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Chapter 51 Li Hu’s conjecture

 "Yes, yes, I am the new first-level member of the camp..." Li Hu replied hurriedly, with a very respectful attitude.

After being promoted to the first level, this was the first time he met someone who seemed to be a high-level figure in the camp.

When I came to the north gate lobby before, I didn't meet anyone. There was only a sign briefly explaining the situation of the first-level area.

It also mentioned the mixed situation of monsters in the first-level area, but he didn't pay attention to it. Who knew he would encounter Waterloo and almost die here.

"Are you the only one?!"

Zhao Yu pretended not to know and looked around, seeming very confused.

Li Hu was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, aren't you alone?

But he didn't dare to express it, and nodded: "Yes, I am the first person in the zero-level area to be promoted to the first level..."

"That's it!"

Zhao Yu suddenly understood, and then chuckled, "You dare to come out alone. You are very brave. Go back, and with your strength, come out in a group..."

Hearing this, Li Hu was slightly disappointed. He thought that this big boss could take him with him, but now it seems that it was a luxury after all.

"Um, senior, what do you call me?!"

Li Hu asked anxiously. Because he didn't know the preferences of the person in front of him, he didn't dare to get close to him rashly.


Zhao Yu sneered, "You don't deserve to know my name!"


Li Hu was stunned.

Then I heard Zhao Yu say calmly: "As far as I am concerned, whether you new guys can survive is still a matter of doubt. It's just a matter of convenience to save you..."

"Waiting for you to reach the first level of advanced one day..."

Having said this, Zhao Yu paused for a moment, then shook his head mockingly, "Let's wait until you can reach the first-level intermediate level!"

He quickly picked up the first-order coins on the ground, turned around and walked towards the camp.

Li Hu immediately understood that the white fox masked guy opposite him was at worst a first-level senior, and might even be stronger.

It is normal for the other party to look down on him. After all, in the eyes of the other party, a first-level junior like him may die at any time, so there is no need to communicate at all.

Li Hu hesitated for a moment, then followed him, saying anxiously: "Senior, do you want to go back to the camp? Can I follow you?!"

The white fox boss didn't reply. He seemed to have lost interest and drifted in one direction.

Seeing this, Li Hu gritted his teeth and chased after him.

He has lost his direction now. He doesn't know where to go back to the camp. He finally meets a big boss. What can he do if he doesn't chase him?

Fortunately, what made him slightly relieved was that the white fox boss in front seemed to intend to take him for a ride, and the speed was not very fast.

The two of them walked in tandem and soon covered a distance of tens of kilometers until they returned to the camp.


Li Hu's eyes filled with tears. He looked at the empty North Gate Hall with a look of relief on his face.

Looking at the White Fox boss who was about to walk upstairs, Li Hu hesitated for a moment and then shouted loudly:

"Senior White Fox, Li Hu will definitely remember his life-saving grace, and will definitely do it if he has the opportunity in the future..."


Zhao Yu smiled contemptuously again when he heard the sound, turned around and glanced at Li Hu, "You are the only one who wants to repay me?!"

Li Hu suddenly felt embarrassed. He thought he could please this big boss like this.

"Let's wait until you can survive to reach the first-level intermediate level!"

After saying that, he seemed to remember something again, and continued: "The third floor is where I live. Tell the new guys behind you not to go up and make noise if you have nothing to do. Others don't have as good a temper as me..."


Li Hu bowed respectfully until Zhao Yu disappeared into the stairwell, then slowly stood up.

He looked in the direction upstairs, a trace of longing flashed in his eyes.

When will he be able to become a big boss like this white fox mask?

However, what confused him was why the white fox boss was wearing a mask?!

And the strange clothes, which look like the uniform of some kind of force.

Li Hu recalled that he didn't seem to see anyone else wearing such uniforms near the south gate of the camp hall.

After thinking about this, he decided to go back and ask, at least the staff there could be more talkative.

But as soon as he entered the corridor, Li Hu noticed that he was in a miserable state. Not only was one of his arms missing, but his body was also covered in blood, as if something terrible had happened to him.

Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of brown paper.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose it..."

Li Hu was very happy. This was a manual handed to him by a staff member when he had just been promoted to the first level. It wrote some taboos and maps of the camp.

"First, if you have nothing to do, don't go to the third floor. Stay on the second floor. If you meet someone coming down from the fourth floor, you must bow your head and salute. Do not look directly at them, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences..."

"Second, before being promoted to a first-class citizen, the activity area is limited to the first floor. If you want to live on the second floor, you need to pay in the accommodation department on the first floor. If you go upstairs privately, you will be responsible for the consequences..."

"Third, when you meet someone with strange clothes, pay attention to your words and be careful in your words and deeds..."

"The strange clothes are for people like Mr. White Fox just now, right?!"

Li Hu was thoughtful. When he got the manual, he just scanned it casually without reading it carefully. Now it seems that he should study it carefully to prevent him from offending the boss and dying without knowing how.

Soon, after reading the notes, Li Hu turned to the other side, searched on the map, and soon found the location of the treatment room.

After walking around the north corridor for a few times, we arrived at the treatment room smoothly.

After a while, Li Hu walked out, his missing arm restored to its original state.

"You can go back to the South Gate Hall..."

Proceeding cautiously all the way, we soon passed through numerous corridors and arrived at the South Gate Hall.

When he returned here and saw the bustling scene, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

In his eyes, this camp was full of weirdness. The north gate was so gloomy that no one could be seen, and it was extremely quiet.

As for the south gate, there are a lot of people and it is very lively.

"Li Hu is back!"

Someone doing business in the lobby couldn't help but yelled when they saw this.

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Suddenly, many people looked over and couldn't help but get excited after discovering that the person coming was Li Hu.

This is the first person in their zero-level area to be promoted to first-level in more than half a year.

It seems to be pretty good.

Among these people, there are naturally spies left by the five forces.

Li Hu had already had an idea and shouted to one of them: "Heizi, go back and tell the second brother to speed up the progress and come in early to help me..."

Heizi glanced at the blood stains on Li Hu's body and said in surprise: "Boss, did you just go hunting?!"

"That's right!"

Li Hu laughed and said: "I just went out and killed two monsters, and my strength has been improved again..."

It's said without intention, but it sounds intentional.

Not far away, Yu Tiejun's heart was trembling.

He didn't expect that Li Hu could be so brave. He had just been promoted to the first level and actually hunted two monsters?!

No, you must tell Mr. Zhao Yu.

Thinking of this, he left without leaving a trace.

After Li Hu announced his return in a high-profile manner, he quietly found the staff member who had promoted him before, handed him a cigarette, and got close to him for a while before getting down to business.

"Brother, I just went to the wilderness and almost died outside. Do you think there is any tradition in our camp that the old and the new are introduced..."

"The old lead the new, you mean the strong lead the weak to improve their strength?!" The staff member's name is Huang Zhe. He is in his twenties and looks loyal and honest.

Glancing at Li Hu, he smiled lightly and said: "Not before, but now I heard that the higher-ups are reforming, and it seems that they are planning to add a contribution system..."

"Contribution system?!" Li Hu's eyes lit up and he quickly asked for details.

"I'm not sure about this..." Huang Zhe smiled, "Even if you are promoted to the first level now, it just happened..."

Li Hu thought for a while, took out a bag of coins that he had just obtained from his subordinates, took out a handful, and put it into Huang Zhe's pocket without leaving any trace.

"Brother Huang, can you tell me what you know?"

Huang Zhe touched his pocket and found that the zero coins were secondary. He didn't need them.

However, he was very satisfied with Li Hu's attitude.

He naturally knows information about the outside world.

Especially the five tyrants in the inner circle. In the past, he was not someone he could offend, let alone be called a big brother by such a person.

But now, such a person looks like a younger brother, which makes Huang Zhe very useful.

He pretended for a while, looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, and then whispered: "The contribution system is said to be designed to allow the strong to lead the weak..."

"It's just that there is some stagnation now. The reason is that the benefits it can bring to those strong are limited. Zero coins are of no use to people, and first-level coins are not available to weak people like you..."

Li Hu understood that it would be impossible for him to selflessly cultivate a group of people from weak chickens to threshold level or even extreme strong ones.

The same goes for a big shot in the camp.

"I don't know, how is the progress?!"

Li Hu asked anxiously. After all, this concerns him. It would be bad if the superiors think it is unnecessary.

"I don't know, it's said that it didn't go well!" Huang Zhe shook his head and returned to his previous state. It seemed that there was nothing more to reveal.

When Li Hu saw this, he was also very sensible. He yelled at Brother Huang again and said all his good words.

Unfortunately, Huang Zhe didn't seem to know much. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find out anything.

Seeing this, Li Hu did not force himself and left politely.

When I returned to the hall, I found a familiar figure, the second in command of their Tiger Roar Gang.

I am currently registering and have also completed the task of applying for promotion.

The hall became noisy again. No one could have imagined that the Tiger Roar Gang was so powerful. The first and second people promoted to the first level were all from them.

There are many extremely powerful people in the Huxiao Gang, so it is naturally impossible for dozens of people to circle around a threshold level. The waste of combat power is too serious.

They actually hunted in groups of five or six.

However, unlike other gangs, after the hunting of five or six of them, they will not kill the leader monster, but will maim it and wait for the threshold level belonging to Li Hu to come and kill it.

At the same time, due to the distance between the monster territories, they helped three threshold levels to be promoted at the same time. The resources occupied by Li Hu were naturally the best, so he was promoted first.

The second-in-command of the Huxiao Gang had the second-largest resources, so he could be promoted six hours after Li Hu was promoted.

"Brother!" The second in command of the Huxiao Gang is named Li Xiang. He is Li Hu's cousin and has won Li Hu's trust. However, in order to take into account the overall situation, Li Hu and Li Xiang no longer treat each other as cousins ​​since they became sworn brothers.

, but in the name of sworn worship.

"Second brother, you go to get promoted first, and come find me over there later..."


Li Xiang was a little worried before, but after seeing Li Hu promoted and returned safe and sound, he was completely relieved.

Half an hour later, Li Xiang found Li Hu on the side of the corridor.

The two spent a lot of money to open a martial arts studio, where talking is the safest.

"Brother, what's going on? It's so mysterious?!" Li Xiang was a little confused. He didn't understand what he couldn't say outside, so he had to go to the martial arts studio.

"Boy, you have a good brain. Now I will tell you about my experience after I came in. You can help analyze it..."

Li Hu got straight to the point, telling how after he came in, he almost died when he went hunting, was saved when he encountered a white fox mask, and the information he learned from Huang Zhe.

It was only then that Li Xiang was shocked to discover that the first-order area was not as beautiful as they imagined, and was even more terrifying than the zero-order area.

Just the fact that monsters live together without a fixed territory is enough to make people feel frightened.

After all, in the zero-level area, as long as you don't go to the monster territory, monsters will basically not come to trouble you, but in the first-level area, as long as you enter the wilderness, you will encounter monsters.

Moreover, the monsters encountered are completely random. It is possible that like Li Hu, he first encounters a first-order intermediate monster, and then encounters a first-order high-level monster.

After a brief discussion, the two came to a consensus that the pig-headed monster Li Hu encountered might be an intermediate level one, and the toad monster he encountered might be an advanced level one.

From this, we can judge that the White Fox Mask Boss is a first-level senior at worst, and he is also the best among first-level seniors.

"Besides, that white fox boss only lives on the third floor, but this building has four floors!"

"The fourth floor may be where Li Tianba and his women live..."

Li Xiang was a little confused, "Didn't he say that Li Tianba was about to be promoted to the second level and leave?!"

"Counting the time, either Li Tianba has already left, or he hasn't left yet, but will leave soon..."

Li Hu scratched his head and said: "The other is the contribution system or the citizen system..."

"No matter how you look at it, it seems like you want to cultivate a group of people..."

"If it were Li Tianba, if he had such an idea, he should have cultivated it half a year ago. He couldn't have waited until now..."

"So, I think maybe the current owner of the camp is not Li Tianba. The real Li Tianba has left..."

"The current owner may want to cultivate a group of confidants..."

Li Xiang nodded and said: "This is very likely!"

"The person currently living on the fourth floor and managing the camp may be Li Tianba's confidant..."

"On the third floor are the next-level powerhouses..."

He paused and then said: "Think about it for a moment..."

"Suppose I am Li Tianba, I have ruled here for more than half a year, and I have a group of powerful masters under me..."

"Now, I'm going to the second-level camp..."

"Because I don't know the situation in the second-level camp, or in other words, the competition in the second-level camp is more intense. My Li Tianba's power is only a small power there, but I am not willing to accept it..."

"I, Li Tianba, am the dominant figure, how can I be subordinate to others?!"

"So, before going to the second-level camp, I decided to reform the existing first-level camp, leave behind my long-term confidants, and according to my ideas, train a large number of talents to come up and supplement my troops..."

Li Xiang spoke faster and faster, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. It seemed that this set of reasoning was the truth.

"That makes sense!"

Li Hu said excitedly: "From what Huang Zhe said, the discussion above about the contribution system has stalled..."

"If you think about the current civil hierarchy..."

"Promoting to a second-class citizen, which is also the condition for promotion to the first-class, is to help a newcomer to the threshold level to be promoted to an extremely powerful person..."

"This is equivalent to letting us promote one, train another, and continuously create new extreme experts..."

"But because the opening time is too fast and the reform time is too short, the upper management has not yet formulated how to mobilize manpower to help us newcomers improve our strength..."

"Think about it, in the wilderness outside the first-level area, you can encounter monsters of any level. This means that for those in the middle level, it is very likely that they will encounter monsters that are much stronger than them..."

"The risks were borne by them, but the benefits were taken away by Li Tianba, and the middle managers or some senior managers were not willing to do so!"

In their view, cultivating these people will definitely be loyal to Li Tianba in the end, but now the risk lies with some middle and high-level people.

In particular, based on what is currently available in the camp, there seems to be nothing that can attract the middle and high-level people.

"This contribution system is not easy to use!"

Li Hu looked melancholy, "The main thing is how to get those middle and high-level people to help us..."

"Yes, if there are not enough benefits, why would people take risks?!"

Li Xiang also sighed with emotion, and at the same time he admired himself more and more. He felt that he had deduced the situation of the entire camp based on only a little bit of existing information.

This made him very excited, and he felt as if he could know everything about the world without leaving home, as if there were many talents in the world, and he wanted to monopolize three of them.

"I'm afraid this is an unsolvable problem..."

Li Xiang shook his head, "Li Tianba is also a bad guy. If he had done this half a year earlier, even three or four months earlier, he wouldn't have been like this..."

"Yes, when Li Tianba was here and with his prestige, it was still possible to carry out this kind of change. After all, only if he could bring improvements to the middle and high-level people would people be willing to follow him..."

Li Hu has not forgotten that his Tiger Roar Gang was established because he was stronger than his companions.

Then there is the painting of cakes, which means that everyone will help him get promoted first, and then when he becomes stronger, it will be easier to pull other brothers to get promoted.

The final result was that he succeeded, and he also attracted a group of loyal and reliable brothers.

In his opinion, Li Tianba must have been ahead of everyone else in terms of strength at first. If he had carried out this contribution reform when others were still fledgling, maybe they would have already done so now.

Li Hu thought for a moment and then said: "Tell me, is it possible for us to be loyal to that white fox boss?!"

The terror of the wilderness has left him with lingering fears, without any sense of security.

Only the thigh that holds you is the right path.

Li Xiang thought for a moment and shook his head, "It's unlikely!"

"Don't forget that although Li Tianba left and went to the second-level camp, he is not dead!"

"He still exists, which means that all of us, including the white fox boss, will go to the second-level camp..."

"If the White Fox boss or someone as strong as him recruits people and goes to the second-level camp, what will Li Tianba think?!"

"Should we follow him or Li Tianba?!"

"I believe that no one wants to get angry!"

Li Hu scratched his head, "That shouldn't be the case. Even if Big White Fox is Li Tianba's subordinate, can't he recruit a confidant or something like that?!"

"There should be none!"

Li Xiang thought: "The white fox boss you met in the wilderness acted alone..."

"Let alone confidants, if he really has a close brother, it's unlikely that he won't bring him with him, right?!"

"After all, one more person means more security..."

"Of course, there are also white fox bosses who are so powerful that they can go out casually alone..."

"But if that's the case, why does he only stay on the third floor and not live on the fourth floor where the environment is better?!"

"After all, according to inference, Li Tianba should have left..."

Li Hu said unwillingly: "Then we have no chance?!"

"Not necessarily, it depends on how the upper management arranges it. If we can find a balance point and let the contribution system run, then we can still benefit..."

Li Xiang sighed and said: "If the current managers are incompetent, this matter may drag on until we are promoted with a large number of casualties..."

"There is too little information. For us, the most important thing right now is to wait for the brothers to arrive..."

"When there are more people, we can go to the wilderness together. It will be safer..."

After Li Xiang heard about Li Hu's experience, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to the wilderness.

I plan to wait for more people and go out together, so that even if we encounter scary creatures, we can have a chance to escape.

After all, when you encounter danger, you don't need to run faster than the wild beasts, you just need to run faster than your companions.


After pondering for a moment, he said: "We are the first batch of promotions, so it is not without advantages..."

"You can create an illusion, pretend that hunting outside is not that dangerous, and then create anxiety..."

"Let He Yun and his group run into the wilderness as soon as they are promoted..."

"If they die, civil strife will inevitably occur, and they will not be able to compete with us in the future..."

Li Hu laughed and said: "I also thought about what you said. When I came back this time, I went to the treatment room to repair my arm, and then went back to the lobby to have a high-profile speech..."

He told the story about how he boasted in the hall that he had hunted two monsters and his strength had greatly increased.

Li Xiang couldn't help but look pleased when he heard this, "Okay, brother, you did a good job..."

"Then, the two of us will hide in the corridor near the north gate to see how they are doing..."

As for cooperation, they have directly ruled it out. They also have dozens or hundreds of extremely powerful people. When these people are promoted, they will be able to cooperate. Why bother to bring people from other places together?


"It's bad, something bad is going to happen..."

Yu Tiejun ran upstairs in a panic, forgetting to salute, and shouted in a hurry when he saw Hao Yuwei and the others.

"What's wrong?!"

Seeing him being so rude, Hao Yuwei felt an ominous premonition in her heart and quickly asked about the situation.

"Just now, Li Hu returned to the hall..."

Yu Tiejun hurriedly said: "His whole body is covered with blood. He said that he went out to hunt two monsters and his strength increased greatly!"


The women were shocked and a little frightened.

"How is this possible?!"

Hao Yuwei looked at Pan Yiting, doubly puzzled.

They are fully aware of the conditions in the wilderness.

Long before the people in the zero-level area came in, they tried to go out. The monsters were too scary and they gave up long ago.

They also saw Pan Yiting's return from serious injuries time and time again.

Let alone hunting two monsters at once, with Pan Yiting's efficiency at that time, she failed to hunt even one monster in two days.

They are also extremely strong, is it true that women are inferior to men?!

Are there any flaws after being promoted?!

Hao Yuwei was in a daze. She thought Zhao Yu was a bit unique before, but now it seems that it is because the other party is a man?!

"It's absolutely true, it's what Li Hu said himself!"

Yu Tiejun did not dare to hide anything and told everything he heard and saw.

"Does he use testing equipment to check?!!" When others were panicking, Pan Yiting suddenly asked.

"No!" Yu Tiejun shook his head.

Pan Yiting smiled softly.

I don’t believe that Li Hu can hunt two monsters alone.

How can anyone be so lucky as to encounter two ordinary first-level monsters as soon as they go out?!

After all, she has personally experienced the horror of monsters.

Ji Wushuang, on the other hand, was not too impressed. After all, she was protected by Zhao Yu along the way and did not encounter any danger.

Pan Yiting thought for a while and said: "If you do this, go down and find Li Hu, ask him in private if he really hunted both ends, tell him not to hide it, just say that a big shot likes him..."

"If he admits it, use equipment to test it. If he doesn't admit it, ask him why!"

Yu Tiejun was stunned and hesitated, "I'll go...what if he turns against him?!"

Today is different from the past. When he faced Li Hu and others, he was at the first level, but no matter how strong those people were, they were only at the zero level.

And now, Li Hu is also at the first level. He is at the same level as him. According to the opponent's promotion status as an extreme powerhouse, his strength must be stronger than him.

After all, after Pan Yiting was promoted, she single-handedly defeated more than a dozen of them.

Even Hao Yuwei, a parallel importer who has reached the first-level intermediate level, is no match for Pan Yiting.

It can be seen from this that there is a huge gap between the promotion of a threshold level to one level and the promotion of an extreme strong person to one level.

"What are you afraid of? You represent the camp now. There are people above you, including Li Tianba, and a large number of first-level seniors, and even king-killing experts!" Pan Yiting shouted sharply.

When she shouted, Yu Tiejun, who was originally a little flustered, calmed down a little.

"Yes, there is someone behind me. I am the camp owner's dog. I am not afraid..." Yu Tiejun muttered to himself, brainwashing and encouraging himself.

The phrase "externally strong but internally strong" is vividly interpreted.

After a while, Yu Tiejun's chatter ended. He changed his face and returned to his former cold and dignified appearance. He turned around and walked downstairs.

After he left, Hao Yuwei asked worriedly: "Tingting, do you think Li Hu is really bragging?!"

"I can only say that the probability is very high!"

Pan Yiting pondered: "Judging from the situation when I went out hunting, it is impossible for Li Hu to be much stronger than me after being promoted to the first level. Therefore, the situation he encountered must be similar to mine..."

"Even if he is lucky this time and encounters two first-level ordinary monsters, luck does not happen every time. If he thinks that the wilderness is nothing more than this and continues to go deeper, the world will teach him how to behave..."

Pan Yiting smiled slightly. There was no reason why she was so embarrassed back then and Li Hu was so elegant now.

Maybe, when Li Hu goes deeper, he encounters a first-level high-level monster and is killed on the spot.


Yu Tiejun returned to the first floor and looked around, but found no trace of Li Hu.

I just heard from the staff that they seemed to be heading to the North Gate for hunting again.

This made him feel nervous, but due to Pan Yiting's order, he still walked towards the north gate.

To be honest, he didn't want to come to the North Gate. After leaving here, he had to face the reality, which contained his unforgettable psychological shadow.

Following the corridor passage and walking all the way to the North Gate Hall, he didn't see Li Hu, and Yu Tiejun's heart gradually sank.

Just as he was about to go up to report, he thought about it, maybe Li Hu went to the martial arts hall.

So, he patiently walked along the passage to several martial arts halls.

In the martial arts performance hall, many people are already practicing, and they all came in after the opening.

The price is naturally a hundred times more expensive than the original price. A normal martial arts performance costs one zero coin, but they charge one hundred.

This price is the same as the price at which the five overlords in the inner circle originally sold cheat books.

The difference is that the five overlords sell cheats, which you need to learn by yourself, but here you learn in the virtual space, which is more efficient.

Therefore, even if the price is 100, no one thinks it is expensive, but they are happy to come and learn.

Of course, before they redeemed the number of times in the martial arts hall, the staff paid the money to turn on the equipment, and they were not allowed to see the true price of the martial arts hall.

After walking around several martial arts halls, Li Hu was nowhere to be seen. Yu Tiejun calmed down and returned to the South Gate Hall.

Find the relevant staff in charge of the martial arts performance hall and get the list of people to enter the martial arts performance hall.

When he saw that Li Hu exchanged the martial arts room for two hundred zero coins, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I walked over and waited for a while before the door opened.

Li Hu and Li Xiang just walked out and were startled when they saw Yu Tiejun standing outside the door.

I thought their conversation was overheard.

"Commander Yu, why are you here?!" Li Hu asked slightly uneasily.

Hearing Li Hu's lack of confidence and his guilty look, Yu Tiejun regained his confidence.

He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Li Hu, you really made it easy for me to wait..."

Hearing that Yu Tiejun had made a special trip to wait for him, Li Hu was frightened and said quickly: "Commander Yu, please calm down. This is my brother's first time here. He wanted to see what martial arts is, so I brought him here...

"Forget it!"

After hearing the explanation, Yu Tiejun's face looked a little better and he said: "I heard that you hunted two monsters outside?!"


Li Hu was stunned for a moment, a little uneasy, "What's the problem?!"

"It's nothing. Newcomers like this are relatively rare. Someone above asked me to ask if you really hunt two monsters..."


Li Hu took a breath of air and sweat poured down his face.

He didn't expect that the higher-ups would find out that he had deliberately pretended to show it to the other forces.

Moreover, after hearing what Tie Jun said, the higher-ups seemed to be optimistic about his talent, so they sent someone over to ask.

What to do?!

Li Hu has never had a moment when his brain is running so fast like today.

Yes or no?!

At the same time, Yu Tiejun also saw the expression on Li Hu's face, and felt relieved in his heart.

It seems that this guy is just pretending and bragging.

He was really angry and annoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to really turn his back.

After all, it’s very tiring to maintain a character. If Li Hu turns against him, wouldn’t that mean someone has seen through his true nature as a paper tiger?!

Yu Tiejun said casually: "Forget it, follow me to the testing room to see how much you have improved..."

"No, no, no!"

Hearing this, Li Hu quickly smiled and said: "Commander Yu, I'm bragging..."


Yu Tiejun looked stunned, as if he had heard something funny.

Li Hu quickly explained: "I am just vain and want to show off in front of my former friends..."

"Actually, after I went out, I encountered a monster and almost died there. Fortunately, I ran into the white fox boss and was saved by him..."

"White fox?!"

Yu Tiejun was stunned for a moment and quickly realized that the mask Zhao Yu made seemed to look like a white fox.

Li Hu heard this and said cautiously: "That Lord White Fox..."

"It's okay!"

Yu Tiejun shook his head and said: "This is not something you and I can talk about behind our backs!"

When Li Hu heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, understanding that Bai Hu's status was far higher than that of the commander.

He continued: "Commander Yu, please apologize to the man above me for my vanity, and I have failed to live up to his expectations..."

"You guy..."

Yu Tiejun looked like he hated iron but could not become steel.

Li Xiang, who was on the side, had quick eyes and quick hands, and sent all the coins he brought this time to Yu Tiejun's hands.

"I would also like to ask you to say a few kind words for my brother..."

Yu Tiejun shook the coins in his hand, nodded and said: "Don't worry, that adult is just a temporary whim. Since you are bragging, it will be fine..."

Hearing this, Li Hu and Li Xiang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, if you do this kind of thing again in the future, tell me privately, otherwise if it spreads to an adult again, you may not be so lucky to meet a gentle-tempered adult..."

Yu Tiejun said casually.

Li Hu's eyes suddenly lit up. From Yu Tiejun's words, he concluded that this person has the ability to communicate.

In other words, it seems that this person is responsible for reporting anything at the bottom level.

He quickly said, "Don't worry, Sir. If there is any trouble in the future, I will report it to you as soon as possible..."

Yu Tiejun just complained casually, but he didn't expect that Li Hu and others seemed to have misunderstood.

However, he did not explain, just nodded and said: "Don't make it difficult for me. In private, tell those who come later to behave themselves. If there is anything you don't know whether you can do or are afraid of going out of line,

Let me know in advance and I will give them some advice so that they don’t alarm the higher-ups like this time..."

"You have to know that some of the people above are not very good-tempered. If someone is irritable and takes the south stairs down, it will not just be as simple as death..."

"Yes, yes!" Li Hu quickly agreed.

After Tie Jun left, Li Xiang asked: "Did you hear what Commander Yu just said?!"

"The higher-ups are indeed divided into two or even three factions..."

"Some people support cultivating new people, some don't support it, and some are indifferent..."

"If anyone who doesn't support cultivating new recruits takes advantage of the situation and goes down the south gate stairs, someone may die..."

Li Hu suddenly realized, "So, we should try our best to avoid going to the South Gate Hall in the future?!"

"Absolutely..." Li Xiang nodded.

On the other side, Yu Tiejun had a bright smile on his face after leaving.

The tense heart before was completely relaxed.

He has just pledged his allegiance to Zhao Yu. If Li Hu is really that fierce, then the two sides will compete for hegemony. If Zhao Yu fails, he will die.

In other words, he now expects the camp to be stable more than Zhao Yu.

Thinking of Li Hu's cowardly look when facing him, Yu Tiejun couldn't help but sneered.

"This Li Hu looks mighty and domineering, like a hero, but in fact he is a softie..."

This chapter has been completed!
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