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Chapter 15 Dealing with the Shelter!

 Zhao Yu led people to the shelter.

When I was still far away, I found a lot of people gathered there, almost twenty or so.

In addition to the 11 people before, there are 6 new people, 5 of whom are in combat uniforms, armed to the teeth with bulletproof helmets, body armor, combat boots, submachine guns, grenades, etc.

This pile of equipment made Zhao Yu jealous, but he didn't dare to show any signs of it, and walked towards that direction with 20 soldiers in uniform.

Seeing Zhao Yu and others arriving, there were more people than before. The people in the shelter who were sitting there suddenly stood up, and they all looked around curiously.

"Stand at attention!"

As they approached, Zhao Yu gave an order, and the 20 soldiers stopped neatly, with an astonishing momentum.

Zhao Yu saw the guy in charge in the crowd at a glance. It was so obvious.

Everyone else looks skinny, but the guy in the middle is not only better dressed, but he is also slightly fat and has a small belly.

"Hello, Zhao Baichang, my name is Gao Shun. I am here to discuss cooperation with you on behalf of the shelter..."

With a smile on his face, the little fat man took a few steps closer, escorted by five combatants.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu also extended his hand, shook it briefly, and said: "We agree to help, but we will provide help on a hiring basis. What about you?!"

"We are willing too!"

Gao Shun smiled and said: "I just don't know how much food is needed to hire you?"

While he was talking to Zhao Yu, the five guards next to him were staring at the 20 soldiers in the distance.

The more I looked at the five of them, the more frightened I became, because although the twenty people had no weapons, everyone stood meticulously without even the slightest extra movement.

Those who can achieve this level of training are elites!

Zhao Yu nodded and said, "You set a price for food. If I think it's suitable, I'll do it. If it doesn't, I'll take it down!"

"However, we have agreed in advance that you will provide weapons and ammunition!"


Only then did Gao Shun realize that none of the soldiers seemed to have weapons.

He was startled for a moment, but he didn’t think much about it and said directly: “One ton of rice and 500 kilograms of various vegetables, do you think that’s okay?!”

A ton of rice?!

Zhao Yu was overjoyed, this was much more than he expected.

However, he frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with the price.

The little fat man Gao Shun said quickly: "We originally prepared 1 ton of rice and 1 ton of various grains and vegetables, but you said you wanted us to provide weapons and ammunition, so..."

Zhao Yu interrupted: "One ton of rice, one ton of vegetables, and you will provide weapons and ammunition, and I promise to help you bring what you want. If we suffer any casualties, how about we not ask for your compensation?!"

Gao Shun hesitated for a moment. He was originally worried that if too many of these soldiers died, others would come looking for them, but now that Zhao Yu said this, their worries were solved.

"Okay, it's settled!"

Compared with this small amount of food, it is more important to find electrical equipment. After all, without electricity, one of their vegetable sheds cannot be used, and more food will be lost.

"It's a pleasure to work with you!"

Zhao Yu smiled and shook hands with Gao Shun.

Gao Shun continued: "Weapons can be provided to you first, but food will have to wait until the things come back..."


Zhao Yu nodded and said: "It's a long way to the electronics factory. There are many mutant beasts on the road. I don't know how many days it will take to get back. Just help us prepare dry food for three days..."


Two tons of grain were agreed, and that was enough. Gao Shun readily agreed.

While others were handing over things, Gao Shun pulled a guard next to him to the side and asked:

"Sun Qiang, you have been a soldier, can you tell what these people are like?!"

Sun Qiang said solemnly: "I have never seen such soldiers. I stared at them for more than ten minutes. Not only did no one move, they didn't even blink. They were just like robots..."

"Only big forces can afford to support elites like this..."

"What about the military rank? What level is it?!" Gao Shun asked next.

None of the 11 people who had met Zhao Yu had ever served in the military, so I couldn't understand the military ranks on their shoulders.

"Three corps commanders, one captain, and the guy at the head is a centurion..."

Sun Qiang explained: "Their set of military rank epaulettes are only worn by combat troops. They are generally for actual duties. Those who can be centurions must have 100 people under their command. If there are not enough, they will be demoted to civilian positions."

Different from another military rank system, they are only engaged in combat..."

"So, there may be more people behind them?!" Gao Shun said in surprise.


Sun Qiang nodded and said: "If Zhao Yu is not lying, as a centurion, he needs to ask for instructions. The person behind him is at least a commander, leading 500 people!"

"Then why did Zhao Yu bring 20 people here?!"

"The soldiers under him should have other tasks..." Sun Qiang said uncertainly.

After a brief understanding, Gao Shun breathed a sigh of relief. It was mainly because the administrator was worried that the army would cause trouble for them, so he asked him to come out to explore the situation.

Now it seems that it is okay. Although these troops are short of food, they have no intention of attacking them.

In terms of weapons, the shelter is quite sufficient. I don’t know how many were moved in.

Zhao Yu, the 20th person, each has a rifle and a pistol.

Each gun also comes with a spare magazine, which is enough to last a long time.

"Zhao Baichang, we will send ten people to go with you, will you be okay?!"

"If we go together, we may not be able to guarantee their safety..."

Zhao Yu said with a confused expression.

Gao Shun came closer and whispered: "No matter what danger we encounter, we only ask that you protect at least one person from coming back..."

"A person?!"

Zhao Yu was startled for a moment.

Gao Shun continued: "It's the old man wearing glasses. He is an expert in electricity. He has to come back..."

Are there experts? Then why not repair the generator?!

Zhao Yu shook his head, too lazy to care about their internal affairs, and agreed immediately.

"Of course, if possible, it's best to bring everyone back!" Gao Shun was afraid that Zhao Yu had misunderstood and thought he was asking them to kill people with borrowed knives, so he quickly added.

"No problem, leave it to us!"

Soon, Zhao Yu added 21 people to him and 10 people to the shelter. The two teams merged together and left the shelter under the watchful eyes of the remaining people.

Two of the 10 people in the shelter were Liu Yuan and Wang Shuai, who had met Zhao Yu before.

"Zhao...Zhao Baichang, we have to rely on you to protect us all the way..." Liu Yuan came up and showed a flattering smile.

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Yu was startled for a moment, thinking of what she once said that her father was also one of the administrators, but was overthrown by others. He understood that her life in the shelter would probably be difficult, and now she finally recognized the reality.

, began to behave with one’s tail between legs.

Zhao Yu nodded and said: "Don't worry, we will ensure your safety!"

Although the two teams were moving together, the people on Zhao Yu's side were all neat and uniform, while the ten people on the other side of the shelter followed in a scattered manner.

When they reached the three-way intersection, Zhao Yu suddenly said, "Everyone is here, stand at attention!"


20 soldiers with firearms on their backs stood there.

This move immediately scared the other ten people and raised their guns.

"Rest on the spot and eat!"


The 20 soldiers sat on the ground and began to eat neatly.

The ten people next to them breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that these soldiers were going to fall out.

"Zhao Baichang, what are you?!" Liu Yuan mustered up the courage to come up and ask.

"My people have just completed other tasks and haven't had time to rest..."

Zhao Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, just rest for ten minutes!"

"Okay, okay, let's take a break too!"

Liu Yuan quickly walked back to the team and told the others what Zhao Yu had said, and then everyone sat on the ground.

"Commander, let's eat some of this..."

Someone wanted to get close to him, so he approached the nearest conscript and handed him some food.

Who knew that the mobilized soldier ignored him and continued to eat what he had in hand meticulously.

The man was rejected and felt embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yu came over, took the food from his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't mind, our army has rules!"

"Understand, understand!"

After this incident, everyone was excited, because Zhao Yu's army seemed to be strong in combat, which meant that their safety could also be guaranteed.

Ten minutes passed, and everyone had rested. Zhao Yu then gave the order to set off, and at the same time sent the fourth team to investigate ahead.

Walking in the middle of the team, Zhao Yu felt happy in his heart.

On this trip, not only did I get a meal for nothing, but I also got a bunch of weapons and ammunition for nothing.

The most important thing is that the refreshed daily task actually coincides with this commission, and the location is exactly the electronics factory they are going to.

However, the difficulty of the task has increased.

The system seems to issue tasks based on the strength of his subordinates.

This time's mission requires the elimination of all alien species in the photovoltaic electronics factory.

Correspondingly, the reward has also been increased, becoming 50 technology points.

Zhao Yu also planned to complete the deal with the shelter. After all, there will be two tons of food left in the future, which is enough for them to eat for a long time and can also feed more soldiers.

Half an hour later, a burst of gunfire rang out from the front.

"All on alert!"

Zhao Yu gave an order, and the 15 soldiers quickly divided into three teams to form a combat formation.

The 10 people in the shelter wisely ran to the back of the line and looked ahead uneasily.

After a while, the gunfire stopped and a mobilization soldier came back to report the situation.

It turned out that several wandering alien species were discovered in front, and they had been wiped out by the four teams.

"The alert is lifted and continue on the road!"

Soon, the group saw the aliens that had been annihilated by the four teams. There were five corpses in total, all of which were killed by headshots.

When Zhao Yu saw this scene, he was also very satisfied. The warrior with the gun had indeed doubled his combat power.

Unlike in the beginning, where you had to fight for your life to fight against alien species, poor conscript No. 001 was reborn just after he came out.

The road that follows is surprisingly easy to walk, making everyone in the shelter feel at ease.

Every time you encounter danger, you don't need the three teams behind you. You can solve it by just scouting the team.

Finally, around 12 o'clock in the night, a group of people finally arrived outside the photovoltaic electronics factory.

As seen last time, there are wandering mutants everywhere here, but there are no traces of mutant beast activity.

Looking at the pile of alien species in the electronics factory, the ten people in the shelter were a little panicked.

"Zhao Baichang, what can we do with so many alien species?!" Liu Yuan said uneasily.

"Leave it to us!"

Zhao Yudan said calmly: "My people will go in and clear the place first, and then you can enter the place after it is cleared..."

"However, the ammunition I brought this time may not be enough, and I need some support from you..."

"No problem!"

Liu Yuan agreed immediately, returned to the crowd, and handed everyone's spare magazines to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu distributed the bullets, and after taking a short rest, he gave the order to assemble four teams of troops and walk towards the electronics factory.

He has already observed the terrain. The electronics factory has only one gate in this direction, and the walls are very high, three to four meters long, so these alien species cannot jump out.

Therefore, he directly asked one team to go up the wall, and the other three teams took turns to guard the gate.

"Listen to my order and kill all alien species within the absolute range..."

After Zhao Yu gave the order, he raised his pistol and pointed it towards the sky.


The gunshot sounded particularly loud in the deep night sky.

All the alien species within sight are rushing towards this side.

When the aliens were close to a distance of twenty meters, four infantry soldiers opened fire.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!" "Bang~!"

After a volley of fire, four alien species fell to the ground, but there were more alien species rushing towards them one after another.

When the alien species approached 10 meters away, the other mobilization soldiers finally opened fire.

Like the marine infantry, every bullet they fire can kill almost a alien species.

This is also the order issued by Zhao Yu, which requires the maximum range under the condition of absolute hit.

In just thirty seconds, a mountain of alien corpses piled up at the entrance of the electronics factory.

The aliens' breakout distance has become even further, approaching a distance of four or five meters.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu frowned and said: "Within the effective range, fire freely, giving priority to killing the aliens within the absolute range!"

Following this instruction, the originally sparse gunfire became denser.

The number of dead alien species was in the hundreds, exceeding the total number of alien species killed by Zhao Yu in the past.

"Everyone is welcome, step back five meters!

After a while, the corpses of the alien species were piled up at the gate. Zhao Yu felt that he couldn't bear it anymore and could only ask everyone to retreat.

At the same time, ask everyone to report the remaining ammunition.

The report results made Zhao Yu frown. Rifle bullets consume the fastest. After expanding the command, an average of three or four bullets can kill a mutant within the effective range.

This is because all his soldiers have built-in AI chips. If they were replaced by living soldiers, they would probably have to consume more bullets to achieve such results.

"How many alien species are there in this fucking thing?!"

Zhao Yudun felt so overwhelmed that he personally raised the rifle and started shooting.

His own shooting level is not bad, it can even be said to be very good.

Because during the more than five years he spent at the moon base, he basically had nothing to do. Apart from playing basketball, he also used various types of weapons to shoot targets.

Of course, for Zhao Yu, weapons such as rocket launchers, electromagnetic guns, and laser cannons are used the most, but guns are not used much.

However, it can be used here, and its accuracy is better than mobilizing soldiers.

"Too strong..."

In the back, the ten people in the shelter watched Zhao Yu and others display their power and kill hundreds of alien species, and they were all excited.

"If it weren't for them, we would have died without a burial place if we rushed in here?!"

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly felt scared, but at the same time they were a little lucky to have met Zhao Yu.

Just as he was talking, the gunfire from ahead suddenly slowed down.

"Less, fewer alien species!"

"Is it finally over?!"

On the front line, Zhao Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, and released his finger on the trigger.

After another three minutes, the gunfire almost stopped, and no new alien species broke out of the factory.

Only then did Zhao Yu give the order to have people climb up the wall again to check the situation.

"Report, there are no alien species within sight!"

"Very good!"

Zhao Yu nodded and waved to the back.

Ten people from the shelter rushed over immediately.

Zhao Yu said: "The alien species have been cleaned up, but the door is also blocked by them..."

"My people have just finished fighting and need to take a rest, so I would like to trouble you to clear the gate!"

Everyone looked at each other, no one wanted to move the body, but they did not dare to refuse, so they could only agree.


Following Zhao Yu's voice, 20 soldiers returned to his side and stood in line one after another.

"Everyone is welcome, rest and eat on the spot!"


The 20 soldiers didn't mind being dirty, so they sat down and started eating.

Seeing this scene, the ten people in the shelter were shocked.

"They can still eat it!"

"It's too scary. These soldiers are worthy of being weapons of war..."

"What if, people train every day just to kill people..."

More than ten minutes later, a road was cleared, and everyone on Zhao Yu's side had eaten and drank enough, and his fatigue state was cleared again.

Zhao Yu walked up to everyone in the shelter and said, "Do you want to take a rest?!"

"No need, find something early and go back early?!"

When Zhao Yu and others were fighting before, they basically rested where they were. After working for ten minutes, they still had plenty of energy.

Zhao Yu nodded and said: "Okay, let's go, my people will open the way, you follow, pay attention to safety, and look around you!"

At this moment, the daily task showed that it was not completed, indicating that there were still alien species in the electronics factory, so Zhao Yu reminded them.

"Okay, thank you Zhao Baichang for your concern..."

Liu Yuan responded on behalf of everyone and walked to the back of the team.

Looking at this mountain of alien species, Zhao Yu felt very regretful.

There are not even 200 but 180 alien species here. It would be great if we could drag them back.

Unfortunately, the distance between the two places is too far. It takes more than 6 hours to walk, so it is not worth it.


As soon as we left here, we heard the howling of wolves in the distance.

After a while, a large number of wolves arrived at the scene and began to eat the bodies of the alien species.

After entering the electronics factory, the old man whom Gao Shun had entrusted Zhao Yu to take care of took out a map of the electronics factory from his arms. After looking at it for a while, he ran to Zhao Yu and said, "Boss, go this way!"
When Zhao Yu heard the sound, he immediately stopped his men and started walking in the direction pointed by the old man in front of him.

Soon, the group of people came to a large area that looked like an open space, but there were what looked like solar panels placed on it.

Zhao Yu took a quick look and saw that there were at least hundreds or thousands of solar panels in this open space, each of which was at least one or two square meters in size.

"Leader, we just want to take this thing back..."

"Isn't this for solar power generation?!"

"The power generation capacity of the shelter cannot keep up. The manager wants to lay some solar panels on the ground near the shelter to generate electricity..."

Hearing the old man's explanation, Zhao Yu was startled and said curiously: "So, you don't lock the door?!"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded and said: "The administrator decided to build another camp on the ground and let some people go to the ground to survive..."

"When encountering unstoppable danger, it is not too late to retreat to the shelter..."

Zhao Yu nodded and didn't ask any questions. Under the guidance of the old man, he sent a dozen soldiers to start dismantling it together with others.

After a while, twenty large solar panels were removed.

"That's enough, I can't take away any more!"

After taking a look at the quantity, the old man quickly shouted stop. After saying that, he looked at Zhao Yu and said with a smile: "Zhao Baichang, next, I need your help to move..."

Twenty large solar panels are not enough for their ten people, and there is an old man here.

Zhao Yu squinted his eyes and said: "I promised you before, but I didn't help you move this thing back..."

The old man scratched his head and said, "I can't decide on the transaction. How about I tell you how to use this solar panel to generate electricity?!"

Zhao Yu thought for a while and then agreed. After all, there were still two tons of food in the shelter, so there was no point in embarrassing the old man.

If you know how to reuse solar panels to generate electricity, you might be able to dismantle them and sell them to other forces in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yu couldn't wait to build the chariot factory immediately, so that he would have transportation!

"Don't leave in a hurry, let me remove the hidden dangers in this factory first!"

Zhao Yu said: "Team One, Team Two, Team Three, spread out to clean up the alien species seen in the power plant..."

"Team Four, follow me!"


Seeing Zhao Yu sending out all his troops, everyone else was startled and called out to him quickly.

"If we don't clean up the alien species now, when we move things later, I can't guarantee whether any alien species will suddenly jump out and bite any of you to death..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped persuading and could only gather in a group and look around nervously.

Zhao Yu shook his head and did not stay here longer. He led four teams and walked towards the gathering place.

He brought these people to the west gate of the electronics factory, which is near the solar panels.

The former gathering place is to the east of the electronics factory, near the east gate.

Zhao Yu wanted to see if there were any other supplies in the gathering place.

After walking for about ten minutes with the four teams, Zhao Yu encountered a few scattered alien species on the road. After easily dealing with them, Zhao Yu arrived at the original gathering place.

This is a trading point converted from a second-floor canteen. It is the only area in this gathering place open to the public.

Zhao Yu was relatively familiar with this place and led people inside.

After wandering around for a while, Zhao Yu frowned.

"Has it been raided!?"

The supplies in the gathering place are not rare for mutant beasts, so the people in the gathering place fled in a hurry and couldn't bring much with them.

But now, the entire trading point is empty. It has obviously been cleaned away in an organized and disciplined manner. Not even a single grain of rice is left.

"People from Mengjiazhuang?!"

Zhao Yu remembered the last time he brought Nan Nan over and attracted the people from Mengjiazhuang.

With their strength, they are likely to come here again for reconnaissance. If they are sure that there is no threat from mutant beasts, it is not impossible to evacuate this place.

With this thought in mind, Zhao Yu walked out of the cafeteria building and came to the east entrance.

Sure enough, I saw tire marks on the dirt road outside the door.

Zhao Yu walked closer and took a closer look.

"It should be a small four-wheeled vehicle..."

Zhao Yu is not surprised that Mengjiazhuang has oil and cars. After all, Meng Xian, their leader, is a third-level enhancer and is very powerful. There is no place in this area that she cannot go to.

But what surprised him was that it was at least an hour's walk from here to Mengjiazhuang.

Zhao Yu got up and walked along the tire tracks for a while, and found that Mengjiazhuang had done a lot of work. The entire road seemed to have been renovated.

In some potholes, people used shovels to dig out and fill the potholes nearby, trying to create a road that a car could walk on.

"Look at this movement, are they gathering more people?!"

This kind of project, in peaceful times, could be completed by seven or eight people if it took some time.

But now is the end of the world. They have to ensure safety and find a way out of the harsh environment. It is really difficult. Without the coordination of one or two hundred people, it is impossible to vacate this place so quickly.

When I was thinking about how big Mengjiazhuang is now, the system prompt sound suddenly came to my mind.

[Ding, the daily mission is completed, and you will be rewarded with 50 technology points.]

This chapter has been completed!
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