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Chapter 14 The war is about to begin!


Du Ge shook his head, "There are fleets of seven civilizations here. If they are destroyed like this, there is no way to trace their home system. I will be held accountable and go to military court. Even my Du family can't protect me!"<


Of course the adjutant also knew this, he just said it out of anger.

After hearing this, he looked regretful and asked: "Legion Commander, what should we do?!"

"We can only wait for the indigenous civilization to be destroyed, so that the fleets of the other six civilizations can leave early..."

Dugo frowned and asked: "Do you know of any way that can destroy the galaxy next door without making them suspicious?!"

The adjutant began to think about it and rattled off several ways to attack, but none of them worked. Either he didn't have enough time, or he needed to jump through a wormhole.

Dugo suddenly sighed.

"This is an achievement that destroyed seven civilizations!

From the bottom of his heart, he was naturally reluctant to let her go like this.

However, the Du family was not considered a top force in the Mo Dou civilization. He did not believe that the Du family did not exert its efforts before the decision to replace the members was made.

He must have been unable to withstand the pressure, so he was able to buy him a month.


"Sir, a battleship with a length of more than 50 kilometers in the Proxima Galaxy has disappeared..."

Colonel Chu's face became solemn, "Looking at the situation, it should be traveling through the wormhole and coming into our solar system..."

"This battleship is obviously different from other large motherships. I suspect it may be some kind of high-end battleship or super weapon battleship..."

This was a bit beyond his imagination. Logically speaking, the other party should have to test it a few more times.

Zhao Yu nodded slightly, "The brain circuits of alien civilizations may not be the same as ours. This is normal. Have our wormhole defense lines been rearranged?"

"The arrangements are ready, just in case, I also sent a fleet..."

Although the gravitational wave detector can only see the disappearance of the battleship with a length of more than 50 kilometers.

But who knows how many battleships will follow through the wormhole.

If the opponent is strong and sends all the battleships at once, it will be difficult to deal with.

During this day, Zhao Yu barely left the command room, worried that something might happen.

Fortunately, throughout the whole day, the other party did not send a warship to clear the area in advance, and seemed to be very confident in that large warship.

Finally, after waiting for a day, the large battleship finally appeared.

Zhao Yu stood on a watchtower at the top of the base, holding a high-power lens and peering near the wormhole.


Looking at the solitary, colorful and gorgeous battleship, he was a little confused.

Normal warships are mainly black, and a few warships are silver-white. This is the first time I have seen such brightly colored warships.

In the picture, the lasers of the wormhole defense line have begun to shoot out on a large scale.

Just when Zhao Yu was wondering how this weird battleship would explode, a familiar scene appeared.


A miniature black hole appeared, and the large, brightly colored battleship was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

The other party actually directly initiated the collapse of the particle black hole.

"Could it be that this battleship is carrying a type 4 particle black hole, which is extremely powerful?!"

Zhao Yuke has never forgotten that the mothership of the Moro fleet has an extremely powerful mothership.

The gravitational waves spread extremely fast, and soon affected the entire wormhole defense line and the support warships scattered not far behind the defense line.

As usual, these fortifications were destroyed in an instant.

Zhao Yu's eyes were always fixed on the second line of defense, wanting to see if the gravitational wave would expand.

Unexpectedly, the final result made him look relieved.

The gravitational waves only spread for 500,000 kilometers before gradually dissipating. This shows that the strange battleship carried only conventional particle black hole collapse bombs.

At this time, Colonel Chu came up to him with a complicated expression.

"Sir, I probably know why the enemy sent this battleship over..."

The battleship has just exploded now, and it only took a short time to walk from the control room to the observation deck. Hasn't Colonel Chu been observing?

Zhao Yu couldn't help but be curious, "How to say?!"

"When I saw that the enemy only sent this one warship, I felt something was wrong and came over immediately..."

Colonel Chu shook his head and said: "They sent this battleship over, obviously to observe the situation of this battleship through the gravitational wave detector."

"They want to find out whether the several waves of warships that came in before were trapped or destroyed..."

"That's it..."

Zhao Yu frowned slightly. According to Colonel Chu's plan, it would take at least three months, or even a year, for the other party to figure this out.

"Will this delay our time?!"


Colonel Chu pursed his lips, but quickly added: "We can also find other ways to increase the delay..."

Zhao Yu thought about the response from Uncle Da, and said: "The host of the moon base has tried it. It is possible to calculate the billions of star maps, but the gaps will be large and it will not be completely accurate. In this way

, it is still not certain whether the light needle can successfully reach the Proxima Galaxy..."

"Having a way is better than having no way. If you can draw a rough star map, you can always avoid some obstacles..."

Colonel Chu nodded, "No matter what, we will launch more light needles. By the way, sir, have the light needles been completed?"


Zhao Yu shook his head and said: "The production line of this thing covers an area of ​​one thousand kilometers, it will take some time..."

"In addition, I don't know whether such a big thing can be installed on a battleship..."


"Captain, the Xingmei exploded!"

Luca pointed at the gravitational wave detector and said excitedly.

"Saw it!"

Kotai laughed and said: "Luca, tell me, what is the secret code we agreed on before the Xingmei's long jump..."

"Yes, Captain!"

Luca said excitedly: "We have made an agreement with the Xingmei that if we discover the defense fortifications of intelligent life, we will self-destruct in the 7th second..."

"If some special abnormal situation in the universe is discovered, it will self-destruct in the 11th second..."

"The current situation is that the Xingmei self-destructed at the 7th second, which means that they saw that there were defenses on the other side of the wormhole..."

Ketai nodded and nodded: "In this way, a fleet has entered the target galaxy in advance and laid an ambush..."

"That's right!"

Luka added: "Moreover, this civilization's fleet is very large. None of the three reconnaissance teams in front of us came back. This shows that they have enough power to deploy defenses..."

"Whether it is a fixed defense or using warships to destroy the reconnaissance team, it shows that their strength is sufficient!"

"Not bad!"

Kotai patted Luka on the shoulder and said, "Well done. Now notify the staff and ask them all to gather together and come up with a battle plan as soon as possible based on the intelligence they have obtained..."

"I want to break through the enemy's defense line and kill them!"



"Did you see that? That large battleship blew up..."

"Yes, looking at it this way, the target galaxy already has a fleet in it..."

"How is this possible? We were the first to arrive!"

In Proxima Centauri, the fleet belonging to the Fire Civilization was a little shocked.

They thought they arrived earlier than all the fleets, and at the same time they also knew that there were fleets from four other civilizations hidden in this small Proxima Centauri star.

"We should be the first to arrive..."

"To be fair, if they are a foreign fleet, there is no need to go in directly. That would make them easy to get dumped on..."

"On the contrary, the foreign fleet has arrived so early. The most correct thing to do is to hide in Proxima Centauri and find a way to follow other civilizations like us..."


The top brass of the fleet belonging to the Fire Civilization all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Unless, in the galaxy next door, it is not a foreign fleet, but an indigenous civilization?!"


Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

"If it was an indigenous civilization, how could they let a foreign fleet destroy two planets so easily?!"

"Yes, to be fair, if two planets can be destroyed, the safari fleet should win..."


Suddenly, someone thought of something and said in disbelief: "Have you ever thought that those two planets might have been exploded by the indigenous civilization itself?!"


Everyone was shocked and it was hard to imagine.

"Only this possibility can explain why they, a second-level civilization that should have deployed defense fortifications throughout the galaxy, were able to allow the safari fleet to blow up two planets without being destroyed by the other party..."<


"This indigenous civilization is so brave!"

Everyone was shocked.

Although this possibility is a bit beyond imagination, logically speaking, it is the only possibility.

"Yes, how dare you use your home galaxy as bait and set a trap to do such a thing..."

"Wait a minute, is it possible that the galaxy next door is not their home galaxy, but a battlefield that they specially selected and plan to fight?!"


Everyone was shocked again, and an inexplicable emotion surged up.

"This civilization has such courage to do such a thing!"

"Yes, it is too domineering to challenge all civilizations within 1,000 light-years by oneself..."

As an expeditionary force, they are naturally a little arrogant, but at this moment, they can't help but admire the civilizations in the solar system.

"Whether they can succeed or not, their move will definitely be recorded in the history of our fiery civilization..."

"Yes, unfortunately, there is no way to know the name of this civilization..."


"The second step of the battle plan is to allow at least one warship to return smoothly..."

"So, my idea is to send warships to the next galaxy without any rules..."

"It's best if you can withdraw it as soon as possible. If you can't withdraw it, you will self-destruct..."

Although I watched the Star Beauty explode with my own eyes.

But Cotai will not send all the fleet there hastily.

Instead, we will implement the second phase of the plan according to Luka’s ideas.

That is to have at least one warship come back after traveling through the past.

Tell them the information over there personally!

This plan also requires a lot of sacrifice. According to the staff calculations, at least dozens or hundreds of warships must be sacrificed before it can be successful.

"At times like this, all we have to fight for is consumption!"

"The other party just came before us. They are both safari fleets and have limited strength. I don't believe we can be worse than them!"

Ketai is still relatively confident. This expedition is the one in which he has the largest number of troops, with tens of thousands of warships.

They are not the earliest ones like the Fire Civilization, and they already know the truth that there are indigenous civilizations in the solar system.

I only thought that the defense forces in the solar system were arranged by the fleet that arrived early.

In fact, the battleships led by Kotai are not the most among the seven civilizations.

The largest number is undoubtedly the Great Whale Corps of the Mo Dou Civilization, which has sent millions of warships.

Before they came over, the expected battle plan was to fight against the civilized fleet, which was also at level 3.

Who would have known that after coming here, they only discovered 7 level 2 civilizations, which caused an internal fight within the headquarters to replace people and seize military industry.

After all, destroying seven major civilizations at once is an unimaginable achievement in the Mo Dou civilization. It is conceivable that the leader will be passed down through the ages, and no one wants to miss this opportunity.

In addition to the Great Whale Legion, the most abundant fleet is the fleet of the Fire Civilization, with a total of 200,000 ships. Almost all the safari fleets parked in the home system for rest have been dispatched.

The reason why the bet is so big is because their Huolie Civilization Intelligence Team analyzed that they are likely to be the first fleet to arrive.

It is the fleet most likely to have the last laugh, and is most suitable to be the ultimate hunter.

With the idea of ​​​​killing all other civilizations in one fell swoop, the natural faction has more warships.

The rest of the remaining fleets also have more or less, some have sent 40,000 to 50,000 ships, and some have few, just like Kotai's civilization, which only sent 10,000 warships.

But in the eyes of Cotai and others, 10,000 battleships are not a lot. As everyone knows, their think tank has already analyzed them and even regarded them as abandoners with a high probability.

Soon, the combat plan was set up.

One battleship after another, they lined up outside the wormhole and entered at random times.

Cotech gave them only two instructions.

The first command is to arrive at the target galaxy, take a look at the situation, and return quickly.

The second instruction is that if it cannot wait for 10 minutes for the wormhole to recover and return, it will self-destruct before being destroyed by the enemy.


Whale Legion.

Dugo was depressed, holding a bottle of wine in his hand and kept pouring it into his mouth.

At this moment, the adjutant came over and said: "Legion Commander, there is a call from headquarters..."


Du Ge smiled sarcastically, guessing that it was news related to the one-month limit.

The adjutant said mysteriously: "The person who sent the message is named Du..."


Du Ge suddenly sobered up and realized that the Du family was using their connections to deliver news to him.

He quickly stood up and walked towards the Quantum Realm Information Room. On the way, he was still thinking about how his family would ask him to act.

After entering, Dugo cleared away all the irrelevant people, leaving only his confidants, and then translated the content transmitted through the quantum world message.

The distance of 950 light-years, through the method of quantum world communication, has almost no distance limit, and messages can be transmitted simultaneously.

Du Ge even felt that the Du family who spread the news might not have left the communication room at the headquarters.

Soon, the translation result came out, and there was only one paragraph on it.

"Drive out wolves and tigers, and kill a group to startle..."

Dugo understood instantly.

The master of the Du family wants him to show the strength of a level 3 civilization, instantly kill a fleet belonging to a civilization, and then frighten other fleets, flee here, and follow suit!

If he wanted to do this, he would not be able to use the fleet in Proxima Centauri, but could only use the regiment left 300 light years away.

Moreover, in order to prevent the headquarters from being held accountable, the people in that corps must be disguised and pretend to be from other civilizations.

"Looking at it this way, destroying the civilization in the galaxy next door is the most cost-effective..."

After Dugo thought for a moment, it was most cost-effective to absolutely destroy the indigenous civilizations in the solar system.

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