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Chapter 56 Launch a general attack!

"Is there any enemy spaceship leaving the defense line?"

"No, they have been silent for a day..."

"That's good!"

Seth breathed a sigh of relief, and then added: "Ask the other fleets how the fuel replenishment is going?!"

After a while, he received a reply and the fuel was basically replenished.

"Okay, all fleets will set off and go to the previous station..."

This garrison point was specially requested by Moro. Now that there is no harassment from the enemy fleet, we can just go back.

"Where are the support troops?!"

"It's almost there. There are still 1 billion kilometers left. We can get there in about four days..."

"Okay, let's go to the garrison point and continue to follow the previous plan and start harassing the Hellfire point..."

"Commander, the gap in the defense line at Hellfire Point has been repaired..."

"No matter what, just keep attacking over there!"


At the lunar base, Zhao Yu sat in the command center, listening to Uncle Da's daily report.

"The second line of defense is a laser defense system with Blue Star and the Moon as the center and a radius of 500,000 kilometers. The total number of base points required is much less than that of the first line of defense. Construction has begun and it is expected to be completed in about 7 days..."<


"According to what you said, this second line of defense is our life safety line. It will also be equipped with 30,000 frigates and 10,000 shuttle ships, which will be temporarily parked on the moon and will be filled when necessary..."

"The first batch of Blue Star soldiers participating in the training has already set off, a total of 100,000 people. They will be trained in the lunar spacecraft simulation training camp for one month..."

"The defecting fleets did not merge, the two sides chose different directions..."

Uncle Da said this with some emotion. The robots rebelled, and he did not expect that in his heart, the creator Zhao Yu was their father.

Seeing that Zhao Yu had no reaction, he continued: "The mining teams from Mercury and Venus have returned, bringing back a total of 11.2 billion Blue Moon coins equivalent resources..."

"Since Blue Star was integrated by Daxia, its overall resource output has doubled, and it can collect more than 1 billion Blue Moon Coin equivalent resources every day..."

"Our current resource reserves have exceeded 20 billion..."

After listening to the report, Zhao Yu felt much more relaxed. Everything was going well. He just had to wait for the training camp to train a group of soldiers who could pilot the spacecraft before he could carry out harassment operations again.


The watch lit up, and Zhao Yu lowered his head and saw that it was Colonel Chu who had sent a message, saying that he had something to report.


"The enemy has two very suspicious points now..."

"First, they started attacking the Hellfire Point again..."

"The gap here has already been repaired by us. According to calculations, unless there is a large-scale attack that is difficult to stop, with their current attack frequency, there is almost no possibility of breaking through, but they still attacked..."

"Second, the enemy fleet returned to its previous garrison point again..."

Colonel Chu opened the star map, pointed at one of the asteroids and said: "This asteroid is directly opposite the Pluto Fire Point and is the closest. However, they did not station themselves here. Instead, they chose a relatively farther place.


"The asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars has a total of more than 500,000 asteroids. There are many more suitable asteroids than their station. Why did they choose this place twice?!"

"Based on these two points, I have a guess..."

Zhao Yu asked: "What guess?"

"The enemy is chasing the Dark Fire Point and launching ineffective attacks. It seems that they want us to mistakenly think that this is the main attack point..."

"Actually, their main attack point may be in other locations..."

"Considering that the garrison points selected twice were the same, I conducted a position analysis..."

"There are seven locations in total, which are more suitable. They are all close to the station point and the Hellfire point..."

"If the defense lines in these seven places are opened instantly, our replacement warships left in these places will be easily destroyed..."

Zhao Yu nodded slightly, feeling that what he said made sense, and then asked: "What do we do according to what you want?!"

Colonel Chu was already 90% sure in his heart that the enemy would regard one of these seven locations as the location of the actual attack.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Don't make any big noise on the surface. Secretly, send additional support to these seven locations..."

He clicked on the star map again and narrated: "The enemy's garrison point is about the same distance from the seven positions, about 1 million kilometers. The speed between us is about the same. Therefore, the supporting warships can disperse to 100 kilometers away from the seven positions.

Around 10,000 kilometers..."

"If there are any changes, it won't be too late to ask them for support..."

Colonel Chu paused and asked: "The outside of the defense line is now controlled by robots, and there is a delay and lag in response..."

"Once the enemy launches electromagnetic wave interference and blocks our connection with the front line, these places are likely to be loopholes that the enemy can take advantage of..."

"It's still unclear when the enemy will attack, so I suggest you set up programs for the frontline robots in advance. If anything happens, support will be sent to these seven locations as soon as possible..."

Colonel Chu hesitated for a moment and then said: "In addition, the enemy's ability to make robots rebel is always a hidden danger. If they want to launch a general attack, this method will definitely be used..."

"Our first line of defense is controlled by robots, is there really no problem?!"

This is also the reason why he eagerly hoped that Zhao Yu would establish a second line of defense.

"No problem!"

Zhao Yu confidently said: "I have sent people over to ensure that most robot programs will not have problems..."

When Colonel Chu saw Zhao Yu, he didn't tell him the details, and he didn't ask any more questions.

The two discussed some more details, and then Zhao Yu left.

After returning to the lunar base, Zhao Yu began to ask Uncle Da to make up for the loopholes and take measures to deal with the loss of contact between the front line and the base and to be able to counterattack independently.

Time passed like this day by day, and there was a rare period of calm for both parties.

Four days later, enemy support troops arrived and began final preparations before the general offensive.


Ten days later.

Pluto Mothership.

Moro looked at the data energetically.

"The Jupiter shuttle is still in place and can blow up Jupiter at any time..."

"The fourth-generation Star Destroyer Cannon in the asteroid belt has been built and can tear a hole in the enemy's defense line at any time..."

"Large-scale electromagnetic interference equipment has been built and can paralyze the entire communication from Mars to Blue Star at any time..."

"All types of warships have been modified and decoy bombs were successfully loaded..."

"The robot source code 'Destruction', 'Creation' and 'Rebirth' have been transmitted and can be released at any time..."

Each plan is being completed, and everything is moving in the best direction.

Moro checked it carefully again, and after making sure it was correct, he nodded and said: "Send my order for the vanguard fleet to launch a general attack!"

Thanks to Mo Qing for the reward of 100,

This chapter has been completed!
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