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Chapter 2 Moon Base

Chapter 2 Moon Base

September 3rd of the fifth year of the Star Calendar is a day worth celebrating.

Just today, Zhao Yu's Star Destroyer Cannon was finally completed.

Five years ago, Zhao Yu was an ordinary person who was broken up by his girlfriend half a year after graduating from college. He got very drunk on the night of the breakup.

I only remembered that I was carried into the hotel by my friends. Who knew that when I woke up, I would appear in a car.

Outside the window is a deserted planet, the starry sky in the distance is dark, there is no blue sky, no green vegetation, and the ground is black and gray.

Just when Zhao Yu was at a loss, the system appeared.

Tell him that this is an unknown universe.

Moreover, the rules among cosmic civilizations are the laws of the dark forest. Once exposed, they will be devastated by other civilizations.

In addition, the system also said that in another six years, an alien spacecraft will arrive in the galaxy where he is now, and the possibility of exposure is extremely high.

Zhao Yu was confused. He actually traveled to a planet where birds didn't shit, and aliens would arrive in six years.

After thinking for a while, I realized that six years is too long. How should I live now?

Fortunately, the system is quite powerful, and the car he is in turns out to be a base car, which can be used to develop technology when deployed.

Therefore, Zhao Yu drove the base vehicle and chose a deeper crater, choosing to go underground to reduce the risk of exposure.

After nearly six years of development, Zhao Yu has expanded an underground base of nearly 1 square kilometers underground.

With the threat of aliens, Zhao Yu's technology tree has developed in a different direction, except for the atmospheric environment simulation, life management AI, energy storage, gravity regulator, water molecule extraction, shed vegetable cultivation and other technologies needed for life.

Zhao Yu's other technologies all focus on military-related fields, such as refined combat computers, sentinel fixed defenses, laser defense modules, combat AI, etc.

This resulted in hidden fortifications scattered around his base.

In addition, Zhao Yu also did not give up going out to explore and expand his field.

Mainly rely on fully intelligent mechanical troops.

The defensive robot dog - Door God, will disguise itself as a hill and set up defenses around the base.

The detection and collection robot dog - Xiaotian, will disguise itself as a rolling stone and wander around the planet to collect useful resources.

The combat robot dog - Nezha, disguised as a volcano crater, is scattered around the base and can attack enemies that may come at any time.

After six years of living alone, the lonely environment can drive people crazy, so Zhao Yu created a large living and entertainment area for himself.

On weekdays, you can play basketball, tennis, swimming, etc., as well as various mini-games against real-life AI.

In addition to these, Zhao Yu also set up a language system for the intelligent androids in the living area. In addition to calling him "sir" every time he sees him, each android has a different personality.

For example, Android No. 8 was named Bajie by Zhao Yu. His character was set to be lustful and he often spied on female Androids.

In order to make life less boring, Zhao Yu divided the genders of all the androids in the living area according to their numbers, with even numbers as males and odd numbers as females.

He also wrote his own bloody romance novels and added them to these life-like androids.

"Boss, something bad happened~~!"

In the distance, an android with the number 6 written on his head ran over in panic, yelling.

Zhao Yu frowned and said in a deep voice: "I'm not big or small, what did you call me?!"

Android No. 6 was startled, and quickly stood up straight, "Sorry, sir!"

After being serious for a while, Android No. 6 showed a vulgar expression.

"Boss, do you know what I just saw?!"

"What did you see?!" Zhao Yu looked around and made sure no one was there before he smiled and listened to the gossip.

"Qian Jiumei and Brother Wang wrote love letters, but Li Laosi received them. The two of them fell in love through letters for half a month, and just now they decided to switch online to offline..."

"When we met, we found out it was Li Laosi. Qian Jiumei collapsed. She sat on the basket and couldn't get down. She said she wouldn't get down until Brother Wang came to comfort her..."

"Then what?!" Zhao Yu listened with great interest. After setting the characters of these androids at the beginning, the script did not follow his romance novel, and he did not know the follow-up content.

"Then, the second brother Wang is a strict wife. When Sister Zhang heard about it, she refused to let the second brother go, and even clamored to let the shameless Qian Jiumei die..."

"Hey, you don't know, Qian Jiumei is desperate for life and death. She is so anxious that Li Zongheng, the licking dog, runs back and forth to persuade Sister Zhang and Brother Wang..."

"But they don't listen. Boss, just watch. That guy Li Zongheng will be here soon..."

Just as he was talking, another android came running from a distance, with the number 10 written on his head.

“Boss, it’s not good!!”

No. 10 and No. 6 have the same virtues and started shouting even though they were far apart. This was naturally set up by Zhao Yu.

"Boss, please save Qian Jiumei quickly..."


Zhao Yu and No. 6 looked at each other, as if that was indeed the case.

At this time, the red light above their heads lit up, and No. 6 and No. 10 stood up straight, calmed their expressions, and remained motionless.

"Sir, Xiaotian will return on the 18th..."

Zhao Yu suddenly felt disappointed. Just when he heard the critical moment, the housekeeper of the base came to interrupt again and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, we will talk about this later. You should leave quickly, they will not feel comfortable here!"

"Yes, sir!"

The red light disappeared, No. 6 and No. 10 returned to their original positions, and Zhao Yu had a smile on his face again.

On the other side, at the entrance to the base, a spacecraft was towed behind Xiaotian 18. Inside the spacecraft were three terrified astronauts.

The red light came on, and the base steward issued instructions through the wireless signal.

"The spacecraft remains shielded and dragged into the isolation room for disinfection..."

"Three alien creatures are locked in a confinement room, waiting for the commander to deal with..."

Inside the spacecraft, the three astronauts were panicking. They did not expect that they would encounter alien technology during their first moon landing.

A robot dog disguised as a stone actually disabled all the electronic equipment in their spacecraft.

Not only that, the other party also released an electromagnetic net and dragged the entire spacecraft away.

In addition, they also saw that several small robot dogs were released from under the big robot dog, and they were constantly dealing with the traces left behind, restoring everything to the appearance without human activity.

"There are really aliens, what should we do now?!" A female astronaut was shaking a little, not sure whether it was fear or excitement.

The older male astronaut was the captain of the operation.

He took a deep breath and said: "It is said in the training manual that if you encounter aliens, you must stay calm, smile friendly, and show kindness. Every move we make is related to the future of both civilizations...


"When you meet the aliens, just laugh and leave the rest to me to negotiate..."

Hearing this, the other two people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, they followed the captain's words and smiled, trying to look kinder.

(End of chapter)

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