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650 It’s up to you whether you want to destroy it or praise it.

Early the next morning, Deputy General Jin, who was true to his word, went to the mansion of Princess Xuan'an.

Hearing the knock on the door, the old servant opened the door and looked warily at the martial artist in front of him with an aura that was different from ordinary people: "Why are you here? Have you ever held a post?"

Vice Admiral Jin felt an inexplicable sense of pride and raised his chin slightly: "A certain person came here specially to take my Lord Marquis back to his home!"

The old disciple was confused when he heard this. Where did the Marquis come from?

The person on duty last night was another disciple who kept watch. This elderly disciple had been staying at the eldest princess's residence in the capital for many years. He was trusted by the eldest princess and had always had great ideas. At this time, he

He suspected that the guy in front of him had made random excuses to come to the door in an attempt to recommend himself as a pillow - he had seen this kind of tactics many times over the years!

"No entry without a ticket... Please go back!" The old doorman immediately closed the door.

Even if there really is a prince, since he has been brought into their house, it is up to the eldest princess to decide when he can leave... pick him up? No such thing! Just go home and wait!

Looking at the old but arrogant old man, Vice Admiral Jin said "Hey" and was about to explain his identity when he suddenly saw a figure wrapped tightly in a cloak emerging from the side door not far away.

"Master Hou!" Vice General Jin shouted hurriedly: "My subordinates are here to pick you up!"

The old doorman, who was halfway closing the door, hurriedly stepped out of the threshold upon hearing the sound and looked over curiously.

This look was not serious, I saw that there really was such a person, and he came out limping...

The old disciple hissed softly and thought to himself that when he turned around he had to find the golden girl next to His Highness and said, His Highness is not young anymore and needs to be more restrained.

Chang Kuo was very drunk last night. When he woke up, he waved the bed curtain with one hand and saw Li Rong sitting in front of the dressing table, wearing a loose robe, having his hair combed by his maid.

Chang Kuo lifted up the quilt and saw that his innocence was not guaranteed. He let out a scream, then he put on his clothes, shoes and boots while cursing, and wrapped himself in a cloak. He didn't even have time to take the tiger stick, and ran away.


On the way out of the house, Chang Kuo became more and more angry as he thought about it - this woman was repeating her old tricks and actually made him stumble on the same hurdle twice!

He is a very conservative person at heart. If you want to get his people, you have to give them all the status!

It's unclear whether he has no name or status. Doesn't it appear that he is a bargain!

Chang Kuo felt that he had suffered a big loss and felt ashamed to see others, so he wrapped himself up tightly and planned to leave through the side door to hide from people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stepped out with one foot, I heard a loud shout from my subordinate.

Most of the people living in this house were members of the clan, and at this moment, servants were often seen sweeping outside the gate. Many people were startled by Vice General Jin's voice and looked over one after another.

Chang Kuo's teeth were almost broken. He just wanted to pretend that he didn't recognize this shameless fool, so he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Lieutenant General Jin chased after him: "Master Hou! Over there are the chariots and horses!"

So it attracted more attention.

But this was not the worst situation. When Chang Kuo wanted to get rid of Vice General Jin, he ran into an old prince who had been idle for many years.

The old prince recognized Chang Kuo, his eyes lit up, and he stopped him.

The son of his family has poor eyesight and mistakenly believed in Li Yin before. Now the situation has changed and liquidations are being carried out everywhere. He tried to find a way but could not. Yesterday, he impatiently went to the Taoist for help. The Taoist told him that when he went out tomorrow at Mao, he would meet someone.

Noble person.

He had been out wandering around for a whole hour, and his legs were shaking. Seeing that the time had passed, he came back from outside cursing. Who would have expected that he would meet the equally cursing Marquis Zhongyong head-on!

The status of Marquis Zhongyong is nothing, but he is the adoptive father of the princess!

The old prince was as surprised and enthusiastic as if he were seeing a close relative, and he revealed Chang Kuo's identity in public.

Those who saw Chang Kuo coming from the palace of the eldest princess were all surprised when they heard the words "Zhongyonghou".

Hearing the surprised sounds around him, the old prince felt something clear in his mind - look at his status now, and everyone attracts attention wherever he goes. He is not the emperor's relative who is better than the emperor's relative, he is envious of the real emperor's relative!

The old prince was even more enthusiastic and invited Chang Kuo to his home for tea.

Chang Kuo was stumbled by the old prince. Seeing more and more clan members coming out after hearing the news, he didn't care much. Before the situation completely got out of control, he hastily left a sentence of "Another day, another day".

Then he turned around and took Vice General Jin with him, quickly boarded the carriage and left in a hurry.

Chang Kuo escaped, but the rumors completely stuck to him.

However, in just two days, the rumor that "Marquis Zhongyong stayed overnight at the Grand Princess's Mansion" quickly spread among the officials and dignitaries in the capital, causing people to sigh and sigh one after another.

This rumor spread more and more widely.

Wu Chunbai, who is currently working in the Ministry of Rites and is responsible for the resettlement of officials and dignitaries who have returned to Beijing from various places, has inevitably heard about it.

Song Xian was temporarily assigned to the Criminal Department, and together with Dali Temple, which was now headed by Yao Yi, handled judicial and criminal matters, tried Li Yin's case, inspected Li Yin's remaining parties, and verified the charges. At the same time, he also controlled the direction of public opinion in Beijing, so as to

To guard against the possibility of someone with bad intentions causing trouble.

Thinking of what he had heard recently and the special status of Marquis Zhongyong and Princess Dachang, Song Xian asked Wu Chunbai what she thought.

The two men were on duty from the Sixth Division and were walking together on the straight corridor, talking while talking.

The two of them experienced life and death together on their way to Dongluo as envoys. Afterwards, Gyeonggi experienced great changes. One was in Luoyang and the other was in neighboring Puzhou. They often exchanged letters in private.

This time we returned to the capital together to witness important events. Now that we were able to work together in this busy time, we had a mutual understanding and trust that no one else could match, and we often didn’t have too many evasions or restraints in our conversations.


Song Xian was no longer as rigid as before, and he had no intention of blaming anyone. He was just wondering whether this matter would have a bad impact and be caught by someone who wanted to make a fuss.

"Master Song is too nervous." Wu Chunbai smiled and said, "It's time to relax a little."

"In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this." She said: "Now that you are willing to discuss these romantic and private matters, it shows that the atmosphere and people's hearts are really about to settle down."

"Just like when you are in exile, who can care about who is getting married and who is getting married." Wu Chunbai said with a smile: "Besides, Your Highness has not given any instructions, so Mr. Song does not need to worry too much."

Song Xian nodded, but was inexplicably distracted. He suddenly thought that Tan Li had lamented to him yesterday. Now that the world has been decided, the first words of the Tan family's parents were: "My son, it is time to get a wife."

Come on!]

These years of turmoil have changed the life trajectory of too many people.

Tan Li also paid attention to Song Xian: "Yang Zhi, it's time for you and me to get married."

Tan Li smiled and joked, saying that the Song family's threshold would soon be breached.

Song Xian is the first scholar in the imperial examination. He has experienced many ups and downs at a young age, and his character and virtue have been recognized. This time, he is even able to accompany the crown princess to the capital. His future is truly limitless, and he must be the candidate for a good son-in-law that countless people are competing for.


But listening to Tan Li's joking words at that time, Song Xian was not even half complacent, but rather absent-minded, just like this moment.

After walking for more than ten steps, Song Xian turned his head and looked at the person wearing the female historian's robe beside him: "Mrs. Wu——"

His feet paused unconsciously.

Wu Chunbai also stopped and turned back to look at him.

The woman's eyebrows were dignified and bright, with a hint of silent calmness compared to when they first met. Her temperament was still calm and generous. Seeing that he was still silent, she asked aloud: "Master Song?"

Song Xian's gaze fell on the distant sky behind her: "Today's sunset... is very good."

Wu Chunbai also turned around and looked around, his eyes filled with beauty and beauty.

When she was watching the sunset, Song Xian dared to look at her.

But Song Xian didn't dare to look any further. Half of her slightly raised face was enveloped in the glow, which was extremely bright and beautiful, and even made him feel that his gaze was very offensive.

Song Xian forced himself to look away. The next moment, he only heard her say: "There will be many more beautiful sunsets like this in the future."

Song Xian's heart was suddenly filled with an unspeakable touch.

Yes, there are many more sunsets like this.

They would often walk on this humble road, talk about peaceful matters, and watch the sunset together many times. The days ahead are long.

Then he would wait a little longer.

He knew that her thoughts at this time were not on the marriage.

In the sunset, the two figures slowly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Spring is over and summer is about to begin.

It was night, after bathing, Li Suining sat cross-legged on a low couch by the window, wearing clothes and burning ambergris. Under the bright moonlight, he wrote with a pen. Before he started writing, he saw four large characters: "Official Document of Sacrifice to Luo".

As a man of two lives, this is the first time Li Suining has written such a formal memorial elegy.

She once said that her poetry skills were not very good, but fortunately her writing skills were acceptable. However, compared with Mr. Luo, she felt that she was still far behind.

So she said seriously to herself in the writing room: "I am just trying to make a fool of myself. I hope your husband won't find it objectionable."

There are no gorgeous words in the pen that is soaked in the moonlight, only calm narration.

Luo Guanlin's funeral was held on the tenth day after the Luo family arrived in Beijing.

People in the world believe that fallen leaves should return to their roots, and Li Suining once asked the Luo family if they wanted to support their souls and return home, but Granny Jin made the decision without hesitation to bury her son at the feet of the emperor in the capital.

【The world is so vast, everything under its master's control is his homeland. Only when his heart is at peace can he return to his roots.】

[Being able to accompany Mingjun and see the peaceful and prosperous scene is his greatest blessing.]

Grandma Jin thanked her with tears in her eyes and said this.

So Li Suining asked Wujue and Tianjing to choose a geomantic treasure land for Mr. Luo on the outskirts of Beijing, so as to benefit future generations and the next life.

And it should be in accordance with the regulations of funeral rituals and the etiquette of princes and princes.

At first some officials tried to dissuade him, but after seeing the "Official Document of Sacrifice to Luo", no one dared to say anything more.

In that memorial article, Luo Guanlin's life was explained.

It does not deliberately avoid his experience of following Xu Zhengye in the uprising. The article calls this incident: "In the heart of trying to save the people, he went astray in a confused way."

He also explained Luo Guanlin's other identity in Jiangdu - Mr. Qian Shen.

She told the world what Qian Shen had done, saying: "Although he didn't say much, he worked hard and never hid any selfish things."

He also said: "Always cherish your faults and do not change your mind to save people's opinions. You will throw yourself into the wolf alone and risk your own sins."

At the end, the book reads: [Spring is now blooming in Gyeonggi Province, this is the first spring in eternity.]

This last sentence expresses sorrow, and the husband writes for eternity. This is the first spring since the husband left.

It also shows the ambition of the person who made this memorial. This will be the first spring of the eternal peace in this world where the dust has settled.

This memorial article, which has nearly a thousand words, is written in a plain and indifferent way, without even a word of mourning, but it is enough to make people cry, and it also allows people to see how much the prince affirmed and valued Mr. Luo.

Regarding the death of Luo Guanlin in the Hanyuan Palace, no one would have publicized anything without the concubine's explicit statement.

Some officials had privately speculated that the princess would probably not admit what Luo Guanlin had done. This was unnecessary and unhelpful.

Before many kings ascend the throne, they often try every means to deny and eliminate any past that may be tainted and may cause disputes in future generations.

Unexpectedly, the prince personally wrote such a memorial, which revealed the inside story of how she had rescued the sinner Luo Guanlin, and told everyone Luo Guanlin's original life, as well as Qian Shen's identity. She was frank and fearless.


Later generations will be ruined or praised at will, she wants to clear the name of her adviser.

Not only did she write this memorial text, but she was also present in person on the day of Luo Guanlin's funeral.

This is the first time Li Suining has stepped out of the palace after entering Beijing.

When she entered the palace gate, the husband was lying in Hanyuan Hall waiting for her to come.

Now I am leaving this palace gate to see my husband off on his last journey.

There were no jewelry, gold, silver, jade or other burial objects in Luo Guanlin's coffin.

This was also Grandma Jin's decision. Her son devoted himself to atonement and donated all his salary in Jiangdu to the charity. In this case, she let him go cleanly.

When it comes to burial objects, this one thing outweighs them all - before sealing the coffin, Granny Jin personally placed a "Official Document of Sacrifice to Luo" into the coffin.

The coffin was put into the tomb and slowly buried in the soil under the watch of everyone.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Many officials and dignitaries who came to see him off cast their eyes on the pair of children of the Luo family who were wearing mourning clothes and weeping silently.

Looking at the Crown Prince's attitude, it is imperative that he confer the title of Duke Luo and reward the Luo family in the future, and the children of the Luo family will be treated favorably...

When it comes to posthumous titles, that is a right that only the emperor has.

It seems like that big event should be put on the agenda.

In this case, the exiled emperor... I wonder what the princess's plan is?

After the funeral, many officials were still thinking about this important event secretly, and quietly looked at the princess not far away.

Under a towering ancient tree, Li Suining was discussing matters with Wei Shuyi, with the Forbidden Army separating everyone behind him.

In early summer, the suburbs of Beijing are full of life.

The Taifu sat on the carriage chair and was pushed along the lush green grass path by Zhan Mian.

The Taifu thought about the deceased and sighed: "He didn't want to be Zhang Jian, but I became Zhang Jian..."

Lu Chong, who was guarding him at the side, first asked a civil servant behind him in a low voice, "Who is Zhang Jian?" After asking about the allusion, he said to the Taifu in shame: "The Taifu is naturally not a greedy person, he is Lu Chong."

A certain person is eager to perform meritorious service and must save the Taifu! If you want to blame it, blame Lu!"

"What I blame you for, I should thank you for." Taifu Chu said slowly: "If you hadn't protected me, how would I have had the opportunity to be looked down upon by the students?"

Lu Chong said "Huh?", not knowing whether this was a compliment or a curse. He scratched his head and didn't dare to say anything.

The car seat paused for a moment, and after a moment, it continued to be pushed forward.

Taifu Chu looked at the scenery here and said: "This is indeed a treasure land... I hope you will have a good pregnancy in the next life."

"If you don't give up, come to my house..." The old lady said to herself: "I can't defeat my family within three generations. If you want to study, it's enough. What's more important is that there are more opportunities for reincarnation than other families.


This is a pretty serious invitation to reincarnation.

The Taifu has always hated stupidity, so to be invited by him to become a family member is a great affirmation.

"If sir has a soul in heaven, he will definitely be moved."

Hearing the sudden sound, Mrs. Chu looked back and saw that the person pushing the cart for him had changed at some point and had been replaced by an unpleasant one.

This chapter has been completed!
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