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Chapter 113 Soaring Difficulty

"Please complete the race within the specified time, and the last place will be eliminated!"

Zhao Yu and others appeared on a runway, and with the sound of game commentary, everyone started running.

Something doesn't seem right...

Zhao Yu frowned while running.

But when it comes to what's wrong, he won't be able to tell for a while.

"Why not?"

The three people in front were all shocked.

This game is completely different from what they know.

"Damn it, that guy lied to us..."

"It's not necessarily a lie, maybe the content of the game has changed..."

The three of them were so upset that they would not have participated in this game if they had known better.

With Zhao Yu's current strength, it would be very easy to outperform these ordinary people.

But he wanted to understand the essence of these games, so he deliberately ran in the bottom two or three positions.

Finally, the first lap ended and Zhao Yu was third from the bottom.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and the last one fell to the ground.

"It's not the power of rules..."

Zhao Yu frowned.

He figured out what was wrong.

The lightning just now did not come from the power of rules, but from a spiritual attack.

But the conditions for his trigger were exactly based on the last place.

In addition, Zhao Yu discovered that the spiritual power attack just now was of high quality and was not like what ordinary first-order spirit ghosts could release.

Soon, at the end of the second lap, another person was struck to death by lightning.

Zhao Yu also gradually saw some clues.

"It's like a spirit ghost is doing the relay, setting the rules of the game, and then feeding it back to the more powerful spirit ghost, who will complete the kill..."

If this is the case...

Zhao Yu then completed the third and fourth laps, and two more people died.

"game over!"

Just as a voice announced that the game was over, Zhao Yu suddenly said to a flagpole on the runway: "Am I handsome?"

After a few seconds passed, a spirit ghost died, and Zhao Yu absorbed a large wave of spiritual power.

At the same time, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"As expected..."

"The real rules spirit ghost is the one who created this blockbuster scene. In terms of strength, he is at least the second or even third level..."

"And each of these small game scenes is controlled by a spirit ghost. All in all, it can only be a pseudo-rules scene..."

"Before the game starts, under the protection of the true rule spirit ghost, these little spirit ghosts are immortal, but once the game is over, they can be killed during the time period when the rewards are settled..."

Zhao Yu discovered that the large wave of spiritual power feedback directly turned him into the middle of the first level.

This shows how abundant the spiritual power is in the spirit ghost.

"Not only that, but the rules-based feedback should be more powerful..."

Zhao Yu remembered that ordinary spiritual power users did not receive so much spiritual power feedback after killing spirit ghosts.

Therefore, it can only be related to his regular spiritual power.


When Zhao Yu was about to return to the vicinity of the vortex channel, a green light pillar suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

"Is this a three-star gaming scene?!"

Zhao Yu secretly guessed that the white one was from one star, the orange was from two stars, and the green that suddenly appeared now was probably from three stars.

This also means that someone has cleared the two-star orange scene.

With a trace of anxiety, Zhao Yu returned to the temporary station.

But they discovered that the third batch of support had already arrived.

Moreover, there are old acquaintances of his among them.

"Zhou Zhenghua?!"

Zhao Yu was a little surprised, not expecting to see his classmates here.

"Haha, Zhao Yu, you didn't expect that I'm here to do the task too!"

Only then did Zhao Yu notice that there were many military personnel beside Zhou Zhenghua. Judging from the attitude of Ma Bond and others towards these newcomers, these people were all second-level.

"I don't know whether to say that your luck is good or bad..."

Zhou Zhenghua smiled and said: "This mission, after you entered it, it was detected that the energy level has reached the first level peak, and it has been rated as an F+ level mission..."

"However, now that we are in, don't worry. Captain Wu can easily lift this kind of mission..."

Unexpectedly, Captain Wu shook his head at this time.

"Master Zhou, the difficulty of this scene is not just the first level..."

"If it's only the first level, there's no reason why we can't leave..."

Captain Wu pointed at the vortex passage and said solemnly: "With my strength, if you want to trap me, you must at least be a second-level peak rule-type psychic..."

"This means that the spirit ghost behind this invasion of the spirit world is at least the second level peak, and may even be the third level..."

"Third level, how is it possible?!"

Zhou Zhenghua was dumbfounded, "No, aren't we just here to carry out an F+ mission?"

"Now the energy level should be improved again..."

Captain Wu pointed to the green beam of light in the distance and confirmed: "The energy contained in that beam of light is very strong, at least the second level..."

"And according to what Captain Ma said, the difficulty scenes here will only open the next one as the previous one opens..."

"My idea is that after the three-star scene, there must be a four-star or even five-star scene..."

"However, according to my observation, as long as we don't mess around casually, the rule spirit ghost behind us will not notice us..."

"So, as long as you, young master, go to participate in the one-star game, with our support, there should be no problem..."

Zhou Zhenghua was stunned, "You mean, even with you here, we can only protect ourselves and there is no way to eliminate this spirit ghost?!"

"Yes!" Captain Wu nodded affirmatively.

"For the current plan, we can only continue to delay it until your mother notices something is wrong and sends a high-level expert to check..."

These words made Zhou Zhenghua's expression change. He had just boasted to Zhao Yu before, as if he and others were here to save him.

As a result, it turned out that they were also just hanging on for a living?

He loudly said: "No, as spiritual power users, how can we wait for rescue? Captain Wu, I order you to eliminate this spiritual ghost..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Captain Wu smiled softly, shook his head and said: "My mission is to protect your safety, not to follow your orders..."

"If you don't listen to me, I will tell my mother when I get back..." Zhou Zhenghua said unwillingly.

"As you wish!"

Captain Wu said nonchalantly.

He has seen many young masters like this, and as long as they don't let these people die, there won't be any problem.

Zhao Yu shared the game he experienced with others.

Obtained the content of more than a dozen various games.

"That's great. We only need to go to the game we want to play and we can easily pass it..."

"No, the content of games in fixed locations is different..."

Zhao Yu told the story of the three people he met.

Everyone suddenly realized that the game was random. Even if they knew the content of the previous game, the next game would change.

"That's not bad news. After all, we know so many games and we can always encounter familiar ones, which will also increase our chances of survival..."

Ma Bond coughed and said: "As Captain Wu said, this scene is no longer something we can handle, so my idea is that everyone only goes to the one-star game scene to wait for the follow-up advanced spiritual power.


Zhao Yu nodded after hearing this.

This scene of spiritual world invasion has exceeded the limit of his ability.

After all, he came to the trial as a newcomer, who knew he could encounter such a powerful scene.

The day passed quickly, and everyone's time was almost running out, so they could only go out to find one-star games to participate in.

Zhao Yu came to a one-star scene alone. There were more people participating this time, thirteen people, all of whom were new faces he had never met before.

However, some are people who have participated in the game twice, and some are people who have participated in the game once. These people behave naturally and calmly.

There are also some who have just been pulled into this scene, and they look a little confused.

"Do I have to participate in this game?" A little girl who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old asked with some anxiety.


A man who had participated in the game said enthusiastically: "I saw with my own eyes a man who was struck to death by a bolt of lightning when his life span was over..."

Several new people gathered around and confirmed with the man several times before they believed that they had to participate in the game.

"Stop inking, since everyone is here, let's start quickly!"

Others who had participated in the game frowned and quickly placed their hands on the light beam.

"The game has started, the current number of participants: 1, please other players to join the game within 1 minute..."

Seeing someone press the start button, others also put their hands in the light beam.

Soon, the number of people participating in the game reached 13.

As soon as the minute was up, everyone was swept into the game scene by a white light.

This is a scene similar to a school. Zhao Yu found himself alone without other players around.

At the same time, the rules of the game also emerge.

"A cat-and-mouse game. All players are mice. You can complete the game by avoiding the cats in one hour."

The rules of the game are simple, just let them avoid the cat's pursuit within one hour.

"What is a cat?"

Zhao Yu frowned. The games here were definitely not cats in the literal sense. After all, they were not real mice.

This means that the cat may be a spirit ghost, or it may be another player.

"In short, just try not to have contact with other people as much as possible..."

Zhao Yu thought for a while and then left the current scene.

He was worried that the cat had some locating tool and would stay in the same place, especially the initial position, where it would be easy to find.

After leaving the classroom, Zhao Yu came to the stairs and confirmed that he was on the third floor. He looked up and saw how many floors there were.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yu climbed directly to the sixth floor, followed the iron ladder on the wall, and climbed straight to the roof.

Just as he was covering the patio, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Are you a cat?"

Zhao Yu was startled and turned around suddenly, only to find that there was already a girl standing on the rooftop. She was the newcomer who had asked about the newcomers who had to participate in the game at the beginning of the game.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu relaxed. If the opponent was a cat, there was no reason not to sneak attack when he didn't notice the opponent just now.

Therefore, this little girl is most likely just a mouse.

"I'm not a cat. Didn't you see that I closed the patio cover?"

Zhao Yu denied it, and the little girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this.

"I was scared to death. I just heard footsteps and thought it was a cat coming..."


Zhao Yu signaled with his hand, then stood up and lifted up the rooftop in large numbers.

The rooftop is quite large and very empty. It seems like there is no one else except the two of them.

"You stay here and guard. If something or someone wants to come up, run over and tell me!"

Zhao Yu said something to the little girl and walked straight towards the edge of the rooftop.

He planned to take advantage of his field of vision to see if he could find the cat, or at least know what form the cat looked like.

Arriving at the edge of the rooftop, Zhao Yu stuck his head out and looked around.

After looking around, I saw no one else except one person on the open ground.

It means that everyone else is hiding in the dark, afraid of being found by the cat.

"Is that guy a cat?"

Zhao Yu noticed that the person standing on the open ground at this moment was the veteran of the secondary game who had previously enthusiastically explained to the newcomers.

Because this person was too conspicuous before, when he pressed his hand on the light beam, Zhao Yu took a special look. The score was 2, indicating that he had completed two one-star games.

"Where is the cat? Come and chase me!"

The next second, something surprising happened to Zhao Yu.

The man on the open ground did not run away, but instead shouted loudly.

This sound was particularly dazzling in this empty school.

There were several people hiding in the dark, and they couldn't help but come to the window to check the situation.

"This guy is really brave!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhao Yu shook his head. If it were him, he would not dare to do this. After all, he knew very well about the ever-changing spirit ghosts and their abilities.

And this man dared to do this because the other party didn't know what a spirit ghost was at all. He only knew that these games had rules, and as long as he followed the rules, he could survive.

The man shouted in the open space and moved his muscles. It seemed that he was planning to run for his life.

Judging from his warm-up movements, the man is obviously in good physical condition and very confident in himself.

After waiting for a while, I heard a noise from a building.

Zhao Yu turned around and looked over, only to find a man coming downstairs and ran straight towards the man.

"Are you a cat?"

Zhao Yu noticed that the man coming down from upstairs was also a senior player and had completed two games before.

But he didn't expect how this man could turn into a cat. "Has he been scratched by a cat, or is he a cat?!"

"Oh it's you!"

When the man who was warming up on the playground saw this, he raised the corners of his mouth, turned his head and started running wildly.

The senior man behind him followed closely behind, and soon the two of them bypassed a building and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Senior, someone is coming..."

At this time, the little girl Zhao Yu asked to look at the patio suddenly said.

Zhao Yu waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, it should be a human being..."

"Oh well!"

The little girl comes and goes in a hurry.

Just when Zhao Yu was listening to the noise in the distance and judging the location of the cat, a scream came from behind him.


"It's that girl!"

Zhao Yu turned around suddenly, only to find a creature with a black shadow all over his body, merging with the girl.

"What are you..."


Zhao Yu suddenly realized that this shadowy creature was the real cat, and it had caught the girl now.

In just three seconds, the girl's screams suddenly stopped, and her figure disappeared.

But the humanoid black shadow did not stop moving and quickly chased towards Zhao Yu.

Damn, this is a real cat!

Zhao Yu didn't know that the veteran who had played the game twice just now was just pretending to be a cat.

The purpose of this is to make other mice relax their vigilance, let the real cat catch it, and then scream, letting him know the cat's location and even determine the cat's appearance.

Unfortunately, even he was deceived, which led to the tragic death of the girl.

Zhao Yu kept running on the rooftop, but the black shadow behind him was getting closer and closer.

Later, Zhao Yu even had to use spiritual power to attach himself to his body to improve his physical fitness.

But what shocked him was that the speed of the black shadow behind him was not slow at all, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

Impossible, if a cat could reach such a fast speed, no one would be able to survive!

Zhao Yu sensed something was wrong. His current speed was far beyond the running limit of ordinary humans, but this cat's speed was even faster.

This means that no one can survive.

There is no dead end in this game, there must be a way to survive.

"So, what exactly is the way out?!"

Zhao Yu's brain kept thinking, but the black shadow behind him was already close to one meter away from him, and the other party even stretched out his hand.

Zhao Yu only felt his scalp numb.

"Am I handsome?"

At the critical moment, Zhao Yu turned around suddenly and asked the black shadow a soul question.

The black shadow was suddenly startled.

At the same time, all the spiritual power in Zhao Yu's body was drained out crazily. In the blink of an eye, the spiritual power in his body was drained away by some mysterious rules.

But the dark figure in front of him seemed to be unable to see him. He turned around and went to the patio, got into it and left.


Zhao Yu seemed to have collapsed and sat directly on the ground.

"Fortunately, although this cat is a creature derived from rules, it is only within the first-order category and can be affected by rules..."

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. This was the first time he used the rules in a game scene, and it seemed to have a miraculous effect.

The only thing that made him regretful was that his spiritual power was actually sucked away.

This means that he has no spiritual power available for this game.

As the shadow left, Zhao Yu began to think about the speed of the shadow.

"According to the rules, it can't be so fast, so I must have done something to make it faster..."

"The first possibility is that after catching the mouse, its speed will increase..."

"The second possibility is that after locking the mouse, its speed will increase..."

Compared with the first one, Zhao Yu thinks that the second one is more likely, which means that he cannot always appear in the black shadow's line of sight and needs to find a way to avoid the other party's line of sight.

On the other side, the two people who were running wildly stopped after hearing the girl's scream.

"Wenbo, you're not a real cat, are you?" the man running in front asked breathlessly.

"Nonsense, didn't we agree to cooperate when we come in..." The man chasing behind rolled his eyes, "I saw you yelling in the open space, but the cat was nowhere to be seen, so I thought of cooperating with you, so that

The real cat shows up..."

"If I hadn't chased you, how would you have run away when the real cat showed up?"

"However, looking at it now, the cat should be in the teaching building behind us just now. We just need to stay as far away from there as possible..."

Judging from the relationship between the two, they really knew each other, and chasing each other in tandem was purely an act for others to see.

Let others mistakenly think the cat is here, then let down their guard, and eventually be caught by the cat, which will increase their survival time.

Moreover, the one who plays the cat can even scare other ordinary people, making them mistakenly think they have encountered a cat and run the wrong route.

Zhao Yu hid in the teaching building and observed secretly.

Basically, every ten minutes or so, there would be a scream in the campus.

But the black shadow, or cat, never came to Zhao Yu again, which showed that his previous rules were effective.

The hour came quickly.

Along with the game end prompt sound.

Zhao Yu hesitated for a moment and asked about this scene: "Am I handsome?"

A few seconds later, there was another wave of spiritual energy feedback.

Sure enough, these spirit ghosts have no resistance.

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. His spiritual power had not recovered much at the moment. If any spirit ghost had resistance, he would be the one to die after being backlashed.

When Zhao Yu appeared outside the game scene, four people were already standing here.

"Nine died..."

Zhao Yu looked around and found that two of the four people were the two people who were performing on the playground.


He took a deep look at the two of them, then turned and left.

In this environment, morality is useless. Only those who have no bottom line will gain longer.

Returning to the vicinity of the whirlpool channel, there were fewer employees coming back this time.

It shows that even those with strong spiritual powers will be included in these games.

Compared with before, the employees are not so relaxed. After all, their good colleagues have now disappeared or died, and bad luck will befall everyone.

Fortunately, there was plenty of food in the nearby convenience store. After replenishing their energy, everyone looked for a place to rest.

Another day passed, and the light pillar in the distance once again lit up with a blue light.

"Four-star games appear..."

"Who is clearing the level?"

Zhao Yu also had a doubt at this moment.

Someone as strong as Captain Wu, after discovering that there was no way to return to the vortex passage, did not dare to try the three-star game easily, and only dared to wander in the one-star and two-star games.

But now, the difficulty of the game has reached four stars, which means that someone has passed the three-star game.

"Maybe it's a wild psychic..."

Captain Wu gave his judgment.

Everyone was a little confused.

Captain Wu explained: "Not all psychics are in the company..."

"Some of the spiritual world invasions were in very remote locations. By the time people from the company arrived, the incident was over. Some people became spiritual power users but did not join the company..."

"There are actually a lot of people like this. Some were later recruited by the company, and some disappeared..."

"A hundred years ago, there were legends that people with spiritual powers formed various folk organizations and were developing silently..."

Compared to the righteousness of the company, these non-governmental organizations have various purposes regardless of that.

"We are still not sure of the opponent's strength, so try not to go to difficult game scenes..."

Captain Wu was more cautious and cherished his life. After discovering wild psychics outside the company, he had no intention of finding out.

After all, he was willing to accept the task of protecting Zhou Zhenghua, partly because he loved money, but partly because he cherished his life.

At this moment, the people in the company seemed like supporting characters, and the person who kept breaking through the obstacles seemed like the protagonist.

At the same time, in the human world, the monitoring center discovered that the scope of the invasion of the spirit world in the amusement park had expanded, and even began to select humans from the entire city to participate.

The most exaggerated thing is that the level of spiritual power fluctuations has soared to the second level peak in one fell swoop.

When the news came back to Yancheng and reached Zhou's mother's ears, Zhou's mother's roaring voice was everywhere in the Yancheng base.

"How do you do things? How can you let a first-level newcomer participate in such a mission?"

"Are you all blind?"

The Yancheng base heard Mother Zhou's roar, but no one dared to refute.

After all, the Zhou family has a very high position and power in Yancheng.

"Third level..."

At this moment, someone sent back news that the energy level in the amusement park had reached level three.

At this moment, Zhou's mother was also dumbfounded.

Just when everyone thought she would continue to roar loudly, she fell silent.

After a long time, Zhou's mother took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Your son is going to die, can you come back?!"

When everyone in the base heard this, they couldn't help but pricked up their ears. This was news related to a fourth-level big shot.

Unfortunately, Mother Zhou seemed to have only said this and hung up the phone after listening for a few seconds.

Then, she looked around at everyone and realized that no one here could give her an explanation, so she simply turned around and left.

She knows the situation in Yan country better than anyone else. There are very few people who can perfectly solve the third-level spiritual power invasion incident, let alone the third-level regular spiritual power invasion.

Therefore, this made her calm down and had to find someone who could solve the incident.

Two days flew by.

Just as Captain Wu predicted, Zhou's mother discovered that the difficulty of Zhou Zhenghua's mission had soared, so she initiated a relationship and invited a fourth-level rule-based psychic to intervene.

In one fell swoop, this rule-based spirit ghost whose real strength reached the peak of the third level was eliminated.

"it's over……"

Zhou Zhenghua said with regret.

But when he saw Zhao Yu, he was dumbfounded.

"What are you..."

"Well, I'm in the second level!"

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and said.

"How can it be?!"

Zhao Yu smiled and said with a hint of regret: "It means that the fourth-level boss came too fast. If it had been slower, I might have reached the third level..."

"What? How did you do that?!"

Zhao Yu shrugged and said casually: "The talent is so good!"

He was able to reach the second level so quickly simply because he had technology points that allowed him to quickly increase his spiritual power.

Logistics personnel were naturally involved in the finishing work, and Zhao Yu and others returned directly to the Yancheng base.

"Zhao Yu, although you are at the second level now, you have too little combat experience. Therefore, our idea is that you continue to follow the first level mission..."

"However, we are not following Team 9, but Captain Wu. It just so happens that you and Zhou Zhenghua are also classmates..."

The person in charge of the Yancheng base was surprised by Zhao Yu's promotion speed and decided to let him follow Zhou Zhenghua.

After all, behind Zhou Zhenghua's background, there is also the protection of the second-level Captain Wu. The most important thing is that if Zhou Zhenghua encounters any danger, his mother can call for the fourth-level master.

In this way, Zhao Yu's safety can also be guaranteed.

Zhao Yu naturally had no objection. He and Zhou Zhenghua had only a small conflict to begin with, and it could only be the youthful spirit between young people.

"Zhao Yu, I will catch up with you!"

Zhou Zhenghua was not as relaxed as he imagined, but more serious. For him, Zhao Yu was already ahead of him again.

After resting for two days in Yancheng, Zhao Yu received a notice from Captain Wu.

"An E-mission is considered a second-level primary-stage mission..."

Zhao Yu couldn't help but be stunned, "Isn't it about a first-level mission?"

Captain Wu spread his hands, "After all, our team is full of second-level members. Even if we include the two of you, it would be too wasteful to carry out first-level missions. The higher-ups don't allow it..."

Zhao Yu nodded slightly. From this point of view, the Zhou family does not cover the sky with one hand, but still has to act according to the rules.

"E-level missions are just E-level missions, I don't care!" Before Zhao Yu could say anything, Zhou Zhenghua said with a fearless expression.

Captain Wu nodded and said: "This mission is near Yancheng. If we encounter any danger, follow-up support will be quick..."

"Furthermore, some spiritual people have already entered in the early stage. I am sure there are no high-level spiritual ghosts..."

Last time they were stuck inside and couldn't get out, which made several people feel a little confused. Fortunately, Zhou's mother worked hard and called the boss to break the barrier, which allowed them to escape.

"Let's go in quickly!"

At Captain Wu's urging, the group entered the passage vortex.

This chapter has been completed!
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