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Chapter 17 Please start your performance!

 "Yu Chuxue, hello!"

After Zhao Yu put down the mirror, he stopped and said, "I didn't expect to meet in this way!"

"Uuuuuuu~~~!" Yu Chuxue struggled violently.

"Don't worry, this is the last time, you will never see me again!"

Zhao Yu smiled slightly and said: "I have been thinking about how I will die..."

"Normal people, no one would struggle with this problem, right?!"

"But for me, this issue is very important, because according to the bet, I can live up to 668 hours and 44 minutes..."

After saying that, Zhao Yu stood up and left again.

Yu Chuxue calmed down a little and looked through the mirror for available escape tools around her.

But after looking around, she became desperate. Zhao Yu's binding techniques were very powerful and gave her no chance to escape.

She really didn't expect that someone could do such a thing. She is the eldest lady of the Yu family. Isn't he afraid of the Yu family's revenge?!

How dare he?!

Once someone knew about this kind of thing, would Zhao Yu still be alive?!

Just as he was angry, Zhao Yu walked in again, moved a table in front of Yu Chuxue, and then walked out again.

What is he going to do?!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu went in and out many times, bringing a lot of things and putting them on the table.

Chopping boards, knives, and meat grinders are all commonly used items in the kitchen.

Zhao Yu stopped again, placed the knives of different lengths neatly on the table, looked at Yu Chuxue, and asked:

"Do you know what you did this morning?!"

Yu Chuxue kept shaking her head, with tears in the corners of her eyes, as if begging for mercy.

Zhao Yu turned around and closed the door tightly, then approached Yu Chuxue and loosened the towel around her mouth.

"Please, let me go. I was wrong. As long as you let me go, you can do whatever you want..."

Before she could speak, Yu Chuxue shouted loudly.

Before she could say anything more, Zhao Yu blocked the towel again.

"Guess, why do I want to bet with Huang Zilong?!"

"Why did I use Su Xiaoxiao to bet with Huang Zilong?!"

Zhao Yu seemed dissatisfied with Yu Chuxue's performance. He took a whetstone from somewhere and started to pick up the knives on the table and polish them one by one.

While polishing, he continued talking as if talking to himself.

"Because of money!"

"The most affectionate thing in Ice City, have you heard of it?!"

"Jumped into the lake for love and almost drowned..."

"Liu Siyu told me that she has two elderly people at home and the amount of money that needs to be exempted is almost 10 million..."

Yu Chuxue's eyes widened. She had heard all these things before.

But when I heard it before, I just thought that this boy was too stupid to do such a thing for a girl.


The particles on the whetstone kept falling, and the rust on the blade was worn away, revealing bursts of chill. Yu Chuxue couldn't help but shudder.

"This scheme I set up is equivalent to taking advantage of the eldest lady of the Su family and taking out 10 million from the Huang family..."

"What do you think the Su family, or Huang family, will do to me in one month?"

Zhao Yu spoke very calmly, as if the protagonist of the story was not him.

But the calmer he became, the more frightened Yu Chuxue became. She felt that the person in front of her was very scary, like a pervert.

No, he is a pervert!

"It will kill me!"

Zhao Yu gave a rare smile, "In this world now, people are the least valuable!"

"Especially for a person like me who has no father or mother and no one to rely on. No one will hold me accountable even if I die..."

"Do you know how much it costs to kill an ordinary person like me on the black market?!"

Yu Chuxue rarely stopped struggling. She wanted to know how much money it would cost to kill Zhao Yu, so that after she got out of trouble...

"Twenty thousand!"

Twenty thousand?!

Yu Chuxue was shocked, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it.

So few?!

Is a human life worth this little money?!

Zhao Yu seemed to see her confusion and said with a smile: "In fact, some people's lives are not worth 20,000 or 20,000, so someone has to pay for it..."

He shook his head and said: "These are not important. Before setting up the trap, I had already thought about death..."

"Some people say I'm stupid, some people say I'm stupid and have something wrong with my brain..."

"I don't think so, I'm very awake and my brain is fine!"

Zhao Yu said seriously: "I think it's worth exchanging my life for 10 million, and it can also help Liu Siyu..."


Yu Chuxue fell silent. She discovered that the man in front of her was a complete lunatic.

Everyone was confused by the human skin he was wearing!

She really wants to ask, did Liu Siyu save your life? Is it worth it?!

Zhao Yu shook his head and said, "It's useless to tell you this..."

With that said, Zhao Yu picked up the sharp knife in his hand and slowly took a few steps closer.

"Uh huh~~~!" Yu Chuxue struggled again, her heart filled with fear and endless regret.

Soon, the knife was pressed against Yu Chuxue's neck, and as she moved, streaks of blood appeared.

"I haven't killed people yet, but I have seen others kill chickens..."

"Put a knife on your neck and bleed first..."

"At this time, the chicken is not completely dead and will keep struggling until it completely dies..."

"You are lucky. I tied you up, so you don't have to be embarrassed when you struggle..."

The more he said this, the more frightened Yu Chuxue became, and the more she struggled.

The back of my head has long been pressed against the chair, and I keep trying to shrink back.

"Uh huh~~!" She raised her voice, as if she wanted to say a few words.

Just as he was about to take action, Zhao Yu stopped again and said: "Since I am already here, I am not in a hurry to take action. I will let you die more clearly..."

Zhao Yu pulled up a chair and sat down.

"You are such a vicious woman!"

"I calculated my own life and planned it. In the name of the Su family, I took out 10 million yuan from the Huang family to buy my life..."

"You changed your hand and threw the bracelet, and you were going to take away my money. Tell me, did you consider the consequences at that time?!"

The cold gleam in Zhao Yu's eyes became more and more abundant, and he seemed to feel that it was too cheap to kill Yu Chuxue like this.

"Money is my life. If you take my money, I will take your life. Is there any problem?!"

"Uh huh~~~!"

Zhao Yu stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on Yu Chuxue's face, and said lightly: "I don't like the way you look now..."

"Where's that contempt you had before?"

"The eyes that look at me are full of disdain. I want to take another look!"


Yu Chuxue couldn't hold herself any longer, tears welled up in her eyes, her eyes were full of fear, and her body began to tremble involuntarily.

She's scared!

She regretted it!

She didn't expect that Zhao Yu would risk everything and come to her home to find her and die together.

She had never thought about this before, but as Zhao Yu told her story, she gradually understood that it was normal for Zhao Yu to do this.

The one who is abnormal is her!

This is just like when people see a madman, they usually hide away, because they are afraid that the other person will suddenly hit you on the head with a hammer.

But it would be better for her to just go up and bully a dying person. Isn’t this forcing the other person to kill you?

"Can you stop crying?!"

Zhao Yu showed a rare trace of disgust and said coldly: "You ruined my good mood..."

"What I want to see is that person who has contempt in his eyes and looks at me like a clown!"

Yu Chuxue still didn't understand that she must have gone too far in the morning. The contempt she felt at that time stimulated Zhao Yu and cost him a month's life, so he came to find her.

"It's so boring..."

Zhao Yu shook his head, as if he was bored, and his eyes fell on the knife again.

Just this small move once again frightened Yu Chuxue so much that her whole body trembled.


There was a sound of water flowing.

Zhao Yu turned around and found that Yu Chuxue was so frightened that she peed.


Seeing this scene, he laughed and said: "Aren't you from the upper class? How can you do such a thing?"

He seemed to be interested again, put down the knife, came to Yu Chuxue, took the towel from her mouth, and said: "Come, tell me your last words..."

At this moment, Yu Chuxue suddenly calmed down.

The begging for mercy that was on her lips was forced into her stomach.

She knows very well that begging for mercy is useless, the only thing she can do is to save herself!


"The bracelet is fake. The bracelet I broke is fake. It's really at home..."

"I don't want you to compensate, I don't want your money..."

Yu Chuxue hurriedly told the truth.

The real bracelet is worth 18 million, how could she be willing to throw it away?

What she threw was the bracelet she took from the wrist of the girl next to her who was flattering her.

Zhao Yu was shocked at first, then angry.

He rushed over, grabbed Yu Chuxue's neck, pressed her head against the back of the chair, his eyes filled with red bloodshot eyes, and said angrily: "Are you kidding me?!"

"Ahem~~ I was wrong~ You don't need to pay for it..." Yu Chuxue struggled to emphasize.


Zhao Yu was startled for a moment, but became even more angry. He pinched Yu Chuxue's neck tightly with both hands, leaned into her face, and said loudly: "Do you think there is still room for redemption?!"

"I've tied you here, do you have any other choice besides death?!"

A feeling of suffocation came over Yu Chuxue. She had never realized that death was so close to her.

"~~Yes~~" She was so angry that she struggled to spit out such a word.


Zhao Yu released his grip on her neck, but raised his hand and slapped her hard.

"You want to say that you won't pursue it?"

He said fiercely: "Do you think I'm a fool?"


Yu Chuxue coughed twice and began to gasp for air. But after taking a few breaths, she hurriedly said: "No, I have a way so that you don't have to pay or kill me. Everything can still be restored..."

Zhao Yu shook his head, stood up, adjusted the camera, and said coldly: "How naive. From the moment I entered your house, there is no room for redemption..."

"But don't worry, your death will not be unknown. In five minutes, you will be famous in Bingcheng, and your Yu family will also be famous..."

Only then did Yu Chuxue understand the purpose of Zhao Yu's manipulation of the camera. She quickly said: "The handle, as long as I have the handle in your hands, I won't dare to retaliate against you. Everything can be undone..."

Zhao Yu frowned slightly, as if he was trying to determine whether what she said was delaying time or trying to deceive himself.

When life and death were at stake, Yu Chuxue knew clearly that the person in front of her was like a powder keg, ready to explode.

She must find a way to survive before the other party completely loses his mind.

"My Yu family values ​​face the most, and as a girl, I also value chastity the most..."

"As long as you take an indecent video of me and hold it in your hand, I will never dare to retaliate against you..."

She never thought that one day, she would actually beg others to do such a thing to her.

But in order to survive, these are not important.


Zhao Yu sneered and said: "You want face? If you want face, you will throw a fake bracelet and frame me?!"

Yu Chuxue was speechless and quickly shook her head: "This is different..."

"What's the difference!?"

Now, there is nothing she dares not do.

"I am a bitch, I am a slut, I can be anything, as long as you let me say it to the camera, these can be my handle..."

Zhao Yu seemed to be stunned on the spot, and couldn't believe that these words actually came from Yu Chuxue's mouth.

After a moment, there was some sarcasm in his eyes, "Aren't you from the Yu family? Don't your big family always talk about the glory of the family? At this time, shouldn't you rather die than surrender?!"

Yu Chuxue was speechless, and after a while she said quietly: "I want to live, I don't want to die..."

"What about your Yu family's face? No more?!"

"What's wrong with the Yu family? What does it have to do with me?!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Zhao Yu was silent, seeming to be thinking about whether what she said was feasible.

Yu Chuxue stopped talking and stared at Zhao Yu without blinking.

She understood that whether she could survive or not depended on the thoughts of the man in front of her.

After a while, the violent aura in Zhao Yu's eyes seemed to fade away, and under Yu Chuxue's expectant gaze, he slowly said:

"I can give you a chance!"

Yu Chuxue breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had succeeded in saving herself.

Zhao Yu continued: "I will loosen your bonds, you have two choices!"

"One, fight with me!"

"Two, follow what you said before and be your true, shameless self!"

"I choose two!!"

Before Zhao Yu could finish speaking, Yu Chuxue gave the answer.

Zhao Yu stared at her, and after a long while, he nodded and said: "You can choose the second choice, but if you are shameless and do not meet the requirements you said yourself, or if you don't think it is enough for me to use as a handle,

Then the consequences..."

He shook his head and took away all the knives in the room, leaving only two identical ones.

Zhao Yu walked up to Yu Chuxue's back and cut the rope.

After she stood up, she put a sharp knife in her hand on the table and said slowly: "You can choose one, fight with me!"

Yu Chuxue looked at the knife on the table, her heart beating wildly.

There was even a picture in his mind of him picking up a knife and inserting it into Zhao Yu's heart like crazy.

"Isn't one handful enough?!"

Zhao Yu seemed to have the power to see through people's hearts and placed the knife in his hand on the table.

At this point, his hands are empty.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!"

Yu Chuxue's heart beat faster and faster, and she could even hear every beat of her heart clearly.

Pick up the knife and kill him!!!

There is a voice in my heart that keeps ringing.

The scene froze for three seconds before Yu Chuxue finally made a choice.

I saw her taking a few steps back, showing a forced smile, and said: "I told you to choose two before..."

Zhao Yu also laughed.

"You should really be grateful for your choice!"

As he spoke, he picked up the two knives on the table, and under Yu Chuxue's gaze, stabbed himself hard into the heart.

With a look of shock on Yu Chuxue's face, the two knives were instantly submerged, leaving only the handles outside.


Before she could figure out the situation, Zhao Yu pulled out two more knives.

On the chest, let alone blood, even the clothes were not punctured.

Magic Knife?!

Yu Chuxue's eyes widened, and then she understood what happened.

The two knives on the table turned out to be fake. They were magic props whose blades could be retracted to the handle.

So, was the knife that cut her rope hidden by Zhao Yu?!

At this moment, she felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet and straight to the top of her head.

But then, she was very happy. Fortunately, she chose the second choice, otherwise...

Zhao Yu was very satisfied with the expression on her face, nodded, pulled up the chair, sat down, pointed at the camera, and said: "Please start your performance!"

This chapter has been completed!
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