looks no different from an ordinary polo.

But if you twist it hard in your hand, it can be divided into two parts, and the inside will be hollow.

Chang Suining folded the letter he had written in advance, rolled it into a short cylinder, stuffed it into the polo, and closed it again.

After the inspection was correct, Chang Suining threw the ball on the tables in front of him. Seeing that the mechanism was not loose when it bounced, he raised his hand to catch it and handed it to Ah Zhi to arrange for her to send it out.

After finishing the official duties in the tent, Chang Sui Ning got up and went out for a walk when he heard A Dian's voice outside the tent.

A Dian gave her a piece of jujube cake, Chang Suining took it and took a bite, then looked at the small flag on the bamboo pole standing outside the tent.

This flag is a wind measuring flag, made by Wujue, and can be used to observe the wind direction in real time.

Looking at the small flag fluttering slightly in the wind and feeling the coolness in the air, Chang Sui Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the wind.

The season is approaching, and the northeast wind she has been waiting for is coming.

Two months have passed since the last time she personally fought against the Japanese army. During these two months, facing the Japanese guerrilla offensive, she still only defended but did not attack. It seemed that she could only defend but not attack.

In addition to the northeast wind, she also had to wait for Fujiwara's wait-and-see attitude and patience to be exhausted before changing tactics.

Now, with the northeasterly wind coming, it was time for her to prepare for a real war against the Japanese.

That night, Chang Suining met Tang Xing.

Tang Xing clasped his fists at her: "Two hundred people, according to your instructions, have roughly mastered the terms used in the Dongluo Army."

At this point, Tang Xing tried to ask: "Sir... are you planning to go to Dongluo?"

Chang Sui Ning shook his head.

She doesn't plan to go to Dongluo, or rather, she doesn't plan to go at this time.

On the sea area directly in front of Daesheng between Wa and Silla, there is a place where the people also speak Dongluo language.

For nearly half a month, a long-lost calm appeared on the sea.

The Japanese troops, who had frequently attacked Daesheng Navy's defenses from various waters, had not attacked again since their retreat half a month ago.

"There hasn't been any movement for a while. Don't these Japanese people be afraid? Just retreat and prepare to go back to celebrate the New Year, right?"

"Do Japanese people also celebrate the Spring Festival?"


"What are you all gathering here for!" Fang Chao jumped off the boat docked on the shore and scolded sternly: "The Japanese army has always been cunning. If something goes wrong, something will happen. How can we be lax and careless!"

"Retreat?" He repeated the words of a soldier just now, glanced at several people, and said in a loud voice: "The coach said that the real war with the Japanese army has not really begun yet!"

Several soldiers were stunned when they heard this. It hadn't really begun? Then what was the fighting over the past few months?

"Our army has not used its full strength, and the Japanese army is the same. They are fighting guerrillas everywhere in order to test the way our army fights and where the defense line is weakest!"

Fang Chao's voice got a little louder, and he said solemnly: "There will be a big battle next, so cheer up!"

Several soldiers stood upright and responded loudly: "Yes!"

The major instructors, headed by Fang Chao, were still training the soldiers intensively and never relaxed for half a day.

Amidst the powerful and orderly shouts, the sea water gradually rose. It was not until the sky darkened that the coast became silent again.

On an island that can be said to be secluded, a small boat landed on the island at night and brought back a secret message from the new leader of the Dongluo Kingdom.


A warrior came to a large tent, saluted, and said in a low voice: "The Lord of Dongluo Kingdom has sent a message, stating that he will send troops to attack Sheng together with the general in half a month at the latest!"

"Half a month?" A commander in the tent frowned and said angrily: "Jin Xianying has been delaying until now and has not been able to quell the civil strife. He is really incompetent!"

This person was the Japanese military commander who injured Chang Sui Ning when he fought with Chang Sui Ning. His name was Ji Jianfu.

He had always advocated a quick battle, but after delaying so far, he had lost all patience. At this moment, he said to Fujiwara Maro, "General, we can't wait any longer! We can still invade Dasheng without the mere Tora Navy."


"The Yellow River may freeze this year, and we don't have much time! If we can't land in Dasheng within two months, we have to wait until next year, and then the emperor and the famous heads of each family will definitely blame us!"

Fujiwara Maro knelt down on the couch, feeling the cold wind coming through the cracks in the tent, looking at the Japanese swords placed in front of him, for a moment, he suddenly raised his eyes, and finally said word by word: "Then send the order to gather the troops.

Be prepared, within seven days, I will personally lead the army to attack Sheng!"

Ji Jianfu looked excited, responded with vibrating voice, took the order and left the tent.

This chapter has been completed!
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