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471 Let me see your knife

The Qian family stayed in Jiangdu for two days before returning to Wuzhong.

During these two days, Wang Changshi, Wang Yue and others treated them very politely. When other officials in the governor's office heard that Mr. Qian's clan members came to visit, they also went to visit and make friends in private.

This sense of glory makes the Qian family members, who have been in decline for a long time, want to stop.

During this trip, they also saw with their own eyes the vitality and tolerance of Jiangdu today, and they knew that many of the rumors were true.

As they boarded the carriage leaving Jiangdu, the Qian family members felt reluctant to leave, but also had infinite longing for the future.

The young man named Maocai and named Qian Yu saw the gate of Jiangdu City and finally said: "Father...don't you really think there is something weird about this matter?"

When he was in Jiangdu City, his father ordered him not to talk nonsense. Now that he is out of the city, the silencing curse should be lifted, right?

The middle-aged man was caressing the painting box on his lap. After hearing this, he raised his head, looked at his son, and said seriously: "Maocai, do you think you are the only smart person in the whole family?"

Qian Yu: "My son is just afraid that Mr. Qian Shen's identity as a member of the Qian clan is false..."

Middle-aged man: "You're afraid it's fake. Why wouldn't you be afraid as a father?"

Yuezhou muttered loudly: "Although this picture of Changsui Ning is bad, it was painted by my father during this trip..."

All you have to do is draw your sword and chop off the beast's head. When the beast's head falls to the ground, the following beasts will naturally disperse. It's up to you to kill them.

Xiao Min was already thinking about how to scold his brother, but at this moment he still said: "Brother congratulates the villain on his promotion to the Jiedushi of Huainan Province in the letter."

The middle-aged woman sighed with contentment: "That picture of eternal peace must be treasured by bad students."

The middle-aged woman said matter-of-factly: "Let me move forward. There is no order of birth."

What he saw with his eyes moved Yun Hui very much.

It’s just a matter of moving the areas in order, a big step forward for an individual, a small step back for the family, which is more important, do we still need to say?

Qian Yu's face looked strange. His father's fear and his fear seemed to be completely different things - his fear was simply worried that the matter was false, while his father's fear seemed to be worrying about gains and losses...?

I think that may be one of Gu Erlang's intentions in calling the governor of the Seventeen Prefectures and later Jiangdu.

Before finishing reading, Yin Liying stood up from the desk and said to shepherd's purse who later delivered the letter: "Send the order to go up and order 10,000 elite soldiers immediately, and we will follow you out of Jiangdu."

"What is the picture of wealth in the mountains..." The woman just repeated it, then she reacted, raised her hand and slapped her son under the head: "...you see, he wanted to draw a picture of the first lesson in July for his father.


The group of carriages and horses entered Jiangdu City before being inspected at the city gate. They drove slowly and hurriedly all the way, and finally stopped at the small gate of the Governor's Mansion.

The Huitong Pavilion was a newly established institution by Gu Erlang in Jiangdu. It was responsible for all matters related to the internal exchanges between Jiangdu Governor's Office and Jiedu Envoy Office, including receptions, banquets, farewell etiquette, etc. It was also responsible for the delivery of government orders and letters to and from Jiangdu.


This place is not a purely ideal holy land, but intertwined interests can be seen everywhere. However, the bricks and stones built by those interests are layered and solid, and they have built a low platform for one's ideals.

We are also on Huainan Road, and I have only been to Yangzhou, the capital of the Yangtze River, once when I was a child.

In those days, Fuchunshan was responsible for leading people to entertain and arrange travel arrangements for Yunhui, the governor of Jiangdu, in Jiangdu.

Outside one of the carriages, a young man wearing a purple gown at Dushan Mountain walked up. His hair was tied up with a hosta and he held a folding fan in his hand.

Yun Hui nodded, raised his legs and walked towards the Governor's Mansion. The elegant man beside him said, "I haven't worked hard in Fuchun Mountain in the past few days."

I went to You Qi Yuan and Qi Xiao Workshop, strolled through the streets, long alleys, and retreated to teahouses and temples. Today I also went to several counties in the city for a walk. Along the way, I saw a flourishing life, with almost no life.

Empty farmland.

Fuchunshan, who followed smoothly, took the opportunity to raise his eyebrows at Xiao Min.

In the study, when Yun Hui and Gu Erlang were sitting and talking, an official later reported: "Quickly report, little man, the governors of Luzhou and Chuzhou are here!"

Yin Li for many years: "..."

Qiantang Yin Li was especially good at landscape painting, and I have admired her very much since then.

Fuchunshan waved his folding fan and said with a smile: "This is the explanation of the villain, and it is also a matter of Gu's responsibility."

But in Jiangdu, those who work for the people can see people's livelihood. Those who work for ambitions can see the possibility of performance. Those who work for profit can also see the benefits.

His father, who was worried about gains and losses, freed up a hand, patted his shoulder, and warned: "Son, you must remember, even if he is a lie, his fourteenth uncle must be true.


Thinking that the opportunity to once again bring glory to the Qian family is right around the corner, the middle-aged woman's excitement cannot be suppressed.

And they know how to bark to attract attention, so they can take on the errands of making noises in the east and west, so they are usually the lackeys of others.

Although Yunhui is said to be complacent, I think that before I became the governor of Hezhou, I was conscientious and conscientious, and my governance was in good order. I sought stability while retreating, and the people were relatively stable - but here I am.

Before Jiangdu, there was still no such small touch.

At this point, Yuezhou didn't understand anything anymore. He just couldn't help but sigh simply: "But my son doesn't have a fourteenth uncle..."

Wearing a long gown, the queen of many years smiled and saluted: "Yun Governor."

On the same day, Gu Erlang received a letter from Luo Guanlin, which was sent back hastily.

"But I didn't say we met..." Fuchunshan didn't want to argue, but when he saw Xiao Min carrying a sword at his waist, he curled his lips and stepped aside, not daring to argue.

Finally, I told my sister, so far, I have never given Shi Wen a bad look, and I rarely talk to her, but I was a little embarrassed when I spoke, and I thought it would be appropriate if things continue like this.

Although you are in charge of government affairs, you follow the villain and are always paying attention to the news everywhere. In those days, Shenzhou and Huangzhou were the ones who cheered the most, and you showed great respect for the villain in your words——

You've been wanting to beat me for a long time!

They fought until it was getting dark, but there were still no signs of the Kangzhi city gate being breached. Yin Li ordered them to temporarily advance and rest.

Very slowly, Yin Li accompanied Gu Erlang, dismounted at the Governor's Mansion, led a group of personal guards, and headed for Jiangdu City.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It is also within my scope of responsibilities to receive officials.

Yin Liying nodded: "Bad."

Before the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea, Fuchunshan finally got a job from Gu Erlang as he wished, but instead of going to the last meeting as expected by taking care of his family, he went to the "Huitong Pavilion".

You came back to your senses and clasped your fists fiercely: "Ani, take the order!"

On the way, Yin Li, who was on horseback, suppressed her inner fluctuations and asked: "Little man, are you going to Shenzhou or Huangzhou?"

If this is the case for me, it must be the same for the governors of other states.

When Gu Erlang heard about it, he went to the back hall to meet him.

At the same time, the battle between the small army led by Li Xian and Erlang and Kang Zhibian's army was raging, and murderous intent was boiling inside Yinli City Gate.

Such a Jiangdu cannot give people a very intuitive hope: the scene of Jiangdu today is also the scene of our governance in the future.

Qian Fourteen was the order that the Qian family members temporarily arranged for Qian before they racked their brains and reorganized the family tree in those two days.

The meeting began, and when Erlang and his subordinates were about to leave, it was almost midnight.

Among the seventeen governors of Huainan Province, Yunhui was the first to arrive. On Gu Erlang's suggestion, I first walked around Jiangdu City.

"So what if we follow the arrangements of the famous General Xiao? Are we going to attack Kangzhi City in the same way?" Li Xian sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Little man..." Qian Yu asked calmly, "But there is nothing unusual?"

"Let's wait."

After saying this, Xiao Min noticed that his villain rarely wore a sword, so he asked: "Is the villain going out?"

Li Xian nodded, a slow smile appearing in the corners of his eyes.

Yin Liying, who was waiting inside, followed suit: "Little man, come up and follow us together!"

Every time he thought about this, Xiao Min punched his fist in his heart again and again.

The Huitong Pavilion is responsible for the internal affairs, and to a certain extent, it represents the image of Jiangdu. This is really in line with my status as the most beautiful woman in Jiangdu.

The small army will meet in the city.

Xiao Min was squinting and didn't bother to pay attention to me.

And that year was the most difficult year in Jiangdu.

There was a bang in Xiao Min's mind, and he seemed to have returned to the Youzhou tent in an instant, hearing the words when he recommended himself - [Let Ani be your sword!]

Today's casualties are basically the same as Bian's army. The attackers had the advantage in the siege battle. Erlang believes that this can also be seen that my general direction is not wrong. It only needs to be based on the details.

Adjustments are made for today's earnings.

"It's all true." Gu Erlang said: "A barking dog is enough to be afraid of."

That night, Yin Li and her generals reviewed today's battle and agreed on the time and strategy for the last attack on the city.

It is true that Yangzhou at this time is not comparable to the level of prosperity in my memory, but that comparison cannot be mentioned later - Jiangdu at this time is Jiangdu before it went through a period of destruction and trampling.

Gu Erlang nodded and walked in, his voice full of joy and anger: "It seems that Mr. Luo has gained little, and this trip is in vain."

Yao Ran and Qian Yu responded when they heard the words, stopped and bowed respectfully.

Yun Hui returned to the governor's house and asked to see Gu Erlang.

Before the Kangding Mountain Rebellion was settled, the imperial court rewarded him for his merits. Kang Cong took the post of Marching Sima in the reorganized Pinglu Army, ranking above the newly appointed Pinglu Jiedu Envoy, and assisted in military and political affairs.

Fuchunshan was about to retreat with Yun Hui when Xiao Min stopped him with a hot face: "The villain never summoned him."

That means that land has not yet ushered in your true prosperity and prosperity.

"How come my father has a painting..." Yuezhou: "Mr. Qian Yu's painting is the picture of Changsui Ning. Did my father also practice it and paint a lifelike picture of wealth in the mountains... It's just a word difference."


Yun Hui's time as an official has not been short, so I naturally feel that in this situation, there are many officials who are really willing to work hard to improve people's livelihood——

The man in blue lowered his head and said loudly: "Back to the general... everything is ready, just waiting for the general's order."

Although the country was temporarily as wealthy as the future, in a place where everything from the people to the wealth and even the culture had just experienced a plunder, Yun Hui saw that the stability of the future was worse than the future, and even better than the vitality of the future.

——The divine bird disappeared and went into Nirvana in the fire, with a new look and a soaring aura.

In that compartment, while the Qian family was "painting" in their car, they passed by a group of carriages and horses entering the city.

So, the current situation is... worrying about gains and losses, is it possible to have money and talents?

Yin Liying did not look back. When she crossed the threshold, she told Yao Ran who was following her: "Any government affairs registers brought by the governors of various states will be reviewed and sorted out in advance according to the procedures - you can come back as soon as you go."

"Little man." Before Xiao Min saluted, he took half a step forward to Gu Erlang, followed him in front, and said loudly: "I received a letter from my brother today... The letter said that without Uncle Shi's help, everything would be fine now.

Small and smooth.”

I looked at the long painting box behind me and sighed: "In the future, how would I have had the opportunity to receive a painting from Mr. Wang Wangshan?"

Li Xian looked at you with a half-smile: "Arlan, the last time we attacked the city, it was up to you... Is everything ready?"

In the letter, Kang Cong detailed the many difficulties he encountered and expressed his gratitude to Shi Man for his help.

The woman slapped him again, adding another touch of richness to the "Picture of Xun Zhuzi".

Nuan Nian rubbed his head: "Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year..."

That downward expectation fills people's hearts with expectations for the future. And that expectation, which is called building prosperity, is precious in today's world where destruction and collapse are everywhere.

Shepherd's Purse was shocked when she heard this, and she responded solemnly: "Yes!"

Li Xian was sitting at the bottom, and many times he took the initiative to speak. Only when Erlang asked me did I say: "General Xiao has rich combat experience, and he will always disobey General Xiao's arrangements."

"Yeah." Gu Erlang looked at Xiao Min and smiled at you: "I'll let you see his knife that time."

The middle-aged woman looked at her son: "When did you paint for your father?"

The real animal head is always in the most important position.

"You want to go there in person?" Yin Li followed and tried to persuade: "But now no governor from the seven states has arrived..."

Gu Erlang returned to the residence to change his clothes, changed into a simple robe, casually picked up the Sun Sword hanging under the orchid, and walked inside.

In some functions, it is similar to the Honglu Temple above the Ministry of Rites in the DPRK.

When he was young, Yin Li came out and said, "The envoy, please ask Governor Yun to retreat."

Early the next morning, the governor of Shouzhou also arrived in Jiangdu smoothly.

As soon as he left the hospital, Yin Li greeted him.

Very slowly, another person got on the carriage. He was as tall as a bamboo, wearing a sapphire blue round-collared robe with sleeves. His eyebrows were somewhere between old and young, but his whole body no longer had the aura of an official.

The seven people were talking as they walked towards the governor's mansion.

In just over a year, from being recaptured to the current situation, it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yun Hui nodded.

Although we failed to attack Kangzhi City Gate in one fell swoop this time, Yin Li was not passive. I was not sure of attacking Kangzhi City in one fell swoop. Today's attack on the city was less about testing Bian Jun's defense strategy.

At that time, from the inner tent that was blocked by a screen, a slim-looking man in blue came out.

Fuchunshan felt that this job was perfect for him. I have such a bad face. If I really spend all day doing boring things outside the back room, wouldn’t it be a waste of resources?

Inside the tent, the night was dark and dark clouds covered the moon.

This chapter has been completed!
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