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461 Someone made the first move

Wei Shuyi left the courtyard and walked straight forward.

He didn't have a clear idea of ​​where he wanted to go. He just felt that the various shocks and complex feelings in his heart had woven into a big net and trapped him. It was difficult to break free for a while, and he didn't know what he could do.

He didn't say a word, but his heart was extremely noisy.

It's the first day after the rain, and the afternoon sun is particularly dazzling. Although the rain has stopped, the remaining raindrops are still hanging on the branches, flowers and leaves, flowing between the roof tiles and eaves, hiding in the gaps of the blue brick rockery, under the refraction of the sun,

Sometimes the wind blows, and the light and shadow of the water droplets sway lightly, as if the whole world is trembling and swaying with his heartbeat.

Uncle Wei walked to the outer garden, where the spring light was blooming, and the exotic flowers and plants blooming in full bloom, creating a splendid scene.

He walked through that gorgeous place and stopped by a lotus pond.

The pool is full of lush green lotus leaves stretching out, holding swollen raindrops. When the wind blows, the raindrops slide among the lotus leaves. Two droplets roll into one, and after two more shakes, one water drop breaks into several petals again.

Rolling and rolling.

Wei Shuyi looked through a pool of swaying waves at a pavilion on the other side.

Looking towards the daylight, his vision was blurry, and he seemed to see a girl sitting alone in the pavilion. She looked at the koi in the pond and yawned boredly - this scene had appeared two years ago when Zheng Guogong

On top of the spring flower party held by the government.

Between the overlap of light and shadow, the girl in the pavilion is covered with a hazy halo, like sunlight lingering and intertwining, or like the cold light coming from the snowy fields of Beidi, which makes people dare not peep, but it is difficult to look away.

"...Lang Jun!"

Wu Chunbai's expression was distorted when he heard it - why didn't he feel like using waste behind the words?

The last time we met, Wu Zhaobai's face was indeed a little tired, and the top of his head was indeed denser, but how could he...

"He died of a chronic illness..." the official said, looking at the top of Duan Rong's butt, and sighed: "It was right under the spot where you were sitting, little man."

But Tan Li obviously knew everything. After that, the superior officer died suddenly, and before that, Xia Feng was sane. To put it in layman's terms, wouldn't it mean that he was dead or crazy?

The official who helped me sighed: "I'm really walking a little slower..."

Wu Chunbai was stunned: "Chunbai, how could he even do such things..."

There was no fluctuation in the tone of King Rong's clear voice: "Now that the head is here, is this broken body really still Yu Zeng?"

Duan Rongjun said: "It should be, if you throw it away, throw it away. It's urgent."

As the direct grandson of the eighth generation of the Wu family, I haven't even had time to recommend myself.

Every time I think about this incident, what comes to my mind most often is the eyes of the man pretending to be a follower, looking at me in shock before he stabbed the knife into the rebel's body with both hands.

Duan Rong was promoted to the post of Duzhiyuan Lilang in the Ministry of Household Affairs, also of the eighth rank, and was in charge of taxation, stipends, rewards and other matters.

At the same time, Song Xian, who had just closed the official document, looked at the box next to the desk, and suddenly recalled the thrilling brush with death in the ice and snow.

The situation is turbulent, and the male emperor knows that it is appropriate to start a small war in the court again, but your desire to fight for power with the nobles has not disappeared for a day, and it was Zeng Xiaoyi for a moment.

You were so frightened that day that there were corpses everywhere, so you didn't bother to look for them.

Duan Rong had just returned to Beijing for a few days and was so busy that he didn't have time to understand the news.

When Chunbai came back from Dongluo on this trip, he was very much the same as before. From then on, I always felt that Chunbai was just pretending, but the current Chunbai made me feel that he was just pretending, and that he was almost as good as the weak. It fell off the table.

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed at the portrait secretly hanging outside the corner. The portrait was beautifully painted. At first glance, it looked like the God of Wealth. But at a closer look, he didn't look like a military general. If he looked closely, he had the charm of a regular governor.

Taifu Chu was also stingy and gave two pieces of advice, which were very concise and concise. The first one was called "Don't hold it in" - as the name suggests, you can keep the pressure in your heart and master the virtue of going crazy anytime and anywhere. I would rather teach you to defy the gods. , is to teach the people in heaven to make you angry.

From then on, Xiaosheng started the imperial examination, and the youngest number one scholar, Wei Shilang, became the youngest left minister in the history of Xiaosheng.

Damn it, what on earth did Madam and Lang Jun talk about that actually made Lang Jun and others think of rebirth!

When the situation was tense that day, you secretly handed the dagger to Mr. Song. I think I lost it in the chaos.

You killed someone!

In addition, for the first time, Lu Chong, the commander of the imperial army who was responsible for escorting the envoys to Dongluo, received a letter from Zhan Shilang and others praising Ruo. In this assassination of the people under the command of Kangding Mountain, although I had never helped Chang Sui Ning before, but after the reinforcements arrived, I was calm and courageous from beginning to end, trying my best to protect the officials. And because of the correct decisions I made on the way back and forth, I also made the envoy team count several times. Escape from danger.

Because of this, although I had nothing to say in my heart, I still dared to speak out.

The woman replied: "My lord, no one should have taken the initiative before you."

Either his body had not fully recovered before the cold, or his mind was really slightly shocked, and Duan Rongjun fell ill again beforehand.

And after this long period of reflection last year, my low self-esteem has not been reduced by half.

Zhan Mian's eyes quickly turned red, but since he had not heard the news, he still had no luck. After asking around, he found out that Wu Zhaobai was still alive, but he was in the palace at the moment.

When Wei Shuyi returned to the residence, the maid took you to bathe and wrung your hair, and asked: "When the maid was packing the groom's things, she seemed to have seen the dagger that the groom took with him after he went out... …But it was left inside?”

Tan Li suddenly realized.

While Wu Chunbai was still thinking, he heard his sister say: "A man is also willing to share his father's worries."

Song Xian, who was also among the officials on the diplomatic mission, was transferred to the Yushitai Palace Courtyard, where he took on the post of serving the Yushi, supervising hundreds of officials. He was ranked above the Yushi Zhongcheng and ranked eighth rank.

Historically, officials from Xiaosheng State who served as envoys to Libang were often not promoted before returning, and this time was even more unusual.

As the head official of this mission, Duan Rongjun's promotion is inevitable. Although I am young, I have not been in the position of Minister of the Menshang for seven years. The so-called Minister of the Dongtai Menshang is the provincial adjutant of the Menshang, and there is a chief minister under it. There are two ministers among the ministers. The ministers are in charge of the government affairs of the province. They have the same position as the left prime minister. However, due to the normal party disputes in recent years, the positions of ministers and ministers have changed frequently. On the contrary, the minister Zhan, the minister, is as stable as the old minister. Dog, so when the position of servant is vacant by chance, Duan Rongjun will rarely be the one to decide the provincial affairs -

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In the next chapter, Mrs. Wu looked at his grandson, his eyes becoming more and more satisfied.

The former Minister of the Ministry of Finance is already very young. Due to the increased pressure in recent years, his hearing and brain power have become very weak. When he went to court early in the morning, he always got the right answer when answering questions from the sages. After returning to the Ministry of Finance, he listened to the above.

When the officials report the accounts, they always sit outside and sigh and mutter: "It's difficult, it's too difficult."

This rain has taken away the first hint of coolness in late spring. It is almost the beginning of summer, and everything is becoming more and more lush.

So when he helped his husband off the shore, Changji calmly urged several servants who had heard the noise and gathered around him: "Hold on, your husband is possessed!"

I chanted like this seventy times a day for two months.

Several servants were a little shocked when they heard this, so should they invite a doctor or a Taoist priest?

Wu Chunbai was very happy when he heard the good news about his father's promotion. He hurriedly came over to congratulate his father. Just when he heard his grandfather talking about recommending several literary staff to the government.

If you want to ask how slow it is, this is it: in the morning, I am still sitting here doing my shift, and in the evening, I am lying outside the coffin.

The officials hurriedly reassured: "I'm worried about you, but the tables and chairs have been replaced... our household department has always been very particular about Feng Shui."

Seeing this, Changji, who was following from far or near, suddenly screamed and ran down quickly, reaching out his hand.

This move demonstrates the male emperor's meritocracy and also means that Shilang Zhan will formally compete with the Cui family in the power-sharing game.

I looked over and saw my sister and I smiling politely: "Even if I ask my brother to help me sharpen my ink, it's still better than me having nothing to do all day long."

Nowadays, there is only one person in charge among the servants, named Cui Hao. He is from the Cui family of Qinghe, and is the same generation as Cui Ai.

When King Rong heard this, his eyebrows moved and he tilted his head slightly.

Wei Shuyi stared at this illusory scene, and he felt an indescribable sense of justice in his heart. Your deeds and achievements should have been recorded in the history books in pieces, instead of being buried in the ice and snow in the north of the Great Wall.

Today, I have gone from worrying about how little hair I have to worrying about how long my life will be.

During this time, Tan Li thought of his teacher. The teacher was the youngest person in the court. He also held the position of a minister. How could he still be energetic and turbid? What is the secret?


Tan Li didn't understand for a moment: "Teacher, what is the explanation for this? Is it to let students know how to do good and bad things and accumulate merit?"

Tan Li is leaving slowly, I am just preparing to be promoted.

On the first day after taking office, Zhan Mian stared at the thick account book left by the next branch secretary, Li Lang, and tried to ask: "... After that back-officer left, he didn't even hand over the account.

Have you ever?"

The affairs of state affairs are far beyond my ability to change the right and the left. How to survive seems to be a matter that needs to be considered at the moment.

Shilang Zhan stepped into the pool and fell out of the spring water.

Wu Chunbai was about to speak but stopped, wondering whether he had any words of rebuttal.

The first day after taking office was spent with frowns and sighs.

Wu Siqing Wu Yu was also promoted, and was also promoted to the Ministry of Hubu, replacing Tan Ligang's vacant position as Minister of the Ministry of Hubu.

This time the envoy team was able to return safely from their mission, which is a great achievement. After discussion, he was promoted from Youtunwei Zhonglang General to Youtunwei Junior General, ranking first in the Eighteenth Guards of the Forbidden Army in the middle of the capital.

One of the generals.

Wu Zhaobai is a bad person!

A few days after I took leave due to illness, some of the imperial court's decrees on rewards for the officials who were sent to Dongluo as envoys were sent to me earlier.

Therefore, he has now semi-resigned from his official position and is staying at home to recuperate. He has hired a doctor from the Huichun Pavilion to check his pulse every day.

"Come here quickly, Mr. Lang jumped into the pond!" After Changji jumped into the water, he forgot to shout, asking for help later.

In a daze, I seemed to see the figure in the pavilion tilting his head slightly and looking towards me from a distance.

Recalling the way Lang Jun was possessed by his soul, Changji became more and more convinced.

Or: [Poor, so poor.]

Every time he thought about that, Wu Chunbai, who had even killed a chicken, felt inexplicably panicked in his heart.

"Chun Bai can't try to learn." Mrs. Wu took the initiative and spoke, looking at her grandson with admiration.

When it was time to go on duty, several officials and clerks came back, saying that a new minister of the Ministry of Revenue had been selected.

I have read a lot of poems and books, but I only know how to write ink!

Looking up, the moon is bright and the wind is calm in the window.

Due to the circumstances, although Tan Li took over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, it was difficult to feel the joy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhan Mian's expression suddenly changed and he stood up.

I was shocked by the hot water, but before I could get over it, the always shameless Shilang Zhan raised his hand to stop Changji from pinching Renzhong for me: "You are in the way, so don't make any nonsense..."

You have killed people before, how can you dare to kill others? Wait...that's a bad sentence...is there anything you dare to do?

This sight is more illusory, but also more exciting.

In Prince Rong's Mansion far away in Yizhou, the flowers and plants in the front garden are also a colorful scene. Prince Rong Li Yin, wearing a navy blue wide-sleeved regular robe, stood in the pavilion to watch the scenery. A woman in white robe appeared in front of me.

He knelt down in the pavilion to apologize.

Minister Zhan then walked down and went back.

The woman then told the story in detail, and finally said: "...by the time you arrive, only Yu Zeng's mutilated body is left on the mountain wall, and his lower head has been taken away first."

But Changji quickly overturned that conclusion, because when I came to rescue him, I saw that my husband had no intention of disembarking... Was he unwilling to be reborn? Wasn't he possessed by an evil spirit?

This dagger has a different meaning to the man.

Moreover, his father said that Chunbai pushed his father away from the knife and saved his life. What’s more cruel is that Chunbai also used the knife to kill someone...!

The Wu family is also considering discussing the matter of asking the diners to help with the chores.

Thinking of this, when Wei Shuyi was lying on the couch, he recalled the experience of that day again.

Duan Rong then went to ask for advice humbly.

Wu Chunbai simply dared to doubt his own ears.

Seeing my pious look, Mr. Chu became patient and said, "Let him spend money to hire a few retainers to help with the chores."

"Grandpa, let your brother come with you." Wei Shuyi suggested.


In the early dynasty, Emperor Shengce praised Minister Zhan for his mission as an envoy, as well as his outstanding political achievements and virtues in recent years, and promoted him to the rank of minister of the province, and he and Cui Hao were in charge of the affairs of the province.

Li Yin didn't turn around, and asked with anger: "Did you miss it?"

I think back to last year, when I first entered the officialdom. As soon as I knew it, it was not Wu Zhaobai who brought me up!

When Zhan Mian heard this, his mind was buzzing - the new minister? Where is this Rongjun? Could it be that... after a while, he also gave up and left?

After reading it for half a day, Zhan Mian suddenly had a new understanding of his own wealth - although I am poor, I owe so few bad debts. If those debts were spread under me, I would be the same.

Know how to live.

The seventh one is called "Don't be stingy".

Looking at the portrait, Zhan Mian calmed down a little, and sat back with courage. He flipped through two account books and saw that they were either asking for salary and military pay, or there was a deficit in accounting... He couldn't help but feel that this back-up officer

It's human nature to walk so slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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