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Chapter 74 Supernatural events?!

 Xiadu Base.

"You said, do the aliens know about our underground city work?" Councilor Zhou asked a little worriedly.

"Shouldn't know!"

Colonel Chu shook his head and said: "Zhang Tao drove the spacecraft to the moon. We put particles on it, and it showed that they were observed five minutes later. This shows that aliens have made no progress in the field of quantum entanglement..."

"The 13 secret bases in the no-man's land have all placed particles, and they are still showing that they are not under observation..."

The particles were placed so secretly that even the local garrison didn't know. It was originally to determine whether they were spied on by overseas forces. Now, it can be used to deal with aliens.

The double-slit interference experiment concluded that human observation and machine observation will produce two different states. Since then, the principle of quantum entanglement has become an important means of detecting whether information has been stolen.


"There's something really wrong with the new leader. It's time to get off work, and he still has to work, and he doesn't even talk about adding money..."

In the underground base in no-man's land, Sun Fan controlled the equipment and cursed while digging downwards.

Suddenly, something flashed across the device.


Sun Fan was startled and stared at the screen for a while, but saw nothing.

He leaned out, raised his hand and turned on the hat lamp, shined it forward, scanned for a moment, found nothing, and then sat back.

"I'm scaring myself, I must be dazzled!" Sun Fan shook his head, feeling funny that he was making such a fuss.

This is 1,500 meters underground. How can any animal come down alive? Even if there are, they are just microorganisms.


Just as he sat down, the screen in front of him flashed again. Sun Fan was so frightened that he stood up suddenly and bumped his head against the roof of the car.


He covered his head and glanced at the roof of the car, then looked at the screen, but there was still no movement.

But this time, he couldn't sit still anymore. He picked up the engineering shovel beside him, jumped off the excavator and walked towards the pothole.

"Who's there?!"

Sun Fan shouted, his ears pricked up, and he listened carefully for a while. After there was no response, he cautiously walked forward.

His whole body was a little tense, and the sweat on his palms made the engineer's shovel wet.

But at this moment, he didn't care about it. He stared and kept scanning the place illuminated by the hat lamp.

When he came to the place where the equipment was being detected, Sun Fan picked up the engineering shovel and poked it twice. When there was no response, he tried digging two more shovels.

There is nothing special about the excavated soil.

"Damn, I'm scared to death!"

Sun Fan exhaled, guessing in his mind that his kidneys may have been a little weak in the past two days, and it seemed that he needed to control himself.

As soon as he turned around, the pit wall behind him suddenly came to life, opened a hole, and shot out a net.



Sun Fan shouted, but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, the pothole disappeared and the hole returned to its original state.


"Oh, it would be great if I had that projection touch watch by my side..."

Zhuge Tao sighed, slowly put on his headphones, and watched a short video on his mobile phone.

Just when he was in high spirits, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Leader, something bad is going to happen!!"


Zhuge Tao was startled, his body trembled, he stood up quickly, cleaned up a bit, and then opened the door.

"What's wrong, I just took a nap..."

At the door, two supervisors looked panicked and said: "Boss, Sun Fan is missing..."

"Sun Fan, are you from here?"

"Yes, he is responsible for the lowest level work. When he signed in for the meeting at night, he never came back..."

"We thought he forgot the time and sent someone down to look for him..."

"Who knew, not only was there no one at his work station, there was no one even in his dormitory..."

Zhuge Tao frowned, "In such a big base, maybe you can hang out somewhere..."

"No, leader, there are cameras inside our base. The surveillance shows that Sun Fan entered the bottom work area and never came out again!"


Zhuge Tao narrowed his eyes, and his thoughts that were originally boring suddenly became alive.

"Take me to the control room and I'll take a look at the situation!"

Soon, he locked the door and rushed to the monitoring room.

"Look, the screen shows that after you finished the party, Sun Fan went to the bottom floor in work clothes, and he hasn't come out until now..."

Zhuge Tao quickly replayed the video and found that after Sun Fan entered, except for other employees who went in to look for him, he really did not appear again.

"Is there any other passage in here?"

"No, there is only one road in this work area..."

"Take me to the scene to see it!"

Zhuge Tao didn't fully believe it. He wanted to see for himself what exactly happened.

At the same time, he pointed to a few people who had gone to find Sun Fan in the video and said: "Let these people follow..."

For such a disappearance in a secret room, the murderer is likely to be among these people.

Zhuge Tao led people into the deepest work area, walked around carefully, and found that there was really no other way to leave.

"Go to the pothole to see if anyone has buried it..."

As soon as this statement came out, all the staff were shocked on the spot.

But no one dared to say anything. In groups of three or two, they searched the entire tunnel.

Half an hour later, everyone was covered in mud, but no trace of Sun Fan was found.

Zhuge Tao finally frowned, thought of another possibility, and hurried back to the monitoring room.

After some operations, the confusion on his face became more intense.

"The monitoring is intact and there are no signs of tampering..."

"It's really a ghost to disappear into a pothole alone!"

At this time, a supervisor ran in and reported: "Leader, the engineer shovel on Sun Fan's car is missing..."

"Engineer shovel?!"

The supervisor guessed: "Do you think it's possible that Sun Fan couldn't think about it and dug a tunnel with an engineering shovel and buried himself?!"

"What nonsense!"

Zhuge Tao tapped his fingers and said: "Gather everyone together and search the entire base for Sun Fan. We want to see him alive and his body if he is dead!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the entrance of the base.

Find the guard and ask if anyone has left, and get a negative answer.

Zhuge Tao was suspicious, so he directly called the surveillance at the entrance and exit. After careful inspection and research, he found that no one left.

The base is dug downwards and has only one exit, which means that Sun Fan is definitely still in the base, either hiding himself or being hidden by others.

Six hours later, the entire base was searched four or five times, but there was still no trace of Sun Fan.

Zhuge Tao's originally boring interest had long since dissipated, and his mind was filled with doubts.

He thought about various possibilities, and even asked about Sun Fan's personal network, but found nothing.

In the office, all the staff gathered together and whispered about Sun Fan's disappearance.

At this time, a supervisor came forward and said: "Leader, do you think he encountered a ghost?!"


Zhuge Tao was furious and scolded: "Feudal superstition, as a supervisor, how can you say such a thing?!"

The supervisor was too scared to say anything more.

Zhuge Tao took a look at the audience and found that most of the people had some fear on their faces, as if they were really afraid of something unclean.

He shook his head helplessly and could only return to the office, write down the situation here one by one, and send it to Xiadu.

This chapter has been completed!
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