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Chapter 36 Meeting

 The lunar base I built was exposed. Chapter 36 of the text volume: Meeting "Are you sure you have met that person?!"

He Yun asked with some excitement and some anxiety.

Being rarely summoned by He Yun, Guo Yang was a little flattered and said quickly: "I'm sure, I swear on my life, that person is definitely with Xiao Xiaolong..."

"Xiao Xiaolong...Xiao Xiaolong!"

He Yun recited the name several times, "So you are using a pseudonym..."

He was speechless for a while. How could anyone be so cautious and use a pseudonym when going out? This is a world of martial arts, not a world of fantasy. Is it possible that he is still afraid of someone using his name to curse?!

"Boss, what should we do with Xiao Xiaolong?!" Xie Zheng didn't think much about it, mainly because he hadn't heard He Yun say "eyes of the mind", so naturally he couldn't see the benefits behind it.

This is also the reason why He Yun deliberately concealed it.


He Yun pondered for a moment, then said: "Let Ma Zhao keep an eye on them, don't take them to the core group, just wander around the territory of the elite monsters of the next level..."


Xie Zheng nodded, and then said uneasily: "Boss, do we really want to join forces with the Huxiao Gang?!"

"The opportunity is here. If we work together to kill the other three companies, the probability of getting that opportunity will be greater in a month..."

He Yun understood Xie Zheng's worry, which was that he was afraid that they would seek skin from a tiger and eventually be eaten up by others.

He smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I still have backup plans, just follow our plan for now..."

On the surface, they calculated on the other three companies according to the plan proposed by the Huxiao Gang.

But behind the scenes, they are plotting against the Tiger Roar Gang. For example, they have sent out the hidden extreme powerhouses during this period, taking a large number of threshold-level powerhouses with them to hunt for the boss monsters in the edge areas.
The purpose is to greatly increase the number of extremely powerful people in their hands. Even if their martial arts skills are not as good as those of the extremely powerful people who have been accumulated, the accumulation of numbers is still a big help.


Xie Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that He Yun had arranged other back-ups, but he didn't know what he arranged.

Could it be that there are still a few hidden extreme powerhouses?!

Or, something else?!

After thinking for a while, Xie Zheng couldn't figure it out, so he could only surrender.


"Aren't you here yet?!"

In the wilderness, Zhao Yu was bored and running with the two-headed bull-snake beast, glancing behind him from time to time.

After several days of running around, the two-headed bull-snake beast seemed to have accepted its fate, and its tracking speed was not as fast as before. It was only because of the rules that it had to continue chasing.

In fact, one of its snake heads actually leaned directly on the cow's head, squinting and taking a nap.

On this day, Zhao Yu also followed the plan mentioned by Li Hu and kept wandering between the Huxiao Gang and Wangfeng Valley.

Cover for them and let some of the most powerful people move from the light to the dark.

If it's just for Xuan-level skills, then there's no need to work so hard.

Zhao Yu's real purpose is naturally to create noise and attract Ji Wushuang and others.

A month later, the camp will undergo major changes. The person in charge of the camp will leave. He still doesn’t know how he will settle in the camp.

But it’s definitely not the kind that’s controlled by others.

Neither Li Hu nor He Yun is particularly trustworthy to him.

Before, he didn't have many ideas, but Li Hu's plan gave him some ideas.

Therefore, at this moment, he urgently hopes that Ji Wushuang and others will catch up with him as soon as possible and conduct a wave of information exchange with him.

Originally, according to Li Hu's plan, he could just make a trip to both sides, and it would normally be over in half a day.

But in order for Ji Wushuang and others to find him, Zhao Yu delayed it for a whole day.

"Wait for another half day. If you still don't come, you will have to go to the bases of the other three major forces first..."

Zhao Yu shook his head, ran towards the territory of a leader-level monster, and continued to gain technology points.


"Let's go, Brother Xiaolong, don't worry, you will be absolutely safe with us!"

Ma Zhao patted Xiao Xiaolong's shoulder and said with a smile.

He had already received He Yun's instructions and knew that the next step was to stabilize Xiao Xiaolong. As for the subsequent actions, he was waiting for He Yun's next notification.


A bird chirped in the distance.

In this forest, there are many bird calls like this, and almost no one pays much attention to them.

But Xiao Xiaolong was moved in his heart.

This bird call was the code he had agreed with Huo Zhenwu and others before, which meant that they were nearby and asked him if he wanted to take action.

Based on the shouts, Xiao Xiaolong quickly judged the direction in which Huo Zhenwu and others were staring at him, and responded to Ma Zhao with a smile while making subtle gestures.

In the distance, hundreds of meters away, Huo Zhenwu frowned slightly when he saw Xiao Xiaolong's gesture.

"What does he mean, tell us not to do anything?!"

With that said, he raised the telescope again and carefully observed Xiao Xiaolong's movements.

Suddenly, he noticed that Xiao Xiaolong seemed to have lost something when he passed a big tree.

"You guys keep staring, I'll go over there and have a look..."

After Ma Zhao and his party walked away, Huo Zhenwu quickly hurried towards the place where he seemed to have lost something.

After some searching, I found a sawdust the size of a fingernail.

The sawdust is not big, and there is only one word written on the back.


"What do you mean?!"

Huo Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "Did he mean Zhao Yu?!"

"Zhao Yu is still alive?!"

Huo Zhenwu really didn’t know this information.

Out of caution, he basically didn't go near Wangfeng Valley throughout the day. He only arrested people on the periphery to collect intelligence.

And they don’t dare to catch people who are too strong, for fear of disturbing others and provoking strong people.

Naturally, there was no useful information.

Thinking of this, his heart started to move again, and he had some ideas.

At this moment, Sun Yifan came back.

"Good news!"

As soon as he came back, Sun Yifan looked happy.

"What's wrong?!"

Huo Zhenwu quickly asked about the situation.

"Zhao Yu is still alive!"

Sun Yifan said happily: "I went to Wangfeng Valley this time, and it was really different from last time..."

"This time, many people began to move away from Wangfeng Valley. After asking around, I found out that the king-level monster had been back and forth several times, and it was impossible to stay..."

"Moreover, that king-level monster is the one chasing Zhao Yu away!"

"That's it!"

Huo Zhenwu suddenly understood the content of the information Xiao Xiaolong had conveyed.

"Brother Huo, what should we do now?!"

Huo Zhenwu touched his chin and said: "In this way, let's meet up with Ji Wushuang first, and then make the next step..."

When they came out this time, they were afraid of being annihilated, so they basically dispersed in groups of three or two, and there would be a secret code agreed in advance before regrouping.

Once the situation goes wrong, the contact person will flee directly. The purpose of doing this can be regarded as considering the large army and preventing the strong ones from dying and leaving no one to take care of them.

Soon, the group of people rushed towards a place far away from Wangfeng Valley, found the agreed place, and soon met Ji Wushuang through a secret code.

After the exchange of information between the two sides, Ji Wushuang seemed to notice something.

The collected information fully illustrates one thing, that is, since Zhao Yu took the king-level monster to Wangfeng Valley, a lot of changes began to happen in Wangfeng Valley.

They even discovered that a group of extremely powerful people had quietly left Wangfeng Valley.

"I think Zhao Yu may have something to tell us..."

"No matter what, I'll find him first and then talk..."

Knowing that the king-level monster has not left, as long as we chase in this direction, we can always find Zhao Yu.

Ji Wushuang left the matters here to others and left alone.

Her features are too obvious, and she is still a woman. She can only do contact things if she stays here, so she is the most suitable person to find Zhao Yu.


"Damn it, then Xiao Xiaolong is still wandering around Wangfeng Valley?!"

In the Huxiao Gang, Li Hu was sitting at the top, cursing.

Next to him are a group of confidants, all wearing armor, equipped with weapons, and ready to go at any time.

Outside the tent, there were hundreds of brothers who had been waiting for a long time.

"According to the agreement, he should have left long ago, why is he still there?!"

"That guy is stalling for time?!"

Confidants began to speculate.

Li Hu habitually looked at the Confucian scholar and asked: "Old man, what do you think?!"

The Confucian scholar narrowed his eyes and said, "I suspect that Xiao Xiaolong may have reached an agreement with Wangfeng Valley a long time ago..."

"Maybe it's another set of cooperation that excludes our Huxiao Gang, maybe it's aimed at us!"


Some people were furious, "You Xiao Xiaolong, you actually eat everything inside and outside..."

"Damn it, boss, let's kill him..."

A group of people made a mess and made Li Hu upset.

"Shut the hell up, chop, chop, chop, you know how to chop, can you use your brain!?"

As soon as Li Hu said this, everyone else fell silent.

The Confucian scholar then continued: "However, we can pretend not to know. After all, we don't want to share the victory with them..."

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly and he said: "In terms of manpower, we have more people than them. Besides, we also have that batch of weapons..."

After listening, Li Hu nodded and said: "In this case, let the brothers rest and wait until the news comes before setting off..."


At night, the incandescent lights in the sky were extinguished and replaced with streaks of dim fluorescence.

A huge beast is lying on a piece of grass.

On its neck, there are two heads, one bull head and one snake head.

Two pairs of eyes with a hint of resentment looked at a big tree not far away.

Zhao Yu was hiding in this tree trunk and sleeping, with his clothes getting wet, accompanied by a deep snore.


At this moment, a picturesque scene suddenly squeezed into Zhao Yu's dream.

Vision flashes?!

The next second, Zhao Yu's eyes opened, and his consciousness gradually woke up from his trance.

"Super Brain, did your vision just flash?!"

After getting the affirmative answer, Zhao Yu glanced at the flash of vision again.

Sure enough, a hundred meters away, not far from the two-headed bull-snake beast, a humanoid figure quietly appeared.

"Finally here!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Yu's lips. After waiting for a day, he finally arrived.

He turned over and got out of the tree hole, came to the edge of the protective film, and waved his hand in one direction.

There, Ji Wushuang was thinking about where Zhao Yu was when she suddenly saw a figure waving to her in the distance.

When I took a closer look, it turned out to be Zhao Yu!!

"How is that possible?!"

Ji Wushuang was startled and looked around to make sure that the place was overgrown with weeds and no one was exposed at all.

"How did he find me?!"

She was a little surprised, but when she saw Zhao Yu waving, she simply suppressed her doubts and quickly rushed over there.

When passing the two-headed bull-snake beast, she deliberately kept a little distance to guard against a sneak attack.

Fortunately, the snake head of the two-headed bull-snake beast just glanced sideways at her, then continued to lie down on the bull's head, and continued to close its eyes and rest.

When Ji Wushuang saw this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and successfully passed through the protective film.

"You are finally here!"

Zhao Yu lowered his voice and said.

This is a first-order area after all, and there are countless first-order monsters that are comparable to or even stronger than king-level monsters.

If it attracts some terrifying existence, I don’t know how I will die.

"Well, here I come!"

Ji Wushuang looked at Zhao Yu and found that he was in good condition. Except for some dust on his clothes, he was still full of energy. He didn't look like he had been chased by a king-level monster for three days.

Zhao Yu briefly told the story about Wangfenggu and the Huxiao Gang.

After letting Ji Wushuang figure out the situation, he continued: "The known information now is that the person in charge of the camp will leave in a month, and there may be an opportunity for us to enter..."

Ji Wushuang nodded and quickly found the key point, "If we miss this opportunity, once the next person in charge blocks the opportunity to enter the camp, we will be doomed!"

"That's right..."

Zhao Yu coughed, but it wasn't all over. He had a super brain and could be directly promoted to the first-level area, but there was no need to do so right now.

"But whether it's Li Hu or He Yun, they are outsiders after all, so it's hard to believe..."

"So, my idea is to train our people as soon as possible..."

"At the very least, there must be a group of extremely strong people. In this way, after a month, no matter what the situation is, we will finally be able to compete..."

Ji Wushuang frowned and said, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult..."

"The inner circle is not as good as the novice area, and it is very difficult to improve. After twenty times of strengthening, ordinary monsters are basically useless. If you want to continue to improve, you need elite monsters..."

"But the elite monsters, the worst ones all have threshold-level strength, and some are so strong that they are even close to the ultimate powerhouse..."

"Moreover, if you want to increase the threshold level, you need to kill boss-level monsters..."

"But the leader level is even more difficult to deal with. If I'm lucky, I can kill one of them alone. If I'm not lucky, if I encounter a powerful leader monster, at least five or six extremely powerful people will need to cooperate..."

In the past few days, Ji Wushuang naturally did not stay in the stronghold and did not move, but kept leading people to hunt everywhere.

Although some people have been promoted, many people have died, and it is too difficult to upgrade from the threshold level to the ultimate powerhouse.

You know, when they first came out of the novice area, they had six extreme experts. After three days of hard work, they only raised the threshold level of one close to the extreme expert to the limit.

Of course, the most important thing is that for extremely powerful people like them, there is no gain except zero coins from continuing to kill boss-level monsters.

Before advancing to the first level, their physical fitness can no longer be improved.

After a few days, some extremely powerful people have shown dissatisfaction and seem to no longer want to risk their lives to help others improve.

Zhao Yu smiled, which is why he dared to plan for a month to enter the camp.

In the past few days, he has also encountered many hunting teams and discovered this situation.

In this inner circle, there seem to be many extremely powerful people, but they are all accumulated over several months.

Unlike them, they were promoted to the extreme powerhouse when they were in the novice area, and they avoided a lot of detours.

In fact, in this inner circle, even the threshold level is considered a strong one.

After all, as long as someone has not achieved the threshold level in the novice area in advance, once they reach the inner circle and have strengthened their body more than twenty times, they can only kill elite monsters if they want to improve.

And every elite monster is equivalent to the threshold level at worst, which cannot be dealt with by those who have been strengthened twenty times.

The most difficult thing is that they need to kill thirty elite monsters like this before they can be promoted to the threshold level.

Basically, every hunting team has a threshold-level leader to reduce some casualties. If there is no threshold-level leader, it will simply be a waste of human lives.

This is just the threshold level. If you want to reach the limit, you have to kill fifty boss monsters.

For many people, it seems unfair, because the income in the novice zone is simply not proportional to the income in the inner circle.

But in fact, in this world, only those who dare to fight hard and realize the reality in advance can live longer.

Just like Zhao Yu and others, they worked hard in the novice area in advance, which allowed them to advance quickly and lead step by step.

And those who are afraid of life and death in the novice area are doomed from the beginning.

"Why are you laughing?!" Ji Wushuang was a little confused.

Zhao Yu pointed to the two-headed bull-snake beast behind her and said, "This is what we rely on!"


Ji Wushuang was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded, "You mean, use it to promote others?!"

"That's right!"

"This guy is very powerful. No boss monster is his opponent. I have used it to kill many monsters..."

As he spoke, Zhao Yu took out a map and said, "This is the map of the entire inner circle..."

The content is very detailed. It is a map integrating the Tiger Roar Gang and Wangfeng Valley, marking almost all monster territories in the entire inner circle.

Moreover, they are also divided according to their strength.

"According to the plan, I will go to three other overlord-level forces to cause a stir, and I will pass through many monster territories..."

"I have marked the route. You can wait here in advance, watch the opportunity, and start harvesting heads..."

Ji Wushuang's eyes were a little dazed, "Is it so simple?!"

"If it's so simple, why don't other forces do it?!"

"Who knows!"

Zhao Yu smiled, shrugged and said: "Perhaps no extreme strong person dares to let a king-level monster chase behind him!"

Indeed, for the extremely powerful, this is meaningless.

After all, the leader-level monsters killed by the monsters are not promoted to them, they can only be promoted to others.

As for promoting others, unless they are brothers, who would be willing to make such selfless contributions?!

This kind of thing is purely a thankless act of sacrificing yourself to achieve others.

Moreover, king-level monsters are not that easy to sneak away. Zhao Yu is only able to do this because he possesses proficient-level light skills.

Moreover, when the extremely powerful return to the novice area, the king-level monsters they will attract are uncertain.

According to He Yun, there was once a king-level monster with a speed far beyond the level 0 imagination. It was a speed that even with a small amount of success and lightness would be difficult to escape.

It is conceivable that once a king-level monster of this level is introduced, the extremely strong man will not have enough time to run to the first-level area, let alone escape the monster.

Ji Wushuang thought about it for a moment and felt that Zhao Yu's plan was feasible. After all, the main risks were on Zhao Yu's side.

They only need to go in and pick up the heads, and with the protection of extremely powerful people like them, the chances of others surviving are very high.

"After you go back, it's best to divide our people into two groups..."

"Use the threshold level as the boundary. For those below the threshold level, let one or two extremely strong people lead the territory of these weaker monsters to slowly improve..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Those above the threshold level, follow my markings on this map and follow me to pick up monsters..."

Zhao Yu paused for a moment and added: "In addition, it is best to give priority to those who are close to the extreme powerhouses. In this way, the more extreme powerhouses we have, the more people will be divided to help others get promoted!"

Ji Wushuang pondered for a moment and probably understood.

If it were any other force, they wouldn't have such a good foundation.

The most important thing is that they are now merged together, nearly two thousand people, and they have basically not been contaminated by the intrigues in this world.

Therefore, we can still gather together and act together, and we are not afraid that they will have bad intentions. Even if they do, they will be in the minority and can be suppressed.

On the contrary, without this foundation, even if they say they want to help others advance to the limit, others may not dare to come.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Ji Wushuang is also a little excited. In the past three days, she has not dared to go inside Wangfeng Valley. To be honest, she is also a little frustrated.

If this thing comes to pass, then they may become the most powerful force in the inner circle.

After the matter was settled, the two separated.


"Have you heard that Xiao Xiaolong is a distinguished guest of Wangfeng Valley!"

"It is said that the top management of Wangfeng Valley may be Xiao Xiaolong's brother or sister..."

"Thank God, does this mean we don't need to hide anymore?!"

"Probably, I was almost scared to death when I heard that we were being hunted by one of the five overlord-level forces..."

People were talking a lot and the scene was very happy.

Sun Jing walked among the crowd, and from time to time someone came up to say hello.

"Sister Jing, please take good care of me in the future..."

"Sister Jing, do you eat grapes?"

Listening to these compliments, Sun Jing couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

However, she soon set her sights on a group of people in the distance.

Seeing the gloomy looks of Huo Lijuan and others, Sun Jing raised the corners of her mouth again, deliberately shook her hair in slow motion, and turned around triumphantly.

"The villain succeeds..."

Huo Lijuan cursed in a low voice.

Li Hongwei on the side shook his head and said: "Forget it, Xiao Xiaolong is also a member of our academic sect. With his status improved, we can live a better life..."

There is no major conflict between the academic sect and the ancient martial arts sect.

Most people are relatively friendly.

But I can’t help but there are many villains who get their way and like to bully others.

The academic faction was wronged and had no choice but to go to Xiao Xiaolong. However, due to his strength, Xiao Xiaolong did not dare to stand up for them, for fear of causing the displeasure of Ji Wushuang and others.

The final result is that when the academic sect meets the people of the ancient martial arts sect, they are all naturally shorter.

It is rare to hear the news that Xiao Xiaolong stood up at this moment, so naturally many people are celebrating.


Huo Lijuan let out a long sigh and couldn't help but miss the days when Zhao Yu was here.

That should be the most glorious moment in her life.

She had no other thoughts about Sun Jing, she was just a little envious and a little jealous.

"If I had known that it was so difficult to improve the strength of the inner circle, I wouldn't have come out in the first place..."

Huo Lijuan muttered that her current strength was neither up to nor down, and she was stuck at thirty times.

If you want to be promoted to the threshold level, it means killing twenty elite monsters.

But the strength of an elite monster is comparable to that of a threshold-level strongman, and there is no one to protect and help it, so it is impossible to fight.

Of course, they can also find a group of people to fill their lives, just like when they first arrived in the teaching building, the first batch of people who went out faced monsters that were stronger than them.

Of the eight teams at that time, some were wiped out and some survived. On average, they had to sacrifice up to 70-80% to produce dozens of strengtheners.

Compared to now, it will be obviously more difficult, but those who survive, without exception, have become elites.


"Huo Zhenwu and the others are back!"

At this moment, someone in the distance shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Huo Lijuan and others were also a little excited, "I wonder how their investigation went. Is Xiao Xiaolong really a distinguished guest of Wangfeng Valley..."

"If we have Xiao Xiaolong's connection, maybe we can move to Wangfeng Valley..."

This chapter has been completed!
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