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Chapter 18 Six major civilizations join forces to conquer the solar system!

 "How is this possible?!"

"Where did those five battleships go?!"


"Who did it?!"

"How do I know?!"

On Proxima Centauri, the five major civilizations were all shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

But the detector clearly showed that the five warships that showed level 3 civilization were indeed destroyed.

"Could it be that Level 2 civilization did it?!"

"Impossible, they are still escaping towards the wormhole, how could it be them?!"

The fleet to which Kotai belonged performed extremely poorly and had stopped counterattacking long ago. No one thought it could be them.

"It can't be, is it the indigenous civilization?!"

"This is impossible. This indigenous civilization was chased by the level 2 civilization and fled..."

People are very puzzled that there are only three civilizations in the solar system at the moment.

One is an indigenous civilization, one is the fleet to which Kotai belongs, and the other is a third-level civilization.

There can’t be a fourth civilization, right?!

But on the gravitational wave detector, even spacecraft belonging to level three civilizations can be detected. Unless they encounter an unimaginable level four civilization, no one can escape detection.

"Do you think it's possible that this indigenous civilization is a disguised Level 3 civilization, and those five battleships were destroyed by them?!"


People were shocked and some couldn't believe it, but it cannot be said that this possibility is impossible.

"Have you noticed that in their galaxy, many spacecraft have recently exceeded 100 kilometers in length, and they seem to have some special function..."

The Ruyi-type battleship cannot escape the gravitational wave detector. It has attracted people's attention since its appearance. At this moment, it naturally aroused the suspicion of the five major civilizations.


"Those five battleships were destroyed..."

"Looking at the destruction, it looks like it was destroyed by a light needle!"

"Who did this?!"

"I don't know!"

Dugo was shocked. He was very sure that he did not arrange for these five battleships to die in the solar system.

This shows that this matter has nothing to do with him. There are other uncontrollable forces in the solar system.

The people in the guidance group were shocked. The emergence of a third-level civilization was shocking enough. As a result, a second third-level civilization was suspected to have appeared in the solar system.

This is really scary!

For a time, all kinds of speculations were flying.

Dugo was also at a loss and could only send the news back to the headquarters and wait for a decision there.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to tell the truth that he sent those five battleships out.

It’s just that those two who showed the third-level civilization methods are unfamiliar civilizations.


"Are we going to escape?!"

"If this is a trap, if we escape, will it lead the enemy to the home planet?!"


The five major civilizations on Proxima Centauri all regret it. If they had known that there was a fight between Level 3 civilizations here, they would not have come out.

Now we cannot retreat or move.

I dare not run if I want to, for fear of being exposed. I dare not turn back if I want to, for fear of being followed.

I can only stay in Proxima Centauri and pretend to be dead. I hope I can delay it for a while and see what happens.


Within the solar system.

"What do we do now?!"

Zhao Yu had a headache. The appearance of five new level 3 civilization battleships directly broke their combat deployment and plans.

But if they don't destroy those five battleships, Blue Star will be destroyed.

It can only expose the existence of light needle weapons.

"Sir, you don't have to worry too much!"

Colonel Chu was not so anxious, and said calmly: "We are obviously a civilization that has entered Level 2 for the first time, but we have shown weapons that only Level 3 civilization can possess..."

"The one who should be anxious and think wildly is the third-level civilization in Proxima Centauri, right?!"

"So, before they figure out our details, they will most likely not act rashly..."

"During this period, we only need to destroy the enemy warships step by step and re-deploy a defense line near the wormhole..."


While everyone was watching, the battleship driven by Kotai finally escaped into the wormhole.

After a little statistics, it was found that of the 10,000 warships accompanying them, only 500 were left at the moment, and the rest were left here.

"It's so scary..."

"Captain, do we have to wait for them?"

"Wait a minute, activate the wormhole immediately and retreat!!!"

How dare you stay longer in Ketai.

The five major civilizations of Proxima Centauri are limited by their distance and cannot see the specific situation in the solar system.

But they knew it clearly.

After those five battleships were destroyed, they still had nearly 5,000 battleships left. As a result, they were killed one after another on the way to the wormhole.

The silent state was exactly the same as when it was attacked by the five warships before.

On the other hand, not a single battleship of the indigenous civilization was destroyed.

This situation is before his eyes, and if he doesn't understand the truth, he is a big fool.

"Damn it, this indigenous civilization in the solar system is basically a trap set by the third-level civilization..."

"What they plan to hunt is not our second-level civilization, but the same third-level civilization..."

"Fortunately, the opponent's attention is obviously focused on the newly emerged third-level civilization, which gives us a chance to escape..."

It wasn't until the command ship entered the wormhole that Kotai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is absolutely safe in the wormhole.


"This indigenous civilization actually masters light needle technology..."

"But they didn't seem to show it when they fought against the level 2 civilization..."

"Don't you understand this? They are pretending..."

"The trap is clearly laid out here..."

Second-level civilizations cannot see clearly the situation in the solar system, but the Great Whale Corps can. Their supergravitational wave detectors are enough to see clearly the situation of every battleship in the solar system.

Naturally, we also saw that the battleships belonging to Kotai were constantly being destroyed.

The five warships that clearly belonged to the third-level civilization were all destroyed, so naturally only the indigenous civilizations of the solar system were left to take action.

As for whether it was possible to hide a fourth-level civilization, it was directly denied.

If there really was a fourth-level civilization, they would not be able to watch the show so safely.

"Commander of the Dugo Army, an order came from the headquarters. You will continue to command the army and adapt to changes in the Proxima Galaxy. You are not allowed to return to the home system without an order..."

Du Ge nodded, knowing that the good things were not his fault, but the bad things must be his.

He then asked: "What about the people in the guidance group?"

"Headquarters rejected the guidance group's request to return to the home system..."


Du Ge sneered, looking at the frightened expressions of these second-generation people, he wanted to laugh.

"What a bunch of trash. They pounce on them in every possible way when they see an opportunity. They want to go back when they see a crisis..."

"Now it seems that they are just some poor abandoned children..."

The big family is weak, so naturally he didn't know for the first time that he couldn't put his mother planet in danger just for some second generation.

That night, some instructors who were resigned to their fate came to Dugo and expressed their full support for his work, hoping that he could take them back safely.

But there are also some people who are not smart enough and are still frantically sending messages to the headquarters, looking for connections and clamoring to go back.


One month later.

"Is there any movement in the solar system?"


"Except for repositioning the front line near the wormhole, they made no other moves..."

Dugo frowned. In the past month, he has not dared to act rashly. He has been staying in Proxima Centauri to observe the trends in the solar system.

I wonder what this level 3 civilization wants to do.

At this moment, the adjutant ran over.

"Legion Commander, there is news from headquarters..."


"The headquarters said that the top priority is to focus on the third-level civilization. Those second-level civilizations can be used as chess pieces when necessary..."

Dugo can naturally understand this.

The reason why they destroy low-level civilizations is that they are worried that the other party will one day surpass them and threaten them.

This is to prevent something that may happen in the future, and it is naturally not important at the moment.

But an unfamiliar third-level civilization will definitely threaten their existence.

He must understand the situation in this solar system.

"One thing that is certain is that the solar system is definitely not their home galaxy..."

"According to the headquarters think tank, based on existing intelligence analysis, there are two civilizations in the solar system..."

"One is the real indigenous civilization, which is the so-called Blue Star Civilization. The real civilization level is around 0.75..."

"The other group is a third-level civilization. After discovering the Blue Star Civilization, it did not destroy them. Instead, it took the opportunity to send a fleet to hide here..."

"Deliberately letting the Moro fleet destroy two planets to attract other civilizations to come, so as to master information about other civilizations..."

Dugo nodded slightly, this was basically what he thought.

In this part of the solar system, it is absolutely impossible for a third-level civilization to be born, and even a second-level civilization is unlikely.

Therefore, behind the indigenous civilizations of the solar system, there must be other high-level civilizations.

What they want to deal with is the civilization hidden behind it.

"Can't delay!"

It has been a whole month and there has been no movement from the other party. It is useless to continue to delay.

Dugo decided to take the initiative and test it out again.

However, it will eventually be exposed, and there is no need to hide it in front of other level 2 civilizations.

On that day, Dugo sent out an army and drove out all the other five hidden civilizations.

As for the five hundred battleships that Kotai belonged to, they left Proxima Centauri as soon as they escaped from the solar system.

The corps stationed in other galaxies followed them, and reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance are currently being carried out in the universe. It is expected that their home planet will be found after a while.

"Damn it, when did this third-level civilization arrive?!"

The Fire Civilization was the most annoyed. They thought they were the first to arrive. After all, they were the closest to the solar system.

But in the end, it was still hidden under the eyes of others.

The five major secondary civilizations that were driven out gave in after the initial trial and easily destroyed a number of battleships.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Du Ge sent someone a message saying that he would not kill them.

Soon, under Dugo's arrangement, the fleet leaders of the five major secondary civilizations finally met.

The meeting place was naturally the command ship Dugo was riding.

The five people have different looks, heights and shapes. The only similarity is their eyes, which are full of agility. This seems to be the common denominator of intelligent life.

Soon, led by several mermaid-like guards, the five people walked to a reception room.

The octopus head sitting at the head is none other than Dugo.

"Welcome everyone!" Dugo greeted with a smile.

The five people looked confused, not knowing what the other party said.

Soon, someone used the translation system developed during this period of time to use the inherent formulas and algorithms of the universe to translate Dugo's words.



Naturally, the five of them responded with words that the other could not understand.

There are also five translators on Dugo's side. After inputting on the device, the translation results were quickly presented. They were all very polite words.

After all, in this environment, no one would be stubborn enough to scold someone who is far above their own civilization level, especially if the other person doesn't seem to want to kill them for the time being.

Du Ge nodded with satisfaction after seeing it, and continued: "I came to you for no other reason..."

"The civilization in the solar system is very evil. It destroyed nearly 10,000 battleships of another civilization and is the source of evil in the universe..."

"So, we hope to form an alliance with you and jointly conquer the solar system..."

Having said this, he paused and raised his hand to ask the translator to explain.

Soon, the five people heard the meaning of what Dugo said, and looked at each other in confusion.

But there were also those who reacted quickly and guessed that they might become cannon fodder and become tools in the struggle between the two major third-level civilizations.

But even if you know, what can you do?

In this situation, they have no other choice but to agree.

Moreover, depending on the situation, the other party does not have any intention of destroying the parent galaxy behind them.

This way, you still have a chance to escape.

No one wants to die if they can live.

Soon, the six major civilizations formed an alliance to conquer the solar system.

The Whale Legion has one million battleships, and the other five major secondary civilizations have battleships ranging from 10,000 to 100,000.

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Du Ge put down his words and left the third-level civilization to them. The other five major civilizations only need to send troops to deal with the military power of the indigenous civilizations.

He said so, but he didn't even send a single battleship, and let the five major civilizations enter the wormhole first.

The five major civilizations were also helpless. They could only discuss with each other and each sent a part of their warships as a vanguard force to invade the solar system.

The number of vanguard armies is also large. The five major civilizations each sent 10,000 warships, adding up to 50,000 ships.

It is five times larger than the fleet led by Kotai before.

After preliminary testing, the Pioneer Army quickly broke through the wormhole defense line and established a temporary defense line near the wormhole in the solar system.

There was an example from Kotai before. The vanguard army did not dare to make a move, so they could only attack Zhao Yu's warships one by one. The two sides fought back and forth.


What happened in the Proxima Galaxy was naturally seen by Zhao Yu.

"These five second-level civilizations were driven out by the third-level Mo Dou civilization and used as cannon fodder to attack the solar system. How should we respond?"

During this period, Zhao Yu held meetings more and more frequently. Whenever there was any trouble in Proxima Centauri, he would find a group of wise men to analyze the situation.

Colonel Chu smiled and said: "Sir, this is a good thing. It shows that Mo Dou Civilization is not ready to confront us head-on..."

"Looking at it now, they plan to use these level 2 civilizations to find out the reality of the civilization...

"This means that before these level 2 civilizations are dead, we will not face the Mo Dou civilization..."

"So, when fighting these level 2 civilizations, we don't have to use light needle weapons, we can just follow the way we fought with the fleeing fleet..."

This chapter has been completed!
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