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Chapter 46 Victory at the beginning of the war!

 [Daily mission: Wild Wolf Town has obtained your location information and has organized manpower to prepare to attack the base... Fail this attack and you will be rewarded with 50 technology points.]

"How do you know this?!"

Zhao Yu didn't expect that in less than a day, everyone in Yelang Town would know his location.

"It should be the surrounding villages..."

Zhao Yu realized the problem. There were several small villages near the photovoltaic power plant.

People from Yelang Town probably sent people to various places to inquire about the situation.

People in these villages have been in contact with them several times before and have seen them driving by, so it is normal for someone to report them.

"Forget it, just come and do it!"

Zhao Yu is not a person who is afraid of trouble. Now that the other party knows his position, he will fight openly and openly.

Wild Wolf Town is heavily guarded, so he is not easy to fight, but if the opponent dares to come out, it will catch them off guard.

Thinking of this, he quickly summoned several commanders to discuss the combat situation.

"Sir, there are two urgent matters..."

"The first is to equip a walkie-talkie to allow the reconnaissance team to go out and ensure that there are no enemies nearby, so that the intelligence can be passed back..."

"The second is to get some drones to understand the enemy's dynamics..."

After hearing this, Zhao Yu immediately went to the arsenal and exchanged a batch of walkie-talkies for each soldier.

Then all five members of the reconnaissance team were sent out and handed over to the corps commander for dispatch.

Immediately afterwards, he redeemed a batch of small drones, some of which were rechargeable models and some of which were refueling models.

However, no one under his command can use this thing. He can learn it, but what he lacks right now is time.

So, Zhao Yu once again spent the ten science and technology points he had saved from today's natural growth to train two drone pilots.

There are also some scouts who can control drones, but they are too expensive, so Zhao Yu picked the two cheapest ones.

Right now, what he lacks most is technology points, and other resources except gasoline and ammunition are not in short supply.

Therefore, the drone chosen by Zhao Yu is an expensive military reconnaissance and combat aircraft that can perform reconnaissance and strike missions.

At the same time, he also built several conventional reconnaissance drones and found that they were indeed somewhat different from those used by the military.

Ordinary reconnaissance drones only need a laptop-like remote control to control them.

The high-end military integrated inspection and combat aircraft simulates aircraft operation. It has a complete ground cockpit, two joysticks to control the direction, and foot pedals to step on the accelerator and adjust the drone's flight attitude.

In addition, there is a large display screen in the ground cockpit, which can see the picture of the drone, including multiple modes, showing the distance to the enemy and other parameters.

Of course, the integrated surveillance and attack drone that Zhao Yu chose was not the best, because the best integrated surveillance and strike drone was too big, more than ten meters long, and like a fighter jet, it was equipped with air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles.
Now Zhao Yu has no way to make missiles, so there is no use in exchanging this kind of drone.

Zhao Yu chose a small integrated reconnaissance and combat aircraft, with a length of two meters and a wingspan of more than three meters. It carries a machine gun and can perform strafing missions.

"You control two Hummingbird drones to investigate the situation..."

The Hummingbird drone is smaller and rechargeable. It carries a high-definition camera and can only be used for reconnaissance.

Although Zhao Yu had replenished some gasoline, it was still not much, so he could send a reconnaissance drone out to see the situation first.

Soon, under the control of two pilots, two small drones took off and circled around the base. After confirming that no abnormalities were found, they flew towards the northwest.

Then, Zhao Yu followed the commander's suggestion and exchanged a lot of ordnance and equipment.

Mortars, rockets, ladder trucks, etc.

At present, there are no watchtowers or sentry towers in his base, so he has brought out several ladder trucks, which can rise to a height of more than ten meters, and set up machine guns or sniper rifles on them.

Because he was not sure which direction the enemy would attack from, Zhao Yu did not deploy these ladders for the time being, but stayed near the base, waiting for intelligence from the reconnaissance drones.

"Report to the commander, suspicious target found!"

At this time, a pilot suddenly reported the situation.

Zhao Yu quickly came over with several commanders.

On the drone's display screen, dozens of cars were traveling on a road on the ground, rushing along the county road in the direction of his base.

"They didn't notice our drone, did they?"

"Sir, we are carrying out a covert reconnaissance mission. The height of the drone is 1,500 meters..."

The commander on the side explained: "At this height, it is difficult to detect this small reconnaissance drone unless you use a telescope or scan with an electronic radar..."

"Yes!" Zhao Yu nodded. Now that he has discovered the enemy, it will be much easier to handle.

After detailed observation, several commanders obtained the information they wanted.

"There are 150 enemies in total, armed with rocket launchers, mortars, machine guns and other weapons..."

The people who came out this time were all combatants, and in order to prevent being ambushed, they deliberately drove more vehicles to ensure that each vehicle was not full, so that even if they were attacked by rockets, they would not lose too many manpower.<


"Tell me about the battle plan..."

"We can set mines on their only path..."

"Then fire a round of mortars..."

"Let the soldiers ambush on both sides of the road outside the base to launch rockets and carry out a wave of fire strikes..."

The commander eloquently gave a combat plan.

Zhao Yu felt his head grow bigger after hearing this.

"We don't have so many artillery shells!"

He is still in the stage of lacking raw materials for making cannonballs.

"Sir, if we recover all the captured ammunition and stored ammunition, we can produce the artillery shells we need..."

Zhao Yu took a look at the data given by the commander. If he wanted to collect enough artillery shells to be fired this time, he would need to recover 70,000 to 80,000 bullets, which was basically a state of emptying out.

After a little hesitation, he agreed.

If you can win, you can seize ammunition from the enemy.

"How long until the enemy arrives?"

"Half an hour..."

"You are responsible for preparations and recalling all the guards from the military base and living areas..."

This battle is a matter of life and death for the base. Zhao Yu doesn't want to lose, so all the available hands are used.

Of course, if he really loses, he will immediately transform the base into the form of a base vehicle, drive up and run away without saying a word.

"Damn it, if you want to fight, let's play big!"

Zhao Yu also became ruthless and directly asked people to drive dozens of cars, as well as dozens of guns seized in the past few days, as well as dozens of guns made by himself, and drove quickly towards the east gate.

By the time he drove aggressively outside the east gate, Hawkeye had already received the news and summoned a large number of people, all with guns on standby.

"Zhao Baichang, we have always kept our peace, so I don't know what you want to do by going to war in such a big way?!"

Hawkeye shouted nervously from several dozen meters away.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yu, who was talking nicely just now, would drive so many cars over at this moment. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"Eagle Eye, I have a big deal to discuss with you!"

To show his sincerity, Zhao Yu walked out of the motorcade and took a few people over.

Seeing this, Hawkeye hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to fire the black gun. After giving a few simple instructions, he led a few people out.

"I have a battle to fight with other forces, and I am in urgent need of ammunition. I will buy all the ammunition you have here!" Zhao Yu said straight to the point.

The people from Yelang Town are about to arrive, and there is no room for him to elaborate.


Eagle Eye was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhao Yu came here for trading.

"Stop inking, cars, machine guns, rifles, or food, whatever you want, I'll sell them all!" Zhao Yu urged.

Eagle Eye was a little unclear whether what Zhao Yu said was true or false, "Who are you going to fight?"

"Wild Wolf Town!"

"What?!" Hawkeye was shocked, how could a local force like Wild Wolf Town be related to Zhao Yu?

Zhao Yu urged: "Just tell me how much ammunition you can buy, no matter what type of bullets, I want them all!"


Hawkeye hesitated for a moment, then said: "Thirty thousand rounds of ammunition, two missiles of unknown type, which we picked up from an abandoned military base before..."

"You still have missiles?!"

Zhao Yu was overjoyed, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

No matter what model it is, as long as it is recycled, he can recreate usable missiles.

"Tell me, what do you want..."

"We...can we discuss it?!"

Seeing Hawkeye grinding and chirping, Zhao Yu didn't bother to bargain and said directly: "For ten cars, a hundred rifles, and ten machine guns, I'll just buy you 30,000 rounds of ammunition and those two missiles. How about that?!"
Eagle Eye was shocked. The price was obviously very high. They had asked privately about the two missiles, but no one could accept them.

I couldn't bear to throw it away, so I kept hiding it in the outer area of ​​the camp.

"Okay, let's sell it!" Eagle Eye nodded hastily, fearing that Zhao Yu would regret it.

"Then let's start, fast!"

Zhao Yu directly commanded people to drive over ten cars and drop them off, and then dropped off a hundred guns and ten machine guns.

Upon seeing this, Eagle Eye hurried back and soon brought the two so-called missiles.

Zhao Yu's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw the appearance of the missiles. They were two missiles with a length of three meters. Such a big thing is enough!

Soon, the two sides made a handover. Zhao Yu didn't care about saying anything and returned to the base with a pile of ammunition and missiles.

Hawkeye and the others were left looking at each other, and then they showed expressions of ecstasy.

"We also have a car!"

"It just seems like there's not much gas in the tank..."

"It's okay. You have a car but are you worried about running out of gas?!"


Back at the base, Zhao Yu quickly sent the collected bullets and two missiles into the arsenal recycling furnace.

Soon, he saw many new redeemable weapons and equipment appearing in the originally dull exchange list.

There are even fighter jets, but there are currently no pilots who can fly fighter jets, and they consume too much fuel.

Zhao Yu didn't think much about it. He simply made a selection and communicated with the commander. He couldn't help but feel disappointed when he found that no one could operate the tank.

In the end, a medium-sized integrated reconnaissance and attack drone with a length of eight meters was obtained, which can carry two missiles.

Zhao Yu also replenished the remaining tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition for mortar shells and rockets.

The commander on the other side also deployed the soldiers one by one. Everything was ready, and the pilot also detected that the enemy was only five minutes away from the base.

"Report, the enemy's convoy has stopped. It seems that they want to send people over to investigate first..."

When the commander on the side heard this, he quickly said: "Sir, the enemy's move will trigger the mines we have laid. I suggest that we launch an attack!"

The original plan was to wait for the enemy to walk into the ambush before starting the battle, but now that the opponent has sent a reconnaissance team so far away, there is no need to wait.

"Okay, let's start the war according to the plan!"

On the display screen, the enemy's large forces have abandoned their vehicles. At this moment, they are gathering together to start a roll call, and they seem to be planning to approach on foot.

This is Zhenghe Zhao Yu's intention. He has two missiles, and it will be difficult to fight if the enemy is too spread out.

Soon, the two pilots controlled the reconnaissance drone and returned to the new cockpit.

The medium-sized integrated surveillance and attack aircraft looks similar to a fighter jet in appearance. The streamlined fuselage looks powerful and domineering, especially the two missiles hanging under the wings, which makes Zhao Yu full of confidence.

"Take off!"

This thing consumes too much fuel. Zhao Yu recycled a full 200 liters of gasoline to produce 160 liters of aerospace kerosene.

This little kerosene is not enough to fly very far. Fortunately, the enemy is not too far away, so it is enough.

The road inside the photovoltaic power plant is very long, which is very suitable for this drone to take off.

After accelerating through the long runway, this medium-sized unmanned surveillance and combat aircraft took off.


"Everyone, listen, I have only one request, annihilate all the enemies and take no prisoners!"

Li Yang stood on the roof of the car and shouted loudly to about a hundred people around him, making a pre-war general mobilization.

He was very happy and energetic at the moment, and it was obvious that he was very confident in this raid.

When the people below heard this, they all responded loudly.

This place is still some distance from the photovoltaic power plant, so even talking loudly is no problem.

But at this moment, Li Yang suddenly felt a strange sound.

"What sound?!"

Others naturally heard it, raised their heads unconsciously, and looked in the direction of the sound.


Li Yang was shocked, "Why are there fighter jets here?!"

He had an ominous premonition that this fighter jet was not coming for him?!


Just when he was skeptical, a scene that made his eyes split open happened.

I saw two missiles hanging at the bottom of the fighter jet, hitting them at a faster speed at this moment.

"It's over!"

Li Yang's mind went blank.



"Get down!"


The scene was chaotic, but the missile did not allow them to dodge at all. When everyone started to take action, it hit the center of the crowd.



Two earth-shattering explosions.

Blood rained all over the sky, and broken limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere.

In this short moment, dozens of people were killed on the spot.

"My legs..."

"My eyes can't see..."


"Save me, I don't want to die..."

There were howls and screams everywhere.

But before they could figure out the situation, the mortars arrived.




As if for free, mortars fell from the sky and smashed into the crowd.

With drones as reconnaissance, the mortars are almost always on target under the calculations of the robot commander, and each shot is directed in the direction of the most effective strike.

Heavy firepower plowing.

Dozens of cars were blown to pieces, and the entire forest was set ablaze.

The few survivors scattered and fled, but before they could get far, a small drone chased behind them and started strafing.

In addition, the soldiers who had already been ambushing on the periphery launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against the enemies who were fleeing in panic.

This battle went better than Zhao Yu imagined.

The moment the two missiles were launched, victory was established, and other subsequent actions were all aimed at expanding the results.

Li Yang never imagined until his death that Zhao Yu could actually produce fighter jets and missiles!

If he knew who he had offended, he would have abandoned Wild Wolf Town and fled for his life long ago. How could he dare to attack in person?!

This chapter has been completed!
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