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Chapter 9 Black Rock City

 【Daily task refresh】

[Kill the alien species located in the Xintiandi Internet Cafe in the county, and you will be rewarded with 30 technology points.]

Accompanied by the system's prompt tone, Zhao Yu woke up leisurely.

"It's night?!"

The daily tasks are refreshed at the moment when night falls. Hearing this voice, Zhao Yu understood that he had slept for almost twelve hours.


As soon as he got up, he felt empty in his stomach. Zhao Yu took some pure water and drank it to his fullest.

After counting the weapons, Zhao Yu walked to the control room and browsed the surveillance at the entrance of the base at 30 times speed.

When the progress bar was halfway through, a shadow flashed across, and Zhao Yu quickly paused and retreated.

After careful inspection, I finally saw what the uninvited guest looked like.

"Another alien species..."

Zhao Yu's expression became solemn. According to the surveillance, a mutant passed by his base six hours ago.

Judging from its movement trajectory, it seems that something has happened and it has to rush back.

"Look at the direction, are you going back to the county town?!"

Zhao Yu was a little stunned. He didn't know much about alien species. He only knew that they were the product of alienated humans. They had no spiritual intelligence and relied entirely on instinct to act.

The alien species in the lens was obviously different from what he knew.

"Either this alien species has some thoughts, or there is some way of communication between its kind that transcends distance, and other alien species called it..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu tuned up the audio that came with the surveillance system, lowered the frequency, and checked it.

Sure enough, about ten minutes ago, there was a very low frequency but certain regular fluctuation in the audio being monitored.

"This is really not good news..."

Zhao Yudun felt overwhelmed. Today's task was to go to the county town to kill a strange species.

If the alien he is fighting with can sway him at the critical moment, then he will be too dangerous.

After worrying for a while, Zhao Yu decided to do this daily task.

First, he simply can't wait that long. The 30 technology point reward for daily tasks can save 30 hours and build the energy station earlier.

The second is that he has no food at all now. The longer he delays, the weaker his body will become. He must go to the county town to find some food while he is still strong and in good spirits.

"There are mutated beasts in the county. Ordinary people don't dare to go there. It shouldn't be difficult to find food..."

After walking out of the base gate, Zhao Yu pricked up his ears and listened left and right. He didn't hear any weird noises, and then continued walking out of the gate.

After walking along the edge of the woods towards the county seat for about ten minutes, Zhao Yu suddenly stopped.

"Why is it so quiet today?!"

He was a little stunned. Normally, there would be the sound of ghosts crying and howling at night, but today it seemed to be quiet and strangely quiet.

Not only were there no sounds of wild animals, not even the sounds of mosquitoes and crickets were heard.

Stopping where he was, Zhao Yu's face was full of anxiety. This situation was unprecedented and it would not be a good thing no matter how he thought about it.

"Technology points..."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yu finally took steps again.

Even if there is danger waiting in front of him, he must go through it. Even if he doesn't do it every day and doesn't kill the alien species, he still has to find enough food to live for three to five days.

In this way, even if he stays at the base in the next few days, he can still redeem the energy station by relying on the technology points that increase over time.

Zhao Yu walked extremely cautiously on the next road, stopping and watching whenever there was any disturbance.

Stop and go, the half-hour journey ended up taking an hour.

When he arrived outside the county town, the moonlight shone on the buildings, and he could barely see the outline. Zhao Yu looked at it from a distance, and it was completely different from when he passed by yesterday.

When I passed by yesterday, I could see traces of alien species running from time to time, but at this moment, there was silence.

"It's so weird..."

Zhao Yu only felt his scalp numb. The current situation of this city looked like a ghost town.

But he is already here, and even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead of him, he still has to make a breakthrough!

The only good thing is that the daily mission marks the location of the alien species and can be seen on the mission map.

However, you can only see the coordinates and the distance from the target, but cannot see the specific situation of the destination.

This is not bad, it saves Zhao Yu the time to search.

The alien species marked by the mission was considered to be on the outskirts of the county. Zhao Yu crossed two streets, and when he encountered a non-staple food store, he would go in and take a look.

Unfortunately, this place is too far away, and the things have long been emptied by scavengers, which makes Zhao Yu feel a little regretful.

After crossing another big cross and walking forward for more than a hundred meters, Zhao Yu finally saw the alien species mentioned in the mission.

"That's it?!"

He was a little confused. At a semi-underground entrance, a foreign species was lying there honestly with most of its body suppressed by a giant plaque.

Zhao Yu looked around and after making sure there were no other threats, he walked over quickly.


Seeing someone coming, the alien immediately turned his head, looked at Zhao Yu, and let out a series of low growls.

Zhao Yu got close to a distance of three to four meters, leaned over and took a look, and found that the tail of this alien species was also suppressed.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, took a few steps quickly, raised the machete, lowered it high, and chopped off the alien's head without any effort.

[Mission completed, reward 30 technology points.]

"Is it so easy?!"

Zhao Yu was a little surprised that the mission was completed so quickly, but he did not forget the second thing he did today, which was to look for food.

Turning his head and taking a look at the Internet cafe at the semi-underground entrance, Zhao Yu thought that there should be some snacks in an Internet cafe like this, so he simply walked in and planned to search.

The Internet cafe is underground, and without electricity, it is naturally pitch black.

Zhao Yu took advantage of the little moonlight that shone in from the entrance and squinted his eyes to look at the situation inside the Internet cafe.

Soon, he found the bar, where most snacks are found.

Next to the bar of this Internet cafe, there is a small room, which seems to be a place dedicated to selling snacks.

Zhao Yu swallowed and secretly prayed that there was something edible inside.

When I walked to the bar, there was nothing of value on the shelves at the back, except for a few useless dolls.

Opening the cash box, there were still some banknotes scattered inside that were not taken away.

In the last days, no dogs would want this thing!

Zhao Yu shook his head, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to search the front desk, and walked towards the small room next to him.

As soon as he walked in, he smelled a strange odor.

"What does it smell like?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu discovered that there were several corpses in the small room that had been chewed down to their skeletons, and there were many unopened food packages on the shelves.

There is something!

Zhao Yu was overjoyed and was about to go forward to search for food. At this moment, a faint voice came from one side.

"Don't move!"

Zhao Yu paused in his steps and slowly turned his head. On the ground not far from the door, in a shadow that was almost integrated with the environment, there was a human-like shadow, holding up an object that looked like a gun.

Zhao Yu suddenly broke out in cold sweat and didn't dare to move. He didn't even dare to raise his hands for fear of being misunderstood by the people in the shadow.

"Who are you?!"

The voice in the shadows sounded again, a slightly hoarse female voice.


Only then did Zhao Yu realize that the person in the shadow seemed to be a woman.

But at this moment, he did not dare to underestimate the other party, after all, he had a gun in his hand.

"I am a nearby resident. I have no food at home, so I came to the county to look for food..."

The woman was silent for a long time, as if she was trying to determine whether what he said was true or false, or perhaps sizing up Zhao Yu.

The other party was in the dark, and Zhao Yu could only see a dark shadow, but could not see the other party's appearance or figure at all.

"What weapons do you have on you?!"

The woman asked again.

Zhao Yu said without thinking: "A handmade spear, an iron rod and a machete..."

"Throw your stuff over there, stay away!"

The woman tilted her gun and indicated a position.

Zhao Yu couldn't figure out the opponent's purpose here, so he could only do as he was told and threw aside the three weapons he was carrying.

It's a pity, it would be nice if there was a dagger...

Zhao Yu sighed secretly, these three weapons were too big and bright, unlike daggers that could be hidden close to the body for self-defense.

"Take a turn and let me see..." The woman refused and asked Zhao Yu to turn around in a circle.

Zhao Yu did as he was told. When he turned to the third circle, the woman suddenly said: "What's in your trouser pocket?!"


Zhao Yu was stunned and said in a daze: "There is nothing?!

"Take off your clothes and pants!"

Who would have thought that what the woman said next would make Zhao Yu so embarrassed that he dug his toes into the ground.

"Here?!" he said a little uncertainly.

"Hurry up!" the woman urged.

Zhao Yu had no choice but to take off his shirt, leaving a vest on, thinking that would be enough.

Unexpectedly, the woman refused and asked him to take off his vest too.

"Take a turn!"

Zhao Yu, with his upper body naked, turned around again at the woman's request.

Now, he understands that the other party is afraid that he has weapons hidden on his body.

But what made him a little confused was that this woman seemed to have never moved in the same place, and he didn't know what it meant.


At the woman's reminder, Zhao Yu also took off his pants, leaving only his underpants.

"Aren't you going to take this off?!" Zhao Yu said anxiously.

"Take it off!" The woman's attitude was very firm.

Zhao Yu was speechless. Is this woman afraid of a grenade hidden in his crotch?!

Faced with a life and death situation, Zhao Yu couldn't care about anything else and could only follow the instructions. After taking off his clothes, he turned around again.


At this moment, the woman suddenly pressed something, and a palm-sized flashlight was turned on.

Zhao Yu subconsciously blocked his eyes, and after he got used to the light, he could see clearly the situation on the woman's side.

Her upper body is wearing a dark special combat uniform, and her lower body...

No lower body!

What shocked Zhao Yu was that the woman in front of him had no lower body, or in other words, her lower body from the butt down had been bitten off by something.

There is still a pool of black and red blood on the ground. Judging from the degree of coagulation, it seems to have been there for some time.

You are so disabled and you are not dead yet?!

Zhao Yu was a little shocked, and then he discovered that next to the woman, there were several bottles of high-end sprays.

Hemostatic spray?!

Zhao Yu once saw this thing being sold at a gathering place. The price was very expensive. He just took a look at it and never bought it.

"Have you ever played with a pistol?!"

The woman suddenly asked this question, leaving Zhao Yu a little confused.

He coughed and said: "Which one are you asking about?!"

The woman's expression froze, and the next second, her eyes hardened, and she said coldly: "Do you want to die?!"

"Played with it!"

Zhao Yu took the risk and said with a serious look on his face.

The woman nodded slightly and put the small flashlight aside with her left hand, shining the light on herself.

Then, she checked it, quickly opened the magazine, showed Zhao Yu a look at the bullets inside, and then loaded it again.

"Did you see it? There are bullets..."

Zhao Yu looked at her unclearly.

The woman hesitated for a moment and then said: "Put your underwear on..."

When Zhao Yu heard this, he didn't ask any questions and just obeyed the instructions honestly.

After he finished dressing, the woman said: "Come here and carry me out..."

"Where to carry it?"

Zhao Yu seemed to have guessed her purpose and asked curiously.

From the look of the woman, it was obvious that she was not an ordinary person, at least not from this area.

Judging from the equipment she carries, she looks more like a combatant of some kind of large team.

"Do you know how to get out of this county?!"


Under the woman's command, Zhao Yu turned his back and slowly approached her. As soon as he squatted down, his head was pressed against the muzzle of the gun.

"Don't play tricks, as long as you carry me out, I will definitely let you go..."

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment and said: "What good can I do?!"


The woman couldn't help but be startled. She didn't expect that this man was so courageous and dared to ask for benefits in such an environment.

"What do you want?!" She didn't refuse and asked instead.

"Gun and food!"

Zhao Yu said seriously.

Who knows, the woman didn't refuse. After thinking for two seconds, she agreed directly, "No problem!"

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, turned his back to the woman, and said, "Then can I go get something to eat from the shelf over there?!"


The woman frowned and said: "If you go outside the county town, I will give you food..."

She seemed worried that Zhao Yu thought she was planning to kill the donkey, and added: "I have other companions!"

"How can I trust you?!" Zhao Yu was naturally a little scared and only hoped that the other party could give a more reliable plan.

"I am from the Black Rock City Thorns Team, and I won't lie to you..."

Black Rock City, Team of Thorns?!

Zhao Yu was a little confused. He had never heard of Black Rock City, and Team of Thorns was an unfamiliar term. It sounded like a team in a game.

"You don't know Black Rock City?!" The woman seemed to have discovered Zhao Yu's situation and asked with some surprise.

"No, I don't know, I haven't heard of it..." Zhao Yu shook his head slightly.

"Have you never been to a nearby gathering place?!" the woman asked with a frown.

"Well, the gathering place closest to my home was destroyed last month..."

The woman touched her chin and said casually: "Black Rock City is newly established and is the largest gathering place nearby..."

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment, then thought of Meng Xian's gene potion, and asked: "Is there a Reed Group in Blackstone City?"

"Yes, there is a branch that can provide tests and potions up to the fourth level..."

The woman was a little impatient and said, "Okay, I am from Black Rock City, will I still lie to you?"

Zhao Yu had no choice but to stop asking. Under the woman's coercion, he squatted down and carried her on his back.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Yu originally thought that the woman should be very light, but it turned out that she also had a bulging backpack on her back, and she didn't know what was inside. It was very heavy.

After leaving the Internet cafe, I looked around. As before, the streets were quiet. All alien species, radioactive beasts and various types of monsters had disappeared without a trace.

"Go quickly, it will be dangerous if you wait any longer!" the woman urged.

Zhao Yu's heart moved, and he realized that this woman seemed to know something.

But he didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurriedly ran out of the city with her on his back.

After leaving the city, the woman didn't say to stop, so Zhao Yu continued running along the way he came.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, a burst of electricity suddenly sounded behind my ears.

"Sizzling...thorns...can you hear it..."


Zhao Yu continued walking and walked another few hundred meters, and the radio conversation became clear.

"Team Thorns, report your situation..."

"Team Thorns, there is only one person left..." The woman's voice was a little low, as if she was sad that her teammates were dead.

Zhao Yu also got the codename of the woman on his back, Qiangwei, from the name on the other end.

"Qiangwei, where's the mission? Has it been completed?!" On the other end of the intercom, the team's boss was obviously anxious.

Qiangwei's face felt painful. Compared with her teammates, the superiors only looked at whether they had completed their mission.

She sighed and replied: "The mission is completed. I am disabled. Come pick me up and bring me some food..."

After saying that, he hung up the communication directly.

Then, she patted Zhao Yu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, put me down!"

When Zhao Yu put her down, Qiangwei said again: "My people will come to pick me up in a helicopter right away. They will give you the food and weapons you want..."

Zhao Yu looked strange, hesitated for a moment, and said, "No, I can go back to the county to pick up some things..."

"I advise you not to go. There will be riots in this county. If you go back, you are seeking death..." Qiangwei obviously knew something and advised her seriously.

Zhao Yu didn't dare to ask any more questions, he looked like he was about to leave, and then said: "Since I have sent you here, can I leave?!"

"You don't want food and weapons anymore?!" Qiangwei was a little stunned. This person dared to ask for benefits from her before, but now he doesn't want them anymore?!

Zhao Yu, however, couldn't tell the truth. When he asked for something, he wanted to see if this woman had murderous intentions towards him and whether she would kill him.

The result he got was yes, so he didn't go all out and carried the woman out.

I even thought it was possible to obtain weapons and food.

But now, from her conversation with Black Rock City, it can be seen that her mission this time is of great importance, and the contents of her backpack are very important.

Because he couldn't figure out how important it was, Zhao Yu was worried that if he stayed here, he would be killed by people coming from Blackstone City.

Qiangwei frowned slightly, as if she could see Zhao Yu's worry. After thinking about it for a moment, she threw the gun in her hand to him, took out a few compressed biscuits from the side of her backpack, and threw them away.

"Since you don't dare to ask for anything else, then take these away as reward..."

Zhao Yu took the gun and was a little shocked, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?!"

Qiangwei sneered, "Do you dare?!"

Zhao Yu smiled, said thank you, turned around and ran away.

After running away for a while, while walking through the woods, he heard the sound of propellers in the sky in the distance, and Zhao Yu quickly took cover.

After a while, three helicopters flew over. It seemed that Black Rock City was very powerful, and the contents of Qiangwei's backpack seemed to be very important.

Zhao Yu pressed his body against the tree trunk, not daring to move, and waited patiently for the helicopter to fly over.

After about a few minutes, the helicopter returned again and flew towards the original path. It should have caught Qiangwei.

After hearing that there were still three helicopters leaving, Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He is afraid that three ships will come, two will leave, and one will be left behind to do his job.

Fortunately, I don’t know if it’s because the people in Black Rock City don’t care about him, or because Qiangwei didn’t tell them about her situation.

After waiting for a long time, a loud roar of filial piety suddenly sounded in the county town.

"Mutated beast?!"

Zhao Yu was shocked. This was the first time he saw a mutant beast so angry.

What happened?!

He quickly thought that it should be related to Qiangwei's Thorns team.

No one dares to touch the wrath of the mutated beast.

Zhao Yu didn't care about anything else and just spread his legs and ran wildly.

There were originally more than twenty minutes left, but he ran back in five minutes.

It wasn't until he entered the base that Zhao Yu relaxed a little, sat down on the ground, and began to breathe heavily.

After resting for a while, Zhao Yu checked the weapons. The standard pistol was much stronger than the homemade guns that were circulated in the previous gathering place.

And judging from its degree of use, it seems to be newly built, which shows that Black Rock City controls a certain industrial system.

There are not many bullets and only one magazine, but it is better than a machete.

"It's a pity that the machete was also lost..."

Zhao Yu doesn't feel sorry at all. With this gun, there is an extra guarantee of safety, and there are also compressed biscuits. If you save some, you should be able to last for a day or two.

Apart from the compressed biscuits and the pistol, the only thing left on my body was my underpants. My whole body was dirty, especially my feet, which were even more black.

Zhao Yu got into the bathroom and took a shower. He wanted to exercise, but he gave up because he was worried that he would use up too much energy.

I could only lie in bed and count sheep, while thinking about the situation in Black Rock City.

After thinking wildly for a while, I fell asleep without realizing it, and woke up again the next morning.

I immediately checked the status of the science and technology points. As expected, I had collected the 100 points needed for the energy station, with a surplus of 2 points.

Zhao Yu suddenly stood up excitedly, "Finally we can build an energy station..."

This chapter has been completed!
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