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Chapter 30 Discovery of Asteroids

 The day after the three space heroes returned to Earth, the Daxia Space Administration suddenly released a set of data.

Data shows that when Daxia was searching for White Rabbit 9 on the moon, Miyinbang made many small moves to interfere with the search and rescue work.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

"Miyinbang actually did such a thing!"

"Shameless, is it Mi Yinbang? Oh, then I understand!"

Netizens criticized it one after another, and some even said that Miyinbang is anti-humanity.

"What can we do even if they are anti-human? It is undeniable that Miyin is now the strongest country in the world..."

"Besides, the US and India have nuclear weapons, which is of no use to us except for talking about it!"

Just when everyone thought that the Great Xia Congress would condemn it as usual.

Manager Yang of the Daxia National Space Administration suddenly posted on his personal Weibo that he scolded Thomas from the Miyinbang Space Administration.

The vulgar swear words made people very surprised and wondered whether the account had been stolen.

"This is an accident, right? Chief Engineer Yang, on behalf of the Daxia Space Administration, is a bit disgraceful to scold like this..."

"Go upstairs, when we are searching for and rescuing three astronauts, is it decent for Miyinbang to interfere with the search and rescue work?"

Who would have known that not only was General Engineer Yang’s Weibo not deleted, but one post was posted every five minutes, and 12 posts were posted in an hour.

Shocked all netizens.

"Well done, Mr. Yang is really kind!"

"Well done, Mr. Yang!!"

Not only did netizens not dislike it, but they just felt comfortable.

In just one hour, Mr. Yang’s Weibo account soared from 210,000 followers to 70 million followers.

It shocked the jaws of all traffic stars.

Just when people were wondering how Miyinbang would respond, something even more shocking happened.

Thomas from Miyinbang Space Agency turned out to be like a shrew and responded with dirty words to Chief Engineer Yang.

At this moment, netizens felt like they had traveled through time. When did the official state become like this?!

As everyone knows, the officials are also very helpless. If they want to find a relatively reasonable reason to launch nuclear weapons experiments in the short term, they must use strange tricks.

The only hot spot that can be exploited recently is the return of White Rabbit No. 9.

In order to deal with the potential crisis of aliens on the moon, they can only do this.

Compared with Daxia Guo, Chief Engineer Yang has been praised and recognized by netizens around the world.

Miyinbang’s Thomas lost 1 million followers overnight.

Not only the netizens in Daxia are scolding, but even the netizens in Miyin are ashamed to join in, and they are clamoring to kick Thomas out of the country.

I thought this farce would start and end with scolding.

Who knew, things would take a weird turn.

After the two sides exchanged insults, someone from the foreign affairs department came forward. After some righteous words, the situation escalated.

Various fields and departments have spoken out to denounce Miyinbang, vowing to seek justice for the three aerospace heroes.

Regarding this point, netizens do not think it is excessive, but rather think it should be like this.

"Aerospace heroes are heroes of all mankind, not just heroes of Daxia..."

"Every step they take in outer space is the source of progress for the entire human civilization..."

"This move by Miyin State is equivalent to cutting off the roots of the ancestors, which is unpopular and should be criticized by the world..."

Public opinion reached its peak, just when both sides were wondering how the situation would develop.

An explosion that shocked the world occurred.

Miyinbang’s uninhabited island disappeared overnight.

"The United States and India restarted nuclear tests in response to his anti-humanity!"

"Miyinbang is so shameless!"

No one expected that Miyinbang’s way of shutting up the world would be to show force.

But the more they act like this, the more they arouse the rebellious psychology of the people.

Some passers-by who originally stayed out of the incident also joined in the criticism after the nuclear test occurred.

For a time, netizens around the world shared the same hatred and carnival.

However, there are also people who analyze the situation calmly.

"What we have done, apart from adding to Miyinbang's bad reputation, will not have any real impact..."

"In this world, the only thing that can shut people up is force!"

No matter how unpopular the US-India state is, if they have nuclear weapons, what can anyone do to them?

Pushed to the extreme, what will you do if others and the whole world die together?!

After netizens around the world cursed for a long time, the second explosion occurred.

The night in the uninhabited land of western Daxia is like day.

This time, netizens were a little scared.

"They can't be serious, can they?!"

"No, I don't want to die yet. Peace, world peace is the most important thing!!!"

"Wori, I never thought that my curses could lead to a world war..."

"Calm down, I hope both countries involved will calm down..."

The uninformed countries were frightened and sent envoys to the two major countries to persuade them to make peace.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the Five Eyes State and the Northern Bear State, as their respective allies, also joined in and conducted nuclear tests one after another.

"It's over, aren't the four countries above ready to reshuffle the deck and play again?!"

"Damn it, the situation is pretty good now, stop making trouble!"

"Sure enough, the historical lesson of mankind is not to learn lessons..."

"In three days, a total of seven fireworks were set off. Are they crazy? They were not this crazy a hundred years ago!"

Suddenly, people were panicked, and many city residents picked up their bags and took their families back to their hometowns in the countryside.

After all, nuclear bombs are worth a lot of money, and bombing rural areas is a loss.

Faced with this situation, officials from various countries can only maintain stability as much as possible, but there has been no change in nuclear testing.

There is nothing they can do. Compared with social unrest, the alien crisis is obviously more serious.

If there is anything wrong, it will be a tragedy of civilization extinction.

Zhao Yu naturally sees clearly what is happening on the earth.

He also didn't expect that the higher-ups on Earth would do such a thing to prevent him.

The whole world has changed dramatically because of him.


Association for the Exploration of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

This association did not participate in this curse fest.

After all, they are astronomy enthusiasts. Rather than swearing at others, they prefer to focus on the universe.

On this day, a member of the association discovered an asteroid in the dark universe.

He immediately followed up.

"The diameter is estimated to be 50 kilometers..."

"Start trajectory calculation..."

"The calculation failed, the speed was too fast..."

After thinking for a while, this member uploaded the data to the Daxia Space Administration.

"I hope this asteroid will not be captured by the eight planets, so that it can be named after me..."


Daxia Space Administration.

They have been very busy these three days, helping Chief Engineer Yang think of curse words, communicating with colleagues in other departments, synchronizing data to the United Earth Defense Agency, etc.

Sun Mingyuan was doing his routine work when he suddenly received an email from the non-governmental organization Association for the Exploration of Extraterrestrial Civilization.

Their space agencies generally have certain connections with these private astronomy enthusiasts.

At least half of the unknown signals in the universe come from civilian enthusiasts.

Therefore, after seeing the email, Sun Mingyuan was not surprised and clicked it.

"Huh? Asteroid?"

"50 kilometers in diameter..."

After thinking about it, he began to use the space agency's high-end equipment to calculate the trajectory.

"Operating trajectory..."

"There is a 0.01% chance of hitting the earth..."


The chance of one in ten thousand is not small, so Sun Mingyuan quickly reported the situation of the asteroid.

This chapter has been completed!
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