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Chapter 47 Pangu people are too insidious!

 "Uncle Da, if they blow themselves up, how much of our spaceship will be preserved?"

Zhao Yu suddenly thought of the situation when the enemy shuttle ship exploded, and said with some worry.

These 50,000 spaceships are equipped with new thrusters, but the wealth he has saved these days has been depleted by nine battleships, and he is a little reluctant to part with it.

"Sir, don't worry. I have made distributed deployments in response to this situation. Except for the first layer of encirclement, the other warships are all outside the self-destruction range..."

The loss of ten thousand battleships is acceptable...

Zhao Yu nodded slightly, feeling a little regretful. If their spaceship could also perform particle black hole collapse, they would only need one to annihilate all the enemies.

What a pity.

Under Uncle Da's command, the 10,000 warships changed their formations again, and a thousand of them began to narrow the encirclement and approach the enemy.

According to the speed of the frigate's laser beam, it can cause an effective attack as long as it approaches 30,000 kilometers.


"Captain, they have begun to narrow the encirclement, and the more than 40,000 warships on the periphery are outside the range of our particle black hole collapse bomb..."

Knowing that he was going to die, Kaiser calmed down. "It seems that they are just entering the second level and only have particle black hole thrusters..."

He also figured out that if the enemy possesses a particle black hole collapse bomb, it only needs one spacecraft to approach this distance. Why does it require tens of thousands of warships to close together?

Kaiser walked to the window, looked at Pluto, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, and murmured: "Farewell, Moro..."

"Captain, more than a thousand enemy warships have approached 30,000 kilometers and are attacking. The energy shield of our ships has begun to decrease..."

Kaiser didn't respond. In just a few seconds, he went through the experience of this life in his mind.

"Blow it up!"



On the screen, nine battleships disappeared instantly, replaced by a deep and dark hole.

The next second, tens of thousands of warships in the first layer of encirclement were all destroyed by an unknown force.

"Sir, they exploded..."

"Well, I saw it!"

Zhao Yu nodded and said: "Let the remaining battleships go to the front line..."

Zhao Yu didn't feel bad that ten thousand battleships, with hundreds of thousands of robots on board, were blown up like this. After all, these things can be produced as long as there are resources.

"Sir, Daxia has integrated the whole world, what should we do?"

Zhao Yu was slightly startled when he heard this. How could Daxia be so courageous?

"They succeeded so quickly?!"

"Yes, Biyang City has gathered 95% of the world's rich and powerful people. Without the obstruction of these people, the people below will be leaderless and it will be easily solved..."

Uncle Da also found it amazing. He had just finished discussing with Colonel Chu and borrowed a million robots and more than a hundred battleships from him, thinking it might take some time.

Who would have known that the other side would take over the world without a single blow.

The only thing that puzzled him about this process was that Daxia did not defeat them one by one. Instead, the goddess scattered more than a hundred warships. Each warship went to a place, and randomly sent a few literati to say a few words.

It's over.

There was no war or turmoil. I don’t know how they did it in just a few sentences.


"Auda, I sent Kaiser out as you said..."

"This time, I sacrificed a lot for you..."

In the mothership's medical room, Moro spoke to the sleeping Oda.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk~!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Moro walked out and was one of his captains.

"Captain, Kaiser is dead..."


Moro was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face, "What's going on?!"

This is naturally an act. According to the plan given by Aoda, the 10th Fleet is not going to die this time, but to attack.

"We were all deceived by the Pangu civilization. They had Level 2 technology but pretended to be Level 1. The 10th fleet led by Kaiser fell into the trap and all blew themselves up..."


This time, Moro was really surprised, and he hurried to the command room.

"Captain, according to the results of the gravitational wave detector, the enemy warship's speed is equivalent to ours. This is the speed that can only be achieved if it is equipped with a particle black hole thruster..."

"Before this, they had been camouflaging and sailing at a speed far lower than 20 times ours..."


Moro didn't expect that he had already overestimated the enemy, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated it.

"These Pangu people are so insidious!!"

"When I first came here, I pretended to be a newcomer to the cosmic civilization, but we later found out..."

He quickly thought of something, "So, the spacecraft near Jupiter is also a deception they set up in advance?!"

Moro's eyes were filled with horror, as was everyone present.

"Captain, these Pangu people are really insidious. They have already laid many traps before we even arrived..."

"At first, we thought their civilization level did not exceed level 1..."

"Then, the true and false are mixed between the early level 1 civilization and the mid-level 1 civilization..."

"The Jupiter spaceship is obviously a part of it..."

"Let us send a reconnaissance ship to check, thinking that their true technological level is only late level 1..."

"Who knows..."

"They have actually reached the technological level of level 2 early civilization..."

"The so-called Voyager 1 is probably some kind of cover-up..."

A captain analyzed: "Captain, the good news is that their civilization level is only at the early stage of Level 2..."

"Although Captain Kaiser died, he dragged tens of thousands of enemy warships to death before he died..."

"If their technological level is equal to ours, they can destroy the 10th Fleet by sending only one spaceship. However, in the end, tens of thousands of warships will be destroyed in the form of an encirclement..."

Moro frowned and asked: "How do you know that their behavior this time is not a disguise?!"

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Everyone looked at each other, some afraid to draw conclusions easily.

Moro, however, was filled with thoughts and said attentively: "It seems that the death of shuttle ship No. 10 last time was not due to something strange, but because of their trap..."

"These Pangu people are extremely insidious. Judging from their performance, the sacrifice of tens of thousands of warships this time is probably paving the way for the next war..."

"Once we believe that they really only have the level of an early level 2 civilization, at the critical moment, they show their fangs, and we are completely finished..."

One captain didn't believe it, "Captain, those are tens of thousands of warships. To control these warships, at least 800,000 people are needed, and our 10th Fleet only has more than a thousand people at best..."

"In order to kill more than a thousand of us, they cruelly sacrificed 800,000 people?!"

"No, there is probably no one in their battleship..."

Moro shook his head and said: "Even if it is a human-controlled spaceship, with the ruthlessness of this Pangu civilization, it is extremely possible to abandon 800,000 people to make a game..."

The more he recalled his experiences after arriving in the solar system, the more frightened he felt.

It was as if they were caught in some kind of giant net and were walking step by step into the trap laid by the enemy.

Every time, it's unexpected. Every time, it makes people feel that the enemy only has this level. As a result, every time, something new can be shown.

At first, they thought Blue Star was a zero-level civilization. Unexpectedly, it didn’t take long for them to discover through observation that the other party might be an early or mid-level civilization.

After testing for a long time, through logical judgment, I felt that the Jupiter spacecraft must be able to truly reflect the enemy's technological level, and finally determined it to be a late-stage civilization of level 1.

As a result, it’s all a game!

Even now, the level 2 initial civilization displayed by the enemy may be fake and may continue to lure them.

The captains were also thinking carefully, and the more they thought about it, the more they became afraid.

"It's too scary. I've never seen this kind of enemy before..."

"They are not plotting against us, they are plotting against any civilization that reaches the solar system..."

"If the fleet that emerged from the wormhole was not ours, and another fleet had been replaced, the result would have been the same..."

"Captain, if not, let's withdraw?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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