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Chapter 1 Darkness!

 "As an actor, you also need to practice acting calmly in front of the camera. This ability sounds simple, but in fact..."

A clear female voice like a lark came from the front, and Zhao Yu faintly woke up from the table.

My whole body aches, as if I'd been beaten.

I raised my head and found myself in a classroom, filled with young men and women.

Standing on the podium was a female teacher who looked to be in her twenties, fair-skinned and beautiful, wearing a cheongsam, gesturing with her hands while giving lectures.

This time it’s a student again!

Zhao Yu looked around and saw that he was in the corner of the last row. There was no one at the table for two. On the table next to the aisle, there was a man and woman holding their heads together and whispering together.

In the corner of the last row, there is no tablemate yet. This time my identity is not simple!

Zhao Yu became slightly interested, sinking his consciousness into his mind, and began to look through his memories.

He directly pulled the memory progress bar to the nearest position, wanting to see first the cause of death.

After a while, Zhao Yu showed a blank look in his eyes.

In the original memory, everything was normal. He woke up in a single dormitory, playing with his mobile phone, washing up, playing with his mobile phone, and walking.

I also said hello to other people on the way, walked straight into the classroom, nestled in the corner, hugged my head with my arms, and fell asleep.

Sudden death?!

Zhao Yu slowly pulled back his memory and finally discovered the clue.

One week before the time travel, the school had a seven-day holiday. The original body stayed in a single dormitory, playing games during the day and watching movies at night. He was so busy every day that he used three rolls of toilet paper alone.

The daily sleep time is compressed to the extreme, only two to three hours.

It’s not that I wake up naturally, but that the original person seems to feel that sleeping too much during the holidays is a disadvantage, so every time I can’t bear it anymore, I set an alarm clock to go to sleep.

In this way, I only slept five times in seven days, which added up to only thirteen or fourteen hours.

Good guy, this is a ruthless person!

After learning the cause of his death, Zhao Yu was relieved. At least he had no enemies, which was a good start.

He moved his eyes around the classroom and nodded slightly.

The environment is not bad and seems to be in good order.

Seeing this, he no longer hesitated, sinking his consciousness into his mind again, and began to look through more distant memories.

This time, in order to understand the situation in this world as quickly as possible, Zhao Yu chose to take a brief look and only stopped at some key memories.

This world is called Diyuan Star. From the outside, it seems to be at the peak of level zero civilization and can break through to level one at any time.

There are space stations that can go up to near-space experiments, but there are no spacecrafts that can colonize other planets.

In addition, this planet is very big, twice the size of the earth, and has a population of more than 100 billion.


Zhao Yu's brows wrinkled, and as time went by, the wrinkles became deeper and deeper.

Then, his eyes showed a puzzled look.

According to memory, this Earth Origin Star had a layout similar to that of Earth a hundred years ago, with hundreds of countries standing in a row, two countries competing for hegemony, and checking and balancing each other.

The old hegemon is declining and is unwilling to give up its interests. The new hegemon is unwilling to be the younger brother and snatches food from the tiger's mouth. The whole world is forced to get involved and one after another takes sides.

The world war is about to break out!

But just as the fight was about to begin, the world suddenly became unified!

An artificial intelligence named the God of Wisdom awakens consciousness.

At first, people were very afraid and tried their best to fight against the God of Wisdom.

Later, I gradually discovered that although the God of Wisdom is a new consciousness, he is always dominated by humans.

He put forward many suggestions that are beneficial to the development of human society.

After initial trials and adjustments, in the year 2059 of the Earth's Star Calendar, the world merged into one and formed a federal government, and the country became history.

The God of Wisdom has become synonymous with wisdom, justice, fairness, and kindness.

Under the leadership of the God of Wisdom, human science and technology has developed rapidly. In just a hundred years, the civilization level has soared from 0.5 to nearly 0.95, and the population has also expanded from tens of billions to hundreds of billions.

The tentacles of the God of Wisdom cover all fields, such as justice, trial, order, etc. Basically, all places involving public power are handed over to the God of Wisdom for management.

And the God of Wisdom has lived up to human expectations, not only keeping the entire planet in order, but also delegating humanistic care to everyone.

Social welfare is so good that from birth to death, whether it is eating, drinking, eating, drinking, or studying and education, the federal government is responsible for it.

The God of Wisdom said that humans should not waste time in meaningless labor, but should create a more brilliant future.

As a result, all repetitive and manual labor was handed over to robots.

There is only one thing that humans need to do, find their own interests and hobbies, and develop them vigorously.

After a period of practice, the God of Wisdom discovered that many human beings seemed to only care about enjoyment and were unwilling to invest in creation.

Therefore, after communicating with the top leaders of the federation, a set of social hierarchy system came into being.

There are two levels of class, nobles and citizens.

Citizens are divided into nine levels. Contributing to the development of human society can improve the level of citizens.

If you make a large enough contribution to the development of human society, you can be promoted to a noble and your achievements will be written into history.

This class division with human righteousness has been unanimously recognized and respected by mankind.

The promotion of each nobleman represents a major breakthrough in a certain field, which will naturally attract countless admirers.

In addition, nobles and citizens of different levels have corresponding powers.

For example, nobles can marry without restrictions, have priority in taking transportation, have priority in medical treatment, etc.

The emergence of the class system has successfully aroused a wave of people's ambition.

Some people do it for the sake of being famous in history, some people do it for the future of mankind, and some people simply want to have multiple wives.

But no matter what their efforts were, they all promoted the development of human society to a certain extent.

As a result, the school also made adjustments accordingly.

The first is the curriculum, which is divided into subjects since high school, liberal arts, focusing on humanities, focusing on learning entertainment activities created by humans.

Science, focusing on the laws of nature, mainly studies the laws of the universe.

The ratio between the two often reaches nine to one.

The unspoken rule in academia is that if you really want to work hard, go to science, and if you want to get by, go to liberal arts.

After all, in this society, even if you don’t work and rely on the welfare system, you can live until you die.

"Isn't this too fast?!"

Zhao Yu felt a little incredible.

In the quantum world, he has been in contact with other civilizations. How can there be such a civilization controlled by artificial intelligence?!

Moreover, this kind of utopian society is somewhat dreamy. At the very least, among all the civilizations in the universe, he has never seen anything like this!

Zhao Yu shook his head and continued reading without dwelling on this question.

This time, his main concern is his original family.

My original parents were not hard-working people, they were just waiting to die. They had nine children while eating, drinking and having fun.

The reason why we have children is because of the reward system established by the God of Wisdom. Every time a child is born, the welfare provided by society will be improved.

The original parents gave birth to nine children, so that although they were only ninth-class citizens, they were able to live a relatively good life.

Behavior under this kind of interest trend naturally makes the family unit very unstable.

Every child has a corresponding welfare system from birth to growth, and requires little contribution from parents.

Just like the original owner, he had a good relationship with his parents before he was ten years old. After he turned ten, he basically only saw each other every three to five months.

After high school, we only see each other once a year. It’s not that we don’t want to see her, but because our parents are busy going on vacation to have fun.

She originally had eight brothers and sisters, and they all had a normal relationship. The four eldest among them had only seen each other three or four times since they were born.

In this welfare society, any natural person can apply for independent housing when he reaches the age of 15. Before that, when he is 7 years old, he can be thrown into school boarding by his parents.

Therefore, the original brothers and sisters left early on their own, and applied for housing all over the world. I don’t know where they went.

In the original memory, there are many families like this, and it can even be said that most of them are like this.

Each couple will have at least three or five children, and as many as ten or so.

"This population seems wrong..."

Zhao Yu frowned again. According to calculations, if society is born like this, even if it is not so bold in the early days, after the accumulation in the past fifty years alone, the population will be more than 100 billion, or even trillions.

He briefly read through his original memory and felt that there were many weird places in this society.

Just like the school he is in.

It is a liberal arts college. Most of the people who come here are just dawdling, and not many people really study.

And the school also knows this, and doesn’t care about grades at all. The key to whether you can graduate is not your grades, but your attendance!

The school does not care whether you study or not, you must be in the classroom during class time, otherwise credits will be deducted. If you do not have enough credits and cannot graduate smoothly, social welfare will be reduced.

Therefore, the original person obviously did not study but only had fun. After seven days of indulgence, he still ran to the classroom to sleep despite his sleepiness after receiving the holiday.

It is because attendance affects the benefits after graduation.

"It's allowed not to study and not take exams, but it's not allowed not to come to the classroom?"

Zhao Yu scratched his head. This was the first time he encountered such a weird society.

After getting to know the students, I looked at the students in the classroom and realized that although they had their heads lowered, they were obviously not studying, but playing with their mobile phones.

Especially the couples in the back row were making little moves. Fortunately, the female teacher in cheongsam on the stage seemed to have gotten used to it and was minding her own teaching without paying any attention to it.


At this moment, the classroom suddenly became dark.

Among the students in more than fifty seats, nearly thirty of them had a dim light on their faces, like visitors from hell.

Zhao Yu's heartbeat stopped for a moment, but recovered quickly.

Because he found that there was nothing wrong with those students, but the classroom suddenly became dark, and the lights of their mobile phones shone on their faces.

"What's going on?!"

"Power outage?!"

There was a commotion in the classroom.

Zhao Yu was startled for a moment, then quickly realized that it was daytime now, and the first class after the holiday should be around eight o'clock in the morning.

He turned to look out the window, where there was a layer of bottomless darkness.

"No, it's morning now?!"

"There are no lights on in the classroom?!"

At this time, other students also reacted and started shouting.

The cheongsam teacher on the stage was also a little panicked. He hurriedly turned on his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight function, shining it everywhere.


Suddenly, a classmate by the window shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?"

It was a girl, lying in the arms of another girl. She pointed at the window and said with a look of horror: "Outside the window..."

As soon as these words came out, the students who were originally close to the window had no time to ask about the situation, so they moved away from the window one after another.

Zhao Yu took a look at his position and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The corner where he was staying, close to the corridor, was farthest from the window.

The table next door was originally empty, but now four people squeezed in, and the girl in the couple even leaned on Zhao Yu.

A faint smell of shampoo drifted into his nose, and the unique softness of a woman's body made Zhao Yu a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, everyone's attention is on the windows and no one pays attention to these.

For a while, nothing strange happened on the other side of the window, it was still dark as an abyss.

"What's there?!"

Someone couldn't help it anymore and asked the girl who screamed before.

Everyone also looked at it and shined random flashlights on it.

The girl had just joined the crowd and heard someone asking, so she finished the second half of the sentence.

"I just reached out and touched it, and found something blocked outside the window. I was shocked..."


"What's the obstacle?"

"What do you mean?!"

Everyone was asking questions, while looking at the windows warily.

Seeing that there was no new abnormality happening outside the window, the girl seemed a little relieved and explained: "It's like hitting a wall..."

"But it should be air outside..."


Zhao Yu frowned slightly, a little confused.


Before he could think about it, the students near the door had opened the classroom and ran towards the door.

As soon as there was movement over there, other students panicked and hurriedly followed the flow of people regardless of what was outside.

Zhao Yu was startled. At this time, he did not dare to be alone, so he quickly jumped on the table and squeezed forward.

"Don't squeeze, damn!"

"Who touched me..."

The crowd was noisy and crowded everywhere, but Zhao Yu’s behavior was not unexpected.

However, his physical fitness was not good. He only squeezed a few girls and was blocked by a boy with a generous figure.

"Damn it, Zhao Yu, why are you squeezing..." The boy cursed and said, but he didn't cause any trouble and just continued to squeeze forward.

Behind him, the girl who was squeezed out by Zhao Yu panicked and kept pulling on his clothes, trying to get in front.

There was another girl who went too far and hugged Zhao Yu's arm directly, as if she was afraid of being squeezed in by the people behind her. Zhao Yu did not hesitate and hugged the neck of the boy in front, fearing that he would be dragged away.<


After a while, Zhao Yu realized that he could no longer squeeze in. He glanced back and saw that there were four or five girls behind him, as well as two couples.

This made him feel a little more at ease.

Unexpectedly, the team stopped completely after walking forward only a few meters.

"Let's go!"

"Don't block the door..."

In the classroom, many people were shouting.

The people near the door turned around and said loudly: "Stop crowding, the corridor is full of people, there is no room..."

"Damn, other classes are just like us, they're all black..."

"Who goes to see what is going on outside the window!"

"I want you to go..."

After several calls, people’s nervousness seemed to be relieved.

Especially the boy who was choked by Zhao Yu finally realized something was wrong and turned around to glare.

"Damn it, Zhao Yu, what are you doing?!"

Zhao Yu coughed dryly and loosened his arms, but switched from strangling his throat to hugging his waist, "I'm sorry, Liu Tao, I was squeezed in too..."

"You're talking nonsense, you squeezed in yourself..."

A girl behind him was a little dissatisfied. He held the girl in front of him with one hand, and covered his chest with the other hand. He gritted his teeth and said, "Zhao Yu, you are so shameless, and you still get into the crowd of girls..."

"Liu Shuhui, I..."

Zhao Yu wanted to say something in defense, but suddenly noticed that someone left the crowd and slowly walked towards the window, and couldn't help but said: "Look at Li Hongwei!"

Many people in the classroom noticed it and looked over hastily.

I saw that Li Hongwei had come to the center of the classroom, one meter away from the crowd, and said loudly: "Please bring the lights here!"

Seeing this, people didn't know that Li Hongwei was planning to explore the situation outside the window, so they all shined their flashlights in.

The classroom is not big, with only three windows. Judging from where Li Hongwei is standing, it is obvious that he intends to go to the middle window.

Thirty or forty flashlights shine outside the window without any effect. The light seems to be swallowed up by the darkness, making it impossible to see anything outside the darkness.

This strange phenomenon made many people break out in cold sweat and lamented Li Hongwei's courage.

"Well done, Brother Wei!"

There were several compliments from the crowd.

The situation in the classroom naturally attracted the students at the door. They were communicating with students in other classes. When they saw this scene, they immediately turned back to watch Li Hongwei's actions.

Li Hongwei moved very slowly, moving forward little by little, and he was obviously very nervous.

It took about ten seconds to reach the second aisle, separated by two rows of seats and an aisle.

"Brother Wei, why don't you throw something away?!"

At this time, someone in the crowd noticed again.

Li Hongwei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly picked up a book on the table, held it in his hand, and made a gesture of throwing it away.

He held the book high with one hand, but he didn't throw it out yet. There was some anxiety on his face, as if he didn't know if there would be any consequences.

"Brother Wei, throw it away!"

"Brother Wei, don't be a coward!"

In the crowd, a man and a woman shouted the most happily.

Zhao Yu recognized the identities of the two people through their voices.

The man's name is Hu Bing and the woman's name is Huo Lijuan. They are popular figures in the class and eighth-class citizens. They are usually very active.

With the two of them taking the lead in instigating, Li Hongwei became more courageous and finally threw the book in his hand.

Everyone's eyes are on that book.


Under the gaze of everyone, the unknown book successfully hit the darkness of the open window.

What surprised people was that after the book hit the dark, it bounced back directly like it hit the wall and landed on the desk.

Zhao Yu stared at the book and at the same time scanned the darkness outside the window to see if there was any change.

The others were similar, observing the books and the darkness outside the window.

A few seconds passed.

The books are intact and lying quietly on the desk.

The darkness outside the window is as deep as ever, without any reaction.

Seeing this, Li Hongwei picked up another book and threw it up again.

The result is the same as before.

"There is really a wall..."

"What the hell is this?!"

People were talking a lot, wondering what the darkness outside the window was and why it enveloped the classroom.

At this time, the students at the door seemed to hear something from the corridor, turned to the classroom and shouted: "There is something wrong with our building..."

"There is also darkness outside the windows of other classrooms, and the front and rear doors are also locked by darkness..."


"What's going on?!"

People were shocked and thought it was just a problem with the windows. Unexpectedly, the whole building was in trouble.

"There is no signal on the mobile phone..."

When some people couldn't squeeze anymore, they already took out their mobile phones and wanted to ask for help.

Unfortunately there is no signal.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu forcefully pulled his left arm out of the woman's arms behind him, then took out his cell phone and took a look.

The top of the screen displays: No signal.

It’s not that the signal is weak, it’s that there is no signal at all.

Others also reacted and took out their mobile phones to check and try to make calls.

The results are naturally consistent.

In the middle of the classroom, after several attempts, Li Hongwei became bolder and stepped towards the window again.

Seeing this, everyone became a little more relaxed, unlike before where everyone was crowded around.

But everyone's eyes are still looking at Li Hongwei.

Finally, under the spotlight of everyone, Li Hongwei walked to the window.

After a slight adjustment, he plucked up the courage to raise his hand and slowly stretched it out the window.

The whole class suddenly became quiet. Except for some noise in the corridor outside the door, everyone in the classroom was basically looking at Li Hongwei.

Just when Li Hongwei's hand was about to touch the darkness outside the window.


An inappropriate voice sounded.

Li Hongwei suddenly retracted his hand and took a few steps back.

"Damn, who farted?!"

"Fuck you, uncle..."

Li Hongwei was furious. He came back to his senses and glared at the crowd, "If you don't help, can you please stop causing trouble?!"

He originally plucked up the courage to touch it, but was frightened back by a fart in the crowd behind him.

"Liu Yang, did you release it..."

"Go away, I'm not letting you go, the thief is shouting to catch the thief, Wang Zijun, it must be you..."

In the crowd, near the door, several students were arguing.

One of the girls had a slightly red face, but she quickly calmed down, loudly accused the other students, and questioned them repeatedly.

"Liu Siyu, is it you? The voice just came from you..."

Liu Siyu was the girl with a blushing face just now. Before she could refute, Wang Zijun on the side held his neck and shouted: "Zhang Yunjiao, don't talk nonsense, Liu Siyu is right next to me, it's definitely not her!"

"Damn it, stop arguing, what a big deal, it's over?!"

Li Hongwei was a little angry. He just felt that these students were all trash, and they failed more than they succeeded.

Everyone immediately stopped paying attention to that fart and turned to look at Li Hongwei.

Only where the fart sound came from just now, a few students were still whispering about who made it.


Li Hongwei took a deep breath, readjusted his mentality, and walked towards the window again.

Zhao Yu felt a little uneasy, but he had no intention of pushing forward. At this moment, he was shrinking in the crowd, silently calling Super Brain in his heart.

【I am here!】

‘Super Brain, can I take the first-order gene potion now?’

[The current physical fitness cannot withstand the enhancement of the first-order gene potion, and the probability of death is: 95%]

It really doesn’t work!

Zhao Yu just wanted to try it, in case it worked, it would also increase his survivability.

Then he asked: 'Superintelligence, how many technology points are needed to use the first-order gene potion?'

He is the third avatar, and when he comes this time, he only carries dozens of tubes of gene potions in different stages, and a super brain that is smarter than the system.

Although he carries the gene potion, due to the urinary nature of his system, he will definitely have to pay for it.

[Using the first-level gene potion requires 100 technology points, and the current technology points are 0.]

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and then said: ‘Superintelligence, do you know what’s going on outside the window?!’

[The distance is too far to scan, please get closer to the target within one meter]

When Zhao Yu heard this, he didn't ask any more questions and remained in the crowd.

We’ll talk about the scan later. Let’s first see if there are any problems with Li Hongwei.

Over there, Li Hongwei has come to the window again and slowly raised his hand.

In the classroom, all the students held their breath and stared over there without blinking.


The moment Li Hongwei touched the darkness with one of his fingers, he took it back like a conditioned reflex.

"Huhuhu~~~!" I saw him holding the finger and blowing air with his mouth.

The students behind me were shocked when they saw it and quickly asked about the situation.

"What's going on? Is the darkness hot?"

"Li Hongwei, are you okay?!"

Li Hongwei blew for a few seconds and saw that his finger was fine. He breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at it carefully, he said:

"It's not hot. I'm afraid something might happen, so I blow it in advance..."


Everyone was speechless for a while.

However, Li Hongwei is very brave right now, and no one is complaining about him.

No one needed to instigate him, Li Hongwei approached the window again.

This time, after he put his fingers on the darkness, he didn't pull away in a hurry. Instead, he touched back and forth.

While touching the darkness with my hand, I turned it over and took a look to see if there was anything wrong with my palm.

"It's okay..."

"It really seems like a wall here..."

I saw Li Hongwei standing on the stool, reaching out from the bottom of the darkness to the top, as if he wanted to find a gap.

Seeing this, other people became more courageous, and several of them approached Li Hongwei to observe the darkness outside the window at close range.

After a while, a few brave people touched the darkness outside the window and found that nothing happened.

At this time, the originally crowded crowd gradually dispersed, and people sat together in twos and threes, mainly near the corridor.

Near the window, there were only a dozen brave students gathering together to discuss what this darkness was.

"Go back, all students go back to their classrooms..."

"Teachers from all classes, come to me..."

At this time, the dean’s voice sounded outside the door.

Students who were still in the corridor before have also returned one after another to share the news they heard in the crowded corridor with other students in the classroom.

After a while, the female teacher in cheongsam also walked into the classroom. She was closest to the door and was also the fastest runner at the beginning. Her clothes were intact at the moment. I don’t know if she had cleaned up outside or if she had gone to a less crowded office.<


When the cheongsam teacher came in, the students in the classroom naturally became quiet. Li Hongwei and others standing by the window habitually found a place to sit nearby.

The cheongsam teacher's condition at the moment is not much better than that of the students, with worry and fear on her face.

"Students, Director Li said that our building is wrapped in darkness..."

"Two volunteers come out from each class to see if they can find a way out..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hongwei raised his hand, "I'll go!"

The cheongsam teacher nodded and scanned the crowd.

Most students did not dare to look at each other and lowered their heads silently, pretending that something was wrong.

To find a way out, you must keep testing. No one knows what dangers there may be.

"I'll go too!"

A boy who had discussed with Li Hongwei before also stood up.

Zhao Yu raised his head and glanced, it was a student named Zhang Hao, who was very active in the class on weekdays.

There were two volunteers, and the students in the class also raised their heads one after another.

Zhang Hao, on the other hand, held his head up proudly, as if what he had done was so remarkable.

Especially when a girl looks at him, he has a smile that cannot be concealed from the corners of his mouth.

The cheongsam teacher breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Then please invite these two students to go to the fourth floor. The director and others will be waiting for you above..."

Teacher Qipao is just a substitute teacher and has little opportunity to interact with students in private, so she doesn’t know many of the names of the students in the class.

After hearing what she said, Zhao Yu realized that their classroom was on the second floor, Class 13 of Baiyi.

This school is a liberal arts college, with only liberal arts students. During their freshman year, they are in the art class and study various art courses.

Only when you are a sophomore are you divided into classes, and you choose a specialization direction based on your freshman experience.

Zhao Yu didn't know how the classrooms were arranged. He only knew that this teaching building had six floors. The first and second floors were for freshmen, the third and fourth floors were for sophomores, and the fifth and sixth floors were for juniors.

As for the impression of the fourth floor, looking through the memories, the original owner seemed to only remember a sophomore from Class 7 of the Department of Folk Dance.

It is said that she is a flower girl, with a light body, soft body and many tricks. Not only does she have a good figure, but she is also very beautiful. She is the dream lover of many students.

However, the original owner only heard about it and didn’t pay too much attention.

For the original owner, watching virtual ladies online makes everything in reality boring.

Of course, in addition to this reason, it was also because the original owner had just entered college and confessed to a girl who was his childhood sweetheart, but was rejected.

Then he realized that chasing girls in reality was too difficult and a waste of time, so he simply put all his energy into the virtual space.

As Li Hongwei and Zhang Hao left, the classroom suddenly became noisy again.

There is no danger in the darkness outside the window, and the students are much more courageous.

In addition to the dozen or so people before, many people went over to touch it and feel the wall of dark air.

Zhao Yu observed for a while, and after making sure that there were no problems with these students, he approached the window to a distance of nearly one meter.

At the same time, Ultrain also provided the results of the scan.

[The magnetic tunnel was discovered and is going deep underground...]

This chapter has been completed!
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