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Chapter 49 The day after tomorrow, remember to watch the news!

 "Liangpi'er~Roujiamo~Youpo noodles~Hu spicy soup..."

"Just order some apricot kernels to cool your eyes~ Order one~Have two..."

"It's so shameful~ I'm hurting people~ I'm mixing cold water with it in the middle of the night~ I'm holding my pants up and facing north..."

"Vaseline~snowflake cake~no bottles~get the paper bag..."

Under the Chang'an City Wall, there is a bustle of people coming and going, and the cries of small vendors can be heard all the time.

Feeling the breath of fireworks, Zhao Yu felt happy.

For more than five years, Zhao Yu still feels very lonely in the middle of the night, even if he is accompanied by Bajie and other androids.

Bionic humans may be able to act according to their programmed personalities, but their emotional acuity is far less than that of humans.

Besides, no matter how good the plot is, if you watch it for five years, it will be enough after all.

Zhao Yu has also been tired, irritable, and far away.

But that feeling of loneliness has never been eliminated.

In the end, he could only numb himself. Even though he had watched the plot countless times, he still cooperated with Bajie and others to act out, smiling like a dog.

I thought that this life would pass like this.

Who would have thought that Xiaotian would actually bring back three astronauts, which made Zhao Yu realize that he had not gone far away, but had just gone from Blue Star to the moon.

When Zhao Yu was in a strong mood, suddenly, an old man behind him pushed him, "Hey, young man, don't block the way~!"


Zhao Yu happily got out of the way.

This is the most interesting voice he has heard in more than five years, an unscripted voice.

Fresh, novel, and interesting!

Zhao Yu listened for a while to the gossip of two aunts while shopping for groceries under the wall, and for a while looked at the young lovers hugging each other in the corners.

In his opinion, the trivial things that ordinary people do, such as daily necessities, daily necessities, and daily necessities, are also very interesting.

Even though he grew up here but hasn't been back for more than five years, everything feels so familiar and comfortable at this moment.

Passing by a cold skin stall, Zhao Yu remembered a time when he and his girlfriend ate together. When they finally paid, they found that there was a dollar difference.

I was very embarrassed and embarrassed at the time, but fortunately the boss was kind and spared me the dollar.

"Young man, would you like some Liangpi Roujiamo?"

The boss didn't recognize Zhao Yu. Seeing him standing in front of the stall, he shouted quickly.

As he said that, he pointed to the small square stool beside him, "Sit down and eat, come on, there's a seat here!"


Just as Zhao Yu was about to sit down, he suddenly remembered a question.

He seems to have no money!

Five years ago, I traveled across the earth and left. After arriving on the moon, I only took a mobile phone with me. After the battery ran out, I threw it in a corner to collect dust.

Moreover, even if I brought my mobile phone, it would be of no use. There is no signal now, so I can only use cash for transactions.

"Boss, I have no money, can I use this watch to pay off my debt?"

Zhao Yu pointed to the projection touch watch on his hand and said.

The boss looked at his watch and hesitated.

Zhao Yu's watch is flashy and looks like a children's watch.

The boss gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, it just so happens that my son is clamoring for me to buy him toys every day. Please sit down!"

Zhao Yu smiled, and when taking off his watch, he pressed a few keys regularly to clear the address book list and restore the watch to factory settings.

Just a watch!

Just think of it as repaying the dollar that your boss waived six years ago.

After Zhao Yu sat down, he only ordered one portion of Liangpi, but the boss gave him an extra Roujiamo as a bonus.

"Boss, do you still remember me? Six years ago, my girlfriend and I often came to your place. One time, after we finished eating, we found that we were missing a dollar, so you gave us a free meal..."

"Hey, it's only one dollar, why did you remember it for so long..." The boss smiled and started chatting with Zhao Yu.

After eating, Zhao Yu thought for a while and said: "Boss, remember to read the news the day after tomorrow..."

"Watch the news?"

Under the puzzled look of the boss, Zhao Yu stood up and left.

Smelling the delicious food on both sides of the road, Zhao Yu's tongue kept secreting saliva.



This doesn't work, it's too embarrassing.

The dignified leader of the lunar base eats a king's meal on Blue Star and engages in petty theft. That is too shameful.

Zhao Yu touched it all over and found that only the belt-type energy shield and protective clothing made of nanomaterials were valuable.

Each piece is a priceless treasure to Blue Star executives.

Although it is nothing to him, if he pays food to passers-by casually, he will be regarded as a fool.

The watch is okay, after all, the boss is kind-hearted. If it were another boss, if he walked up and said, 'Boss, how about giving me a meal in exchange for my clothes?', he would probably be regarded as a lunatic.
Zhao Yu raised his head and glanced at the sky, where ten warships were hidden to protect him.

After thinking about it carefully, there is nothing suitable for sale in the battleship.

"I knew I would have brought some gold back!"

Zhao Yu can also ask Colonel Chu for money, but doing so will easily lead to a debt of favor, which is unnecessary.

In addition, when the three major products go on sale, he can also use Blue Moon coins to exchange for some Daxia money, but this will take some time and will not solve the immediate emergency.

"How about doing a part-time job?!"

Zhao Yu suddenly thought of the business he often did when he was a student.

Born in an orphanage, he was forced to mature early. When he was still in junior high school, he made money by doing homework for elementary school students and selling bouquets during holidays.

But at that time, working part-time was just to survive, but now, Zhao Yu wants to experience it again.

As soon as he thought of it, Zhao Yu rushed to the talent market with excitement.

When there was no one on the way, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a flying saucer landed in front of him.

Zhao Yu said: "Go to outer space to contact Uncle Da and ask him to send the prototypes of the three major products from the moon. Give them to Blue Star first so they can promote them..."

Blue Moon's core production line will still take a few days to be completed, but the value of the watch can be announced as late as the day after tomorrow.

By then, the Liangpi boss will know how much money he earned from his original act of kindness.


Talent market.

"Playing as a doll in the mall, from 6pm to 10pm, the daily payment is 60 yuan..."

"Distribute flyers from 1 to 6 p.m., the daily payment is 50 yuan, is it available?"

The taste is still familiar, and even the price of part-time jobs has not increased.

"Boss, do you need someone to hand out flyers?" Zhao Yu directly went to the nearest person and asked.

"I want 5 hours, 1,000 single pages, 50 per day, do you want to do it?"

"Do it!"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll recruit two more people and then leave!"

In the talent market, there are many people recruiting part-time workers. Looking at the recruiters coming and going, Zhao Yu felt a lot in his heart.

When I started working part-time for the first time, I didn’t know that this was a first-hand market, so I only found an agency, which offered me 450 RMB a year and guaranteed work on Saturdays and Sundays.

Later, he learned that these intermediaries also came to these places to find part-time jobs for them, which was equivalent to second-rate dealers.

Later, Zhao Yu came on his own and never found an agency again.

At that time, the 450 yuan he handed over to the agency made him feel distressed for a long time, and he worried about it for a year before gradually letting go.

But now, he doesn't care whether he has more money or less. If he wants to become the richest man in Blue Star, it's just a matter of words. It's okay, but it's not necessary.

Soon, the recruiter found three more people, including Zhao Yu, a total of five people, crowded into a car, and drove away from the talent market.

There are four part-time staff, three men and one woman. Except for Zhao Yu, the other three are college students.

The only girl was arranged to sit in the front, while Zhao Yu and the other three were crowded in the back row.

The two boys were both skinny and skinny, so Zhao Yu didn't feel crowded sitting with them.

Moreover, Zhao Yu discovered that the boy in the middle deliberately squeezed to the other side and did not dare to touch him.

Looking down, he saw that his shoes were clean and bright, without a trace of dirt, while the shoes and clothes of the other two looked a little old.

Judging from his energy and attire, Zhao Yu is out of tune with them.

In the car, the recruiter chatted with the girl in the front row.

There was silence in the back row.

The two boys had their shoulders crossed and their hands folded on their knees, very reserved.

Zhao Yu sighed from the bottom of his heart.

He still doesn't understand that this is because of inferiority.

In the past, he was just like them. When he saw those glamorous people, he could not help but lower his head, not daring to look at each other or talk to each other. He only hoped to stay away.

Because he understood the psychology of the two of them so well, he knew that talking at this moment would only make them uncomfortable, and Zhao Yu had no intention of talking.

Fortunately, the place where the flyers were distributed was not far away, and the car arrived at the place not long after driving.

In a bustling square, there is a pile of leaflets under a parasol.

"Each person takes a stack of flyers and walks around the square. After passing them out, he comes back to pick them up. Don't let me find anyone who is lazy..."

"Don't throw the flyers into the trash can. If you find them, you won't pay them. Our people are watching. Do you understand?"

A person who looked like a small leader gave a few instructions and sent everyone to work with single pages.

Zhao Yu picked up a stack of single pages with ease and looked down at it. It was a newly opened barber shop on the Plaza Commercial Street. There was a recharge event for card applications.

Picking up the single page, Zhao Yu began to distribute it.

He didn't feel any discomfort when he started working in his old profession again, but felt very fresh.

In the past, when Zhao Yu distributed flyers, he would always choose middle-aged and elderly people to distribute them. He never dared to distribute them to young people, especially young women.

Act coldly, pretend not to notice, and ignore it.

This is not because Zhao Yu has some quirks, but because he has too low self-esteem and does not want to appear humble in front of his peers.

But now, he doesn't have such worries. Everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, can get a single page in his hand.

In just ten minutes, Zhao Yu finished handing out the stack of leaflets in his hand.

When walking back, Zhao Yu discovered that the stubborn diseases he had been born with, including blushing and heartbeat, tense muscles, sweating all over the body, slurred speech, and stammering when facing girls, had disappeared.<


"It turns out that those are just side effects of low self-esteem..."

Nowadays, Zhao Yu sits on the entire lunar base and controls the power to destroy a planet at any time.

I feel inferior and have left him.

"Is this how normal people feel without inferiority complex?"

Zhao Yu was filled with emotion, got a new stack of single pages, and started posting again.

Not long after, suddenly, a surprised and uncertain voice came from behind him.

"Zhao Yu?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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