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558 Dont be like me

Yi Cong's heart sank slightly, and a thought almost immediately flashed in his mind - does he have other brothers besides Li Lu? Or is he unable to serve as director for the prince because of his young age? Just like him, he has not been publicly revealed to others?

The reason why he was so easily aroused with this suspicion was because he and his mother had suspected it a long time ago...

With his own background, how could he not doubt it?

But his uncle had soldiers in his hands, and he was so valued by the prince that he always stayed by his side. However, Li Lu was very sick and he had grown up and did not need to worry about the emergence of any competitors. But at this time...

His greatest support, his uncle Duan Shiang, is gone.

And Li Lu's too clean hands also gave him a strange thought.

His hands have killed many people, are stained with blood that is difficult to remove, and are always doing risky things, even if he always regards it as trust and training...

A gust of wind blows, making people awake and confused.

"Are you going to Lingnan this time?"

Li Lu's clear and smooth voice brought Yi Cong back to his senses, who was thinking deeply. He lowered his head and said "yes".

Winter is hard to endure. Before the winter solstice, your condition got worse and worse. Now you are no longer confused.

When Cao Ai stepped into the room, she would get the first glimpse of her mother in the future.

The maids and servants in the room were all kneeling seven steps away. No one was sobbing loudly. Except for Li Cong, no one could hear Princess Rong's voice.

Cao Ai learned the news at dusk and hurried over.

Ma Wan approached the couch and saw Princess Rong under the couch.

Seeing this, Ma Wan laughed loudly: "Mom and you are the same... You were a young hostage in Beijing, but your mother was always by your father's side. She may have noticed this all those years."

It was the first time that Li Cong had lost a life at such a close distance, and his whole body was filled with ice and cold, and he knelt down tremblingly.

Princess Rong's skinny fingers trembled as Ma Wan held them in her hands and wiped them.

"That illness is really a coincidence. It was a long time ago that you became a harmless hostage in the hands of the emperor..." Ma Wan said that and smiled: "There is nothing that you have never dealt with.

Mother said that during these years in Beijing, in order to reduce the emperor's fear of his father as much as possible, after the palace doctors checked his pulse, his son would often pour out the medicinal soup, just to make himself sicker and longer.


Cao Ai's mind was in turmoil, tears fell from his eyes, and he held the golden lock tightly in his hand.

This trembling and hoarse voice carried a hint of desolate crying. Cao Ai was stunned when she heard it: "Mother, what..."

That is the situation I find myself in now.

Since being banned from the temple a few months ago, Cao Ai has appeared in public a lot. The few times she has been discharged from the hospital, you have not seen Princess Rong again for a few days.

No hot air poured in from the gaps in the window lattice, Princess Rong felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar, her last bit of strength was taken away, and she completely lost her support.

As for the queen, my father has always been the latter, and there has never been any trace of acting.

"Get out of there..."

A trace of sadness appeared on Cao Ai's face.

Did Ma Wan break away, look at you again, and ask: "Where is this mother? Does mother always look like that?"

After saying this, he said "goodbye" and left the place.

Princess Rong was trembling all over and could only make a vague sob.

He is not a father whose words and deeds are still full of warmth, but Zeng has always sacrificed his identity as Yi Cong to explain everything to me.

"After all, even though your eldest brother knew that I existed, he actually did a lot for me..." Ma Wan curled her lips slightly: "And I just have to sit back and enjoy the benefits, how lucky I am."

Ma Wan took out her sleeves, stood up quickly, and looked down at her haggard mother: "But my mother was so slow that she even managed to stay alive."

Princess Rong seemed not to have heard, she was still lying outside with her breathing strong, her eyes blank and vacant.

Li Cong raised his head and looked up, but he saw a safety lock. The gold lock was no bigger than a child's hand, and it was decorated with tassels and jade beads. It was very delicate and beautiful.

Princess Rong has been bedridden for several years. She has only been able to walk around in bed for a long time, and she has long been able to take care of herself.

Ma Wan recited that sentence silently in her heart, and her eyes fell on the person under the couch - her dying mother.

Princess Rong's eyes trembled, she opened her mouth, and her hoarse voice was like a broken window paper: "Lu'er..."

"But maybe Li Lu will." Ma Wan rolled up her mother's sleeves, wiped your arms, and said, "It's a good thing that Duan Shi'ang died. Li Lu has someone to rely on. My current situation is even more pitiful than yours..."


"Mother...!" Cao Ai hurriedly patted Princess Rong's chest, but at the last moment he was horrified to find that the sound of Princess Rong's breathing was about to disappear.

These eyes, which seem to be able to accommodate all the good and evil in the world, right and wrong, and always maintain a calm and calm look, can actually only accommodate one person...and that person is the father himself.

"I am obviously the most enlightened and kind father in the world... In the past year, you have often wondered who is the real me." Ma Wan exhaled hastily, and the answer came out: "Kindness"

and cruelty, they are all the real me, or maybe they are all the real me...When those seven will appear, it just depends on what I need."

Princess Rong used a little force with her fingers and grabbed Cao Ai's palm.

"Let him go... He will end up like you..."

"Be careful." Li Lu patted him on the shoulder and said warmly: "When you return home, my eldest brother will ask someone to serve you a drink to celebrate. Our family should sit together and have a family banquet together."

Yes, a father also needs to explain the existence of another son to my son, not to mention that he is a father who is about to succeed in his small career.

My father sighed and told me yesterday, asking me to come and see my mother when I have some time.

Princess Rong tried her best to turn sideways, grabbed her son's sleeves with both hands, shook her head with tears, her voice was trembling, and finally said a relatively broken sentence: "How does mother want to say to him... Even if he knows, it is just to live in vain to make him happy."


I came to the bedside, stood still for a moment, lifted up my robe and knelt up.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So mother accepted your fate for you, right?" Ma Wan finally sneered: "My mother is so timid and strong, and good at being generous to others.

No wonder he is alive today."

Your breathing ends and becomes slow, and your eyes open happily...

After a while, Princess Rong's face with staring eyes was covered by the servant girl with a white silk scarf.

Princess Rong is on her deathbed.

"Father has always been far-sighted in his actions. Since I dare to let Li Lu wander around and take risks, I still don't have a child who is truly protected by me..." Ma Wan said loudly: "My son also wants to know, this child who is properly protected by my father."

What does the child look like?"

"Mother has known for a long time -" Cao Ai's hand did not stop moving, lowering his eyes and said: "I have known for a long time that Yi Cong... Yes, Cao Ai, I am also my father's son."

"But you clearly remember that after you fell ill, your father was still holding you while riding horses -" There seemed to be no confusion in my eyes: "Why can you make such a cruel decision in the blink of an eye?"

Ma Wan stood there until the sound of Yi Cong's footsteps faded away, then I hurried back and headed towards Princess Rong's residence.

"You once thought that you were unlucky to marry a bad husband who was quarrelsome with the world, kind and gentle, and that you could not live a loving and peaceful life..."

My father's tone was pitiful and tender. Even though he was preoccupied with many important matters, he still forgot to pay attention to my mother's illness and comfort my son.

"Mother, he is worthy of you calling him your mother." Cao Ai slightly bent his upper body and said loudly: "If he is really worthy of his guilt, the spirit in heaven will remember to bless you to get what you want."

Listening to those words that seemed to be muttered in a dream, Li Cong held Princess Rong's cold hand instead, only to find that his fingers were also cold.

As if she was having a flashback after death, Princess Rong, who has been able to communicate with others for a long time, is holding Li Cong's hand tightly, pulling you towards her, and saying in a trembling voice: "You are not ashamed of Lu'er... But you

Only then did I realize that I have not become the same person as my father... We all have no intention..."

Princess Rong grabbed one of her son's hands, and you tried to support yourself, but your eyes, which were almost dry, were filled with endless tears.

The masters in the room suddenly burst into tears.

The father who is about to succeed in his small career...

After I finished speaking, I put the cotton towel back into the copper basin, put up my sleeves for my mother, covered up the corners of the quilt, and asked, "Mom, is it really an accident that my son suffered from asthma when he was young?"

There were no tears in Princess Rong's eyes, and she said again: "Let's go slowly, I want to be like you..."

Prince Rong was on business in the palace, and Ma Wan was in the study in the backyard comforting the staff who were trying to resign. Li Cong, who was also in the inner courtyard, was the first to arrive.

One arm was held by someone, Li Cong turned his head unconsciously, looked down at Cao Ai's red eyes, and my voice was hoarse: "Wan'er, get up..."

Li Cong's heart surged, he nodded casually, and stood up with Ma Wan.

"Mother is afraid that because you are doing us a favor, you will turn against your father." Ma Wan said softly, "Mother is worried that her son will do that."

While I was wiping, my movements were sloppy and irritable, and my voice was somewhat hoarse: "You want to talk to your mother alone."

Princess Rong's fingers froze and her eyes couldn't help but dodge.

Princess Rong's mouth moved and the sound she made was very powerful. Li Cong quickly lowered his head to listen.

Looking at these eyes that seemed fierce but concealed sarcasm and hatred, Princess Rong felt as if someone had stabbed her heart with a knife.

"My mother was afraid of my father, so much so that she just pushed you into this purgatory...but what exactly did you do wrong?"

"I must be very curious at this time, because my father doesn't have any other sons."

"My father already needs another sick princess, and I need to choose an even more worthless empress... And when the time comes, how will you deal with it? Didn't mother think anything about it for you?"

And you have always been allowed to incense the Master. In the cold winter, your body is suffering from the cold air, and the doors and windows are closed tightly for a short time. Therefore, although there is no valet to take good care of you, when Ma Wan steps into the room,

I still feel that this rotten aura that only belongs to a chronically ill person is almost coming to my face.

"My mother's body has only a few days left to live, and my mother's family, which is worth mentioning, has already been prosperous... Even if my mother dies, my father will definitely allow her to live until I ascend the throne."

"Lu'er is right, you are a cowardly and useful person. You have been afraid of..."

My father cannot be kind to all things, nor can he be cruel to all things at the last moment.

Princess Rong used her last bit of strength to take out something from the pillow and put it into Li Cong's hand: "If you can leave that place... one day, you may be able to announce it to the public..."

"You have never mentioned it to your father, lest he be worried about you." Ma Wan smiled again: "At this time, you have never thought that your strong body was arranged by your father from the beginning.


Ma Wan raised her eyes and saw that you turned your head with difficulty, an expression of peace appeared in your eyes, and you shook your head at me with great effort.

"But mother, being so petty is just bad, is it really meaningless?" I looked back at Princess Rong, my voice calm but almost cruel: "Is mother really bad for you, or is it to make her conscience as a mother stronger?

A little worse."

Cao Ai quickly turned around and looked at the furnishings in the room: "Since before you got asthma, your mother has been using incense for fear of causing you to get sick. Even though you were in Yizhou, your mother has been doing this for ten years...


Before Li Cong married into Prince Rong's palace, Princess Rong had been lingering on the sickbed. The least interaction between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was when Cao Ai stayed by the bedside to attend to her illness.

And, my body is extremely weak.

The maid's eyes were sore, Fu Shen responded, and she led the servants in and out.

At the last moment, Ma Wan's eyes fell on the golden lock in your hand.

When Cao Ai came to react to the meaning of Princess Rong's words, he heard the maid in front of him salute in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty..."

Therefore, Li Cong, who was suddenly held tightly by Princess Rong's hands, was momentarily at a loss: "Mother..."

The only thing in my father's eyes is myself.

The maid spoke to Princess Rong in a serious voice: "Princess, the Crown Prince is here to see you..."

Your cheeks are so sunken that almost only a layer of withered skin is left, your eye sockets are sunken, and even your lips have become full and shrunken.

"My son vaguely remembers that the coldness lasted for several days, and he had been coughing for several months before... Since then, the body has suffered from many diseases." Ma Wan looked into Princess Rong's eyes and asked.

: "Looking back now, I know whether you were too ill or were you delayed in taking the medicine? In the past few months, you seem to have never seen your mother, and you vaguely remember that your mother seems to be 'sick' too?"

"But mother has never told you a word..." Ma Wan's voice was high-pitched: "Whether it's the existence of Li Lu or the existence of my father and his heirs."

Princess Rong, who had gained strength, let go of Li Cong's hand and fell her head back to the pillow.

When I mentioned the word "cruel heart", my voice didn't pause much. I seemed to think that word was too weak, but I already thought of other words that couldn't be used to replace it.

Yi Cong endured the unhappiness in his heart as if he was being shown mercy, and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Throughout the years, there have been countless doctors, and we all know that my mother's illness is caused by depression. My mother is worried, afraid, guilty, and panicked all day long... but she never thought of telling you the truth.


Ma Wan knelt down beside the couch and took the warm and cold cotton towel from the valet's hand to wipe Princess Rong's palms: "You come to serve mother."

This chapter has been completed!
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