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660 It’s better to travel and get drunk (End)

Cui Jing does not think that she is giving in or sacrificing.

He did not hand over power just to prove his loyalty.

If he leaves the Xuance Army in the hands of others in order to prove that he has no different intentions, that would be an extremely irresponsible child's play.

The existence of Xuance Army is too special. It should not be controlled by others and become a hidden danger to the imperial power. He will not threaten her, and naturally he will not let others threaten her.

Apart from Li Shang, there should not be another General Xuance in this world.

It goes without saying how much Xuance Army has been coveted. The reason Cui Jing took the initiative to take over Xuance Army was because he did not want to see Xuance Army destroyed in one day.

He never thought that Xuance Army was his, he was just keeping it for someone.

When that person comes back, the property should be returned to its original owner.

This is something he has wanted to do a long time ago. There is no need to consider this matter, and it has no direct relationship with whether he wants to become the spouse of the emperor.

He has been handing over this matter during this period. Now that everything has come to an end, the time has come.

Looking at Cui Jing's figure, Wei Shuyi felt that he was the least surprised among the officials present.

In the silent hall, the emperor who was above me did not pretend to refuse. She said: "Cui Qing's sincere heart serves the country, the people, and me, so I will obey Cui Qing's wishes."

Zhai Xi stepped forward, bowed and solemnly took the military talisman, and presented it to the Emperor's side.

Twenty years later, the military talisman once again returned to the palm of its former owner.

All the officials in the palace finally regained their composure, almost all looking at the young man in purple robe.

The last dark cloud hanging over their hearts and the new dynasty suddenly dissipated at this moment, and the sky was clear from then on.

The other party took the initiative to do a big thing that they wanted to do but did not dare to do easily.

As for the removal of the post of general, it is only Cui Jing who has resigned from the post who is most suitable to make this announcement... There is no more peaceful and stable strategy for the transfer of military power than this!

Some officials were so moved that they wanted to cry, and even began to believe what Prime Minister Wei had said...

Is this Governor Cui out of a sincere heart for the country and the people, or are they really in love?

Or maybe it’s both?

If it is true, then thank God. Having such a loving brain is simply a blessing to the country!

Looking at Cui Jing at this time, most officials only felt that he was strangely pleasing to the eye.

"..." Cui Jing himself could also feel that everyone's gaze on him suddenly became peaceful, beautiful, and full of love.

And if Cui Jing can hear the voices of others, then he will know that the voices of many people are strangely overlapping at this time - [Forget it, the royal wife chooses him! 】

——For those who use such true and noble love as their dowry, what else can they choose as courtiers?

But today we are talking about political affairs. At this time, proposing to ask for an imperial husband would seem like they are too snobbish and ignorant... Wait for a few days and pick a good time!

However, His Majesty the Emperor did not give them a chance to speak.

The next day, a decree was announced from the Manna Palace.

It was an edict to establish Cui Jing.

His edict said:

[Cui Jing, the governor of Bingzhou, is well-equipped in civil and military affairs, has noble virtues, and is loyal to the sun and the moon. When I was not yet famous, I had his support and help each other in the same boat. I tried my best to support each other and share life and death. I am now enthroned as a great treasure for the inheritance of the country and the country.

, it is necessary to choose a good match to settle the hearts of the family and the country. Looking at the world, the only person who can be established as the spouse of the emperor and the son-in-law of the heavenly family is Cui Jing'er.】

However, there is also an edict: "He fought against the barbarians in the north and retreated to Tibet in the west. He has made outstanding achievements and has become the pillar of the country. In memory of his merits, he is specially appointed as the Protector of the Holy Prince. He has a settlement of 8,000 households. He is given purple clothes and wears nine chapters.


This edict was issued, and the government and the public were in an uproar.

Protector Prince?

Da Sheng has never had such a title, and it is rare to confer princes with different surnames, not to mention the fact that they are the emperor's couple... This is a new system!

There was a lot of discussion everywhere, and everyone was analyzing whether this move was appropriate.

Bai Guan was already ready to accept Cui Jing as the emperor's husband, but why did some kind of patron saint prince appear at this time? Can't he just be the emperor's husband?

"Where does the word husband come from..." This edict has been announced to the outside world and spread around. An official holds the edict copied and issued by Zhongshu Sheng and reads in a low voice word for word: "The spouse of the emperor, the son-in-law of the Tian family...


Only there is no word "husband".

The title "imperial husband" has always been a casual title everywhere, but this word does not appear in this official edict.

Realizing this, the officials exchanged glances.

The word "husband" is the evolution of the word "tian", and it is regarded as a matter of course that a woman regards her husband as her heaven. This kind of theory has long been deeply rooted and cannot be changed in a short time...

It doesn't matter how you call him in private, but if the word "husband" appears in the official edict, it is very likely that someone will make a fuss about it in the future. And if Confucianism continues to flourish, there will be more troubles and disputes.

This cannot be completely eradicated by just one generation of female kings. Before that, the emperor may only need a couple, not a husband.

In this way, it is worth considering that the decree of "Saint Protector Prince" appears in the same edict...

The emperor did not intend to give anyone the opportunity to make a fuss about her relationship with her chosen partner, but he also did not intend to let others use etiquette to completely trap Cui Jing in the palace because of this relationship.

Prince Protector, Da Sheng has never had such a title. Because there is no precedent, and he is of the highest rank, what he can do in the future is a matter of a word from the emperor...

It is like a beautiful cup. It is empty, and how much wine is poured into it is decided by the emperor.

The Prince Protector may lead troops or supervise various factions... He has no actual duties and does not directly lead officials or participate in politics, but he has an upright status and can exercise various powers under the emperor's orders.

His power comes directly from the imperial power and is only controlled by the imperial power. He is the emperor's companion and will be the safest and most powerful guardian of the imperial power.

After figuring out the intentions of each layer, after a period of silence, the official holding the edict couldn't help but ask: "...What should we do now?"

There was another moment of silence.

The silence finally turned into a sigh and four simple words: "That's it."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The edict has been sent out by Zhongshu Province, can they still make trouble?

Moreover, one of them has just handed over the military power, and the other is the emperor who holds all the power... This has only been peaceful for a few days, so they should just accept it as soon as possible.

Some officials were quite reasonable: "In fact, this is fine. It would be a pity to abandon such a great talent..."

"Our new king is very good at using people..."

"Not only is he good at employing people..." the older official sighed longly.

This new monarch is also very good at using her imperial power. She actually understands the truth of etiquette and understands the highest rules of etiquette for the emperor to cultivate etiquette without being trapped by etiquette.

She wanted to use the royal husband to do things, and at the same time she didn't want to be trapped by the word "husband", so she turned around and appointed a patron saint prince instead of following the etiquette of the harem.

He is bold and willful, and he dares to trust and employ people, but fortunately, he also has careful consideration and control.

"But you have to keep an eye on it, just in case something goes out of control..."

"I want to keep an eye on the emperor, but the emperor might stare at us instead of the emperor."

"The time to worry is still behind you."

"How can you not worry about being an official..."

The officials talked, sighed or made fun, but in the end there was no more objection.

Finally, the elderly official sighed again, twitching his beard and saying to himself: "We are really going to see normalization..."

He emphasized the word "hua".

He, an old man, suddenly felt like he was sitting on the back of a strong, young horse...

He was afraid that his old bones would be knocked apart and thrown off his horse, but he couldn't help but look forward to what kind of new scenery the road ahead would bring.

He wanted to live in this officialdom for a few more days to see how much this bold emperor could change the world.

"Let's go and have a look at the Ministry of Rites and hear how they plan to prepare for the emperor's wedding..."

"Let's go, let's go..."

In the Ministry of Rites, Cui Lang held the edict in his hand, closed his eyes, and shed two tears.

His superior, Wang Yue: "...it's such a happy event, why is Mr. Cui crying?"

Cui Lang choked up and said: "It's because I'm so happy..."

There are some things that cannot be said. If you say them, you will be arrogant and offended, but... after he took the official position and entered the court, for a few moments, he really thought that his eldest brother was trapped in the harem because of his talents.

Would it be a pity?

The eldest brother is willing to do what you want. There is no need for him, an outsider, to say much, so he didn't say much. However, when he saw this imperial edict conferring the title of first-grade prince... he was happy for his eldest brother from the bottom of his heart, and also

I feel ashamed that I still underestimated His Majesty’s vision and determination.

Moreover, if the eldest brother is only a minister, he will not be able to last long with such a powerful position. From now on, as the patron saint prince beside His Majesty, protecting the saint and being protected by the saint, he can display his talents more safely.

"They are all smart people and they are all thoughtful people..." Wang Yue said with a smile: "This is the real blessing of the country."

Cui Lang wiped his tears and regained his joy and excitement: "I don't know if eldest brother has received the imperial decree!"

After Cui Jing handed over the military talisman yesterday, she returned to Xuance's mansion to arrange the handover of the remaining affairs.

The imperial edict has been sent to Xuance Mansion.

Under the surprised and delighted gazes of Yuan Xiang and others, Cui Jing came to her senses and immediately left the Xuance Mansion, mounted her horse and entered the palace.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It was rare for Li Suining to finish her official duties early. When Cui Jing arrived, she was seen squatting under the ginkgo tree that had just begun to turn yellow in the palace courtyard without any imperial dignity, playing with a few cats with A Dian.

She was wearing colorful clothes, and the kitten, which did not recognize the true emperor of the world, bit and pulled at the hem of her skirt, but she was not angry.

Seeing him coming, Li Suining turned his head, showed a smile, and called him: "Cui Jing, come here quickly."

Cui Jing walked over, holding the roll of bright yellow silk in her hand.

He said: "I have never heard your Majesty mention this matter before -"

"I thought you could guess it." Li Suining stood up: "So you didn't guess it, so you dared to hand over military power? Cui Ling'an, you really don't want anything."

"Then you are too easy to bully." She looked at the outstanding young man in front of her: "You are no longer a member of the Cui family, and you have returned the Xuance Mansion to me. You have left nothing behind. If I bully you in the future,

It would be too pitiful for you to have nowhere to go."

Cui Jing looked at her with amusement: "Your Majesty is the emperor, and if he wants to bully me, the palace can't protect me."

"That's true." Li Suining seemed to have thought about it seriously: "Then I will try to bully you as little as possible in the future."

Cui Jing looked down at her and said warmly: "But Your Majesty, this is not only a family matter, but also a national matter."

"Of course I know it's a state matter." Li Suining also looked at him: "Aren't you going to make a sword for me? How can you do it if you don't have anything? Besides, I still have a lot of things that I need to leave to you."

"Cui Jing, I like you, but I also value you."

She said calmly: "You have your merits and talents. If I trap you in this palace for the rest of your life because of my love, how can I be any different from a foolish king who wastes all his natural resources?"

Having said this, Cui Jing said truthfully: "I don't want to cause any resistance to Your Majesty just because of me."

But I saw the young female monarch wearing gorgeous clothes and silk with her hands on her hips under the ginkgo tree: "Who dares to stop me?"

"I hold the military power in the world and am the most promising emperor." She raised her chin slightly and said seriously: "I do things that benefit the country, the people and me, and I have no regrets."

"Besides, I believe that the help you bring to me will be thousands of times greater than the resistance. Why is it worth mentioning this mere trouble?"

If you are afraid of trouble and avoid right and wrong, what kind of king would you be?

A relieved smile appeared in Cui Jing's eyes, but she still said clearly: "There will definitely be someone who wants to use me to cause trouble."

"Then you will be my bait and fish for me." Li Suining: "Didn't you say that I can trust you if I want to? Now that I am willing to trust you, don't you trust yourself?"

Cui Jing looked at her and heard her last words of promise: "Cui Ling'an, you have to listen to me and protect me. I will also protect you very well."

Cui Jing was touched in her heart. Holding the bright yellow silk in her hand, she finally bowed and said, "Yes, Cui Jing accepts the order."

Li Suining smiled with satisfaction, raised his hand and grabbed one of his wrists: "Let's go then."

Cui Jing looked at her: "Where are you going?"

A Dian has already jumped up: "His Royal Highness said he wants to leave the palace!"

"Didn't I say that I wanted to rest for a whole day? It just so happens that we don't have to go to court tomorrow during the Mid-Autumn Festival." Li Suining grabbed Cui Jing and left: "The autumn air is crisp, it's time to travel, get drunk, and sleep. Let's go."

She wanted to take a good tour of the capital, get drunk at Dengtai Tower, and then have a good sleep!

A Dian ran to keep up: "Let's go play!"

"Your Majesty, wait a minute, maid!" Xi'er, who had also changed into regular clothes, ran up to her with a skirt in hand.

Zhai Xi stood in the corridor, watching several figures go away with a smile.

The sky has not yet completely darkened, and the big yellow moon has climbed onto the ginkgo branches.

The sky was gray and blue, with floating clouds and mist, and the bright moon cast bright light.

There is no curfew for the three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Lanterns are hung in the city and fireworks are like daytime.

"Aniang, Aniang!" A girl tugged at her mother's sleeve and said, "I just saw a beautiful immortal!"

"Where is it?"

The girl reaches out with her finger.

The crowds were noisy and the lights were bright, but there was no trace of the pair.

No one knew that a noble person was coming. He looked up and saw a beautiful scene of peace and tranquility.

(End of text)

This chapter has been completed!
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