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640 The Crown Princess Returns to Luan

Mentioning his lord, Luo Guanlin's thoughts, which had begun to wander, regained their composure. He counted them in detail in a weak voice: "My Lord pacified the Jiangdu, cleared out the Japanese bandits, eradicated the plague, and established the Eastern Capital... Now, after returning from Beidi,

It must be another great achievement..."

"Returning so quickly shows that my lord is capable of maintaining a strong military force..." He felt proud, but also extremely reassured: "In this way, I, Dasheng, will no longer be afraid of Tibet..."

He looked at the treasure pattern carved on the caisson of the main hall and said slowly: "The chaos in the world... will be subsided in the hands of my Lord. The suffering of the people will finally end."

The chamberlain heard this and cried: "Sir, since you have such a wise master to be loyal to, you should wait a little longer... Your Majesty is about to enter the city!"

Luo Guanlin wanted to shake his head slightly, but he couldn't. He only whispered: "That's good..."

He wanted to ask the chamberlain, did the young father-in-law have anyone he looked up to?

But he really didn't have much strength left, so he could only ask and answer questions in his heart.

He has.

Before he entered the officialdom, he looked up to the prince Li Xiao with all his heart.

But only today did we know that it was not him, but her, whose original name was Li Shang.

On the way back to Hanyuan Hall, during this tense and chaotic situation, he was secretly distracted.

He seemed to understand many things suddenly.

No wonder his lord, who has been raised in a boudoir since childhood, is self-taught in war and is equally skilled in people's livelihood and government affairs.

No wonder Marquis Zhongyong was so submissive.

No wonder that when he was first in Luoyang, Taifu agreed to everything without saying a word and gave all his strength to help.

No wonder Hu Min once said that when he first met her, he felt like the former prince.

No wonder she asked him seriously, what if the first prince was a woman?

No wonder...no wonder.

No wonder she can go deep into Beidi to win... It turns out that she has walked that road a long time ago. In the past, she used her flesh and blood to build the foundation stone, and now she is opening the way to peace for the people.

It turned out that a long time ago, he had been following the person he wanted to be loyal to but could not.

Tears welled up in the corners of Luo Guanlin's eyes, and his bloody chest was heaving and shaking slightly because he was laughing.

Someone came forward to check his injuries, but he could no longer identify which colleague it was. The colleague choked with sobs and sighed, then shook his head and left.

Luo Guanlin no longer cared about everything around him, he was still smiling.

He had always been depressed because his wish had not been fulfilled, but he didn't know that from the moment he was rescued by the girl in Jiangdu four years ago, he was already on the road to fulfilling his wish!

God has never treated him poorly, Luo Guanlin!

But it is precisely because of this that his past arrogance, meanness, rudeness, offense, stubbornness... have become more and more unbearable.

Recalling the past, he thought that he was not worthy of such a wise master. He was not exaggerating when he said the word "enlightenment".

In fact, his lord was saved twice.

Now I will atone my sins and go away, and in the next life I will be pure and clean, and then I can repay my righteousness to the Lord.

This is the most perfect destination he can think of.

As for his mother, wife, children... he has such a clear mind, so why should he be worried?

Luo Guanlin closed his eyes and murmured: "My sins are over, and my heart is at peace..."

He used the last of his strength and said: "Excuse me, little father-in-law, please tell me a word for someone..."

The chamberlain knelt down with tears in his eyes and listened: "But please give me your advice, Duke Luo!"

The voice of the dying man gradually fades away until it is extinguished.

The imperial troops outside the palace were mobilized urgently, and the uneasy atmosphere quickly spread throughout the imperial city, adding panic to the chaos.

There are three city gates built on each side of the capital, and the twelve gates on the four sides symbolize the four seasons and the twelve months of the year.

The attacking army entered through the Chunming Gate in the center of the three city gates to the east.

In the third month of spring, on the day Li Yin ascended the throne, the Chunming Gate was broken down.

The door opened, and the army of mysterious armors filled with blood poured in like a spring flood, and their iron hooves kicked up thousands of feet of flying dust.

This was very sudden for the city that was in chaos. The literati and common people who rushed here were all frightened. They subconsciously felt panic and thought it was the "remnants of Bian Army" who had caused trouble outside the city recently and came in to kill them.

…The bloody turmoil that engulfed Gyeonggi Province on spring night last year was bloody and imprinted on everyone’s mind.

But before they had time to escape, they heard someone in the army loudly announcing: "——The Crown Princess is back!"

This sound was like a spell that evoked spring thunder and fire, blocking the footsteps of the fleeing people and forcing them to look back suddenly.

The voice repeated loudly: "The Crown Princess returns to Luan to kill the traitor Li Yin!"

This voice came from a young man riding a horse with a white colt following the army. He was wearing a smoky blue round-collared robe and his face looked like the dawn on a green mountain. He was none other than Wei Shuyi.

The one riding ahead of him was a woman wearing a mysterious robe.

Wei Shuyi loudly announced her intention to everyone.

He couldn't stop her, let alone slow down her pace. She had advanced her plan to attack the city, and he was not sure whether the situation in the city was over. In order to make his teacher famous as much as possible, and to appease people's hearts as much as possible, he could only make it known as much as possible.


Wei Shuyi had already issued this order before entering the city. At this moment, the leading soldiers in the army all announced their identities loudly: "We are the emperor's daughter's army, and we are entering the capital to attack the collaborators and traitors! Anyone who has no interest in it must get out of the way!"

Among the crowds on both sides who fled in shock, some people soon saw the woman in black robes speeding past, and they also quickly saw her military flag.

"The princess is back!"

"She really is the Crown Princess!"

"Prime Minister Wei is also among them!"

An injured literati fell to the ground and trembled and shouted: "...Welcome to the queen, come back!"

The word "Hui Luan" is usually only used for emperors and empresses, but no one thought it was inappropriate at this time.

That woman unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations and came back alive from the Beidi battlefield. This shows that... Dasheng won the Beidi battle!

The princess pacified Beidi!

In just a short moment, the atmosphere was turned upside down.

Panic, chaos, sadness, anger, despair, all these emotions had almost no transition buffer. Just because the city gate suddenly opened, the team entered the city, and the princess came back, they instantly turned into joy and luck.

with trembling pride.

How can we not be proud after defeating Beidi and returning with a great victory?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The crowd became noisy, and the pursued literati were no longer afraid of the imperial guards holding knives behind them, and the wounds on their bodies seemed to feel no pain. Some people had tears in their eyes.

Guang, raised his hand and gave a deep salute, and said loudly and hoarsely: "The traitor Li Yin stole the treasure, massacred innocent people, etc. Please, Your Highness, enter the city quickly to quell the chaos!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down the chaos!"

The army galloped past like the wind to clear the way, and the voice representing public opinion was passed on one after another, clearing the way for the coming people like thousands of troops.

Gyeongsang Province is a political field, and many literati are familiar with the basic political rules. They all know that after Li Yin's bad reputation spreads out of Gyeongsang Province, when the people of the world collapse and the empress calms down the situation, the crown princess will enter the capital again.

Fang Wei is truly upright, dignified and secure.

But she suddenly appeared.

At this time, he took risks and rushed to Beijing, just to save people. In this, he still showed the fearlessness of entering Beidi alone.

And those who are rescued should do their best to help her. They are powerless, but at least they can speak out. Then they should use their voices to clear her name and clear the way for her army.

"Please come into the city and put an end to the chaos!"

"Please, my concubine, clean up the rebellion of the traitor Li Yin!"

The crowd spontaneously ran around, shouting and passing on, and the number of ten people turned into hundreds and thousands. The crowd's voices were as fast as the spring thunder and wind, the crowd's eyes were firm and blazing like the blazing sun in the sky, the crowd's will was condensed and roared like the ocean water, rushing for the emperor.

The princess and her army to quell the chaos cleared the way.

The Queen's opportunity to attack the city was lost, but the voice of the people would save her.

There is no need to wait for the whole world to know, in the future the world will only need to know that the princess was invited into the city by countless people to quell the chaos.

Kang Zhi followed him into the city and saw this scene along the way, and his heart was shocked.

This was her first time to come to this prosperous place in the capital, and it was also her first time to see such majestic and wise public opinion.

In Wei Shuyi's view, the premise of wisdom is to know the truth. Among them are the merits of the emperor's daughter, the righteous deeds of traveling north to save the country that underestimated the emperor's power as the soil, and the flesh and blood of the person who set up the situation as the good seeds, so that the back-feeding can be cultivated.

public opinion.

The overwhelming voice of the people brought hope to those who were in despair, and also made the Imperial Army who drew their swords fearful and hesitant.

Li Suining led his army all the way westward along the straight road, almost overwhelming.

The walls, shields, and swords that were supposed to block the front had been melted down in advance for her.

Before she arrived, a fire called the people's heart had been ignited in Gyeonggi Province, burning away one obstacle after another for her.

This fire was fueled by blood, and this road was paved for her by her teachers, subordinates, counselors, and even thousands of people, either openly or covertly.

The flesh and blood fell into the mud and formed a forest, supporting her with towering crowns, protecting her as she moved forward.

He has always been a protector, and today he was protected by thousands of people. The corners of Li Suining's eyes were filled with water that was difficult to distinguish, and he only drove the horse faster.

When she enters this city today, she will save people first and then kill them.

After passing Xingqing Palace and passing outside Shengyefang, Li Suining ordered Kang Zhi to separate a thousand people, asked Wei Shuyi to lead the way, and quickly went to the Imperial College to rescue the students: "I will entrust this matter to Wei Shilang!"

Hearing this call, Wei Shilang, whom he had called in the past, was obviously concerned and was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. Wei Shuyi responded, took one last look at Li Suining, and immediately rode away.

Li Suining continued to move forward, heading straight towards the imperial city.

But just after passing Shengye Square and about to pass Chongren Square, in the corridor between the two squares, a forbidden soldier covered in blood suddenly stumbled out and fell in front of the army.

The leading army immediately reined in their horses, and the sound of fighting in the streets was deafening. Soon, a bloody imperial army was seen rushing out, protecting a group of people wearing official uniforms and clan uniforms.

Chongrenfang is located outside the Jingfeng Gate of the Imperial City. This forbidden army is the confidant led by Lu Chong.

Li Suining saw the situation clearly and immediately asked the crossbowmen to stop their alert movements and instead ordered: "Save people!"

The infantry following behind quickly poured into the road, and soon stopped in front of Lu Chong and others who were behind, resisting the pursuing imperial army.

Li Suining jumped off the horse and stepped forward quickly.

Lu Chong, whose face was covered with blood and was almost indescribable, looked at the person approaching in disbelief. He finally came to his senses and dropped the bloody long knife in his hand to the ground. He knelt down and saluted: "... Lu Chong meets the princess.

Your Highness!"

Several officials who had lived in Taiyuan also recognized Li Suining. They were all surprised and excited. They saluted one after another with trembling voices: "Her Royal Highness is back...!"

It was the first time for many members of the clan to see the rumored crown princess, and they were too frightened, so most of them were stunned at the moment.

"You are indeed Your Highness!" The injured Zhan Mian burst into tears instantly. He was about to salute, but Li Suining reached out to stop him. Just as Li Suining was about to ask about the Taifu's whereabouts, his eyes had already found it.

Figure of an old man.

The chase situation in the rear has been controlled by Li Suining's people. Several officials are checking on the Taifu's situation, and Zhan Mian has also hurried forward.

The Taifu was carried on his back by a chamberlain, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

Li Suining paused before striding away.

Everyone had lifted the Taifu off the back of the chamberlain who was covered in blood and his hair was disheveled, and temporarily placed him on the ground to check his injuries.


Amidst the uneasy calls, Li Suining was shaken and knelt down beside the teacher. He did not notice that the servant beside him staggered and slowly knelt down, his hands covered with blood fell to the ground, and he silently kowtowed his head.

The location of Taifu's injury was quickly determined. Li Suining stuffed pills to stop the bleeding into the teacher's mouth, hurriedly bandaged it, and asked his subordinates to find a nearby medical center. He led troops to escort the teacher and the injured to be treated.

Li Suining was very calm when she gave the order, but no one knew that her palms were already covered in cold sweat.

In addition to cold sweat, there were also blood stains.

She didn't know how much blood she had touched in her life, but this was her teacher's blood. She was still a human being, and she still had selfish greed. She knew that human life should not be prioritized, but that was her teacher, the teacher who taught her knowledge.

Everyone in the world knew that the teacher who favored her the most, the teacher who risked his life to set up a trap for her...

She wanted him to open his eyes and say something, even if it was to scold her for being stupid and disobedient.

An official said: "The Taifu was injured on his arm and leg. Although he lost a lot of blood, fortunately he was not injured, which is a blessing among misfortunes..." It's just that the Taifu is old after all, and a fall for a person of this age is a big mistake.

It’s a very fatal thing, and no one dares to say for sure at this moment.

The situation was so chaotic that many people fell on the way to escape.

But Zhan Mian knew that this "lucky thing among misfortunes" in his teacher was not accidental.

"It's all thanks to General Lu Chong and Yu Changshi who risked their lives to protect each other..." Zhan Mian expressed his gratitude. He raised his hand to help the person who was still kneeling beside him. However, as soon as he touched the other person's body, he saw that figure.

Deflected and fell to the ground.

"Servant Yu Chang!"

Only then did Li Suining finally see the face of the chamberlain. His bun was messy, his face was stained with blood, his robes were torn and stained with blood, and the knife wound on his side was open and the flesh was gurgling with blood.

From the time Li Shang started practicing martial arts, he often took Yu Zeng with him. Later, he followed Li Shang into the army for training, and his skills and adaptability were excellent.

Such a person is almost covered with injuries at this moment.

But a moment ago, he was still insisting on escaping with Taifu on his back.

The last kneeling just now probably used up the last of his strength, and he finally dared to breathe his last breath.

Li Suining looked at the silent face. The chamberlain robe he was wearing was worn by a lower chamberlain, just like when they first met when they were young.

But this time, he didn't call her out loud. He just knelt down and said goodbye to her silently.

The sound of fighting continued everywhere.

Soon, another city gate, Tonghua Gate, was also breached.

More troops poured into the city.

Li Suining went straight to the Zhuque Gate and entered the imperial city.

This chapter has been completed!
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