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Chapter 58 The alien fleet is coming to destroy the earth again?!

 "Magnetic levitation cars, this kind of thing, I have only seen in movies..."

"Do you think this could be alien technology?!"

On the Internet, discussions about the three major products of Blue Moon Technology have not only not died out over time, but have intensified.

Although mobile phones cannot access the Internet, in this era, many people have computers at home. Even those who don’t have computers can’t help but buy a laptop and connect to a wired network after going without the Internet for a few days.

Together, the computer merchants made a lot of money.

"Yes, White Rabbit 9 went to the moon once and was missing for many days. Not long after returning, we developed such a big technological product here..."

"Maybe White Rabbit 9 discovered aliens on the moon, and these things were provided by aliens!"

The speculations of some netizens are close to the truth.

But most people don’t agree with this view.

"Forget about aliens, they are all fake. There are so many UFO videos every year, and they are all fake every time. They are all deceptions from self-media..."

"That is, if there are really aliens, they would have been exposed long ago, why are they still so quiet?!"

"Then how to explain the three major products of Blue Moon Technology?!"

"Haha, it's just a maglev car. Our country's maglev technology is not weak. Maglev trains have been commercially available for decades. According to the calculation that the military's technology is 50 years ahead of the private sector, I am not surprised at all by the emergence of maglev cars. I even feel that the military

We may have more advanced technology..."

"Yes, what you said above is right. We have been studying artificial intelligence robots for decades. Which bank does not have a fat robot in it?"

"As for projection touch watches, the technology is not that advanced. Technologies such as the Metaverse and VR have been around for more than ten years..."

"I think when we look at these three major products now, it's just like when computers and mobile phones first appeared twenty or thirty years ago. They don't feel as advanced as earth technology, but in fact they are earth technology!"

"Hey, people who can't accept new things will eventually be eliminated. Now I just want to make a fortune relying on these three major products. This time I have really caught up with the trend..."

Most people are more willing to believe that these three major products are independently developed by the earth, and that aliens and other things are a bit of a fantasy.


"It's just one store. I plan to open 20 flagship stores in Chang'an. You will be the regional director and I will manage them all. After deducting the cost of each store, I will give you 5 points..."

Hearing this, Gao Qi was very happy at first, but then he felt a little scared.

"Mr. Yu, is this too much?!"

She visited Qiuqiu Group and learned from He Jingxuan that they were able to get these benefits because these big guys wanted to please one person, and that person was their classmate.

But she doesn't have any powerful classmates. Firstly, she is worried that the other person will recognize the wrong person, and secondly, she is afraid that she does not have such a great friendship.

Among the classmates, except for the local classmates from Chang'an who have still kept in touch with each other over the years, the other students from other places have long since lost contact.

"Not much, I'm very optimistic about you..." Mr. Yu laughed and patted Gao Qi on the shoulder.

After Gao Qi was silent for a moment, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Mr. Yu, can I ask why you are so kind to me?!"

"Nothing, I just came to Chang'an to develop the market and found that you are quite capable..."

Gao Qi shook his head and said: "I have a classmate who has some strength in the local area, but what she said is different from you..."


Mr. Yu was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Did He Jingxuan tell you that?!"

"Yes, you know her?!"

"I don't know that!"

Mr. Yu smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will sell you?!"

"Mr. Yu is joking, you have invested more than 10 million in me, so much money, even if you sell me, it will be worth it..."

Gao Qi pursed his lips and continued: "It's just that I'm afraid that I may not be able to help you. I hope you can tell me what to do, otherwise I won't know..."

Seeing her firm eyes, Mr. Yu hesitated for a moment and decided to reveal something.

"Did you have a boyfriend named Zhao Yu when you were in college?!"

"Zhao Yu?!"

Gao Qi's eyes widened. Could it be that that big shot is related to Zhao Yu?!


Liu Ning was riding a spacecraft, but an accident occurred during the landing.

Fortunately, the accompanying space robot picked up Liu Ning while still several kilometers above the ground, abandoned the spacecraft, and flew all the way to Xiadu.

The space robot did not have any stealth system installed on it. During the flight, it passed by an airplane.

"Holy shit, what is that?!"

On the plane, a passenger by the window stared out the window in shock.

But when he called his companion next to him and looked outside, he found that the robot flying in mid-air holding an astronaut had disappeared.

Although Zhao Yu's robot space soldiers are space melee troops with poor endurance, their flying speed is extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of the third universe. Naturally, they cannot be compared to airplanes. They can surpass airplanes in the blink of an eye.

Completely disappeared into the clouds.

Sitting in the arms of the robot, Liu Ning was so frightened that she screamed repeatedly. She hugged the robot's neck tightly with both hands, fearing that the robot's hand would slip and drop her from a height of 10,000 meters.

This kind of experience is not comparable to flying in an airplane or a spacecraft. It is the experience of being alone in the clouds and physically traveling through the clouds.

There is no seat belt or aircraft to support her, only the robot's mechanical arm.

"Can you land? We don't have to rush to Xiadu..."

"Please, put me on the ground..."

During this period, Liu Ning kept begging, trying to get the robot to send her back to the ground.

It's a pity that the robot doesn't care about this. It just concentrates on its way and doesn't say a word.

After being in fear for more than an hour, Liu Ning finally landed on the ground in a cycle of fainting and waking up, waking up and fainting again.

As soon as she landed, her legs became weak and she collapsed instantly.

"Liu Ning?!"

This is a secret base. Some people around have noticed the situation here. Several armed guards have gathered around, staring at the robot warily.

A scanner appeared on the top of the robot's head, and infrared rays flashed past.

The next second, its built-in chip analyzed the surrounding situation.

[Carbon-based organisms: humanoid]

[Weapons: automatic rifle, pistol, grenade, saber]

[Danger index: low]

[Countermeasures: Stay in place]

"Don't shoot!"

Liu Ning relented, but he knew the importance and shouted quickly, fearing that the guards around him would cause unnecessary trouble.

On the guard side, people were quickly separated and ran to report.

The walkie-talkies on their waists had already been replaced by flares in case of radio chaos, making it easier to use in emergencies.

After a while, Chief Engineer Yang, Colonel Chu and others ran out.

"Liu Ning, why are you here?!"

Chief Engineer Yang was a little surprised. According to the settings of the spacecraft, the landing site was thousands of miles away. They had already notified the people over there to respond at any time.

Liu Ning looked pale, took a breath, and then said: "There was something wrong with the spacecraft, and we were forced to abandon the cabin. It was the one that flew me all the way back..."

Naturally, everyone saw the robot next to Liu Ning. It was much larger than the engineering robot prototype delivered by Zhao Yu. It was nearly three meters tall and had various weapons all over its body. It was obviously a combat-type robot.

Seeing this, Chief Engineer Yang quickly stepped forward to say thank you, "Thank you so much for this robot brother..."

Unfortunately, the robot didn't respond to him. I don't know if it was because it couldn't speak, or it was disdainful, or it didn't have a program to communicate with him.

Liu Ning quickly said: "It was sent by Zhao Yu to deliver the news..."

Colonel Chu nodded and asked: "What do those robots on the periphery of the earth do? Have you asked clearly?!"

Liu Ning glanced at the robot and said quickly: "Congressman Chu, something bad has happened. The alien fleet is coming to destroy the earth!!"

Colonel Chu was stunned.

Coming again?

This chapter has been completed!
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