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Chapter 26 Shuttle ship plan to blow up the planet!

 "Reply received!"

"The Universe Federation has sent us a message back!"

Everyone in the Blue Star Federation is very excited and shouts for joy.

"Quick, look what they said!"

"Translate now..."

After a moment, the translator said excitedly: "The Universe Federation said that they have seen our attitude and asked us not to worry and clear the laser defense system on the Blue Star first..."

"Then wait for the opportunity, they will tell us when to take action..."

"As expected of the Universe Federation, they are still thinking of us at this time..."

"Yeah, if they want us to fight with the aliens on the moon now, I would still doubt it. Looking at it now, they are really the Federation of the Universe..."

"Then continue to use nuclear weapons, expand the results, and strive to clear the laser blockade system as soon as possible..."

The Blue Star Federation meeting was held again.

At the meeting, the MPs were noisy.

"We should break through the laser blockade system above Xiadu first. We are the core of the entire Eastern Hemisphere and have an important strategic position..."

"No, the laser blockade system over Gusa City should be cleared. We carry human freedom..."

Lawmakers engaged in a heated exchange over where to remove laser defense systems next.

At the round table, Colonel Chu did not argue with everyone. Instead, he lowered his head and twirled his ballpoint pen, thinking about something.

On the side, Councilor Sun was so thirsty that he picked up a cup to drink water. When he found that Colonel Chu had not spoken, he quickly said: "Xiao Chu, please say a few words quickly..."

Colonel Chu glanced at him and frowned: "Don't you think this is too strange?!"

"What's weird?!" Councilor Sun was stunned for a moment and said blankly.

Colonel Chu said solemnly: "The reaction of the lunar aliens is a bit too calm. There is no anger at our rebellious behavior..."

"After discovering that we were going to use nuclear weapons to destroy the sky, they only warned us not to destroy their Xiaotian, and they didn't interfere with the rest..."

"Even Xiaotian is so important in their eyes. The laser defense system is obviously more valuable. Why are they ignoring it?!"

Colonel Chu suddenly remembered that a long time ago, Zhao Yu said during the transaction that in order to protect Blue Star, he was willing to trade a laser defense system.

Are they really protecting Blue Star?!

Councilor Sun smiled and said: "Are you too worried? They are obviously unable to deal with Blue Star's side, and all their energy is on the Mars front..."

If you change your mind...

Assuming that the laser defense system really protects Blue Star, then our act of destroying the sky curtain, in Yue Fang's view, is a recipe for death.

As the saying goes, good words can never persuade a damn ghost...

Colonel Chu was startled and quickly whispered his guess.

"Should...no way?!"

Councilor Sun hesitated.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens..."

Colonel Chu whispered: "If the Universe Federation wins, it doesn't matter whether there is a laser system or not. But if the laser defense system really protects us, the bigger the gap, the greater the blow we will suffer..."

"What do you think?!"

"Let them fight, let's quit..."

At this moment, Congressman Smith stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, stop arguing. I just asked people from the Technology Department to analyze it..."

"If you want to break through the laser blockade system from a new place, you will need at least 3,000 nuclear bombs..."

"Our current nuclear weapons reserve at Blue Star only has 11,000 nuclear weapons left. Starting from other places, we can only break 4 more basis points..."

"But if we expand from the gap above Biyang City and break through a base point, we only need 300 nuclear bombs, and at least 30 base points can be broken..."

"So, I think that at the moment, we should expand the gap area as much as possible, at least to the extent that the Space Federation spacecraft can land?!"

"When the Space Federation's spaceship arrives and lands on our blue star, are you still worried that the laser blockade system will not be able to get rid of it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, half of the members stood up and agreed, obviously having discussed it with Smith in advance.

Councilor Sun hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not stand up to refute. He decided to play it safe and trust Colonel Chu for once.

Soon, the meeting ended, and the final result was to continue to launch attacks from above Biyang City to expand the gap in the blockade.

According to the plan, the remaining 11,000 nuclear bombs can destroy at least 30 basis points.

This means that with Biyang City as the center and four or five surrounding cities, they will all be released from the blockade.


"According to calculations, our six fleets can completely break the blockade of the Hades Fire Line with a high-intensity attack for one day..."

The forward fleet is less than 1 billion kilometers away from reaching the Hellfire Point, and it will arrive in 4 days.

On the temporary command ship, Commander Seth and the other captains discussed the attack plan.

"There are two options now..."

"The first plan is to break the blockade of the Hell Fire Line, and then gradually destroy the enemy's fleet, establish a temporary base near the Hell Fire Point, defend here, and advance step by step..."

"The second option is to break the blockade of the Hellfire Point, send a shuttle ship to rush in, bypass all enemy ships, go straight to the Blue Star, and detonate the particle black hole..."

The first option is more reliable, but also more time-consuming.

The second option is more radical, but as long as it succeeds, the mission will be mostly completed.

"If we choose the first option, the fuel we carry may not be enough, and we need to establish a resource collection base on Mars..."

"Indeed, although the enemy's technological level is average, there are really many warships. There are nearly 200,000 warships near the Hellfire Point alone. Destroying them all consumes a lot of energy..."

Their particle black hole transfiguration, although the efficiency of converting energy is extremely high, 20 times that of third-generation nuclear fusion, does not create energy out of thin air, and still requires the addition of special fuel for the transmutation reaction.

The fuel carried by the spacecraft is limited. In addition to power requirements, every time the attack is fired, energy is also consumed, and there will always be a time when it is exhausted.

In the past 20 days, basically three fleets near Pluto have been attacking Pluto. The main reason is that they have established a resource supply line on Pluto, and the energy consumption can be replenished quickly.

As for their six fleets, they need to conserve fuel. They have only been on their way for 20 days and have not fired a single cannonball.

"Then choose the second option. According to the simulation results, it only takes 20 seconds to create a counterattack vacuum to allow the shuttle ship to cross the blockade..."

Seth pondered: "This solution indeed saves resources and time, and is fast and effective, but it will sacrifice the people on the shuttle ship..."

"I'm not afraid of sacrifice, Commander Seth, let me go!"

"Let me go, our shuttle ship No. 9 is not a coward..."

"Our shuttle ship No. 10 is willing to go..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a bunch of shuttle ship crew members came to join the battle.

The shuttle ship blowing up the planet, this kind of thing is the greatest romance for the crew members who treat the ship like their wives.

Even if you die, it's worth it.

Moreover, as long as they succeed, their names will be resounding throughout the planet, and even enter the Hall of Valor on their home planet.

Of course, there is another big reason why these crew members are willing to stand up. The simulator results show that there is only one failure in 10,000 times, and it is still caused by the failure of the shuttle ship.

After considering it for a moment, Seth made a decision and solemnly said: "Shuttle Ship No. 10, this mission of destroying the enemy star will be left to you..."

"Guaranteed to complete the task..."

The captain of shuttle ship No. 10 gave a military salute and said loudly: "The people of Glenn will live forever!"

"All members of shuttle ship No. 10, leave your nameplates. After the war is won, I will personally send you to the Hall of Valor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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