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415 Female guest visits late at night

The Huang Shuiyang Victory Announcement, written by Yao Ran and copied by Luo Ze and others, was quickly posted all over Jiangdu City.

——The great victory of Hwangsuyang, the entire Japanese army was wiped out, and they would be unable to fight again for a hundred years!

——The governor often patrolled the Japanese country with the heads of Japanese army thieves, and personally obtained the peace letter. He would return in triumph soon!

The content of the announcement was read out by the literate people, and it was spread to ten people and hundreds of people in Jiangdu City celebrated.

In Wueryuan, Yao Ran took the initiative and proposed a temporary half-day vacation, called "Snow Rest".

This is extremely rare, but the most indispensable thing in Wueryuan is "what is not found elsewhere", just as the people who founded it were never born to follow the rules.

Students from various schools came out cheering from various schools.

The gentlemen were much calmer, but they also had smiles on their faces - who could refuse to suddenly take a half-day off in the early snow?

Moreover, it is such a special first snow day.

With the arrival of the first snow and the great victory, this brand-new college becomes more unrestrained, vigorous, and full of vitality.

Yuan Miao, who was also immersed in joy, braved the snow to find Wueryuan.

Her younger brother Yuan Hao is now also receiving education at Wuer Yuan.

Before Chang Suining left, he specially asked Wang Changshi to take care of Yuan Hao. Wang Changshi knew that this young man came from the direct lineage of the Yuan family in Luoyang and had such a tenacious mind at a young age, so he admired him very much——

He also thought that since the adults gave the child to him instead of to Shen Sanmao, he probably wanted the child to take the path of literature.

Shen Sanmao was followed by Ache, Amang, Xiao Duan Xiaowu, and the dumplings from the shepherd's purse family. They were like a big cat leading a group of kittens, going in and out of the workshop every day. They never saw each other, and it was easy to miss a cat.


Wang Changshi had personally examined Yuan Hao. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the knowledge and vision of the legitimate son of the Yuan family in Luoyang.

The only thing is that I am still a little too young. I am only eleven years old after the New Year.

Wang Changshi thought about it and decided to throw the person into Wueryuan first, soak it for two years, and then fish it out after it becomes more stable and use it in the governor's mansion.

This does not mean to go through the back door. Yuan Hao wanted to enter Wueryuan, but he had to pass the examination. The quota was full before, but later he heard that the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack and ran away a group of students, so it became vacant again.


So Wang Changshi asked Yuan Hao to discuss with his sister to see if he wanted to enter the math school or the literature school. After deciding, he made arrangements for the assessment.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Hao came to see him the next day and told him that he wanted to enter the Agricultural Science Museum.

Wang Changshi was stunned for a moment, and when asked the reason, he heard the young boy say without hesitation: "The boy and his sister came to Jiangdu all the way, and they saw people dying of starvation everywhere. Every day when the hunger was unbearable, he would

Knowing what to do for the people, food is the first priority. This kid has no big ambitions, and in this life he only wants to use his shallow talents and knowledge on farming, in order to find a way to survive for the people]

After Yuan Hao finished speaking, he bowed deeply.

After hearing these words, the regret in Wang Changshi's heart suddenly dissipated.

A young innocent man is willing to give up his official career and revitalize farming. It is such a valuable act. How can he judge the quality of his destination with a pedantic and narrow vision?

When you set up an agricultural science center, in addition to farmers who have been working on the farmland for generations, you also need talents with such broad knowledge. Only by working together can we achieve a real leap forward.

Yuan Miao also supports her brother's decision. In her words, if you can be familiar with farming, it will be like taking root in the soil, and at least you can easily survive starvation.

The destruction of the family, the cold-bloodedness of the tribesmen, and the hardships on the way to Jiangdu, all of this caused a huge change in the ideas and concepts of the Yuan family siblings.

But when she saw her younger brother, who had been elegant since childhood, wrapped in an old cotton robe and running wildly after a piglet in the snow, she still felt a little shocked...

The Agricultural Science Museum not only provides courses on crop cultivation, but also teaches raising methods.

Yuan Hao has recently been looking through classics and studying the postpartum care of sows.

Surrounded by two peasant women, Yuan Hao finally caught his piglet, held it in his arms, and walked towards his sister.

"Sister, this is a piglet that was just born in our school! There were eleven piglets in this litter, and they all survived! Look, how well-raised and heavy it is!"

Yuan Hao lifted the piglet up and showed it off to his sister, asking her to hug it too.

The little piglet snorted, snorting hot air from its nose, and kicked its four little pig legs in the air. Yuan Miao subconsciously took two steps back, with polite rejection written all over her face. After a few words of praise, she changed the subject and asked.

: "Huang Shuiyang has a great victory and the war against Japan is over. Have you heard?"

"Of course!" Yuan Hao nodded with bright eyes: "We tried to grow a few off-season vegetables in the greenhouse, and they bloomed yesterday. When you return home in triumph, I will give them to you to taste during the New Year!"

Yuan Miao also showed a bright smile, nodded and said: "Your Excellency will be very happy then."

At this moment, the whole Jiangdu City was very happy.

Most of the students from No. 2 College came out in twos and threes. Those who had a lot of money bought two pots of wine and cooked wine around the stove to discuss the great success of Huang Shuiyang. Those who were short of money found a teahouse and only had a pot of tea to chat with their classmates.

Recite two poems.

The sky is getting dark, but the enthusiasm of the people in Jiangdu has not diminished.

Even during wartime, when various city gates were under security and patrol officers were dispatched to conduct strict inspections, curfews were rarely set in Jiangdu City. Now that there was a great victory, it was even more lively and noisy.

The merchants headed by Jiang Hai invited more than ten groups of lion dance teams. The festive dragons and lions walked through the long streets, and the city was filled with gongs and drums.

Many people spontaneously took out the brand-new lanterns prepared for the New Year, replaced the old ones, and brightened the city.

Children play in the snow.

A middle-aged literati was holding a wine flask, shaking his head, and chanting a new poem written for the victory against the Japanese. His voice was mellow and heroic.

He was so drunk that he simply fell down in the snow and laughed loudly.

Several strangers smiled and stepped forward to help me.

When people are in good times and feel at ease, they will always show kindness.

"You don't need to help me, you don't need to help me..." The scholar stretched out his limbs and smiled drunkenly on his drunken face. He sighed: "Jiangdu is safe, this year can usher in a year of peace... Who can hurt me!


"Japanese thieves don't dare to come again. No one can hurt Mr.... But Mr. is drunk and lying in the snow. If he freezes to death, wouldn't it ruin the joy of our Jiangdu city?" A woman passed by and said something.


The scholar had no choice but to sit up and mutter: "You woman, what you say is so unpleasant..."

Bian said to the passers-by who were supporting him: "I wonder if you have noticed, but in the past half year, there have been many fierce women in Jiangdu City!"

The men all looked miserable but helpless.

Who says it’s not!

But there is nothing we can do. Many women have gone out to work, and now that they have money in their hands, their backs are inexplicably hardened.

Speaking of this, the governor's new workshop is recruiting a large number of female textile workers, and even the porcelain workshop is recruiting female workers. After this news spread, those merchants who still had doubts about recruiting female workers, after waiting and watching for half a year

, and started to be willing to try using female workers.

Speaking of that crucial point, isn't it just a girl who is in charge of their entire Jiangdu City now?

Not only was this girl in charge of Jiangdu City, she also defeated 100,000 Japanese troops. With this alone, the women in the city would not be able to be arrogant for a while?

But this does not prevent them from respecting and admiring the governor.

The reputation of a shrew is a small matter, but the safety of her life is a big matter... Who can tell someone who has the ability to be the reincarnation of a star?

While everyone was chatting and laughing, a young man wearing a sheepskin hat walked out of a nearby wine shop.

He put his hands into his sleeves and smiled contentedly.

He had been coming to Jiangdu since the spring, just to collect the latest news about General Ningyuan's violent attack on the Japanese army. He stayed there for most of a year. As the New Year approached, he was asked to stay again!

He listened to it in the wine shop all day today, and the pictures in his mind were almost overflowing!

Hey, as long as he brings these latest materials back to the capital, his husband will be able to secure his position as the number one storyteller in the capital again!

Although he really wanted to witness the grand scene of General Ning Yuan's triumphal return, it was more important to send the latest news back to the capital, and his stay in Jiangdu for more than half a year was not in vain. The waiters in this wine shop have become his "informants"

"At that time, I will write to him the latest news about General Ningyuan's return to the city.

With a smile on his face, the young man finally reluctantly looked back at the lively night scene behind him. Jiangdu City is a good place.

Over the past six months, he has watched with his own eyes how this city has regained its vitality little by little.

Chang Jishi is very likely to become their iron rice bowl in the storyteller world!

There are so many legendary things worth mentioning about this young governor.

The young man left this noisy and prosperous place with infinite emotion.

At this moment, Chang Kuo in the governor's mansion had just woken up not long ago.

As early as half a month ago, he was escorted by his subordinates and returned to the governor's mansion to recuperate from his injuries.

However, his injuries were too serious and he fell asleep for a long time every day. Due to the doctor's advice, no one dared to disturb him.

As soon as Chang Kuo woke up, Chang Ren, who had been holding back his words, finally fell out with a splutter.

A close attendant wiped away tears and said: "The girl beheaded Maro Fujiwara with her own hands, and she has avenged the general!"

Chang Kuo: "Why are you crying? I don't know. I thought I was dead. This is my bedside, not my grave!"

"This subordinate is crying with joy."

"Don't cry when you are so happy!" Chang Kuo sat on the bedside, speaking domineeringly, but his face was full of joy: "Don't play with these bad luck!"

She is indeed his daughter-in-law, she is so beautiful to win!

Chang Kuo was ecstatic and said: "Bring me some food!"

He yelled out the food and drank 800 glasses of wine.

He could not drink alcohol while he was recovering from his injuries, and his appetite was average. It was only today that he regained 80% of his food intake.

When Yu Zeng came to visit, the servants had just removed a pile of empty dishes.

"I am injured, so I won't stay at the hotel to welcome you." Chang Kuo said in a joking tone: "I hope your Lord Supervisor will bear with me."

"Your love has established extraordinary achievements. Even if Zhongyonghou has some airs, it is natural." Although Yu Zeng's tone was as cold as usual, which could make people choke to death, but he could also tell from his words that he was in a good mood.


Chang Kuo laughed a few times, raised his hand to signal Yu Zeng to sit down and talk, and said: "There is no way, who can let our daughter live up to her expectations!"

Chang Suining had also told Chang Kuo in private about his suspicions about Yu Zeng, but until everything was clear, things had to remain as normal on the surface.

"It's just that, if you are too ambitious, it's also your fault..." Chang Kuo sighed insincerely and said: "It's a waste of time for you imperial envoys to go there. You, the supervisor of the army, don't do it either."

What can we find out?"

Yu Zeng sneered: "The things she has done to offend others are as good as this one."

She acted wantonly in Jiangdu, using female workers, building academies, recruiting talents from all walks of life, building workshops, re-employing craftsmen, controlling local nobles and merchants, and firmly controlling the appointment and dismissal of officials everywhere, etc... She was invisible

He dared not count how many people he had offended.

Over the past month, Yu Zeng has also seen the changes in Jiangdu with his own eyes.

At this moment, he looked at Chang Kuo and narrowed his narrow eyes slightly: "I think I have some ability to recognize people. How come I couldn't tell at all in the past that one day she can stir up such a storm?"

Chang Kuo's face was filled with pride: "A woman's eighteenth transformation..."

Yu Zeng said with unclear meaning: "If you say it's 180,000 changes, you're looking down on her."

Chang Kuo spread his hands: "The ancestral graves are well buried. This is the situation. What can we do?"

Yu Zeng put down the tea cup, raised his eyes to look at Chang Kuo, and asked slowly: "Have you ever felt that she looks like you have seen her before?"

Chang Kuo was stunned, and just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, Chang Ren came in to pass the news, his eyes were incomprehensible and gossipy: "General, someone came to visit you, and she is a female guest!"

Chang Kuo was stunned again, this time it was true.

"...What female guest?" He asked confusedly, "Whose name is she?"

"Say it's Rong!"

"Rong..." Chang Kuo frowned. He didn't recognize anyone named Rong.



——Li Rong?!

Chang Kuo suddenly sat up straight.

Yu Zeng glanced at him: "At this hour, a female guest comes to visit... General Chang has been in Jiangdu for a long time, and he is really busy."

Chang Kuo's old face became inexplicably hot: "...Don't try to ruin my reputation with such nonsense!"

Yu Zeng was not interested in his personal affairs and did not delve into the situation. He just put his mind to it and stood up to leave.

With Chang Kuo's permission, the female guest who came in the snow late at night and covered her face with a fence was quickly invited over.

Chang Kuo had already checked out all the servants in the room in advance and asked them to go and guard outside.

The female guest also asked the maid to stop, walked into Chang Kuo's room, took off her beard hat, and threw it aside.

She looked at Chang Kuo, who also stared at her.

"What are you doing here!"

"Here you are, you're not dead."

The two spoke almost at the same time.

The visitor is none other than the eldest princess of Xuan'an, Li Rong.

At the same time, the explosive news that a female guest came to visit the general spread like wildfire in the governor's mansion.

Not long after withdrawing his troops from the sea, Vice General Jin, who had just returned from the military camp, heard about this as soon as he returned to the governor's house. He subconsciously touched the jade pendant in his arms and couldn't help but feel refreshed——

"I have to go and see..." Vice General Jin said righteously: "I have to go and see the general!"

He just returned to the governor's mansion and went to visit his general. Is it normal?

This chapter has been completed!
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