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Chapter 4 If you win, you will drag down the solar system!

 [Do you want to spend 10,000 technology points to view the Moro fleet technology tree?]


[Base: Level 1]


[Technology point: 8511]

In the system interface, a query list of technological products of the Moro fleet appeared.

Zhao Yu quickly clicked on it, and the first thing he checked was the seven basic technologies of the Moro fleet.







【Life Sciences:2.57】

"Level 2 civilization..."

Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The overall technological level of the Moro fleet averaged around 2.65, which was considered the mid-level level of level 2 civilization.

Then, he began to check various technologies.

I found that this list was not as detailed as his exchange list, and even most of the technology products overlapped.

"You should be able to only check the technological level of Moro's fleet, but not the technological level of the civilization behind his fleet..."

Zhao Yu didn't think much about it. He looked carefully and removed some unimportant technologies and overlapping technologies. As expected, he found a lot of technologies that far surpassed theirs.

Among them, the most core one is energy utilization technology.

"Level 2 civilization is indeed not nuclear fusion..."

Zhao Yu once speculated that after the third generation of nuclear fusion, there would be a fourth generation of nuclear fusion, or a new technology.

Looking at it now, it is new technology that has replaced nuclear fusion.

[Particle black hole transformation: Accelerate the collision of particles to produce a type 2 black hole prototype, and use this form to collide with matter and antimatter to release huge energy.]

"Particle black holes are changing. The next generation of energy utilization is actually to create black holes?!"

Zhao Yu was shocked.

He has thought about countless possibilities, such as the quantum realm, the realm of matter and antimatter, etc., but he has never dared to think about black holes.

Unexpectedly, a second-level civilization would be able to utilize black holes.

After taking a closer look, I realized that I had misunderstood. This black hole was not that black hole.

This is an extremely tiny, micro-black hole invisible to the naked eye, which can also be considered part of the quantum realm.

A special particle is used to accelerate its collision to produce a miniature black hole.

Using this level of black hole will not be able to swallow everything, but will release huge energy to create energy.

"Purely looking at the energy released, the fuel of the same quality is 20 times more than the third generation nuclear fusion..."

Zhao Yu was shocked. From a purely quantitative perspective, 20 times the amount of nuclear fusion fuel can provide corresponding energy, but if it can be applied to other fields, its power will be limitless.

He quickly returned to the original purpose of checking the Moro fleet, flipped through the spaceship list, and found an extremely efficient thruster.

[Particle black hole thruster: Accelerate the collision of particles to produce a type 1 black hole formation state. Using this form, it cannot release strong gravity to swallow matter, but instead releases particles to the surroundings as a propulsion power.]

"Sure enough, it was applied to the thruster..."

Zhao Yu keenly discovered that type 1 black holes were mentioned in the thruster description.

"Could it be that the first thing they developed was a particle black hole thruster?"

After careful inspection, Zhao Yu finally realized something.

According to the explanation, the black holes produced in the formation state of Type 1 black holes are smaller, and the energy released cannot be used, and can only be used as thrusters.

The Type 2 black hole prototype is an upgraded technology that can create larger black holes and use their characteristics of releasing huge energy when they collapse before forming to be used as energy.

After checking the energy technology and thruster technology, Zhao Yu flipped through the weapon list again.

Most of the weapons are owned by the base, such as lasers, lasers, star destroyer cannons, etc., but they are more powerful and more powerful.

It is truly beyond imagination that there is only one that can use micro black hole technology to make weapons.

[Particle black hole collapse bomb: Accelerate the collision of particles to produce a type 3 black hole collapse state, add protons, and detonate to produce material collapse within a certain range.]

According to the explanation, even if the Moro fleet already has mid-to-late level 2 technology, it still cannot create a real black hole.

The micro black holes created are not only invisible to the naked eye, but also cannot be completely born. They form a self-contained system and can infinitely swallow the matter of the universe.

"So, if this miniature black hole does not continue to collide and increase its 'fuel', it will disappear naturally?!"

In the introduction of the weapon, a special kind of proton is mentioned. When the micro black hole is in a natural collapse state, some kind of qualitative change will occur when added to it.

According to the explanation, this qualitative change was inspired by the study of the annihilation of matter and antimatter, and it was finally successful after numerous attempts.

Zhao Yu had a rough understanding of the principle of this miniature black hole collapse bomb, so he hurriedly skipped other explanations and turned directly to the paragraph about its power.

The further he looked down, the uglier Zhao Yu's face became, and when he finished reading it, his face became even more pale.

"The power of this particle black hole collapse bomb is so amazing..."

According to the instructions, the particle black hole collapse bomb has two variations. One is the collision link, which follows the process of making a miniature black hole. Just before collapse, special protons are added, which is like a tonic to make the black hole unable to continue to form.

, return light and generate one second of false and true black hole time.

The reason why it is a false black hole is that it can only exist for one second. It is also called a true black hole because in that second, the power of a real black hole can be used to swallow everything.

The swallowing power of black holes is extremely strong. If it is a black hole in the universe, it can swallow several planets in one second. Fortunately, the miniature black hole created by this particle black hole collapse bomb is too small and inherently deficient, and its swallowing range is limited. In one second,

Only capable of swallowing one million cubic meters of all matter.

A spherical space of one million cubic meters has a diameter of only 124 meters, which is not very wide.

But what really scares Zhao Yu is the second step. When the return of light ends, the black hole collapses, which will release terrifying energy.

This kind of energy is enough to completely destroy a planet.

Of course, in terms of power alone, the Star Destroyer Cannon can also destroy a planet.

However, the Star Destroyer Cannon must, after all, store energy, charge up, and launch. It also has a moving trajectory, and can eventually be intercepted by the laser defense system and detonated in advance.

Particle black hole collapse bombs are different. They start very quickly. From the time protons are thrown in to the time they detonate and collapse, it only takes one second. It is difficult to defend and stop.

But this is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Particle black hole collapse bombs are difficult to form and cannot be fired with a muzzle like other weapons.

It can only be carried by a spaceship, brought near the enemy, and detonated at close range.

Of course, purely in terms of power, this particle black hole collapse bomb is not enough to make Zhao Yu look ugly.

What is truly terrifying is that the three black hole forms can transform into each other.

Whether it is the particle black hole thruster as the power source of the spacecraft, or the particle black hole transmutation as the energy source, they can be transformed into particle black hole collapse bombs at critical moments.

According to the spacecraft list, all enemy spacecraft are basically equipped with at least two devices for creating micro black holes, one is used as a thruster, and the other is used to supply energy.

When defeated, he can even destroy the cauldron, detonate two miniature black holes, and set off a huge fireworks before death.

That's all. What really scares Zhao Yu is the mothership.

On the mothership, there is a super large equipment capable of creating particle black hole 4 form.

If a black hole in this form detonates, it will generate enough energy to displace all the planets in the galaxy, either falling into the star, or away from the star system and into the lonely universe.

But no matter what happens, it will be a disaster.

Zhao Yu once expanded slightly after moving the Blue Moon's orbit. He remembered a movie he watched when he was at Blue Star and asked Uncle Da if there was any way to move Blue Star.

The answer he got was that he needed to build one million third-generation nuclear fusion special planetary engines, which would take a hundred years to slow down the Blue Star...

The derivation result is not as powerful as the technology in the film and television drama. After all, the other party is an adaptation of a science fiction novel and uses heavy fusion technology, which releases more energy than third-generation nuclear fusion.

After reading the introduction of the mothership, Zhao Yu looked depressed and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"With the mothership's particle black hole 4 form, even if they lose, they can drag down the solar system to death..."

This chapter has been completed!
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