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082 Unknown inside story

Chang Suining looked at the cotton towel that fell to the ground.

Chang Sui An Ze was extremely puzzled and said: "Even my son has heard of Princess Xuan'an's name, how could my father not recognize her?"

Chang Kuo choked and changed his words: "I mean I don't know him well!"

He emphasized: "How could I recognize that kind of poisonous woman?"

Chang Suining was confused when he heard this: "...where did the idea of ​​poisonous women begin?"

Chang Kuo's face was full of anger: "This person's behavior is ridiculous. Not only does he not abide by the rules of women, he also feeds himself and enjoys extravagantly in the land. He is really the most poisonous woman among poisonous women!"

Chang Sui Ning and Chang Sui An were both dumbfounded.

"Dad... If you say that the eldest princess is a bit romantic, my son will have heard about it, but common people..." Chang Sui'an scratched his head: "How did my son hear that the land of Xuanzhou has been under the eldest princess's control in recent years?

Under the governance, the people are very prosperous and happy?"

Chang Kuo denied it: "It's just a rumor!"

Chang Sui'an saw this and said, "You look more like the one who spread the rumors." She didn't know whether to take it seriously or not.

Chang Kuo corrected him again: "What's romantic? That's called not being a woman!"

Hearing him repeatedly emphasize this point, Chang Sui Ning couldn't help but said: "But the eldest princess has been widowed for many years. She is not a human woman. How can she maintain the so-called women's ethics?"

And as far as she understood, Old Chang was not such a pedantic person, and she had never heard him talk about a woman's chastity - why was she so obsessed with her aunt's hobby at this time?

She also didn't remember that the two of them had anything worth mentioning.

"...In short, this person is not a kind person!" Chang Kuo directly resorted to "what do children know" to perfunctory Dafa: "You are still young, you will understand later."

After saying that, he picked up the chopsticks: "Okay, don't mention her again, it's bad luck! Let's eat!"

He picked up a piece of lotus root with his chopsticks, and felt that the holes in the lotus root piece looked like a sinister face when viewed together, which made him sneer and make him feel angry.

- This is really unreasonable!

He threw the lotus root clip aside with a look of hatred, and then put down the chopsticks with a "pop" sound.

Chang Sui'an: "..."

If he read it correctly, his father was actually angry with a piece of lotus root?

Chang Kuo put his hands on his knees and looked at his daughter: "Speaking of which, why did you suddenly talk about the poisonous woman Xuan'an?"

Chang Suining: "..."

The powerful words "Don't mention her anymore" still ring in my ears.

There was an impulse in Chang Sui'an's heart - he had never felt like this before and wanted to give his father some warning from the Rejuvenation Pavilion!

But he didn't dare.

Chang Suining then told the story of meeting the men of Princess Xuan'an in the cemetery today.

Chang Kuo snorted coldly: "You are really ill."

"Dad...will I be okay?" When the matter was mentioned again, Chang Sui'an felt a little uneasy: "Although she was forced to swear a poisonous oath, if something bad happens one day, call the eldest princess or

Her righteous daughter has seen me, and I'm afraid something is in danger... You have to hide me well!"

You can't blame him for being too confident, it's just that the female guard's stalking behavior was too crazy and crazy, and behind it was a dangerous signal that "this boy will satisfy my master".

"Snatch my Chang Kuo's son? She doesn't have the guts yet!" Chang Kuo's voice was particularly strong and he glared at his son: "What are you hiding? Come on, put your heart back in your belly!"

Chang Sui'an could only nod.

Chang Kuo picked up the chopsticks again: "Okay, let's eat. Don't mention this unlucky person again!"

Brother and sister: "..."

The chopsticks in Chang Kuo's hand came to the top of the plate of lotus root slices. When he took a closer look, he felt that the whole plate of lotus root slices was full of yin and yang.

This thing is probably the old yin-yang lotus root grown by the old yin-yang people in the old yin-yang pond!

"How come this lotus root is so unlucky to be served on the dining table!" Chang Kuo immediately said: "Take it off and feed it to the dogs!"

Everyone was speechless.

First of all, what did Lotus root do wrong?

Secondly, dogs don’t like to eat vegetarian food either.

But the female envoy could only do as she was told.

After finishing the meal, Chang Kuo's anger finally subsided as his stomach became fuller and fuller.

Chang Sui Ning, who had secretly observed his whole meal, came to the conclusion that Chang Kuo was biased towards the eldest princess and was very grudge against her.

She originally wanted to use today's events to ask Chang Kuo more about the eldest princess and Xuanzhou, but seeing that Chang Kuo was like a firecracker that exploded at the mere mention of it, she couldn't rush to ask more questions.

When the question about the eldest princess failed, she thought about it and asked about another matter, one that was more important to her.

"Dad, I happened to hear A Dian mention it today. It seems that the birthday of His Royal Highness is coming soon?"

On the way back from the dining room, Chang Sui Ning asked casually.

Chang Kuo was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, His Highness's birthday will be next month."

"Will Dad go to worship?"

"I would like to visit His Highness." Chang Kuo's tone sounded ordinary: "It's just that when Jingshan Gongling Mausoleum is not a major ceremony, outsiders like us are not allowed to go there privately."

Chang Sui Ning paused and said: "My father and His Highness have been through life and death for many years, so they are not outsiders."

Chang Kuo smiled when he heard this: "Having said that, the rules cannot be broken. It doesn't matter. You don't have to go to Gongling Mausoleum. The same goes for paying homage in private..."

As he said that, he raised his head and looked at the night sky: "As long as His Highness can hear it."

Chang Suining nodded silently.

This is still very safe.

She continued logically: "The first prince and the eldest princess Chongyue are twins. Therefore, that day will also be the eldest princess's birthday——"

Chang Kuo nodded: "This is natural."

And what they really want to sacrifice is the latter.

"The former prince was on the battlefield, and my father was his comrade in the Nei Xuance Army, so there must be no shortage of people to remember him." Chang Sui Ning seemed to be a little emotional: "On the other hand, Princess Chongyue was weak during her lifetime and did not interact with others often.

, and then he went away to a foreign land with his relatives... He has been dead for many years, I wonder if there are any old friends who were close to him during his lifetime to pay tribute to him? "

She knew that Old Chang knew many things, but at this time she was A Li, so she had to pretend not to know that Old Chang knew, and Old Chang also had to pretend not to know with her... It was a bit roundabout, but that's about it.

I mean.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "There should be..." Chang Kuo thought thoughtfully: "In addition to the saint, Her Royal Highness the Princess also has two familiar friends.

One is Mrs. Duan, the Duke of Zheng, who once served as a reading companion for Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"What about the other one?"

"The other one is the eldest princess's female envoy during her lifetime." Chang Kuo said: "This female envoy has been with the eldest princess since she was a child. Later, she accompanied the eldest princess to marry Beidi. Before the eldest princess decided to die for her country, she probably

We managed to settle the envoy so that she could escape the Di army's pursuit. After our army's victory, some soldiers found her..."

The above is all that Chang Sui Ning has been able to find out in bits and pieces these days——

She only knew that Yuchi was still alive - just alive. This was what she wanted at that time, and what she hoped to see at this time.

Only a living person can give her the answer.

Chang Suijing waited quietly for Chang Kuo to continue.

"Although she is still alive and not seriously injured, she may have been fleeing in the freezing cold for many days, and the death of Her Royal Highness the Princess was a huge blow to her... so she became a lot stupider."

"Are you stupid?" Chang Sui Ning frowned slightly.

Chang Kuo nodded: "Zuo is just a female envoy, and not many people know these details. The saint remembered that she had served the eldest princess for many years, so he also placed her properly. Now she is still in the old mansion of Princess Chongyue, but because of

Suffering from this disease, I am in a state of stupidity most of the time, and it seems that I have never been out for more than ten years."

Are you in a stupid state most of the time?

Does that mean that there may be occasional moments of sobriety?

And it's hard to say whether this so-called stupidity is true or not - it's possible to hide something like this by pretending to be stupid while carrying such a secret.

"How could Sui Ning think of asking about Her Royal Highness the eldest princess?"

"When I mention His Royal Highness the First Prince, I think of Your Highness the Eldest Princess."

There was something unnoticeably low in Chang Kuo's tone, and he said slowly: "Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is also a very admirable person."

But what Her Highness received during her lifetime and after her death did not match what she gave.

He finally said: "On the day of the underworld, Mrs. Zheng Guogong should go to the eldest princess's mansion to offer sacrifices... The saint could not let go of the eldest princess in his heart, so he kept the eldest princess's mansion as it was. No one is allowed to set foot on the eldest princess' mansion on weekdays.

On the anniversary of her birthday, Mrs. Zheng Guogong, who was my good friend during the lifetime of the eldest princess, is specially allowed to go and offer sacrifices."

Can’t let go?

Chang Sui Ning lowered his eyes.

She couldn't believe this statement.

It may be more believable to interpret it as wanting to establish a reputation as a loving mother in front of the world.

While they were talking, the forked roads leading to the inner and outer courtyards were already in front of them. Chang Suining said, "Daddy, take a rest early." Then he separated from Chang Kuo and walked towards his own courtyard with Xi'er.

Above the night, a bright moon is about to become full.

Many thoughts flashed through Chang Sui Ning's mind, and the clearest one was that she must see Jade Chip.

There is a mystery in her heart that only jade chips may be able to solve at the moment.

Everyone knows that twelve years ago, during the war between Dasheng and Beidi, the eldest princess Chongyue killed the Beidi coach "by some unknown means".

The world also knows that after she carried the commander's head out of the military tent, in order to avoid being humiliated and held as a hostage, she committed suicide in front of the Beidi army.

These are generally true.

But behind her suicide, there was another unknown secret——

At that time, in the middle of her fight with the Beidi coach, she noticed something strange in her body - she was poisoned.

And the only possibility she could think of was the cup of tea handed over by the female envoy Yuchi before.

Yuchan was her most trusted confidant, and because she had a death wish in her heart at that time, she gave Yuchan an opportunity.

If the poison had not already taken hold and she had exhausted her last bit of energy to kill the Beidi coach and had no strength to fight anymore, she would have killed a few more for burial, and she would bleed no matter what, so she should not waste a drop of it.

She was a proud person, and since she had no chance to fight again, she chose a way to die that she liked. Compared to dying under the knives of those Beidi people, committing suicide was obviously a good choice.

But thinking about it, after she died, the Beidi people would not treat her body well.

She didn't care about what happened after her death, she just wanted to save her face as much as possible during her lifetime.

As for Yuchi's secret poisoning, she was naturally suspicious of Minghou.

This move was obviously not to give her a chance to return to Dasheng alive - and the person who needed to do this the most was Empress Ming, who was only one step away from the throne at that time.

Even if the other party promised to take her back, she should just listen to the power words used to coax the child.

But now Yuchi is still alive and well placed in the eldest princess's mansion... If the poisoning back then was indeed the Queen's instigation, why didn't she keep silent?

It can also be explained that after all, everyone is dead and no one will investigate the truth. A stupid female envoy cannot make any trouble, and being in the princess's mansion is equivalent to being under house arrest. Everything is under control.

, it is better to leave the person behind and treat the old people around the eldest princess with kindness and good reputation——

But Chang Sui Ning always felt a little unsure.

It's not that she still harbors illusions about Ming Hou, but that she should always maintain the minimum caution when exploring the truth.

Just like blind trust, it is not advisable to indulge in blind suspicion.

Twelve years ago, who was the person who wanted to poison her? The answer must lie with Yuchi.

She must try to see Yuchan.

Chang Suining turned his head and looked far away in the direction of Princess Chongyue's old mansion.

"General, I have something I don't know whether to say or not..."

Manager Bai, who accompanied Chang Kuo back, said after careful consideration.

"When did you learn this trick?" Chang Kuo glanced at him: "You don't like to talk about it."

Manager Bai coughed lightly and relieved his embarrassment: "It's about the girl... I always feel that since the girl came back from death in Hezhou, her behavior, behavior and even temperament have changed drastically."

Chang Kuo: "Isn't this nonsense? Which daughter's family would have such a thing happen to her that her temperament would change drastically?"

"Of course that's the truth..." Manager Bai thought for a while and said, "But the more I see her these days, the more I feel that the girl seems to have changed."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Chang Kuo suddenly laughed: "You still need to read for so long?"

Bai Guanshi is puzzled.

Chang Kuo sighed: "I have felt this way ever since I saw this child for the first time on the way back to Beijing. She hadn't spoken yet, and I didn't know she had hurt her brain."

Manager Bai was surprised: "General, you can tell the difference at a glance?"

Chang Kuo said "hmm" and said, "It's true that he has truly changed as a person inside and out."

"Then General..." Manager Bai looked around and lowered his voice as low as possible: "Have you ever thought about the possibility of the girl being possessed by evil spirits?"

Chang Kuo shook his head: "That's not true."

"Even if the general doesn't believe in ghosts, gods and evil spirits, you can..."

"I definitely don't believe in ghosts and gods." Chang Kuo interrupted Guanshi Bai and said slowly: "It's because at that glance I felt that Suining had changed greatly, but there was one feeling that had not changed - no matter how old this child was,

They have changed, but when you look into my eyes, they are still a family."

He couldn't fault the kind of bond that only existed between family members.

After hearing this, Steward Bai smiled with relief: "That's true. After hearing the general mention it, my subordinates also vaguely felt that although the girl has changed a lot, she has never looked strange to others."

"Yes." Chang Kuo raised his hand to twist his beard and said with a smile: "No matter how we change, we are still a family."

The next day, it will get dark.

In Anyifang, outside the Cui Family Mansion, every quarter of an hour, visiting servants would return to the mansion to report news with Cui Lang.

"Not back yet?" Cui Lang was a little anxious.

At this time, a female envoy came over and said, "Mr. Sir, the birthday banquet is about to begin. Madam urges you to hurry over."

Cui Lang could only rush over first, and without any surprise, he saw his father Cui Ai's slightly unhappy face.

This chapter has been completed!
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