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623 She is the destiny of the country

Li Suining lay in the snow and let himself relax for a while.

Until Yufeng came to her, humming low, and rubbed her loose hair affectionately with his long beak.

Li Suining picked up the blood-stained golden mask that Yu Feng had brought to her as a trophy, and said in a low voice: "Okay... this hunting has been fruitful."

This was the first time she and Yufeng had cooperated in hunting, and they successfully hunted the most ferocious prey in this snowy field.

After that, Yufeng suddenly took a few steps back, shook his wings with messy feathers and stained with blood, and flew away.

Not long after, it turned back and flew back, hovering over Li Suining's head, making a rapid whistle.

The eagle is the sharpest eye on the snowfield, and Yufeng sensed the enemy's approach.

The sound of horse hooves gradually became clearer.

What came were the Beidi troops from the rear who had been blocked on the mountain road and on the other side of the glacier and therefore detoured on Ashina Tilie's order. After bypassing the glacier, they followed the traces and marks left by Ashina Tilie.

Finally tracked it down.

The leading Beidi troops saw patches of dazzling blood in the snow ahead from a distance.

These Beidi troops arrived very slowly. We had to rein in our horses slowly, but some of our horses dared to try to cross the cliff.

You seem to be a fatal gambler this time, but if you gamble, you will only be able to escape the fate of being killed.

Seeing that this was a ravine that could be crossed, I screamed and moved forward.

So, the other party killed Tilie by himself?!

Li Suining put the dagger into his boots and climbed onto the horse's back with difficulty.

The cold wind blows in his hair, and the silver snow stains his clothes. You are broken, embarrassed, and noisy, but your whole body seems to be surrounded by the air of the mountains and seas, whistling and shaking the heaven and earth.

Na Tilie lay on the back of the bumpy horse, with Yu Feng following behind to guide the way home.

The soldiers and horses are in order, Xuanpi, Xuanjia, and Xuance's military flag.

Tilie stared blankly until the old horse with scratches all over his body came up behind your eyes, neighed, folded his legs and knelt down vigorously.

The day of return is still brave, the wailing is the majesty of the past, and the eyes are filled with tears.

And even if you take the nearest road to the opposite mountain, it will take at most half a day, or even longer.

Looking at the slip marks of the horses' hoofs on the opposite side, these Beidi people were shocked, and no one even showed a moment of admiration.

Na Tilie sometimes closed his eyes, and sometimes looked quietly at the sky where the light snow was falling.

Na Tilie concentrated his mind, judged for a moment, and concluded that this was the movement caused by the hoofs of the horses. The formation was so small that there must be more than thousands of horsemen.

The old war horse jumped in the air to the bottom of the cliff. When the horse's bent hind hooves were about to touch the opposite cliff, it stretched out and struggled to claw back, but could only barely grasp the snow-covered rocks——

After running like this for more than 70 miles, when the return time was approaching and I was exhausted again, I suddenly neighed and came to a slow stop.

Before reuniting with the soldiers in front, count all the troops and horses, bring enough food, grass and gunpowder, and then lead the troops to rescue the trapped soldiers. The death of Ashi Tilie will definitely shake the hearts of the Beidi soldiers.

Using fireworks as a signal, the generals and soldiers of the same mountain were attacking from inside and outside. Yin Jingjing did not have the confidence to defeat A Shi's remaining strong force in a single battle.

Na Tilie, who was physically strong, lay down again, with Luo Huo and Gui Qi next to you on the right and left, protecting you from the wind and keeping you warm.

Fortunately, the road is winding and changes little, so the pursuers ahead are ready to fire arrows.

Why should the situation you won with your strength be destroyed by Quan Liyi's calamity?

Before that, before resting, you can approach Beidi Royal Court.

Yufeng hovered for a while and landed under Guiqi. Guiqi, who was panting from exhaustion, threw it up with his legs in the air. Yufeng was covered in snow and flapped his wings lightly. After flapping the wings cleanly, he folded his arms.

Side, a bit airy.

Yufeng, who had been observing the situation carefully for seven weeks, whistled as a reminder.

From here, go south and take a shortcut for eight days to reach the tribes that your men are guarding. These tribes have long been willing to submit to the Beidi Royal Court, so Ashi Tilie has not slowed down, and it is indeed temporary.

It was to rescue these old and strong women and children from outside the tribe.

After a while, an eagle whistle came into my ears.

Yin Jingjing suddenly hugged its head tightly, pressed their foreheads against each other, and shed tears like rain on her eyes. Like a lost child, she shouted its name almost gratefully: "...Liuhuo!"

The legs are the most important part of a war horse. If a horse's legs are broken, it will die. Even though Luo Huo was determined to die, he never gave up on survival at the last moment, just like his owner.

When Na Tilie was about to blow the whistle again, he suddenly realized something. He pulled out the short knife between his boots, inserted it into the snow, sat up straight, and looked to the back and side.

Liu Huo, who was originally left behind, followed Yin Jingjing alone long before she left.

The snow under the world never stopped.

But the small army in front followed slowly, and hundreds of cavalry were rising up in the snow and mist.

When its upper body was hanging in the air and falling, the young war horse that followed came flying over. In an instant, it used the old horse's body that was about to fall as a bridge and successfully jumped down!

Carelessly discerning, the movement came from the south, and the person coming from here should be Yin Jingjun.

Although there are not yet 2,000 of your troops in the front, they are gathered together to defend themselves. It is said that there will be orders to assemble without authorization.

Even the brave Beidi people couldn't imagine how it was done. We were so shocked that we even felt fear subconsciously, but we still followed the horse's hoof tracks very slowly and chased away!

Yin lay quietly in the snow, his body broken and healthy, his heart and soul smooth and majestic.

It's a dangerous road near a cliff. These people will probably pass through here on their way, which may pose a threat to your safety.

At the same moment, the roar of the pomegranate fire, accompanied by snow and mountain rock fragments, fell down the cliff, echoing until it disappeared.

And among those seven, Liu Huo, from Jiangdu to Taiyuan, and then from Taiyuan to Yin Jing, has always practiced its loyalty and courage.

Returning with difficulty, I walked to Na Tilie's side, wailing and fell down beside you.

According to legend, when the antelope family needs to climb over a mountain cliff, the old antelope will use its body and life as a bridge to help the younger antelope fly across. This is a survival instinct, and it is also seen as a way to lick the calf.

While Na Tilie was still thinking, he stood up and suddenly walked towards the direction where the sound of the horses' hooves came from.

The seven fields are vast and empty, and you are the only one in the noisy and vast world.

In the year when the candle is about to extinguish, it stubbornly rushes to thousands of places, and it seems that it is waiting for this moment.

What the leading young man saw in his eyes was a white robe, white hair, and red snow all over the ground.

You wait quietly for your strength to recover, and the next arrangements are arranged in your mind without being muddy.

Amidst the sounds of swords and armors clashing with each other in countless salutes, Cui Jing was already running slowly to the rear.

The leader raised his hand and asked the general beside him to put away his long bow.

After returning from exhaustion, the distance between us and the pursuers in front was constantly shortening.

Thinking of the news he heard in the tent this morning and the death of Ashi Tilie that he had just seen, the general gave the order to retreat and first choose a detour.

The soldiers in front immediately mounted their horses, knelt down on one knee in the snow, and clasped their fists in neat movements to salute: "I will see you in the hall, general!"

Therefore, the road leading to the south is still controlled by the Tire people. If you are a bit unlucky, you will not encounter patrolling soldiers along the road.

Gui Qi suddenly fell to the ground, his hoofs slipped, and he fell out with a roar, throwing away the Tilie from his back.

Yu Feng has flown to the opposite side, circling to urge his return.

Its body has grown old, but its loyalty has never diminished.

But today's Liuhuo is not old yet.

It also knows that it is old.

Until a touch of brown-red appeared in front of it.

When he saw this, his expression and fur froze. He hesitated again and immediately followed him down.

Before the Beidi troops who were leading the way could close the distance within a few dozen steps, we vaguely saw a pony getting up from the snow, carrying a man on its back and trying to leave. It immediately shouted out, but there was no response. We knew it was

The enemy slowly took out his long bow in front of him, trying to stop him.

Eighteen years later, the man who fell in the snowy field quickly stood up from the red snow holding a short knife.

Whose person could this be?

The shaking is intensifying, and the small ground is shaking.

The durian fire fell into the water and was washed upstream. Yufeng chased it all the way and brought it back.

There was an uphill slope behind. Yin stared quietly for a long time, and finally saw a touch of black protruding from the snowy white ground.

When Luohuo was many years old, he once led his master to successfully cross a ditch of similar narrowness. Apart from him, there was no seventh war horse in the army who could not do it.

Behind is the edge of the cliff!

The snow underground was shaking slightly.

The half-human, half-ghost has returned against the will of heaven. Traveling in this world is always risky, and a calamity hangs above your head. You know that one day it will suddenly and unreasonably come, causing all your efforts to collapse...

Instead of being caught off guard by the calamity, it is like luring the calamity into a cage, trapping it in a controllable and knowable situation, and taking the initiative to fight against it and at least seize the opportunity. Now that I think about it, that ray of opportunity may be your only chance.


Yufeng flew behind Yin Jingjing, chirped and circled for several times, then suddenly flew away and circled nearby.

The cliff here is like a giant hand protruding from the hill, with steep cliffs on all sides. Directly behind it is adjacent to the edge of another mountain, but at most it is separated by a distance of nearly ten feet.

Ashi Tilie's small stumbling block is dead. As long as he can get close to the Beidi royal court without the help of spies, he can always kill the Beidi Khan.

What is God's will? - Previously you were the God's will for all peoples.

This time you will die, but you regret your decision. You will make the same choice again not a hundred times.

If there is no response, you continue to blow the seventh sound, the eighth sound, and the seventh sound until you gain strength.

Yin Jingjing, who fell into the snow, tried to get up, but fell down again.

Huishi was very alert. If he saw Beidi soldiers and horses, he would approach rashly, but Tilie did not say anything to stop him.

We slowly witnessed the horrific death of Ashi, and looking at the traces of the fight, there was an eighth person at the scene...

At this time, the brown and red horse not far away struggled to stand up from its snow nest, shook the snow off its fur, ran to Li Suining, bent down its two front legs one after another, and let out a series of mournful urgings.

The other party must have been seriously injured, and we have hundreds of troops, are we afraid of killing just one person?

Beidi people have always had no tradition. As long as the Khan dies, even a small army that is currently fighting must return immediately.

There were a few holes under Luohuo's body, and it was not scratched by rocks or scratched by ice. However, it hid its seven limbs when it fell, so its legs were not seriously injured.

You have been drowsy and unconscious for several times, but you never dared to let yourself completely lose consciousness.

Yin Jing, you must come, you must break this calamity, why do you have to go to see your great uncle who has bad luck sometimes, and you must become a real "person" burdened by bad luck after this?

, and then kill me fairly and neatly.

Yin quietly turned around, lying on her back in the snow, put her finger to her pale and blood-stained lips, and blew a whistle.

In Youjue's view, this is clearly the skeleton of an emperor who has been tempered in the sea of ​​fire and blood and finally completed...

This is pomegranate fire.

What is the national destiny? - You were the national destiny before now!

Luo Huo roared angrily, not knowing what he was conveying, and bumped into his return date, before suddenly running towards the cliff.

After she had accumulated some more strength, Yin Jingjing blew the whistle again and repeated it over and over again, showing that she was willing to give up.

A small snowflake hit the man's eyebrows, and the pale eyelashes that covered the snowflakes trembled, and a round tear rolled out from the corner of his eye, streaking across the end of his eyebrows, sticking to the snowflakes, and melting them in an instant.

However, before we could take out the arrows, we were suddenly attacked by a white eagle flying in the sky. We were thrown off our horses and fell heavily into the snow.

It was all brown and red, except for its forehead, which was a little whiter than snow. It ran through a dry grassland half as low as a person, and rushed out in the light snow.

When returning home, it moves forward in fear. Occasionally its temper is so bad that it almost wants to scold the bird - how could that broken bird lead the way? It is a horse! It is a horse!

The pursuers in front are approaching, and the fire rushes them back to cross the cliff.

So what if you are going to die this time? If you win, you win. What you win is very glorious, very worthwhile, and very smooth.

In the biting wind and snow, the old horses trudged through the thick snow.

They waved their riding whips and shouted in Beidi dialect: "Hurry! Over there!"

Everything was promising and under control. The only trouble was that he was injured too seriously, which might delay his plan. But at this moment, feeling the warmth of the horse's hair beside him, Na Tilie felt peaceful in his heart.

About two-quarters of an hour ago, the earthquake in Qinoye became more and more violent, and the snow under the trees fell rustlingly.

At that time, there was no sound of hoofbeats, but the horse was riding empty.

You Jue suddenly understood the full meaning of this calamity mentioned by Tian Jing. His heart and soul were shaken for a moment. He staggered onto his horse, ran for a few steps, fell to the ground suddenly, and kowtowed with tears in his eyes: "...congratulations, Your Majesty, for escaping from this calamity. !”

Yufeng was most unfamiliar with the terrain in this area. The bottom of the cliff where Luhuo fell was a slow stream. The water flow was very turbulent from bottom to top. The ice was thick, and the bottom of the ice was covered with snow. At first glance, there was a clue.

Yufeng howled urgently, trying to grab Li Suining's robe.

But it ran fast and could catch up with the team in time, so it followed the traces and smells all the way until it arrived here.

The man and the horse seemed to have fallen on the opposite side of the snowy uphill slope, and there were no rocks blocking the way. The sight could not reach the specific location, and no matter how few arrows were fired, it would be in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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