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Chapter 5 Duel Stage Troubles

 "My son, you have really worked hard this time!"

Du Bing sighed with emotion, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Your experience in the solar system can be publicized and regarded as your achievement..."

"Dad, I didn't do anything..." Dugo said in a daze.

"No, you did it. You have been fighting with the third-level civilization for a long time. If the empire hadn't intervened, that solar system civilization would have been destroyed..."

Du Bing said calmly: "Don't worry, I will arrange it!"

Within a few days, Mo Dou Kingdom began to publicize.

It mainly tells the story of the battle of wits and courage between the whale army led by Dugo and the civilization of the solar system after entering the Proxima galaxy.

Under Du Bing's operation, the strength of the solar system civilization was greatly expanded, thus highlighting Du Ge's achievements.

For a time, Dugo's achievements skyrocketed, and people also learned more about the civilization of the solar system.


[Mo Dou Civilization (Level 3): 2.5%]

【Get reputation reward】

Zhao Yu was stunned. He was about to enter the quantum world that day, but he was startled by a sudden system prompt.

After many days, Mo Dou Civilization suddenly provided him with a wave of reputation.

"It turns out that the progress bar of the third-level civilization increases the reputation value every time one is exceeded?!"

Zhao Yu was a little shocked. All the progress bars unlocked before were the first-level civilization progress bars. Each time a node was broken through, only 100 reputation points were given.

In the blink of an eye, his reputation value reached a certain point, and he also had a certain amount of usable reputation.

At the same time, new redemption items also appeared in the reputation redemption list.

It is a technology that accelerates wormhole travel and requires 5,000 reputation points.

Taking a look at the level of this technology, which was only level three, Zhao Yu suddenly lost interest.

Nowadays, the Galactic Empire dominates the universe and strictly prohibits war between civilizations. The wormhole shuttle acceleration technology seems to be of no use.

"How about waiting a little longer to see if it's possible to develop level 4 technology?!"

After Zhao Yu hesitated for a moment, he finally decided not to redeem it first, but to save some reputation points before talking.

What's important right now is the ranking system. The data of one hundred military units has been scanned into the virtual world. After memorizing various combat methods, Zhao Yu entered the quantum world this time. This time, he wanted to participate in the competition.



"Should we escape?!"

In the universe, a certain fleet shuttled out of the wormhole. Thinking back to the horrific scene ten days ago, when that ship destroyed tens of thousands of battleships of the third-level civilization in the blink of an eye, I felt lingering fear.

"Level 4 civilization, if we really want to pursue you, we won't be able to escape for so long..."

"So, there is a high probability that they don't take us seriously, and they should go all out to chase those two third-level civilizations..."

"What do we do now?!"

"Do you want to go back to your home star?"

"Let's go around again and make sure there are no pursuers..."

Soon, the fleet entered the wormhole again and went to other places.

Situations like this have occurred in several other places.

After the Galactic Empire's warships appeared in the solar system, the five major civilizations and Moro, who was watching the battle in the next galaxy, all chose to escape immediately.

Without the means of quantum communication, they still don’t know that the universe has changed, and the laws of the dark forest are no longer applicable with the emergence of the Galactic Empire.



Zhao Yu opened his eyes and found that he was already standing on Earl's Island.

In the past few days, he also tried to use his quantum world information to enter the quantum world, and found that no matter how he visualized the situation on Earl's Island, he could not travel back and forth.

If you want to get to Earl's Island, you can only enter through the equipment provided by the empire, and you can only get here.

"It's amazing, I don't know how they did it!"

Zhao Yu felt a little emotional. He was fully aware of the horror of the quantum world, but the empire was able to carve out a space here for people from all over the universe to gather here. It was also able to not be affected by the quantum world and allow every conscious body to gather here.

Keep yourself and your sanity.

On the square, white light flashes from time to time, and behind every figure stands a civilization.

After these people arrived, they divided into two groups, one group ran towards the west and the other group ran towards the east.

Zhao Yu glanced at it casually, didn't care, and followed the flow of people towards the east square, where the ranking system was.

After walking for a while, I saw a group of people gathered somewhere, and there were chants from time to time, attracting many passers-by to watch.

When Zhao Yu saw this, he couldn't help but be a little curious, and followed him up.

After squeezing for a while, I found a suitable position and had a clear view of the situation inside the venue.

There is a battle stage similar to a round table, with a man standing on each side, seemingly arguing.

The man on the left raised his nostrils to the sky and said contemptuously: "Haha, that's it?!"

The man on the right suppressed his blush and said loudly: "This one doesn't count. I made a mistake. Try again!"

"What happened, what happened?!"

Someone who was new here like Zhao Yu asked curiously.

"Hey, these two people had a quarrel and were clamoring to enter the duel field for a fight..."

"Now, the one on the left wins, and the one on the right loses..."

Zhao Yu suddenly realized and couldn't help but shake his head. Sure enough, wherever there are people, there are fights.

For a duel like this, each battle also requires 100 grams of dark matter as a ticket, but it is not included in the ranking system.

Looking at it now, it was set up for the counts to fight against each other.

Zhao Yu was about to turn around and leave when suddenly, a word from the man on the right made him stop again.

"I'll add 10,000 dark matter, do you dare to do it again?!"


Zhao Yu was a little shocked. Can bets be added to the duel stage here?!

"Haha, someone wants to give me dark matter, why shouldn't I?!"

The man on the left couldn't stop laughing and chose to accept it directly.

Suddenly, relevant information appeared in the duel arena.

[Blue square: Wang Futu]

[Red square: Li Weibo]

[This bet: dark matter.]

[This duel adopts a one-on-one mode. Each party can scan a hundred military units and enter a virtual battle environment to duel...]

There are real bets!

Zhao Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that the empire would allow them to do such a thing.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

These days, he has communicated with Colonel Chu many times and basically came to a conclusion about the Galactic Empire.

That is the purpose of the empire to unify the universe this time, just for dark matter.

As for their rhetoric about saving the universe, it may be true, but it is most likely false.

Therefore, the empire will do everything possible to stimulate the consumption of the earls.

Around the square, there are various entertainment facilities, each of which can make people want to stop.

Especially a beast-eared maid shop, even Zhao Yu was curious to enter and find out.

Fortunately, poverty makes him rational, and these days he can only get a glimpse of some of its mysteries through the showing off of others.

These mysteries naturally attracted a large number of people to come and spend money.

As far as Zhao Yu knows, the most powerful person has borrowed 10 million grams of dark matter and consumed it.

One gram of dark matter is equivalent to one intelligent life. Everyone knew this as early as the first day.

But no one cared, and gradually, Zhao Yu got used to it.

He doesn’t care about people of his own race, so what does it have to do with him?

What's more, every civilization must turn over dark matter to the empire every year, which is basically unchangeable.

In terms of ranking rewards, even if you get first place every month, only one person will be exempted from the annual payment quota.

This means that there are more than 100,000 civilizations that use their own people as raw materials to purify and refine them into dark matter.

Zhao Yu also knew it very well, but he still wanted to try and prevent Blue Star people from becoming material as much as possible.

The bottom line in his heart is not to let the Blue Star people become material, otherwise, he is really afraid that one day, he will completely lose himself and become a devil.

"Hey, hey, you should turn on the spectator function!"

Someone else's words brought Zhao Yu back to his senses.

At this moment, the two people in the field have already started fighting, but unfortunately, the viewing function is not turned on, so they can only wait on the sidelines.

Some people felt bored and turned around and left, while others stayed where they were, wanting to see who of the two would win in the end.

Zhao Yu also chose to stay where he was. He mainly wanted to know whether the bet on the duel platform could really be taken away.

If it is true, then he has found another way to obtain dark matter besides the ranking system.

After about ten minutes, the duel platform suddenly changed.

The left side suddenly lit up with flashing blue, while the red on the right dimmed.

"Haha, the blue team won again!"

Some people who had witnessed the fight between the two sides for a long time laughed out loud and explained how the winner of the duel stage appeared.

At the same time, the two people in the duel also opened their eyes.

"Haha, if you want to win against me, just wait until your civilization develops for another 10,000 years!"

Wang Futu laughed endlessly, and couldn't help but feel proud when he saw so many people watching around him.

Looking at Li Weibo on the right, his face turned pale, he was ashamed and angry, and he wanted to eat his opponent.

"Li Weibo, stop playing. If you lose, be willing to admit defeat..."

"Yes, you have lost three games in a row, and the difference in strength is already obvious..."

People around me began to persuade them.

It’s not that they know each other, but that on this Earl’s Island, everyone has a unique number and an ID above their head.

For example, Zhao Yu's head is staring at a series of numbers plus the word "Zhao Yu".

It allows people to know the other party’s name clearly at a glance.

The persuasion of others not only did not make Li Weibo feel better, but instead made his face even redder.

He blushed, raised his head suddenly, stared at Wang Futu, and said loudly: "Do it again, I don't believe I can't beat you!!"

"It's boring. You are too weak. Do you know what dimensionality reduction attack is?!"

Wang Futu sneered: "I haven't even used nuclear weapons, so you can't win. If I fight you, I'm bullying you..."

Some of the people around looked confused, asking around what nuclear weapons were.

But most people looked at Li Weibo as if they were laughing.

"No, Li Weibo, your civilization has not even developed nuclear weapons, how dare you bet with others?!"

"That is, there are two levels of nuclear weapons and non-nuclear weapons..."

"As I say, just give in and forget it..."

Listening to the words on the side, Li Weibo seemed to be stimulated and shouted: "One hundred thousand dark matter, one more..."

"You haven't even developed nuclear weapons, so the world's population is probably less than one billion, right?"

Wang Futu shook his head and said: "With this small population, the dark matter produced every year may not be enough. If I beat you again, I'm afraid your civilization will die within a few years..."

When others hear this, they can’t help but be in awe.

"Wang Futu, well done. I didn't expect you to have such noble moral character and actually think about your opponents..."

"I admire you very much. If you were to replace me, you would definitely earn that 100,000 dark matter..."

Li Weibo became more and more irrational, almost leaning against him, and said crazily: "One million dark matter, one more shot, and I will beat you!"

Wang Futu was startled for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said: "I said, your civilization is too poorly developed and your population is definitely not large enough. It's boring to win against you like this. You should also consider other people of your race..."

This remark immediately aroused a burst of praise, and many people patted their chests and said they wanted to become good friends with Wang Futu.

"Two million, if you don't fight me, I will follow you even if I don't do anything..." Li Weibo's eyes turned red.

Wang Futu frowned, and at the same time, some people around him tried to persuade him, saying that he should teach the other party a lesson.

After more voices of persuasion, Wang Futu couldn't help it anymore and said sternly: "I didn't want to make you miserable, but since you said you want to entangle me, I will take a gamble with you and say it first.

Okay, just this one..."

"Okay, come on, come on!"

Soon, the two made a bet and started the battle again with everyone watching.

As the bets here increase, more and more people come around.

Zhao Yu was also pushed from the position near the middle to the back row.

In desperation, he could only look through the cracks in the crowd to see what was going on inside.

Another ten minutes passed, the battle ended, and a flashing blue light rose.

"Blue wins again!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"Two million dark matter, just win..."

People were shocked and looked at Wang Futu with eyes full of envy.

"No, I don't accept it, try again!"

Unexpectedly, Li Weibo's voice sounded again in the field.

"As I said just now, this is the last one, I'm leaving..." Wang Futu seemed to be really afraid of being caught, and was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

"Three million, come or not!" Li Weibo refused to give up, with red eyes, and continued to increase the price.

The people around could not help but sigh.

"It's really unlucky for Li Weibo and others to have a ruler like him on the civilized platform..."

"Yeah, I've already lost more than two million, and there are still more to come. If this continues, I'm afraid the entire world's population won't be enough to build something like this..."

"Shut up!"

Li Weibo scolded angrily, as if he was dissatisfied with the people around him talking about him like this.

His rebuttal immediately aroused the emotions of many people, who all said that other people were addicted to food, and doing so would only lead to the demise of their civilization.

Li Weibo retorted for a while, but he couldn't stand up to most of them, so he turned around and wanted to use Wang Futu to wash away his shame.

As a result, I found that the other party had already left.

"Wang Futu, come back here!" He was shouting like a crazy gambler at the moment, making people feel that he was mentally disturbed.

"Tsk tsk, gambling is risky, so be careful when entering the trap..."

"Come on, another one is crazy!"

Just when everyone was watching the joke, Li Weibo suddenly said: "Who will bet with me, three million..."

This chapter has been completed!
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