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Chapter 12 Mobilizing Troops

 "Mobilizing troops..."

Zhao Yu's eyes were full of excitement. The completion of the training camp meant that he would transform from fighting alone to fighting in a group.

Mobilized troops, land infantry, and possibly more powerful special forces in the future, etc.

Of course, this is for the future, but the most important thing right now is to gather the materials needed to mobilize troops.

"66 kilograms of flesh and blood can create a 60 kilogram clone, with a loss of 6 kilograms..."

"10 grams, 100 grams of silver, and 500 grams of copper should be the materials needed for AI chips..."

As for the 1 kilogram of cloth, Zhao Yu guessed that it might be clothes prepared for mobilized soldiers.

Zhao Yu rubbed his hands and studied the training camp in detail before returning to the base.

After being out for nearly a day, my body was already exhausted, so I took a quick shower and went to sleep.

When I woke up again, the technology points had naturally increased to 50 points.

After Zhao Yu had eaten and drank enough, he left the base with his pistol and backpack.

66 kilograms of flesh and blood, all he could think of was alien species. As for gold, silver, and copper, it shouldn't be difficult to find. They are everywhere in gold and silver jewelry stores in the county.

In this end of the world, the only existing hard currencies are food and weapons, and most transactions use these items as equivalent exchange items.

There is no market for gold, silver, and copper, but there are still some very large forces recycling it, but the price is very low.

After leaving the base, Zhao Yu went to the county seat again.

After roaring for a day, the mutated beast gradually became depressed and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Losing the control of the mutant beasts, the mutants who originally gathered in large groups dispersed again and began to wander aimlessly.

This is good news for Zhao Yu, because it means that he can sneak into the county to look for various metals and cloth.

As for the alien species, he planned to wait until the other items were collected and then do it before leaving.

Sneaking to the edge of the county seat, Zhao Yu did not rush in, but opened his memory and began to look up the scene when he last entered the county seat.

As he checked frame by frame, he really found a gold and silver jewelry store in his memory.

It is a small shop located on the corner of the big carousel. In my memory, Zhao Yu saw it with his peripheral vision the last time he passed by.

"This is it..."

This is the nearest gold and silver jewelry store to him. It's only two blocks away from outside the city, so it's relatively safe.

After determining the direction, Zhao Yu climbed to the roof of a two-story building, quietly stuck his head out, and looked into the street.

After just one glance, Zhao Yu quickly retracted his head and began to check his memory.


Using his memory to freeze the scene and counting several times, Zhao Yu identified the alien species on the street and saw a total of 19, which was more than expected.

"It's not easy to walk..."

"Go to the roof?!"

Zhao Yu frowned and looked around. The private house he was in was only connected to three or four other private houses. Further inside, there was a five-story hotel in between.

After thinking about it for a while, it was more reliable to walk on the roof than on the ground.


At this time, a strange species seemed to smell Zhao Yu's scent and began to move towards this side.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu did not dare to stay any longer. He quickly stood up and walked to the edge of the private house near the hotel.

After a brief inspection, I found that there was a yard behind the hotel, which was used for parking. There were several unused cars in it, but no alien species was found.

"If there is a backyard, there is a back door..."

Zhao Yu followed the house to the ground, got into the depths of the alley, climbed another wall, and finally arrived at the backyard of the hotel.

After looking around, I found that the door to the hotel's backyard was locked and seemed to have been closed very early.

This was late news. Zhao Yu came to the car and pulled the door handles one by one.

He actually opened an unlocked car door, leaned down, and at first sight saw a metal ornament in the shape of a lucky cat placed under the rearview mirror of the car.


Zhao Yu was a little excited and quickly picked it up and found that there was a wisp of black on the golden lucky cat's claws.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it, and found that it was not dirty, but that the paint seemed to have peeled off.

After careful inspection, Zhao Yu was sure that the metal ornament was made of copper.

"There should be one or two hundred grams..."

Zhao Yu put the lucky cat into his backpack, searched the car again, and found a pair of women's underwear under the car seat.

He glanced at the space inside the car. This was an ordinary car with extremely limited space. It was really difficult for the car owner.

Zhao Yu shook his head, left the car, and found the small door to enter the hotel without much effort.

After entering the door, on the left is the elevator that has long been out of service, on the right is the staircase, and the corridor directly in front leads to the front desk.

Zhao Yu stood at the door and listened for a while, but found no strange sounds, and then walked to the front desk.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he was attracted by a golden cow ornament on the table. He went over to check it and found another copper product, so he quickly put it into his backpack.

After entering behind the counter, Zhao Yu found a box of cards, all of which were room cards.

He quickly picked out a few room cards with cleaning words on them, returned to the stairs, went up to the second floor, and started searching.

Walking to the end of the corridor on one side and coming to the door with the word "Cleaning" on it, Zhao Yu swiped several room cards one by one.

"No power?!"

He was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that he had just been stupid. He stretched out his hand and tried to press the door handle, and the door opened directly.


Zhao Yu was a little embarrassed, glanced around subconsciously, and coughed, "No one saw it anyway..."

When I entered the room, I saw a mountain of sheets and quilt covers.

"Enough cloth!"

Zhao Yu grinned and didn't mind that the sheets were full of dust, so he gave up after filling half of his schoolbag.

After leaving the door, Zhao Yu entered a few more guest rooms and found that there was a standard copper ornament in the room, and they were all put into his backpack.

Seeing that the backpack was almost full, Zhao Yu left in low spirits.

According to the dusty instruction map on the wall, I found the hotel restaurant. I found a few handy knives in the dark, wrapped them slightly in cloth, and pinned them all to my waist.

When he returned to the backyard, before he could think about how to leave, at the door of the courtyard, a strange creature made a "bang" sound and knocked against the iron door with a crisp sound.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Yu realized that he was exposed and was about to evacuate. Suddenly he thought of something. He put down his backpack, took out a sheet, twisted it into a rope, and came to the front door.


Sure enough, as he thought, when he approached the gate, the spikes on the tail of the alien poked out and pierced towards this side.

Zhao Yu raised his knife and cut off the front end of the tail with one stroke, then reached out to grab the remaining part of the tail, and wrapped a rope made of bedsheets around the iron door several times.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"

The alien species kept fluttering, grinning, and its teeth dripped all over the floor.

Zhao Yu's ears twitched, and after hearing other alien species approaching in the distance, he hurriedly retreated, picked up his backpack, climbed up the wall, and jumped into the alley before.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!"

The sound of banging against the iron gate next door became louder and louder. Zhao Yu pressed against the wall, slowly came to the entrance of the alley, and looked out.

Sure enough, the alien species that was originally wandering on the street had been attracted by the sound and went to the hotel's backyard gate.

Seeing this opportunity, Zhao Yu made a quick decision, quickly went out, crossed to the other side of the road, and ran towards the direction of the gold store.

I crossed a street smoothly, and when I was crossing the road, I bumped into a strange creature that came after hearing the sound.

"Dong~!" Zhao Yu reacted very quickly. He immediately escaped, dropped his backpack, and stepped forward with a kitchen knife.

After receiving a claw from the alien, a knife hit the opponent's neck. The head of the alien suddenly lost its fulcrum and hung on its chest with its muscles. After relying on inertia to move forward for two steps, it fell headfirst.



Zhao Yu spat out the blood that had just spattered on his face. When he lowered his head, he saw that the blood was green in color and sticky, like glue.

But at this moment, he didn't care about his embarrassment, picked up his backpack and started running again.

Soon, another half of the street passed. When Zhao Yu passed through a food city, four or five aliens happened to come out around the corner.

Both sides were stunned.

Zhao Yu subconsciously touched the pistol at his waist, wondering if he only had a few bullets left to kill these aliens.

But he soon discovered that the group of aliens in front of him only paused for a moment before walking in the previous direction again.

This made him startled.


He suddenly discovered that although the alien species could use its eyes, it seemed to have lost its ability to judge. The only thing that could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy was its sense of smell.

In other words, hearing and vision are just triggering mechanisms that can attract them, but the only thing that affects whether they attack or not is smell.

At this moment, Zhao Yu's body was covered with green blood sprayed from the alien creature before, which could be considered as covering up his whole body smell.

That's it...

Zhao Yu suddenly felt that he seemed to understand the alien species better.

There was joy on his face, and after the group of aliens had gone away, he started on the road again and arrived at the target gold store very smoothly.

When he walked in and took a look, Zhao Yu's heart suddenly sank.

The glass on all the counters was shattered to the ground, and the gold and silver jewelry originally placed there were long gone.

Zhao Yu turned around without giving up and found nothing.

"Damn, it was a waste of time..."

Zhao Yu was a little helpless. When he saw there was another room deep in the store, he pushed it away.

On the ground, a highly decomposed body with white bones lying quietly, covered with maggots.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Yu was not only not disgusted, but his eyes suddenly lit up.

On the white bones, there were actually several shining golden places.

Ten fingers, ten gold rings, and three gold necklaces around the neck.

Next to the corpse, a light-blocking black cloth bag was open, and the mouth of the bag also revealed a trace of golden light.

Zhao Yu quickly stepped forward, opened the bag and saw that it was all gold and silver jewelry.

"Did this person rob the entire gold store and then be trapped here?!"

Zhao Yu was a little confused and didn't understand how this man died. The door he came in through didn't seem to be locked.

He turned around and glanced at the door, and discovered the clue that the door lock had been broken.

This shows that other scavengers came before, but they seemed to turn a blind eye to the gold.

"There are no large-scale forces nearby to recycle gold. For ordinary scavengers, this thing is really a waste that no one wants..."

Maybe, when the end of the world first came, some people would collect gold, and some would exchange food for gold. But as time went by, the survivors all had a handful of gold, but found that they couldn't even exchange it for any food.

Things are useless.

Zhao Yu didn't want to know the story of the dead man. He picked up the black light-shielding bag and shook it, feeling that it weighed at least two or three kilograms.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yu took off all the gold jewelry on the corpse and put them into a light-shielding bag and took them away.

"It should be all ready..."

Zhao Yu counted the materials needed to build the mobilization troops. In addition to 66 kilograms of flesh and blood, there were enough other cloth, gold, silver, and copper, and there was even a surplus.

Back on the first street, the alien that was attracted to the hotel backyard has started walking aimlessly again.

After discovering Zhao Yu, some of the aliens seemed to feel confused. They took a few steps toward him, then stopped and twitched their noses.

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth and passed by. Seeing that there was no obstruction in front of him, he couldn't bear it anymore and ran away.

As he ran, a chain reaction seemed to occur among the alien species behind him, and they all started chasing him.


Zhao Yu chuckled, carried two bags, drove all the way, and left the county town with a group of alien species.

When he was about to get rid of the alien species, Zhao Yu's heart moved and he slowed down, waiting for the other party to catch up before running away again.

After playing around a few times, the number of tracked alien species dropped sharply to seven or eight.

Seeing that he was about to reach the base, Zhao Yu sprinted and got rid of the alien within a few minutes.

Returning to the base, I threw all the harvest into the vacant recycling furnace on the side of the training camp.

【Obtain 233 grams of gold】

【Obtain 881 grams of silver】

【Obtain 3122 grams of copper】

[Obtain 4238 grams of cloth]

"That's enough, let's grow different species!"

Zhao Yu's face was filled with joy, and he left the base again without caring about the blood stains on his body. As soon as he went out, he saw two lost aliens.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!"

Four gunshots were fired, the last few bullets were used up, and two bodies were successfully harvested.

Zhao Yu quickly stepped forward, grabbed one of the alien's legs with each hand, and dragged the two alien corpses quickly towards the base.

Before entering the factory, I glanced far away and saw the alien species coming after hearing the sound.

[Acquire 133 kilograms of flesh and blood]

Fortunately for Zhao Yu, the flesh and blood of the two alien species just met the standard.

At this point, all the materials needed to exchange for mobilization troops have been gathered.

Zhao Yu chose to redeem it at the first opportunity.

[Do you want to spend 2 technology points, 132 kilograms of flesh and blood, 2 kilograms of cloth, 20 grams of gold, 200 grams of silver, and 1000 grams of copper to train two conscripts?!]


With the sound of a machine turning, a countdown to mobilization training appeared on the control panel.

[Mobilized soldiers are training (0/2), remaining time: 00:09:59]

"Ten minutes..."

Zhao Yu glanced at the time and then at the surveillance camera. Outside the door, three or four alien species were wandering back and forth.

Five minutes passed, and a "Cut~!" sound sounded inside the training camp, and then, a soldier wearing a military uniform who looked no different from a human walked out.

"Report, mobilized troops No. 001, come and report!"

This chapter has been completed!
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