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657 Ascending to the pole

Before the sky is completely bright, the palace gates are opened one after another, and the solemn sound of bells and chimes floats, calling the white clouds to come out and inviting the morning sun to rise into the sky.

In the Manlu Palace, the doors were wide open, and the palace maids and servants were filing in and out.

In the inner hall, after burning incense and bathing, a woman was dressed in a fine silk bright yellow middle coat, with waterfall-like black hair. She stretched her arms in front of the mirror, and seven or eight palace officials dressed her in grand ceremony attire.

The top is Xuanyi, on which are painted the sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons, and Chinese insects;

The lower part is Shang, and the upper part is painted with Zong Yi, algae, fire, rice flour, 黼, and 黻;

There are a total of twelve chapter patterns on the top and bottom, each with different meanings. They are only allowed to appear on the emperor's uniform at the same time, implying the emperor's supremacy.

The lights in the hall have not yet been completely extinguished, but a ray of skylight has poured in. Under the blend of lights and skylight, the gorgeous and solemn twelve chapter patterns shine brightly.

Yao Rangong stood aside, looking at the man in military uniform, and suddenly thought of when she first arrived in Jiangdu, a group of female soldiers such as Sheeps purse surrounded the girl in the governor's uniform, praising her and saying "she looks good". She was also like this at that time

Standing aside, a sudden voice came out of my heart - maybe it can be better.

At that time, Yao Ran was shocked by herself. She didn't know where she came from such a rebellious and shocking delusion. She felt that she was a madman at heart.

But now her madman's delusion came true.

Yao Ran lost her mind because of this. When she came back to her senses, she saw that her loose black hair had been tied into a neat bun by the maids.

Yao Ran took the twelve crowns and presented them respectfully.

The canopy of ceremonial guards and ministers were already waiting outside the Manlu Hall.

Wei Shuyi is the chief priest of today's sacrifice in the Imperial Ancestral Temple, and is preparing everything in the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

It was Cui Jing who was waiting outside Ganlu Hall with all his ministers.

The young man wore a purple robe and stood quietly in the morning light, like a painting.

Hearing the sound of the servants singing loudly from the palace, Cui Jing raised his hand to salute and welcome the guests.

Then, accompanied by the black figure, he left the Ganlu Hall, entered the Chengtian Gate, and went all the way to the Ancestral Temple to offer sacrifices.

This journey was solemn and peaceful, without any incident, as if even the breeze had its own order, gentleness and clarity.

In the Imperial Ancestral Temple, the Heavenly Mirror held a whisk in its hand and stood beside the altar. Looking around at the peaceful atmosphere between heaven and earth, I was filled with emotion.

Most people in the world only know the immediate results, but few people truly know where today's new emperor came from and what kind of monstrous disaster she has prevented for the world.

She reversed the general trend of the world's destiny, and her actions were worthy of the position of the Human Emperor, so this peaceful atmosphere appeared in the world.

The sky mirror looked at the woman who was slowly ascending the altar. She was wearing mysterious clothes, but she saw clear light all over her body. This clear light shone through the rivers of heaven and earth, and also illuminated countless dust particles.

Tianjing looked at Wujue aside with a smile.

It was rare for Wu Jue to show emotion on his face - at that time, his idea was very simple, he just wanted His Highness to come back.

Li Suining ascended the altar, holding three sticks of green incense, and worshiped heaven and earth first.

Among the concubines, Wei Miaoqing quietly looked at the new monarch above the altar, and couldn't help but be a little stunned. Although Dasheng had had two empresses before, she had also met one, but the new monarch in front of her was...

It still gives people a completely different feeling.

It was difficult for Wei Miaoqing to describe it clearly enough. At a glance, he felt that it was a female monarch who was full of vitality.

Before the ceremony, an older official once reminded the new emperor who was about to ascend to the throne in a roundabout way that the emperor was just the emperor, and that appropriately blurring gender distinctions would be more conducive to ruling people's hearts.

There are many ways to blur the distinction between genders, ranging from transcending gender through the theory of reincarnation of gods and Buddhas to concealing a woman's true appearance in external aspects such as attire, manners, tone of voice, and descriptions.

But at this time, the new monarch on the altar did not hide her feminine characteristics. She had a pure temperament between her brows, bright eyes, white teeth, a beautiful nose and thin lips. She had fair skin after living in the palace for several months.

Because he was in a good mood, he did not pretend to be solemn and showed a light air.

She has no lack of strength to support her, so the luxurious and complicated crown becomes lighter on her body, and is not enough to trap or cover up her original self.

She stood there as a complete woman, calm and magnanimous, as she should be, as if a woman born with the ability to create things should be a goddess who dominates everything.

She is an emperor, a monarch, a saint, and herself.

She completely identifies with herself and takes charge of herself.

She will also be recognized by the world and preside over the world.

The music of peace was played in the imperial city. After worshiping the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the new monarch went to Hanyuan Hall.

Li Suining stepped into the magnificent Hanyuan Hall.

The jade beads on the emperor's crown and the jade stones hanging left and right on the lower side of his uniform moved slightly. Under the sunlight, they cast bits of broken light on the bright and discernible gold bricks, accompanying the new monarch as he walked, shining brightly every step of the way.

The stars and the Milky Way are coming.

Amidst the worship of the ministers, Li Suining stepped onto the imperial steps.

The person who bestowed the seal on the new emperor was Chu Hui, the mentor of the former crown prince Li Shang.

Taifu Chu entered the Hanyuan Hall on a carriage and chair. At this time, he could barely stand up, but his strong and clear demeanor remained unchanged.

He wanted to do something that had been delayed for many years. He wanted to grant the Emperor's Seal to his students.

When the emperor's seal was handed over, the old man saw the hands that were half hidden under the wide black robes. They were white and slender, with distinct joints, and were engraved with many small scars, which could not be eliminated no matter how much they were cared for.

There was a trace of tears in the old man's always pure and strict eyes. He had always believed that no one in the world was more worthy of receiving this seal than his student.

After the sealing ceremony was completed, Grand Tutor Chu took the pen and solemnly wrote the student's name stroke by stroke on the imperial jade certificate.

Historians are also writing down everything today.

The Crown Princess Li Suining inherited the Li family's orthodoxy and complied with the wishes of the world and the people. She was awarded the emperor's seal in the Hanyuan Hall, ascended the throne as emperor, became the new king of Dasheng, and established Yuan Changhua.

Transformation, transformation and education.

The heaven and earth are created by creation, and all things are created. The sun and the moon are in the sky and can shine for a long time; the four seasons change and can be completed for a long time.

Therefore, the laws of saints change with the times, and rituals change with vulgarity.

This young female monarch used this to declare to the world that she would not be a conservative emperor.

She wants the world to be integrated in her hands, to cultivate new opportunities, to build a long-term stability through normalization, and to grow the business of governance.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Suining took a seat on the dragon throne, and all the officials bowed together and bowed again.

Amidst the shouts of the mountain, outside the main hall, the imperial guards and the imperial guards followed and worshiped.

Above the Golden Palace, under the sky, there are white cranes circling, and in the distance there seems to be the sound of eagles screaming and elephants singing.

Heaven and earth, people and living things coexist in harmony, creating auspicious atmosphere.

This energy is both invisible and tangible. Along with the sound of bells, it blows out of the imperial city and pours into thousands of households.

The city is abuzz with sounds. In the pavilions, there are singing and dancing. The Dunhuang dancers are beating drums and scattering flowers. Their clothes are spinning and flying. Gold bottles of wine are flowing, and poets are singing and singing.

When the sky gets dark, lights are used to continue the day, and the lights of thousands of households are connected, weaving the city into splendor.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, there will be no curfew in the capital for one month, celebrations will be held with the people, and a general amnesty will be granted to the whole country.

The imperial edict of enthronement was quickly spread to various places via fast horses.

Luoyang, Henan Road, Huainan Road, all held celebrations.

In the city of Jiangdu, there was even more excitement - the merchants headed by the Jiang family celebrated the new emperor's ascension to the throne. They set up colorful tents everywhere, held banquets in the village, performed dragon and lion dances, and selected sites to build charity halls and schools.

In the afternoon, Jiang Hai was climbing up the ladder to wipe the plaque. The accountant was holding the ladder below, holding the account book in the creaking nest.

Jiang Haizai wiped it carefully for half a quarter of an hour before he was willing to come down.

The cashier sighed and gestured with his hands: "Master, today alone, you have wiped it eight times!"

"Firecrackers were set off here just now, and the explosion was full of smoke and dust. How can we not wipe it?" Jiang Hai threw the rag to the waiter aside and walked happily into the shop: "Eight times? This number is auspicious. It shows that His Majesty the Emperor has blessed you.

My Jiang family business..."

The accountant didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He took out his account book and began to settle the accounts for his employer. The more he calculated, the more painful he felt: "Master, stop it...if you continue to congratulate like this, all the gold mines will be hollowed out!"

Previously, His Majesty fought in the north, and his employer drew a lot of blood.

Later, when His Majesty entered the capital, his employer was worried that the capital's treasury would be empty, and His Highness the Princess, who had spent a lot of time fighting for a long time, would not help, so another round of blood came out.

This time His Majesty ascends to the throne, the boss comes out again... No, there is still bleeding here, there is so much blood, this is like cutting off the flesh!

Mr. Accountant couldn't help but think of the previous one who first came to Jiangdu and took up the post of governor. He accompanied his employer to express his "filial piety". At that time, his employer felt very sad.

Why does it hurt so much... is my boss still addicted to pain?

The Jiang family is the head of the salt merchants in Huainan Road. As such a large family, they used to deal with the government offices frequently. In times of disaster, they would express their sincerity to show their loyalty to the court - but not to this extent.

This is my first time!

When Mr. Accountant said this, Jiang Hai was not happy to hear it. Is this the same?

Which emperor in the past gave him calligraphy treasures? Which emperor opened a workshop in Jiangdu and built ships and went to sea? Which emperor made his fortune from Jiangdu?

Their Jiangdu is considered the land of Longxing this time. As the golden rooster on this land, what's wrong with him gritting his teeth and laying a few more eggs? Isn't that the right thing to do!

At this time, he has to suffer a little more. What kind of person is Your Majesty? He has a clear account. Can you let him suffer in vain?

The workshop will not be moved, and the business at sea will continue to be done. The sweet time will be later. This is a long-term approach.

Mr. Accountant just felt a pain in his heart for a moment. Hearing that his boss was open-minded, he didn't say much. Then he took over his boss's explanation of "Longxing Land" and said: "But Hezhou people say that their place is

This is the place where His Majesty the Emperor made his fortune..."

Jiang Hai, who was emotionally stable, suddenly exploded: "That's just fart! Where did you hear that!"

Your Majesty had rescued them and Zhou, and helped them fight off Xu Zhengye, but that was all! How could he have been rescued and still have to take away the person and the temple? This is simply greed in the extreme!

The accountant explained the source of the news: "It's not the group of salt merchants who came from Hezhou to discuss business..."

Jiang Hai immediately went out to argue with this group of people.

"My boss can't finish the argument!" Mr. Accountant stopped the person: "There is also Bianzhou. They said that Your Majesty killed Xu Zhengye in Bianshui and became famous..."

"And Xingyang! What can you say? His Majesty prayed for heaven's blessing there... and it was in Xingyang that he got the approval of God's will!"

"Oh, so is Taiyuan. It is said to be the place where His Majesty returned to his clan..."

Jiang Hai stared: "Taiyuan was the land of Longxing of the Li family! Why do you want to snatch this?"

The accounting clerk stroked his beard: "Of course no one can have too much of such a good thing..."

Jiang Hai was furious and snorted: "Let them show up. Your Majesty has only served as an official in Jiangdu. Based on this, no one can steal our dragon spirit."

So he stopped looking for those Hezhou salt merchants: "I have nothing to say to these people..."

Instead, he asked someone to prepare a gift: "I'll have a drink with Manager Shen later!"

Jiang Haikou's Manager Shen was Shen Sanmao, who was in charge of Jiangdu's workshops.

Li Suining was a little hesitant about Shen Sanmao's arrangement, so she asked Yao Ran to ask Shen Sanmao about his own wishes and whether he was willing to return to Gyeonggi and join the Ministry of Industry.

Shen Sanmao seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, smiling and shaking his head at Yao Ran.

Even though he joined the Ministry of Industry and was in charge of construction work, he still entered the officialdom. Shen Sanmao admitted that although he was very good at being ingratiating, he was not young anymore and had no experience as an official -

- It’s not the experience of dealing with people, but the experience of being a good official. Maybe one of his feet stepped on the wrong path, and his will was worn out. On the contrary, he would be in danger, and he would lose this God-given opportunity, and his relationship with His Majesty would be ruined.


He commented on himself to Yao Ran like this: "Although he is good at skills, he has no virtue and is definitely not a talent for governing the country."

He wanted to stay in Jiangdu and continue to concentrate on developing workshops and manufacturing industries.

Besides, aside from other things, Jiangdu now has a real money bag. How can it happen when everyone is gone? He wants to help His Majesty cover this money bag to avoid leaking money.

In terms of self-awareness, Shen Sanmao and Zheng Chao are quite similar. Although they have their own strengths, neither thinks that he is suitable for officialdom.

In Wueryuan, Zheng Chao was drinking tea and chatting with two gentlemen.

Zheng Chao was in a good mood and laughed loudly from time to time.

What he wanted has always been to enlighten the world and promote the teaching of learning. But today, the world is about to usher in a new era, and the opportunity he wants is really about to come.

While several people were chatting, a gentleman said with a smile: "The master of the hospital has not been there for the new emperor's enthronement ceremony. But when the emperor gets married in the future, the master of the hospital will have to go, right?"

Zheng Chao laughed: "If you want to go, of course you have to!"

The new king's accession to the throne is a state matter. As a person engaged in academic affairs, there is no reason for him to get involved.

But when the emperor gets married, it is his family matter. Marrying his nephew is a top priority. How can he not support the occasion as an uncle?

Zheng Chao and others were eating tea and laughing here, but the other teachers in Wuer Academy gathered together to express their dissatisfaction with the literati in Hezhou - those people were the first to write many poems exaggerating the relationship between Hezhou and Hezhou. Your Majesty’s origins are simply unreasonable!

They are not the only ones with pens!

The gentlemen agreed that it was time to mobilize the students' enthusiasm for writing poems.

In the following days, the students of Wuer Academy did not forget to examine themselves three times every day - do they eat well? Do they learn well? Do they write poems?

As a result, the city of Jiangdu was filled with literary spirit, and the sound of poetry was heard louder than the chirping of cicadas.

This chapter has been completed!
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