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Chapter 40 We have two moons!

 "What is that?!"

On this day, most people on the earth saw a scene that they will never forget.

At 13 o'clock at noon, it is when the sun is at its hottest, but in the sky, there is a round shadow floating from a distance, slowly blocking the sun.

On the ground, people were terrified, looking up at the sky, at a loss.

"Solar eclipse?"

"Tengu swallows the sun?"

An overseas Chinese's eyes almost popped out of his head. He didn't expect to see such a scene in broad daylight.

"Is it the moon?"

"No way, the moon is not that big!!"

The disc that blocks the sun is very large, like a curtain, almost covering the entire sky.

"Is it a meteorite?"

"No, it's not a meteorite, it's an asteroid!!"

"That news is true, the earth is really going to be destroyed!!!"

"It's over, I don't want to die~~~!"

The huge asteroid hanging overhead made many people tremble.

Even the most daring person is worried about being crushed to pieces by this thing.

Fortunately, the asteroid did not fall in this sky, but gradually moved away from west to east.

When the sun came out again, everyone felt like they were surviving a disaster.


"How far is the asteroid from the Earth now?"

"8000 kilometers..."

"7000 kilometers..."

The staff of the United Earth Defense Agency still haven’t relaxed.

Chief Engineer Yang stood in front of an astronomical telescope and personally monitored the trajectory of the asteroid.

"Damn, are aliens lying to us?!"

Colonel Chu was a little shocked and angry. The distance was so close. Even if the aliens smashed it into pieces, the fragments falling into the earth would be enough to destroy 99% of all living things.

"Wait, the speed seems to have slowed down..."

Chief Engineer Yang suddenly said.

"Are you sure?" Colonel Chu asked quickly.

"No, I'm not sure, but it feels like it's slow..." The wireless signal was interfered with and couldn't contact the satellite. I had to rely solely on the naked eye to see, and it was a bit difficult to control the distance.

Seeing this, Colonel Chu quickly took out his watch and said: "Report once every 100 kilometers, I'll time it!"


Chief Engineer Yang stared at the scale of the astronomical telescope, and when the distance reached 6,900 kilometers, he quickly shouted.

Colonel Chu heard the sound and pressed the timer.

"It's 6800..."


"It's really slow!"

Colonel Chu was overjoyed. On his watch, the time taken for every 100 kilometers increased, which meant that the speed of the asteroid was slowing down.

In this way, under everyone's gaze, the asteroid's speed became slower and slower.

"5500 kilometers..."

After Chief Engineer Yang finished shouting, more than ten minutes passed. Colonel Chu couldn't help it anymore and asked: "Isn't it 5400 yet?"


Chief Engineer Yang was also a little surprised. He took his eyes away from the camera and glanced at the equipment. After confirming that it was correct, he looked up again.

"It's really no problem, it seems to stop at that level and not go down..."

He quickly switched the scale and began to pinpoint the position.

After a while.

Chief Engineer Yang's voice was full of joy and he said loudly: "It's stopped, it's really stopped, 5428 kilometers, it's been parked here for a long time!!!"

"Let me see!"

Colonel Chu quickly pulled away from Chief Engineer Yang and moved forward himself.

In the lens, a dark blue asteroid floats slowly across the sky, always staying on the 5428-kilometer mark and never leaving.

After watching for a long time, he left the camera and said happily: "They really did it, the asteroid stopped!"

"Unexpectedly, they did not destroy this asteroid, but turned it into a satellite of the Earth!"

As Colonel Chu said, he thought of something else and said quickly: "Who will calculate the gravity to see if this asteroid is likely to fall again?!"

As soon as the staff heard this, they all started to take action and quickly calculated the distance between the earth's gravity and the asteroid to maintain equilibrium.

"We have calculated that based on the calculation of an asteroid with a diameter of 50 kilometers, when it is 5100 to 6200 kilometers away from the earth, it can become a satellite and will not be pulled into the interior of the earth..."


"Long live!"

All the staff present cheered at this moment.

When a passing cleaning lady saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little confused and didn't understand what they were so happy about.

However, after she saw the documents and papers scattered on the floor, her face became ugly, and she seemed to be unhappy with the increased workload.

Although it is a fact that an asteroid hits the earth, the officials have chosen to hide it from the public.

Even if a non-governmental organization exposes it, the authorities still spare no effort to cover up this fact.

Except for a small number of netizens who firmly believe that an asteroid will hit the earth, most netizens are still more willing to believe in the official.

The majority of people are people like cleaning aunties who are ignorant and don’t know that an asteroid almost destroyed the earth an hour ago.


"Dachun, why are you free to come here today?" an old woman asked tremblingly.

The man named Dachun is already an old man in his fifties, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this.

He is busy playing with his mobile phone on weekdays, and he doesn't even have time to take a look at his mother.

Now, there is no signal on the mobile phone, and no one else around knows what happened. The only way to get news is the TV set in the old man's home.

"Mom, let me come to see you and watch the news broadcast..."

"Okay, okay, we haven't sat together and watched the news for a long time..." The old man was very pleased and smiled brightly.

This scene did not only happen in this family.

At 6:55 in the evening, the people of Daxia sat in front of the TV in unison.

Today, there was another earthquake, there was no cell phone signal, and there was an asteroid flying overhead.

Everyone wants to know, what happened?

Not only ordinary people, but also local units are at a loss. They have not received any notifications or warnings, nor have they received any responses.

Like this, people across the country are waiting for the same program at the same time, which has not happened in nearly 30 years.

"Good evening, dear viewers!"

"Today is Tuesday, October 10, 2028, the 22nd day of the eighth lunar month. Welcome to the Xinwen Lianbo program..."

"About the past two days, I believe most people have heard of the hot topic on the Internet #Asteroid Impact Earth..."

"It is false that the asteroid hits the earth, but it is true that the asteroid wants to be a neighbor of the earth..."

"This asteroid, which people call the Destroyer, did not enter the atmosphere, but stopped 5,428 kilometers away from the Earth..."

"This happens to be a gravitational balance point. Our earth's gravity will neither let this asteroid leave nor let it fall into the earth..."

"It can be said that all of us have witnessed history and the birth of natural satellites..."

"Viewers, starting from today, we have two moons!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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