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Chapter 63 Return to Earth!

 Escorted by more than a hundred warships, Zhao Yu once again embarked on a journey to the earth.

Six hours later, he landed in a secret base outside Xia Capital City.

Zhao Yu came here to rush the production line, so naturally the spacecraft was revealed, causing the guards to panic.

After about ten minutes, Colonel Chu rushed over with Chief Engineer Yang and others.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu also got off the spacecraft with several accompanying combat robots.

"Mr. Zhao, why are you here?!"

Colonel Chu had a smile on his face, but he was a little uneasy in his heart. They discussed how to get rid of the aliens on the moon in the underground base in the future, and then Zhao Yu came.

Could it be that some technology they didn't know about eavesdropped on their conversation?

Zhao Yu came here to ask questions?

"How are you discussing the construction of the laser defense system?!" Zhao Yu asked casually.

Colonel Chu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party's technology was not at an incomprehensible level. He nodded and said: "It's OK, but I just don't know how many resources are needed to build this defense system?!"

"One billion Blue Moon coins equivalent resources!"


Colonel Chu was shocked and said in disbelief: "So many?!"

"This is a laser defense system that protects an entire planet from being invaded. 1 billion Blue Moon coins is already very cheap!"

In terms of cost, before Zhao Yu left, he asked Uncle Da that the resources required to build this defense system for the earth would cost almost 50 million Blue Moon coins.

Proportionally speaking, the profit from this is not as much as that of the three major products.

"Don't tell me you don't have any. We have discovered exactly how many resources your earth has!"

Not to mention 1 billion, there are resources of 10 trillion Blue Moon Coins on the earth, but most of them have not been mined yet.

"Yes, it's just...Mr. Zhao, is this too little?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yu laughed and said: "If you don't want to pretend, that's fine. If you are attacked by aliens, you will bear the consequences yourself. We don't care..."

Alien Strike?!

I'm afraid if we don't agree, you will attack us...

Colonel Chu secretly slandered.

After that meeting, unlike most wise men who believed in the laws of the dark forest, he believed in another hypothesis: the universe is a harmonious family, and the earth is just secretly hidden by lunar aliens.

What the lunar aliens are doing to the earth now is completely illegal. When they find the opportunity, they will definitely file a complaint to the Universe Federation.

"One billion is one billion, please pay more attention to Mr. Zhao..."

Colonel Chu had no choice but to agree. Then, he thought about something and said, "It's just that we can't collect 1 billion Blue Moon Coin resources at the moment..."

"Just tell me how long it will take?!"

"We can collect 200 million in Daxia within 12 hours. The rest may need to be mobilized from all over the world, which will take about three days..."

In fact, with the existing resources in Guangdaxia, there is no problem in mobilizing 1 billion, but Colonel Chu has other ideas.

"12 hours, three days, okay..."

Zhao Yu nodded and asked him where the resources were mobilized so that the transport ship could pick them up.

"Is it possible in Chang'an? It is the center of the country and the speed can be faster..."


Zhao Yu naturally has no objection.

Seeing that the matter of the Earth's laser defense system was settled, Colonel Chu asked about another matter.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know about the three major product production lines. How is the progress?!"

This is also one of the purposes of Zhao Yu coming here. He nodded and said: "It's almost completed. Have you chosen the address? We can start building the production line directly..."

"Chang'an, do you think it's okay?!"

Chang'an again?!

Zhao Yu was startled for a moment, but without thinking much, he nodded and said: "Then Chang'an, please notify your leader and go and install it now!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, I may need a ride..." Colonel Chu looked embarrassed.

"Little things!"

Soon, Colonel Chu returned to the base, but he didn't let Zhao Yu wait any longer, and came out in about three minutes.

This time, Liu Ning and Chief Engineer Yang did not follow, but were replaced by Wang Dayue.

"Mr. Zhao, we meet again..." Wang Dayue said with some anxiety.


Zhao Yu nodded slightly, looked at Colonel Chu and said, "Now that everyone is here, let's go!"

After saying that, he walked towards the spacecraft.

Seeing that Zhao Yu was not interested in talking to her, Wang Dayue did not dare to say anything more. He followed Colonel Chu and boarded the saucer-shaped spaceship with Zhao Yu.

It was Wang Dayue's first time on the spacecraft. He was a little curious and looked around.

There are no seats or seat belts on the spaceship, and there are no windows around it.

"Mr. Zhao, can we get a few more production lines for the three major products?"

After boarding the ship, Colonel Chu couldn't stop asking about the next thing.

"Of course. The initial negotiation was that you would cover all the costs. You should also pay for the machine workers needed for the production line..."


Colonel Chu was stunned for a moment, "Don't you need our manpower?"

"Why do we need people to do the work that robots can do?!"

"Besides, if a robot can do it, people may not be able to do it!"

Before Colonel Chu could say anything more, Zhao Yu waved his hand and said, "Let's go down first, we're here!"


Wang Dayue was confused. How long had it been? Not even a minute had passed before we arrived in Chang'an?!

She didn't believe it, so she got off the spacecraft and found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

When she looked at the name again, Chang'an 404 Base, she was stunned.

I had thought that the alien spacecraft on the moon would be very fast, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast. It took less than a minute to reach a distance of more than a thousand kilometers.

Moreover, she didn't feel any vibration during the whole process, and she always thought that the spacecraft had not taken off!

After entering the base, Colonel Chu arranged a seat for Zhao Yu, and then continued the conversation.

"Mr. Zhao, if the three production lines do not need people, how many machine workers will be needed?"

"Three production lines require almost 10,000 machine workers, one machine costs 300 Blue Moon coins, and ten thousand units cost 3 million Blue Moon coins. You will deliver them together with the resources of the defense system..."

The three production lines cost 3 million Blue Moon coins, which is far from the 1 billion needed for the defense system.

Colonel Chu's heart was moved and he said: "Mr. Zhao, we were worried before that we didn't have enough skilled workers. Now that you have machine workers, we want to expand production and add 30 production lines. What do you think?!"


If someone gives money, why not Zhao Yu? Besides, this time he came to Earth for large-scale transactions.

"That's right, we want to adjust the production line..."

"How to say?"

"With 30 production lines, we want 20 production lines to produce machine workers, 8 production lines to produce maglev cars, and 2 production lines to produce watches..."

"You can do whatever you want!"

Colonel Chu then added: "There is also the maglev car. I wonder if it can be modified and produced into a maglev bus?!"

He explained: "The cost of maglev cars is too high and it is difficult for ordinary people to afford them, so we want to use them commercially, which is more cost-effective..."

"Magnetic levitation bus?!"

Zhao Yu touched his chin. The maglev car is also a castrated version of the technology taken from the maglev flying saucer. It is not difficult to change it into a bus.

However, Zhao Yu was not in a hurry to agree, and frowned: "Changing to a maglev bus will require more materials, maglev technology needs to be adjusted, and the cost will also increase..."

"We are responsible for the cost. The maglev car was originally scheduled to cost 500 Blue Moon Coins. Now if it is changed to a bus, how about 1,000 Blue Moon Coins per car?" Colonel Chu quickly replied.

Zhao Yu nodded slightly. He was selling them anyway. He could make more money by converting them into buses. "What is your demand for maglev buses?"

"If the test results are correct, we plan to completely replace the old transportation facilities around the world. By then, we may need at least one million units..."

One million units, that is 1 billion Blue Moon coins. After deducting the cost, 90,000 transport ships can be built.

This is a good deal!

This chapter has been completed!
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