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Chapter 53 A Complete Collection of Wilderness Monsters

 After watching He Yun leave, Li Hu quietly went up to the second floor, intending to discuss it with Li Xiang.

Not long after he left, another figure suddenly appeared in another corridor.

"Three dead?!"

"Not bad..."

Yu Tiejun said happily.

Ever since Li Hu boasted, he has become concerned about the hunting situation of these latecomers.

After He Yun and others left, he had been waiting nearby, and naturally saw Li Hu hiding in secret.

"The guy named He Yun should have gone to find someone to ask about the situation outside and Li Hu..."

After Yu Tiejun thought for a moment, he came up with an idea and disappeared into the passage again.


"Didn't I tell you before? Monsters all live together outside..." Huang Zhe said helplessly.

He Yun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

At that time, I just listened and didn't pay much attention. Who knew that the mixed monsters could be so powerful?

"Is there any place where only first-level monsters appear?!"


He Yun refused to give up, "Brother, there are four of us traveling together, and the other three are dead. I am the only one who is lucky enough to come back. Please help me..."

"I really don't know!"

Huang Zhe shook his head and said: "I have been here for almost half a year, and I have never heard of a low-level monster area outside..."

He Yun didn't believe it and asked: "Then how do you hunt?!"

"You have to ask Commander Yu about this. I haven't been out since I entered the camp. Commander Yu once joined a hunting team..." Huang Zhe said casually.

Only then did He Yun realize that the man in front of him probably had no future in the camp. He had never even been out of the camp.

"Then do you know where Commander Yu is?!"

"I don't know!" Huang Zhe said angrily, waving his hand, "Okay, don't disturb my work here, just stay where it's cool!"

He was a little impatient. When Li Hu came here before, he gave Brother Huang a mouthful of coins and gifts. His attitude was very good.

But this man looked aloof and condescending, which really made him unhappy.

He Yun frowned and wanted to have an attack, but he remembered that this was a camp, so in the end he didn't say anything and turned around to leave.

Just when He Yun was at a loss, a figure appeared like a savior. Surprised, he rushed forward.

"In command..."

Yu Tiejun turned his head expressionlessly, glanced at the embarrassed He Yun, and said casually: "Is something wrong?"


He Yun originally wanted to question why it was so scary outside the camp, but remembering Huang Zhe's attitude towards him before, he thought about his words and recounted his experiences outside the camp.

Then he added: "I'm actually very confused about why Li Hu and Li can hunt non-stop when they want to go out, but the four of us almost couldn't come back when we went out. I wonder if Li Hu and the others went somewhere

Low-level hunting area?!"

He is not worried about scarcity but inequality. If everyone were the same, he wouldn't be so panicked. But if Li Hu and the others continue to harvest and get stronger when they go out, he can't accept it.

"Li Hu?!"

Yu Tiejun sneered, as if he heard something funny.

He said casually: "Are you talking about the guy who almost died outside and kept bragging about his acting after coming back?!"


He Yun was stunned and didn't understand.

Yu Tiejun curled his lips and said: "I heard that you are still the leader of an outside force, are you so brainless?!"

He Yun looked embarrassed, but followed Yu Tiejun's words and started thinking.

After a while, his face turned pale and white, and he said in disbelief: "Commander Yu, are you telling me that Li Hu didn't go hunting outside at all? The so-called getting stronger so many times is just the two of them acting?!"

"It's true that I went, but like you, I was thrown into the sand, and my luck was better than yours. No one died..." Yu Tiejun smiled.

He Yun suddenly realized.

The four of them hurried in and quickly left the camp to go hunting as soon as they were promoted to the first level.

It's because they keep getting news that Li Hu and Li Xiang's strength has increased rapidly, and they have gained something every time they hunt.

This made them mistakenly believe that even if the monsters outside were mixed, they should be easy to deal with, and ignored Huang Zhe's words.

"So, that guy Li Hu did it on purpose and wanted to trick us..."

He Yunna still doesn't understand that this is the trap set by Li Hu.

Although that guy was the first one to come in, after discovering that he could not improve his strength outside and gain an advantage by himself, he set up a trap and started to trick them.

It's ridiculous that the leader of the four of them, a dignified party, was deceived by a rough guy like Li Hu.

He Yun had a lot of thoughts in his mind. After a long while, he asked: "Commander Yu, do you know where Li Hu is now?!"

Commander Yu touched his chin and said, "I don't know why the camp is open. I have no place to spend the zero coins I earn..."

"Commander Yu, how about I give you one thousand zero coins?!" He Yun asked tentatively.

"This thing is of no use to me..." Commander Yu waved his hand, "However, I have a crush who really likes these buling buling things..."

As he spoke, he casually said: "In half an hour, I will go to the No. 6 martial arts hall to patrol..."

"I understand, I understand!" He Yun said quickly, and after a while he had someone send him to the martial arts performance hall No. 6.

Now that the camp is open, people outside who have not been promoted to the first level can also enter the camp and enjoy some services.

The most popular among them is naturally the martial arts performance hall.

Yu Tiejun nodded slightly and said, "Let us first agree that we will never disclose citizens' information. I just happened to see Li Hu going up the corridor No. 3 on the second floor..."

"Thank you!"

He Yun's face was filled with joy. After saying goodbye, he first found someone from Wangfeng Valley and arranged for someone to go to the Martial Arts Hall No. 6 in half an hour to deliver money to Commander Yu, and then went upstairs.

After regaining his composure, he was not as rash as before. Instead, he first approached the front desk and expressed his desire for accommodation, and thus obtained a room layout map on the second floor.

He quickly found the location of Corridor No. 3, then pretended to choose a room, and then went to Corridor No. 3 on the second floor.

The room he chose was on the side of Corridor No. 3, so he could see the people entering and exiting other rooms at a glance.

Standing at the door of the room, He Yun did not go in, but scanned the corridor, waiting for Li Hu to appear.

The hard work paid off. Half an hour later, the door of a guest room opened, and Li Hu walked out alone.

He Yun's face lit up with joy, and he suddenly shouted, "Li Hu!" and then chased after him.

Li Hu turned his head and was startled when he saw it was He Yun. He didn't expect that this person was actually on the second floor, and it seemed that he had just opened a room.

What a coincidence that he bumped into me.

He Yun had been guarding Li Hu for so long, so naturally he would not let Li Hu go and hurried to him.

The two of them felt guilty and resigned for a while.

He Yun tested it for a long time, but Li Hu didn't let go. Seeing this, he no longer hesitated and sighed: "This time I went out, it was so miserable..."

"The monsters outside are too strong. When four of us went out, three of us died..."

"In my opinion, it's better to wait until all the troops come in, and then concentrate on hunting..."

Li Hu frowned slightly, hearing what He Yun meant.

If the true situation is told, it would be equivalent to their plan just to trick the leaders of three other forces to death.

It is still difficult to accept the three forces, and it is even impossible to defeat them.

The future pattern will still be a five-party struggle for hegemony.


Seeing He Yun about to leave, Li Hu couldn't help but call him.

"What, Boss Li, do you have something to say to me?!" He Yun asked with a sneer on his face.

Li Hu understood that this guy must have figured it out and guessed what he was pretending to do these days.

Seeing this, he touched his chin, glanced left and right, and said, "Go to my room and talk!"

Soon, Li Hu, Li Xiang and He Yun gathered together.

"He Yun, since you survived, let me tell you the truth..."

Li Hu told what he had been pretending to do these days.

He Yun looked like he was really like this, "Humph, you seem to be honest, but you are actually a traitor..."

Li Hu said nonchalantly: "Don't talk about this. We all know who you and I are. There is no need to talk like this..."

"Now, for me, although I can't eat four houses, three houses are enough for you and me..."

He Yun understood, nodded and said: "Do you want me to pretend like you and hide the truth?!"

"Almost, at the very least, we must trap as many people as possible from the other three parties to death..."

Li Xiang on the side said: "In the past two days, I have also been thinking about how to go out hunting and improve my strength..."

Then, he told his conjecture about the camp.

"So, the current situation is that there are people in the camp who are willing to train us, but people in the camp are not willing..."

"We can't control their struggle, but now, we must gain some strength..."

"For example, let the three parties suffer a large number of casualties so that they can complain to the camp's higher-ups..."

"I don't ask the camp's higher-ups to send experts to help us. At the very least, they need to give us some information to let us know the strength of those monsters. We can recognize them when we see them and give us time to escape..."

When they went hunting several times before and encountered monsters, it was not that they didn't have time to escape. It was simply because they didn't know which monster was stronger and which was weaker. Basically, if they encountered one, they would go up and try to fight.

The result is naturally very tragic. If you can know the strength of each monster, you can escape in advance when the two sides are still tens or hundreds of meters away, and your chance of survival will naturally be greater.

Just like Zhao Yu, relying on his vision to avoid and escape five to six hundred meters in advance, his natural survival rate is extremely high.

"That makes sense!"

He Yun nodded and agreed with Li Xiang's statement.

Then, the three discussed the details, focusing on how to deceive the three parties so that they could go hunting as soon as possible after being promoted.


Five days later.

The fourth floor of the camp.

Hao Yuwei received bad news again.

It was Yu Tiejun who came up to report.

"In the past few days, there have been more than thirty new first-order experts..."

"Most of them died, with the mortality rate as high as 85%..."

"Now, their survivors have found me, hoping that I can send a message to them and provide some help..."

Yu Tiejun also didn't expect that people outside would be so cruel, and that his own people would trick his own people.

Several times, he saw Li Hu, Li Xiang and others following other first-order powerhouses who were alone. Everyone they followed would definitely not be able to come back.

You can figure out what these people are doing out there without having to guess.

They are not good at fighting monsters, but they are good at killing people!

But unfortunately, even if he knew about this kind of thing, he couldn't control it.

On the one hand, he, as the leader, is very powerful and takes too much control, so conflicts are prone to occur.

Once he takes action, the fact that his strength is weak will be exposed, and it will be difficult to maintain his power.

On the other hand, even if he wants to take care of it, he doesn't have the strength. Now, these people who can advance to the first level all started as extremely strong people, and any one of them is stronger than him.

After Hao Yuwei thought for a while, she said: "In this case, you go down and tell them, just tell the people above that there will be a meeting to discuss it and let them calm down..."

Yu Tiejun's confidence is very low. He has faced more and more first-order powerhouses in the past few days. After all, he is afraid of exposing his true strength and does not dare to be as arrogant as before.

The only source of power is Zhao Yu. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said: "Master Zhao Yu, isn't he here?!"

"Not here!"

Hao Yuwei shook her head and said: "Zhao Yu took Ji Wushuang and Pan Yiting to advance to the first-level intermediate level. He should be back earlier today..."

Finally...are we going to have three first-level intermediate experts on our side?!

Yu Tiejun breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, he has reported some situations to Zhao Yu in private every day, but he doesn't know as much about Zhao Yu's strength as Hao Yuwei.

After all, Hao Yuwei is someone who can talk to Pan Yiting and Ji Wushuang seriously.

While the two were talking, a burst of laughter came from the stairs.

Turning around, I saw that it was Zhao Yu and others.

"You're back!" Hao Yuwei's face was overjoyed and she quickly stepped forward to ask how it went.

"Of course it was a success. Now, I am also a first-level intermediate!" Pan Yiting said with a smile on her face.

Everyone suddenly burst into joy.

After talking about the happy event, Hao Yuwei finally revealed the reason why the Iron Army came up.

"In more than a week, nearly thirty people have been promoted. Most of them died. Now, only seven people survive..."

"They complained to Tiejun and hoped to get help from above..."

Zhao Yu touched his chin. He knew exactly what Li Hu, He Yun, and others were doing, and Yu Tiejun had already informed him.

Moreover, he also analyzed the purpose and thoughts of Li Hu, He Yun and others. Naturally, this situation has been anticipated.

He nodded slightly and said: "Yu Tiejun, if you tell them, just say that the people above know it, and there is no need to say anything else..."

"Wait until tomorrow and put this thing in the contribution column..."

With that said, Zhao Yu took out a brochure from his pocket and handed it over.

Yu Tiejun took it and looked at it, and couldn't help but be startled. What was written on it was: A Complete Collection of Wilderness Monsters.

This chapter has been completed!
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