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452 Which company has beautiful and eye-catching bags?

Hearing that he didn't like the struggle for power, Chang Sui Ning said: "But Mr. Zheng has already gained a good reputation. With all the forces coming together, famous people are also one of the resources that need to be won over and competed for. It is also a crime to have a jade in your hand. Do you want to join the army?"

In the battle field, I am afraid that many times it is not something that Mr. himself can control."

"That's true." Zheng Chao did not deny it and sighed: "To be honest, I passed through several places along the way and was almost detained by others. I was forced to use Ling'an's name repeatedly, both soft and hard, and I barely managed to escape."

At this point, he frankly explained his purpose: "So, Zheng boldly entered the treasured land of Jiangdu because he wanted to seek the protection of the governor."

Nowadays, no one knows Chang Sui Ning's reputation, and no one dares to provoke her. Once he enters Jiangdu, those people can't reach out to rob him.

Chang Sui Ning smiled noncommittally: "It turns out that Mr. Guancang regards Jiangdu as a place to avoid disaster."

Zheng Chao stood up at the right moment and raised his hand to salute Chang Sui Ning who was looking up to him: "Zheng is not good at making plans. Although he cannot serve in the governor's office, he would like to recommend himself to Wuer Academy and seek a teaching position, so that he can learn more about Jiangdu."

Mental strength.”

From the beginning to the end, what he wanted was not official power, but to use what he had learned to teach the world.

This is the ego and self that Zheng Chao has recognized over the past year.

Looking at the world today, only Jiang can provide a stage where he can truly display his ambitions with peace of mind.

He also knew that even if he did not work in the governor's office, but instead taught in Wueryuan, it would be equivalent to serving in Chang Suining, and it would also be another kind of political alignment, but he did not care about the eyes of others - even if he retired for ten thousand

Bu said that even if Rong Suining really became uneasy and the situation in Jiangdu collapsed, at least he would still have his nephew around, and it would still be possible for his nephew to step in and save his life.

Seeing Zheng Chao sincerely recommending himself, Chang Sui Ning smiled knowingly.

She knew then that she was right.

Everyone has different ambitions. From the very beginning, Zheng Chao, the "Mr. Thatched Cottage", only had ambitions above all the world's academic affairs.

The fundamental contradiction between him and the Zheng clan stems from his ambition and obsession.

A person with such a temperament is destined to be unfit to join the field of power. Power and struggle are whirlpools for him, and they only bring him weariness and confinement.

To these people, the existence of Wueryuan is like a custom-made sack.

Chang Suining knows that Zheng Chao is not here for her. Such people are so filled with their own obsessions and ideals that it is difficult to be impressed by other people and other things. This is probably why King Rong is still very kind despite his reputation.

One of the reasons why it's so hard to impress him.

But Chang Suining didn't mind.

There are many types of people in the world, and not everyone should be subdued and loyal to her.

The stable relationships in this world are not just about subordination and dominance. On a certain matter, the relationship between like-minded peers can also be long-lasting.

She wanted Zheng Chao to come, and when Zheng Chao came, this was her ability, and for her, this was enough.

However, she could not agree to Zheng Chao's self-recommendation.

She smiled and said: "I have never doubted Mr. Sir's academic ability, but the number of teachers currently teaching in Wuer Academy's Chinese Language Museum and Mathematics Museum is far enough."

Zheng Chaowei raised his head in surprise - was he rejecting him?

He knew that Jiangdu was now a holy place in the eyes of many literati, and she must have no shortage of people to teach. But with his reputation and talent... Even if the number of people is full, even if he is forced to go in, it shouldn't be too much, right?

Originally, Zheng Chao still had some confidence, after all, he is really in demand now.

Could it be that...if someone comes to you on your own initiative, he is destined not to be cherished?

Zheng Chao doubted his life and himself for a moment.

"Mr. Guancang, please don't make a decision in a hurry." Chang Sui Ning also stood up and invited: "It's not too late, sir. Why don't you follow me to Wueryuan to take a look."

Although Zheng Chao was puzzled, he still nodded.

Chang Suining went back first and changed out of his official uniform and put on a simple robe.

This is obviously a new robe. In the six months since Chang Sui Ning was away from Jiangdu, whenever new materials and new embroidery samples were sent to the weaving and embroidery workshop, Xi'er would make clothes for her own girls and saved two big boxes -

- In Granny Jin's words, the new pattern should be worn by the governor first, so that it can be sold better.

At this time, Chang Suining was wearing a moongreen robe, covered with light gauze. It was embroidered with the latest embroidery method from Yangzhou, Jiangdu, with peacock fairy feathers embroidered with silver thread.

Moved by the wind.

Even people like Zheng Chao who didn't care about elegant clothing couldn't help but admire him when they saw it.

"The clothing materials and embroidery are all produced by Jiangdu Zhixiu Embroidery Workshop." Chang Sui Ning said with a smile, "I'll cut one for you, sir."

Zheng Chao's polite refusal turned into a thank you - beautiful clothes are not important, but since he has to tailor clothes for him, he must have a chance to stay, right?

"How did you get here, sir?" Chang Sui Ning walked out with Zheng Chao and asked, "Are there any horses?"

Zheng Chao: "There is only one skinny donkey."

There used to be horses, and they were all good horses given by my nephew, but they were all sold... It's just that my nephew's people are too good to eat.

Chang Sui Ning then said to his side: "Ani, let someone prepare a carriage for you sir."

The carriages and horses were quickly prepared. Zheng Chao got into the carriage outside the Governor's Mansion and followed Chang Suining in the direction of Wueryuan.

Passing through the market, the carriages and horses were moving slowly. Listening to the hustle and bustle outside, Zheng Chao looked through the carved and hollow car windows and saw lively scenes everywhere.

It was clearly afternoon, but when passing a market, he saw many vendors on both sides who had just arrived and were busy setting up their stalls. Zheng Chao knew that this was a night market, which showed that there was no curfew in Jiangdu City.

On the way to Jiangdu, Zheng Chao saw many places where there was no curfew, but there were still very few people walking around at night. No one dared to go out, and no one had the intention to hang out.

In comparison, it can be seen that the public security in Jiangdu is stable and the people's morale is peaceful.

Passing through another long street, the carriages and horses became slower and slower, and there was a traffic jam for a while. Zheng Chao simply opened the window and looked forward, only to see many people dressed as literati surrounding a restaurant in front of him.

It turned out that several celebrities composed poems here. One of them drank wine and recited poems loudly at the fence on the second floor. He threw down a stack of poems he had written while drunk, which attracted the scholars downstairs to grab it.

Soon patrolling officers came forward and evacuated the growing crowd.

Further forward, Zheng Chao saw several businessmen with exotic faces leading a camel. Two cages were hung on the back of the camel. The jingling of camel bells attracted a group of children to run forward.

In an alley on one side, a group of women wearing coarse clothes came out laughing and chatting. Most of them wore headscarves and rolled up their sleeves. They looked like they had just gotten off work.

Zheng Chao looked at it again and again, and couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart.

He has passed through many places this year, and he has seen nothing more than two kinds of scenes, either it is falling and destroyed, or it seems to be stable, but in fact, it is secretly plotting, gathering swords and storms.

Jiangdu actually belongs to the third type.

There is building and remodeling here, and the weather is sunny and the wind is gentle.

To put it simply, it gives people the feeling that everyone is down-to-earth, diligent and motivated, studying their career path seriously, and living a good life.

Zheng Chao believes that people will show completely different faces and human nature when they are falling down and going up, and he himself is no exception.

He liked it here so much. The atmosphere was perfect for him to carry out his education and studies. He made up his mind to stay.

Otherwise, what if Ling An is moved out? I wonder if Governor Chang can sell his favor?

But then I thought about it, Ling An didn't have a title yet, as an uncle, where could he go to ask for favors?

While Zheng Chao was thinking about it, the carriage had stopped.

In front of the gate of Wuer Yuan, a young man in rich clothes was about to enter the hospital when he was stopped by two book boys, one large and one small.

The young man was accompanied by his entourage, who carried a bundle in his arms.

"I'm here to bring a change of clothes to my Thirteenth Uncle. The Thirteenth Uncle hasn't been home for five or six days in order to repair the missing old records... Why can't I go in and see him?" the young man asked dissatisfied.

"Gu Erlang, please leave this baggage to me, and we will hand it over to Mr. Gu Shisan..." The older book boy said with a helpless face: "You'd better please go back, there are still classes in all the schools.


The second son of the Gu family had a beautiful body, and he always loved to show off his elegance. Whenever he came to the courtyard to look for the gentlemen of the Gu family, he would deliberately pass by the school where there were the most young girls, attracting the attention of the female students, so that they would not be interested in listening to the class.

Therefore, several stewards in the hospital secretly issued a ban on Gu Erlang.

While Gu Erlang was arguing with the book boy guarding the door, Chang Suining and his party had arrived.

Hearing the movement, Gu Erlang subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a young man holding a hosta and tying his ponytail casually, jumping off his high horse. The feathers on his wide and elegant robes were glowing.

Gu Erlang was fascinated for a moment, and it wasn't until the young man turned his face that he saw clearly that it was an uncovered woman's face.

To be precise, it was the most beautiful face he had ever seen...even better than the one he saw in the mirror.

Gu Erlang almost froze with his eyes widened.

Chang Suining has already led Zheng Chao towards this place.

The older boy said in surprise: "...it's the Governor!"

He had met Chang Sui Ning once when the plaque was unveiled on July 7 last year.

Another little book boy's eyes lit up and he quickly saluted respectfully with him.

Gu Erlang was extremely surprised when he heard this. This, this is the rumored Chang Sui Ning?!

How can he be so young and yet so handsome!

Naturally, he had heard of Chang Suining's age and appearance, but since he had never seen it, his impression of Chang Suining mostly only focused on the fact that he "blackmailed" his family's collection of books and people, and that he had enslaved him to copy books.

Among the memories... at least one more thing is to add killing and sweeping, he has great power, he is a ruthless man who is rare to see in a century.

In short, it made him feel disgusted and afraid.

But when he saw it now... Gu Erlang looked at that face and realized that he had been superficial before!

It wasn't until Chang Suining came up to him that Gu Erlang came back to his senses and saluted: "...I have met the governor!"

The book boy on the side said at the right time: "Master Governor, this is the second son-in-law of the Gu family...he is here to deliver something to Mr. Gu Shisan."

Chang Sui Ning knew it was Gu Xiu's second son, the peacock who was rumored to be the most beautiful and stinky in Jiangdu.

She nodded to Gu Erlang with a smile and entered the courtyard without stopping.

Seeing that Gu Erlang had no intention of leaving, the book boy whispered with a bitter look on his face: "Gu Erlang, please don't make it difficult for me to wait..."

"Give them the things..." Gu Erlang interrupted the boy, turned around and left: "Come back with me."

He wants to go home and discuss something with his father!

One of the stewards of Wueryuan heard that Chang Suining was coming in person and hurried over to greet him. He was very surprised and frightened: "I didn't know that the governor came to greet you at a distance!"

This steward, whose surname is Mao, is about forty years old. He was one of the literati whom Chang Sui Ning found when he wrote an essay to attack Xu Zhengye. He is a good friend of Lu Xiucai. Last year, he was summoned by Lu Xiucai in an urgent letter. Now he is in Wueryuan.

He is appointed as a steward and handles daily chores in the hospital.

"On a whim, come and take a look. Don't disturb everyone." Chang Suining introduced with a smile: "This is Mr. Zheng Chao, Mr. Zheng."

Manager Mao was very surprised when he heard this. Mr. Zheng Chao Zheng from Xingyang?

He couldn't help but be in awe: "I've been admiring Mr. Zheng's name for a long time in Maoze, Shouzhou!"

Zheng Chao smiled and raised his hand in return.

Upon hearing Chang Suining's suggestion that he wanted to look around, Manager Mao enthusiastically led the way.

In the literature hall, students from various schools were in class. When they saw the big face of Manager Mao suddenly appeared outside the window, the two students who were a little sleepy were frightened and quickly sat up straight.

Chang Sui Ning saw students in class for the first time, so he came to the window and looked into the classroom.

The hall immediately became noisy and restless.

"Quiet, quiet!" The teacher knocked on the ruler and glanced seriously at Chang Sui Ning, who had caused the agitation.

An Erlang from the Gu family is already annoying enough, but whose beautiful and eye-catching bag is this? It is also causing harm to his young students!

Why don't you see these conspicuous people going to the school next door? There are all senior scholars in their thirties.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Next door, there is a Mengtong class, but these people are not seen there - the author respects the old and loves the young, focusing on picking out the evil in the middle!

After class is over later, he must find a few stewards to talk about this matter!

The husband was so angry that he even glared at Chang Suining.

Chang Suining immediately backed away knowingly.

When he went to the Arithmetic School again, Chang Sui Ning had gained experience and did not approach him again.

After leaving the School of Arithmetic, there is the Medical Hall. The students here are no longer limited to classes. Several female students are drying herbs in the courtyard, and some are guarding the medicine jars on the stove in the corridor.

When we arrived at the Engineering School, it was much noisier, with sounds of banging, chiseling, and quarreling.

"My ancestors have been carpenters for eight generations. If I say it won't work, it won't work!" A craftsman in shorts was sawing something and said: "Not everything in the book can be trusted...

Only those with hands know!”

Another man who looked like a scholar took the saw from his hand unconvincingly: "Then I will give it a try. I don't believe it today! How can the treasures handed down from the Mohist family be false!"

The two were competing against each other for their stubbornness. During the quarrel, more and more craftsmen and apprentices gathered around, and their voices mingled.

Chang Suining stopped Manager Mao from stepping forward to persuade him that only when there are disagreements and disputes can progress be made.

She and Zheng Chao finally arrived at the Agricultural Science Museum.

Because it requires on-site planting and breeding, the Agricultural Science Museum occupies the largest area among the five libraries. The Agricultural Science Museum occupies most of the backyard of Wuer Courtyard. Beyond the backyard, several acres of open space have been expanded for use.

In the Agricultural Science Museum, Zheng Chao unexpectedly met an old friend.

"Uncle Zheng!" Yuan Hao was also surprised to see Zheng Chao.

This chapter has been completed!
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