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Chapter 28 Breaking through the Defense Line


Moro and several captains stood next to the gravity detector, staring nervously at the screen.

"Start charging..."

In the picture, Shuttle Ship No. 10 is like a fish suffering from Parkinson's disease, shaking left, right, up, and down.

But the expressions of those present were extremely serious and the atmosphere was solemn.

"Must succeed!"

Someone murmured to himself.

No energy attacks can be seen on the screen. Although the laser rays have mass, they are too small and too far away to be captured by the gravitational detection waves. However, based on the twisting of the shuttle ship, we can also know the extent of the situation at the scene.


"Almost there..."

On the screen, the curve representing shuttle ship No. 10 has almost reached the Hellfire Point.

The closer you are to the Hellfire point, the more difficult it is to dodge, especially within a range of 300,000 kilometers. You need to dodge in advance and cannot go to repeated points, otherwise you will be easily hit.


At this moment, someone exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately. Sure enough, the shuttle ship paused for a while while it was flying, but it quickly started moving again.

"Fortunately, there is an energy shield, but it can't last a few times..."

When the shuttle ship reaches its maximum speed, the power of the energy shield will also decrease accordingly. Facing such laser ray attacks, it will explode up to five times.

"Damn, what the hell are Seth and the others doing? Hurry up and provide support!"

Someone cursed nervously.

"Look at the dark fire spot!"

At this time, another person who was specifically staring at the defense base near the Hell Fire Line shouted loudly.

Everyone turned their heads, and a large base point near the Hades Fire Line exploded instantly, followed by the second and third one.

In just one second, more than thirty base points were breached.

"Well done!"

Moro waved his fist, very excited, "Next, their laser defense ships will be consumed..."

The scale of the screen was enlarged, and behind the Hell Fire Point, more than a thousand warships came up to fill the position.

Shuttle Ship No. 10 took advantage of this gap and rushed forward 100,000 kilometers in an instant. There was only less than 100,000 kilometers left to reach the Hellfire Point. This distance can be reached in 16 seconds at the speed of the shuttle ship.


Everyone stared at the more than a thousand battleships, trying to judge the situation of the battle through the damage of these battleships.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.

For five seconds, more than a thousand battleships were intact, which made everyone present feel heartbroken.

Finally, at the 6th second, the image of gravitational wave detection and transformation represented by a battleship instantly became unstable and turned into a mess of lines.


Everyone was overjoyed. The appearance of such lines meant that the battleship was no longer a whole.

This situation is not an isolated case. As the 7th second approaches, the curves representing battleships on the screen begin to blossom more, and the number of battleships that can fully maintain their quality begins to decrease sharply.

By the 10th second, there were only about a hundred warships left with intact curves on the screen.


Everyone was overjoyed and wanted to see the scene where all the remaining battleships were blown up.

Unexpectedly, when the shuttle ship arrived at the Hellfire Point, the hundreds of warships were still parked intact.

"At this time, it should be the time when the kinetic energy cannon arrives?!"

Although they cannot see the real situation at the scene, everyone has an imaginary picture in their mind.

In a war-torn cosmic environment, billions of kinetic energy cannon bullets were overwhelmingly hitting the remaining hundreds of warships.

Moro turned his gaze back, and his three eyes turned back and forth, looking at the position of the shuttle ship for a while, and the situation of more than a hundred laser defense ships.

Finally, at the 16th second, the shuttle ship arrived at the Hellfire Point and instantly shuttled through the gap in the defense line.

Not far away from him, more than a hundred warships looked like statues, indifferent.

"It's over!"

Just as Moro and others were shouting, half of the more than 100 warships turned around and seemed to be following the shuttle ship to launch an attack.

In the picture, Shuttle Ship No. 10 is moving up and down, dodging left and right. Everyone can't see the bullets, but at this moment, they can imagine the situation of countless attacks fired at the scene.

"As long as you hold on for another 10 seconds, you will succeed..."

These 10 seconds of passing each other are the most dangerous time, the closest distance and the most difficult time to dodge.

"Hit again!" The sharp-eyed captain was keenly aware that shuttle ship No. 10 paused for a moment while dodging.

"3 more times left..."

As soon as he finished speaking, shuttle ship No. 10 paused for a moment.

People stopped talking and focused on looking at the screen.


Suddenly, someone cheered.

On the screen, more than a dozen of the more than a hundred battleships were broken and turned into random balls of yarn.

But the next second, everyone became worried again.

In the picture, the remaining dozens of warships all turned around and faced the escape direction of shuttle ship No. 10. They seemed to have received some kind of instruction to attack the intruder with all their strength.

"Knock!" "Knock!"

After two consecutive cardiac arrests, Moro unconsciously crushed the model in his hand to pieces.

Once again, the energy shield of shuttle ship No. 10 was broken!

But at this moment, the consequences of those dozens of warships only focusing on attacking shuttle ship No. 10 became apparent.

"Pa~!" "Pa~!" "Pa~!"

I don’t know who was doing the ventriloquism dubbing. On the screen, the curves of the remaining dozens of warships exploded almost at the same time.


The whole audience cheered.

Moro's face was also full of joy, but as a captain, he did not relax at this moment and quickly asked people to continue to zoom in on the screen.

After discovering the situation here, the warships near several base points next door dispatched warships to come to support.

But their speed is too slow and their distance is far away. They are far from being able to intercept the No. 10 shuttle ship.

"Are you sure you can't catch up?!"

"No problem, after passing the Hellfire Point, they won't be able to stop our shuttle ship anymore!"

In the picture, within ten seconds, shuttle ship No. 10 has moved more than 300,000 kilometers away from the Hades Fire Point.

At this distance, it is extremely difficult for a laser beam attack to hit a flexible shuttle ship.

However, Shuttle Ship No. 10 obviously did not relax its vigilance. The hull was still shaking constantly. Every step was a new route to prevent the laser attack that was being followed.

Another 30 seconds passed, and shuttle ship No. 10 ran further and further away. The spacecraft still tracking near the first line of defense was thrown away by a large distance, and it will become larger and larger as time goes by.

Only then did Moro feel completely relieved.


Moro was overjoyed and laughed and said: "Let me know, in order to celebrate the victory of the No. 10 shuttle ship, the entertainment room is open for free today, and everyone can go and have fun for a day!"

The eyes of everyone present were bright. This entertainment room was built after the capture of Voyager 1. The entertainment items include music, movies and mini-games.

"I want to watch that black and white silent film, it's so interesting..."

This chapter has been completed!
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