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Chapter 12 I’m going to meet the aliens in person!

 "25 days, just enough technology points to upgrade to level 2..."

Zhao Yu pondered for a moment and then said: "Promise them that we will go."

Uncle Da nodded and said: "Sir, who do you think is appropriate to send?"

This meeting is definitely the most important test for the other party. It is not appropriate for the android to go there.

"I'll go there myself!"


Uncle Da was anxious and said quickly: "Sir, why don't you let me go and project the whole process with you, it's the same..."


Zhao Yu shook his head and said: "The meeting place is about 120 million kilometers away from here, and it takes at least 400 seconds to transmit information..."

It takes 7 minutes for one way and 14 minutes for a round trip. If you don’t reply for such a long time, trouble may easily arise.

If the other party is a radical and feels that he has been insulted by this, and attacks him in anger, there will be no room for delaying time.

"That's not possible, sir, either let Li Zongheng go, or I can go!"

After all, bionic people are the core of robots. Although they are very anthropomorphic, they are not human after all. When communicating with intelligent life, they will inevitably fail to understand and express inappropriately. If there is a misunderstanding, it will definitely start a war.

"Don't try to persuade me, I have made up my mind and this matter must be done by me..."

"Sir, this is too risky. You are the core of the base. If you die..."

"Needless to say, if I don't go this time, I will only delay my death by a few days. If I go, I can delay my death a little longer..."

The matter is so important that Zhao Yu doesn't trust anyone. He can only feel at ease if he goes there in person.

As he said, if you don't even dare to take such a small risk, you will die sooner or later.

"Sir, let me go with you..."

"No, you have to sit at the base and the projection will just follow you..."

Uncle Da tried to persuade him many times to no avail, so he could only prepare the materials needed for the meeting.

Zhao Yu did not look for those professional materials. Instead, he copied all the science fiction books on Blue Star and planned to watch them on the road.

He had some ideas in mind about how to negotiate during this meeting. He knew how to stabilize the enemy, otherwise he would not risk his own life.

Zhao Yu was accustomed to acting resolutely, and it only took him an hour to make up his mind and prepare before boarding the frigate with Uncle Da's projection.


In the Lunar Maintenance Factory, a man and a woman shuttled back and forth among a bunch of robots, checking the damage of the robots.

"Zhang Yixia, do you really not remember what happened on Blue Star?"

"I don't remember. According to what you said, I was quite young six years ago. Maybe there was a child on Blue Star..."

While the two were talking, Zhang Tao suddenly discovered a familiar robot, which was the one that had released the signal a long time ago.

He quickly turned around, grabbed Zhang Yixia's shoulders, and said affectionately: "Zhang Yixia, just tell me when you want to get married, and I will definitely marry you..."

Caught off guard, Zhang Yixia suddenly blushed again, broke away from him, said something disgusting and ran away.

After she left, Zhang Tao glanced furtively left and right, quickly walked to the robot, pretended to check it, quickly detached the previously embedded chip, and took out a new one from his waist.<


After doing this, he continued to work, teasing Zhang Yixia while scanning to see if any other robots with chips had returned.

After getting off work, Zhang Tao hurried back to his residence, took out the chip, and began to read the information.


Zhang Tao was stunned. He discovered that the information in this chip was encrypted in a different way than before, and the key used was completely useless.


Could it be that Blue Star was afraid of being discovered and changed this communication method?!

Thinking like this, Zhang Tao began to analyze this piece of information, and at the same time, he found a set of clear codes at the end, which directly presented pictures and corresponding codes.

"What the hell, it's so obvious, aren't you afraid of being discovered?!"

Zhang Tao was a little confused. What happened to Blue Star? They actually gave him a clear code for the message. Was it because he was afraid that he wouldn't understand it, or because Yue Fang wouldn't be able to find it?!

Although he was puzzled, he continued to immerse himself in the translation.

"We are the Federation of the Universe..."

"Cosmic Federation?!"

When the first line of content was translated, Zhang Tao was stunned, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Isn't this the information sent back by Blue Star?!"

With a hint of shock, Zhang Tao continued to translate. Basically, every time he translated a sentence, his expression changed drastically.

When he got to the back, he was even more ecstatic and wanted to jump up to celebrate.

"Universal Federation...77 civilizations...advocate equality...Federal law protects new civilizations..."

After reading to the end, Zhang Tao was so excited that he felt that all the pores in his body were stretched.

"It turns out that the universe is really a harmonious family..."

Zhang Tao glanced at the direction of the lunar base through the wall and murmured: "If they discover it, they might conceal the existence of Blue Star Civilization..."

"I have to send the news back. This is related to whether Blue Star Civilization can join the Universe Federation!!!"


On the frigate, Zhao Yu looked through science fiction and searched for the imagination about the future of the universe.


Uncle Da shouted and then stopped.

After waiting for a full ten seconds, he moved again and said: "There is something wrong with the Moro fleet!"

After saying that, he stopped still.

Zhao Yu is also used to it. At this moment, the frigate he is on has left the moon for more than 3 million kilometers. There is a delay in information transmission. The farther back, the greater the delay.

Now it only lasts 10 seconds, so synchronous projection is not difficult to use, but in the later stage, if both parties want to communicate normally, it will be more convenient to record the video content in advance and then transmit it.

In the next ten seconds, Uncle Da directly sent a video.

"Sir, the Moore fleet has sent out another reconnaissance ship, and its destination is Jupiter..."

"I calculated their flight trajectory, and it seems that they are heading towards the dozens of spacecraft we have on Jupiter..."


Zhao Yu frowned slightly, and soon he was startled.

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The dozens of spaceships on Jupiter were set up in advance by him in order to deceive the Moro fleet.

He just took advantage of the fact that the other party didn't know that he knew in advance through the system that the Moro fleet was coming, and then set it up deliberately.

The existence of the Jupiter spacecraft was an important factor in making the Moro fleet suspect that they were pretending to be a civilization.

"So, from the perspective of the Moro fleet, the spaceship I arranged on Jupiter is absolutely real and will not be arranged in advance, so it can represent the true level of my civilization!"

"If their spacecraft goes to Jupiter and sees that my spacecraft is still powered by nuclear power and is only equipped with Hall thrusters..."

Zhao Yu understood that when the details of the Jupiter spacecraft were exposed, that was when they started a war.

"How long does it take for my spaceship on Jupiter to fly back to the base?"

Ten seconds later, Uncle Da shook his head and said: "At the current speed of Mach 135, it will take about 175 days to return to the moon. Even if the speed reaches the maximum speed of Mach 500, it will still take 57 days..."

The opponent's reconnaissance ship is extremely fast. It only takes about 20 days to catch up with their spacecraft from Pluto to Jupiter. 26 days is enough.

"In the past twenty days or so, the Jupiter spacecraft has been returning at a speed of Mach 10, and the distance traveled is not very far. If it returns to Jupiter at a speed of Mach 135, it should be able to return in two or three days..."

After Zhao Yu thought about it for a moment, he said: "If these spaceships of mine return to the interior of Jupiter, can they escape them?"

"We are not as fast as humans. Once the spacecraft enters Jupiter, it will no longer be able to escape. Sooner or later it will be found..."

"Is it feasible to let them self-destruct and dismember themselves inside Jupiter?"

"According to calculations, this method is better than letting them hide inside Jupiter..."

After careful consideration, Zhao Yu said: "Let those spaceships return to Jupiter. The first task is to hide themselves and not be found..."

Jupiter is a gas planet, and its electromagnetic waves are extremely chaotic. Hiding in it, it can avoid most detection methods.

"I just hope they can be found later..."

Thanks to Yu Wufei for the reward of 100,

This chapter has been completed!
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