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Chapter 25 The Formation of Alien Species

 "Bang~" "Da da da~~!"

Just when they were about to reach their destination, a burst of gunfire rang out.


Zhao Yu quickly stopped the team, took out the eight-fold scope removed from the sniper rifle, and looked into the distance.

In the dark night, the place where the farm is located is ablaze with fire, and a giant beast three to four meters in size is rampaging.


Zhao Yu was a little stunned. He didn't expect that there was a radioactive beast in the farm.

But then, he became a little confused, "Where are the alien species?!"

According to the mission instructions, there should be many alien species here.

In the eight-fold mirror, I only saw a radiation beast.

After observing for a while, Zhao Yu found that this radiation beast seemed a little weak, not as powerful as the one he saw near Mengjiazhuang before.

When a bullet hits the body, you can see splashes of blood, indicating that normal weapon attacks can break through the defense.


Suddenly, Zhao Yu was attracted by a weapon. He was a little shocked, "They have cannons?!"

In the farm, a cannon was pushed out a hundred meters away from the radiation beast.

This makes Zhao Yu even more confused. From what he can see now, the combat effectiveness of this farm is not weak, and the number of gun-wielding soldiers is approaching one hundred.

In addition, there are a large number of farmers armed with pickaxes, hoes and other weapons.

With the strength of this farm, hundreds of alien species should be able to be eliminated.

Any more would exceed the scope of his strength defined by the system.


While I was wondering, the cannon roared in the distance.

At a distance of 100 meters, there was almost no room for the Radiation Beast to dodge, and it was hit with one shot.

Zhao Yu held his breath and concentrated, paying attention to the dynamics of the radiation beast.

This was the first time he saw hunting a radiation beast. Even last time, Meng Xian and others were driven away by the radiation beast.

Is this farm even more powerful than Meng Xian and the others?!

Thinking like this, in the farm, the radioactive beast fell to the ground, and the people around him suddenly burst into cheers.

"This is a win?!"

Zhao Yu was stunned, looking at it this way, the radiation beast didn’t seem to be that good either?!


At this moment, the vision suddenly changed.

The corpse of the radioactive beast that had just fallen on the farm suddenly began to swell, like a dead whale, and its body turned into a ball.


When the body of the radiation beast expanded to the limit, a sound comparable to the explosion of a cannonball was heard.

A burst of red-yellow gas suddenly spread out.


Zhao Yu was shocked and jumped down from the tree. Just as he was about to turn around and escape, he smelled a faint fragrance, which scared him so much that he quickly held his breath.

But after all, a wisp of gas was inhaled into the body. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu felt that his brain became dizzy, and his whole body seemed to be inoperable.

Especially the buttocks are ready to move, as if something is about to break out of its shell.


Zhao Yu still didn't understand that he had been hit. With a 'plop', his body became unstable and he immediately fell to the ground.

"Plop!" "Plop!" The sound of falling down came one after another.

The surrounding soldiers all inhaled the special gas and were shaking.

"Damn it, I don't want to mutate, do I?!"

Zhao Yu was terrified and suspected that he might turn into a monster.

Especially behind my butt, I feel like something is growing.

But when he reached out to touch it, there was nothing there.

"It's over..."

Just when he was desperate, the feeling of an object growing behind his butt suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the out-of-control state of the body gradually dissipated, and the power returned to the palm of the hand.

Zhao Yu clenched his fists and felt that he seemed to be able to control his body again, and the lethargy in his brain suddenly left.

"Is everything okay?!"

He got up and checked up and down, and found that there was nothing serious. He especially checked the back of his buttocks and touched it several times, but there was no foreign object growing out.

"Is something wrong with you?!"

After Zhao Yu checked himself, he looked at the surrounding soldiers and found that they had also stood up. They all followed the previous order meticulously and stood motionless.

After walking around in a circle and giving a few random instructions, I found that every soldier was normal and had no mutations.

"What's going on?!"

Zhao Yu suspected that it might be related to the explosion of the radiation beast after its death.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth, climbed up the tree again, took out the eight-fold mirror, and looked at the farm. Zhao Yu was stunned.

The farm was full of alien species, and on the outskirts, Zhao Yu saw with his own eyes a tail more than one meter long growing out of the back of a living person.


Zhao Yu then discovered that after the physical changes of the people on the farm, their skin color began to change, becoming like alien species, with an overall gray color and some cracks.

At first, Zhao Yu could still see the appearance of someone struggling, but after just a few minutes, the living people in the farm disappeared, and what was left were all monsters that were no different from alien species.

Until now, he still doesn’t understand that this is how the alien species came about!

"The radiation beast will explode when it dies, releasing a gas that can infect living people into alien species..."

This is the first time that Zhao Yu knows the origin of alien species. Before, he only heard that it was because of radiation, but now it seems that it is because of radiation beasts.

"So, today's daily task is to clean up these newly mutated alien species?!"

Going down to the ground, Zhao Yu had the intention to retreat.

"What if that land is contaminated and I become a mutant in the past?!"

This mission seems to be more difficult than the one in the chemical plant.


Zhao Yu hesitated, and while walking back and forth, he noticed the soldiers beside him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, we can let them go over and take a look..."

Zhao Yu remembered that when he was affected by the red-yellow gas, the surrounding soldiers also fell to the ground.

This shows that their bodies, like his, will also be affected by that gas.

If nothing changes when the soldier approaches the farm, then there is a high probability that he will not be in danger.

With this in mind, Zhao Yu ordered a mobilization soldier and asked him to approach the farm.

Climbing up the tree trunk, Zhao Yu stared at every move of the mobilized soldiers.

Soon, the mobilized soldier arrived near the farm. At the same time, a alien species discovered him and charged towards him.

The mobilized soldiers triggered the early warning command and immediately took out their sabers and started fighting with the alien species.

After paying the price of his shoulder injury, the conscript killed the alien species without any abnormality in the whole process and still maintained his human attributes.

"So, only during the few minutes when the radiation beast explodes can it become infectious and mutate living people?!"

Zhao Yu gradually calmed down and felt that he had overreacted.

In the field, the mobilization soldiers fought with the alien species, which attracted the attention of other alien species. About ten or twenty alien species rushed towards him.

Upon seeing this, the mobilized soldiers once again triggered the order issued by Zhao Yu in advance, turned around and ran away.

"Everyone has it, prepare for the third tactical battle!"


Upon hearing this, the soldiers below took off the spears from their backs one after another. Some soldiers were also carrying shields on their backs and took them off at this moment.

Soon, they formed a combat team of three. In each group, one soldier stood in front of the triangle carrying a shield, and the other two followed behind with spears.

Soon, the mobilized soldiers who were out led a group of alien species into the woods.


When the distance between the two sides was only about ten meters, Zhao Yu finally issued the order.

This time, he did not participate in the battle. He sat alone on the tree trunk and observed what was going on underneath.

Facts have proved that cold weapons are also very effective in dealing with these brainless alien species.

In just thirty seconds, the soldiers resolved the battle with zero casualties.

"Not bad!"

Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction, which showed that his combat plan was well designed.

Back on the ground, Zhao Yu stopped worrying and sent people to pull out monsters again.

After several rounds of pulling, most of the alien species in the farm were wiped out, leaving less than thirty.


After several tests, Zhao Yu has determined that there is no gas on the farm that can infect living people into alien species again, and he can go over and clear the place.

The only pity is that this farm is nearly eight hours away from the base, and the corpses of these alien species can only benefit the nearby beasts.

In fact, during the battle between the two sides, many beasts had smelled the smell of blood, and they all gathered around.

Once upon a time, Zhao Yu wanted to hide in the trees when he encountered a pack of wild wolves, but at this moment, he was like some hyenas, only daring to look from a distance and not daring to take a step forward.

"I'm already so strong!"

Zhao Yu looked around and looked at the dense green eyes in the woods. He couldn't help but smile and ordered: "Everyone is here, target farm, let's go!"

As they left, the wild wolves in the rear couldn't bear it any longer. They rushed out one by one and lay down on the corpses of the alien species to eat.

When he arrived at the farm, Zhao Yu was not in a hurry to send people to kill the remaining alien species. Instead, he planned to train his troops.

"Everyone has it, prepare for the fourth tactical battle!"


The soldiers took off the steel cables, worked in pairs, and each took the head of a steel cable to both sides. In a blink of an eye, the five steel cables were pulled up.

Immediately afterwards, six soldiers held shields and stood in the middle of several steel cables, spreading them left and right.

The remaining soldiers put on weapons of different shapes, including machetes and axes.

This set of tactics is not perfect, and Zhao Yu also wants to take this opportunity to see which weapon is more suitable.

Seeing that everyone was in place, Zhao Yu picked up a pistol that had been abandoned by the alien species and fired a shot into the sky.


Following this sound, all the remaining alien species in the farm rushed out.

"Starting on the 1st!"

Zhao Yu stood behind the formation and shouted quickly when he saw the first wave of alien species arriving.

Immediately afterwards, the first steel cable laid on the ground was pulled up by the two soldiers at the front.

"Plop~!" "Plop~!"

There were falling sounds one after another, and all the aliens in the front row were stumbled over.


There was no need for Zhao Yu to remind him, the combat soldiers in the first row came forward first with various weapons.

The alien that fell to the ground lost its balance and was hacked to death by the soldiers without even having time to release its tail.

After the killing, the first row of soldiers quickly moved around to both sides, and then the second row of soldiers began to greet the second wave of alien species.

Using the same routine, ten more alien corpses appeared on the ground soon.

Just when Zhao Yu thought that this tactical experiment was successful, the second row of soldiers attracted alien species while retreating. Following the second row of soldiers, they rushed to the soldiers holding ropes on both sides.

This made Zhao Yu stunned for a moment. According to his idea, when the second row of soldiers retreated, the third row of soldiers would attract the alien species' attention, allowing this style of play to continue patrolling.

After all, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Zhao Yu shook his head and ordered: "Everyone has it, kill the enemy freely!"

The formation has been messed up, and there is no need for the soldiers in the third and fourth rows behind to stand here and watch the show.

Soon, more than 20 soldiers swarmed forward and wiped out all the remaining dozen aliens.

[Ding, the daily mission is completed, and you will be rewarded with 50 technology points.]

After hearing the system prompts, Zhao Yu asked people to stop.

After seeing that the soldiers were all suffering from "hunger" and "tiredness", Zhao Yu ordered them to rest on the spot, replenish food, and restore their physical strength.

After resting for half an hour, Zhao Yu stood up and looked at the weapons scattered on the farm, and suddenly smiled.

"Everyone is available. Collect supplies and give priority to ammunition..."

An hour later, ten two-wheeled trolleys filled with supplies were gathered at the farm gate.

"It's a pity that there is still a large amount of supplies that cannot be taken away..."

There is indeed a lot of supplies in the cart right now. The food alone is close to three tons, and there are also a lot of various types of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin left.

Even the most scarce bullets at the moment, Zhao Yu has found nearly 10,000 rounds.

The only pity is that it is too far away from the base and it is not convenient to go back and forth.

Otherwise, he really wants to vacate this place. After all, it is a farm, and the most important thing is food.

"Bang~!" "Bang~!"

Vaguely, Zhao Yu heard the sound of gunshots in the distance, and guessed that other forces came here to check the situation.

"Forget it, even if we come again, this place will probably have been vacated by others..."

Zhao Yu shook his head, simply gave up these distracting thoughts, and ordered the soldiers to set off.

In this way, the remaining soldiers were divided into eight people to take charge of guarding. Among the remaining twenty people, one person was tied with a rope to pull the cart in front, and the other was pushing the cart in the back.

After nearly ten hours of long journey, Zhao Yu returned to the base with the exhausted soldiers.

There was no time to classify the supplies. After learning from the guards that there was nothing unusual about the base, Zhao Yu hurriedly fell asleep.

Thanks to ordinary GarpeDiem for the reward of 100, thanks to the book friends for the reward of 100, thanks to (symbol x3) for the mistake (symbol x2) for the mistake (symbol x1) for the reward of 100,

This chapter has been completed!
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