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Chapter 16 What happened to Xiao Xiaolong!

 Xiao Xiaolong and others were in a lot of states. They all looked like beggars in ragged clothes, and many of them had blood stains on their bodies.

When I saw Zhao Yu and others, I was so excited that tears almost flowed out.

"Is there water?!"

"Is there anything to eat?!"

As soon as they met, they didn't even have time to say anything. Xiao Xiaolong and others looked like refugees.

Although the students were curious about what they had experienced, they still took out the food and water they carried.

"Why are you the only ones?"

Zhao Yu watched from the side and found that the people who came back seemed to be only boys, not girls.

But he remembered that when he left, there were more than a dozen girls.

Xiao Xiaolong and others slowed down their devouring movements, and many of them looked sad and angry.

"Xiao Xiaolong, what happened?!"

"What have you experienced?!"

"Didn't you go to the camp?!"

Everyone was asking questions.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry to my classmates..."

Xiao Xiaolong suddenly knelt down and cried loudly.

This move immediately shocked everyone.

He quickly helped him up.

After some questioning, Zhao Yu finally found out what the experiences of Xiao Xiaolong and others were.

After leaving two days ago, they headed towards the camp without encountering any powerful monsters.

Until half a day ago, when night was approaching, I was suddenly attacked.

"How many people are there in total?!"

"More than twenty!"

Xiao Xiaolong looked bitter, "In terms of numbers, we are indeed much more numerous than them, but in terms of strength, we are not as good as them..."

"Although there are only more than 20 of them, they are all elites. At least five or six of them are better than me..."

Zhao Yu asked: "How many times have you strengthened now?"

"It should be fifty-three..."

"So few?!"

Zhao Yu was a little surprised. When Xiao Xiaolong left, his strength was similar to him, or even slightly stronger than him.

After all, he has no fighting skills, but Xiao Xiaolong has ten years of boxing experience.

In addition, Xiao Xiaolong seemed to have gone out more than fifty times at that time, but his strength did not improve?

"Now I kill ordinary monsters and elite monsters, but it seems I can't improve my strength!"

Xiao Xiaolong was a little confused. According to Zhao Yu, he should be stronger, so Zhao Yu should also have encountered the problems he encountered.

"Aren't you?!"


Zhao Yu scratched his head. Last night, he killed two elite monsters and his strength was at its peak.

【Level 0:200%】

[Current technology points: 108]

[View: 122 meters]

【Zero coins: 181 pieces】

【Exercise method:】

[Flower Picking Qinggong: 2/200 (Mastery)]

According to Super Brain's reminder, he can now use gene potions.

However, as his strength reached its peak, Super Brain analyzed some information from this world.

This area cannot be upgraded to the first level, otherwise it will suffer a devastating blow.

This made Zhao Yu a little regretful, and he guessed that he had to go to the camp to strengthen.

Xiao Xiaolong glanced at the students around him and found that the number of people had decreased significantly compared to before he left.

He guessed that Zhao Yu and the others might have encountered the leader monster, which made him a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Yu could kill the leader monster.

Xiao Xiaolong did not hesitate on this issue and continued: "If this is the case, we can also fight with our numerical advantage..."

"But, they have weapons and armor!"

"Weapons, armor?!"

Zhao Yu took a look at the crowd and found that many of them were holding stone axes.

"Not this simple axe!"

Xiao Xiaolong shook his head and said: "They are cold weapons refined by humans, including knives, guns, and sticks. They are very hard. Our stone axes cannot compete with them..."

"The armor is also very sophisticated. My ax can't break through the defense even if I hit it with my ax..."

After careful questioning, everyone realized that almost everyone in the group of people who appeared had armor, ranging from one or two pieces to as many as four or five pieces.

Shoes, pants, tops, helmets, protective gear for limb joints, etc.

They are obviously different from their ordinary clothes.

"So, you lost the battle in the end and you escaped?!"

"We lost, but we couldn't escape..."

Xiao Xiaolong looked aggrieved and said: "We have all been captured!"

"Even a dozen of the strongest people including me had their limbs broken..."

"The remaining classmates are more or less injured..."

"In the end, they snatched away all the girls and all our coins..."

Zhao Yu was a little confused. According to Xiao Xiaolong's description, there was no reason for them to escape unless something unexpected happened.

"Then how did you escape?!"

Xiao Xiaolong looked embarrassed, "They humiliated us, took away all the valuable things, and then let us go..."

"Let it go?!"

Everyone was surprised for a while, and Zhao Yu was also a little suspicious, "Could it be that there are restrictions in this world and humans can't kill each other?!"


Xiao Xiaolong shook his head and said: "A dozen of my classmates were killed..."

"I guess it has something to do with Zerocoin!"

"In addition to the girls, that group also robbed food and coins..."

"We have so many supplies, but only the zero coins were taken away by their leader, and no one else dared to hide them..."

"Looking at the situation at that time, they felt that the most valuable thing was exactly the zero coin!"

Zhao Yu nodded slightly, guessing that the zero coins might have another value.

"So, you didn't go to the camp?!"

"No, we were attacked by them during the break last night. We should have been targeted very early..."

After saying that, Xiao Xiaolong asked: "Are there any monsters attacking you here at night?"


Hearing his question, Zhao Yu was startled and said quickly: "Didn't any monsters attack you last night?!"


Xiao Xiaolong was also a little confused, "We were robbed by them yesterday. Everyone is depressed. Thinking of the monsters attacking at night, they probably won't be able to survive..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"But thinking that there were still girls in their hands, we didn't give up. We followed the marks they left and tracked them all the way to their stronghold..."

"We didn't dare to advance. After remembering their location, we retreated, thinking of coming back for help..."

"On the way back, we have made up our minds to die. No matter how many monsters attack, someone must come back to inform us..."

"Who would have known that there would be no large-scale monster attacks along the way, so we rushed back overnight..."

During this period, I encountered some ordinary monsters, who were captured and handed over to Xiao Xiaolong and other crippled people to kill so that they could recover.

"By the way, those who have been strengthened more than fifty times are called threshold level experts..."

Threshold level!

The corner of Zhao Yu's mouth twitched. This is just the zero level, not even the first level, but also the threshold level...

However, he asked curiously: "Besides the threshold level, what other levels are there?"

"I don't know..."

Xiao Xiaolong shook his head and said: "I just listened to what they said. I don't know what levels are divided above the threshold level..."

At the fifty enhancement level, first-level gene potions can be used, so it is reasonable to call it the threshold level.

Then, Zhao Yu asked some more questions.

Only then did they realize that they had not encountered large-scale monsters along the way, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Xiaolong and others.

When Xiao Xiaolong rushed towards the camp before, he didn't encounter any powerful monsters.

"So, if you stay here, except for being attacked by a large group of monsters at night, and walking towards the camp during the day, there are no powerful monsters..."

Zhao Yu can understand this. After all, the large-scale monster attack at night is obviously to drive them towards the camp.

"Where's Deng Xueling?!"

Xiao Xiaolong's mouth went dry as he spoke. When he noticed that Deng Xueling was not nearby, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

Zhao Yu's expression darkened and he sighed: "She couldn't survive and died..."


Xiao Xiaolong's big hand was shocking. Deng Xueling was no worse than him, but she didn't expect to die in front.

"The day you left, we were attacked by more than ten or twenty elite monsters. If the time had not come and those monsters had not retreated, more people might have died..."

For this group of people alone, the mortality rate has reached 70%. If they continue to stay where they are, more people will probably die.

Zhao Yu estimated that if he had not left that day, there would probably be a leader monster who attacked at night.

"Then how many strong people are there in our school now, can they go and rescue people?!" The purpose of Xiao Xiaolong's return this time is to bring in reinforcements.

"There are four threshold levels including me. What about your side?" Zhao Yu nodded and said.

After all, they are all classmates, and they must be rescued. Moreover, those twenty people obviously know the situation in the camp. If there is a chance to capture one of them, it would be a good idea to ask about the situation.

"It's just me..." Xiao Xiaolong was a little embarrassed. He thought he could become stronger by going out alone and bringing only elites with him.

Who knows...

He suddenly thought of something and his heart was shocked.

He quickly said: "I understand!"


"I remembered, when we are attacked at night, whether it is ordinary monsters or elite monsters, as long as we kill them, we can increase our strength..."

"However, after the troops were divided, when we were walking on the road, there were several people with more than 20 enhancements. Killing ordinary monsters no longer enhanced our strength..."

More than twenty times?!

Zhao Yu recalled that during the night attack, he did not increase his strength by killing ordinary monsters until the number of enhancements reached fifty.

Naturally, there are more than one person like him, and many strengtheners who have been strengthened for more than 20 times said that they can now increase their strength by killing ordinary monsters.

That night, many people killed elite monsters. In addition to Zhao Yu, the four people who reached the threshold level included Qin Mingyong, Cai Shuying and Yin Fanglong.

When the three heard this, they all said that after killing ordinary monsters more than fifty times, they would no longer increase their strength.

"However, after I kill elite monsters more than fifty times, I can still improve my strength, but I don't know when I will get stuck..."

Qin Mingyong killed three elite monsters and a number of ordinary monsters last night. He has now been strengthened 58 times. Judging from the number of strengthening alone, he is stronger than Xiao Xiaolong.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yu and asked: "How many times have you done this now?!"

"I'm full!"

Zhao Yu smiled slightly and said: "I have strengthened it a hundred times, and there is basically no way to improve it!"

"One hundred times strengthening?!"

Everyone was shocked.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems normal.

After all, when they were still low-reinforcement enhancers, Zhao Yu had already reached the end of fifty times of enhancement. Now they have all done it fifty times. Isn’t it easy for Zhao Yu to do one hundred times?!

Only Xiao Xiaolong and others were in a low mood.

When they left, they were considered the strongest group.

After the results came back, I dropped directly to the second level.

Especially Xiao Xiaolong, who used to boast that he was stronger than Zhao Yu, but now...

He sighed deeply, understanding that this was all fate. If he had not left, he might have died here like Deng Xueling.

"Where did you go and find that killing ordinary monsters and elite monsters has not improved?"

"It's about ten kilometers north from here..." Xiao Xiaolong said truthfully.

"North?!" Zhao Yu was curious about how he judged the direction.

"I heard it when the group was chatting..." Xiao Xiaolong recalled: "After they won, they were very surprised to get our zero coins, saying that they could exchange for a lot of things..."

"I regret to say that it would be nice if I could enter through the south gate of the camp..."

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and continued: "So, if you want to improve your strength here, there are limits..."

"For example, being attacked on a large scale at night is different from being attacked during the day..."

"The upper limit for increasing strength by killing ordinary monsters is twenty times of strengthening during the day, and fifty times for large-scale attacks at night..."

"The upper limit for elite monsters is fifty times during the day and unlimited times at night..."

Everyone else nodded after hearing this, which seemed to be a sign of approval.

There are many people on both sides and there are many examples, so it is easy to infer this conclusion.

The only thing that puzzled Zhao Yu was, "You mean, there are no large-scale monster swarms attacking you at night?!"


Xiao Xiaolong nodded and continued: "By the way, walk ten kilometers north. There is a man-made road there, running from east to west..."

"We walked along the road for a while and found nothing unusual, so we continued on the road..."

"Now it seems that that road may be the dividing line. After passing it, there should be no monster attacks at night..."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

Compared with the slow improvement of strength there, the large-scale monster group attacks encountered at night are obviously more terrifying.

Moreover, according to inference, the longer you stay here, the stronger the monsters that attack at night will be.

They are now being attacked by more than ten or twenty elite monsters at night, and there may be a leader monster tonight.

If there is only one, Zhao Yu should be able to withstand it. If there are a few more, the tragedy tonight will not be worse than before.

Then, Zhao Yu held a small meeting with a group of senior executives.

Two things were finally determined.

The first is to rescue people, mobilize fifty people with strength exceeding twenty times, including five strong men above the threshold level.

The second is relocation.

After nightfall, they led the large troops towards the north, trying to cross the dividing road before the attack.

However, before setting out to rescue people, Zhao Yu and Xiao Xiaolong tried their skills.

"You are definitely better than their leader!"

Xiao Xiaolong was filled with emotion, recalled something, and said: "Looking at it this way, the leader may have been strengthened around sixty or seventy times..."

"Their other threshold levels are basically similar to mine, but they got stuck in their early fifties..."

"According to inference, north of the dividing road, if you kill elite monsters more than fifty times, there will be no improvement. By then, you should only be able to kill leader monsters..."

The two sides discussed the details of rescuing people, and finally made various preparations before setting off.

This chapter has been completed!
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