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104. Foggy

Before answering Lu Jian's question, Hongye realized something more important.

"It's getting foggy."

A faint mist filled the air from those corpses.

The mist looked no different from Shanlan, but Lu Jian's intuition told him that this thing was very dangerous.

After all, it is very doubtful why the bodies of these people who died a month ago can still remain uncorrupted.

According to his poor biological knowledge, after a person dies, the microorganisms in the body should begin to decompose the body. If a body is left in the wild for a month in such a humid environment, it will no longer be human-like if it is not embalmed.

But these bodies were intact.

Lu Jian could only think that all the microorganisms in these corpses and the microorganisms in the air were dead.

So, is there anything that can do this?

The mist began to drift away, drifting towards Lu Zhan and Hong Ye according to the direction of the wind.

"It's time to run away."

Lu Tran immediately grabbed Hongye's wrist, dragged her and ran out.

However, outside the shrine, the thick fog seemed to surround them.

"Try not to breathe this mist, cough cough."

Hongye coughed and covered his mouth with his sleeve.

She and Lu Tan looked at each other and saw that the pure white mist was about to cover the road going down the mountain, so they rushed towards it.

Lu Tiao also used the bottle to scoop out the mist and quickly capped the bottle.

The two entered the fog.

Different from normal mist, this mist does not appear moist. When it hits the face, it has an obvious grainy feel like a sandstorm.

Even though he covered his mouth and nose, Lu Tan still inhaled a little mist. Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation in his throat and lungs. The small particles in the air combined with the alveoli, blocking their oxygen intake channels, and replaced them with

Yes, the mist flows into the blood, causing more qualitative changes.

Lu Tran's eyes were red, as if blood was about to spill out. He glanced at Hong Ye beside him. The miko's eyes were also red, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot. However, a faint light emerged from Hong Ye's body, seeming to form a barrier.

Blocks the intrusion of fog.

"Is this a 'spell'?"

The extraordinary system of this world seems to be based on magic spells, barriers, and the like centered on the prayers of witches. Lu Kan and Hong Ye rushed out of the mist and returned to the mountaineering path full of torii gates in embarrassment.

The mist still hovered on the top of the mountain, like a wild beast. Lu Jian even saw the rise and fall of the mist like breathing, but most of the mist quickly closed up and disappeared soon.

The dim light on Hong Ye's body disappeared. She coughed for a while and spit out a few mouthfuls of dark blood. When she turned around, she saw that Lu Tiao was already lying on the ground.

"Cough cough cough, cough cough cough..."

Lu Tan kept coughing, and the sound was like tearing his throat. This long-lasting and violent cough was enough to cramp the muscles in his back. He curled up into a ball. When Hongye came closer, he saw Lu Tan's eyes, nose, and mouth,

Dark blood flowed out of his ears.

"Erosion...is the erosion of filth..."

Hongye did not expect that the Wajima Shrine here had been completely destroyed, and even the shrine maiden in charge had been killed. This meant that Utashima's shrine was completely paralyzed. Facing the influence of filth on the sea, ordinary people on the island

There will be no countervailing force.

No, maybe she should have thought that when she saw that mass of flesh-and-blood monsters rushing onto the street, Hongye should have understood that the island had undergone changes beyond imagination. It was just that the social officials responsible for the investigation at the beginning made the decision.

She relaxed her vigilance. After all, as a shrine maiden of Wajima Shrine, Hongye knew clearly how difficult it would be to control a shrine on an island.

She could never have imagined in her dreams that the Wajima Shrine, which she was so proud of, would be so vulnerable to such a powerful force whose true identity was not yet known.

But now is not the time to struggle with faith. Hongye stretched out his hand and was about to use the purification technique to treat Lu Kanda when he saw the man's cough turned into vomiting. He bent down and vomited out a ball of dirty and dark stuff.


The thing was as big as a palm and was shocking, making Hongye's eyelids twitch.

If the erosion reaches this level, I'm afraid Lu Tiao's life will also...

When she took a closer look and tried to identify what kind of internal organ it was, she discovered that the dirty thing was a ball of grass.

Just like a ball of grass eaten by a cow and regurgitated, that sticky disgusting thing is really a ball of grass.

Lu Tan vomited a second lump, and a third lump, until he vomited the tenth lump, coughing and vomiting, and the violent body tremors subsided slightly.

Hong Ye saw that Lu Jian's arm was pierced by thorns, his body was covered with ivy-like vegetation, and in his mouth, there were several branches hanging from the corners of his mouth like saliva.

"...What are you doing back?"

Lu Tian asked when he saw the miko lady suddenly taking several steps back and taking a defensive posture.

"Are you okay?"

Hong Ye asked in a deep voice, staring at Lu Tiao with a slight vigilance.

This appearance has far exceeded the level of corrosion, and is no different from those humanoid monsters that have been severely polluted and alienated... If it goes further down, it may be real filth.

Hongye has seen her parents, the villagers she knows, and her familiar friends turn into monsters under the pollution of that filth, begging her to kill him in agony. After becoming a miko, she has also seen those people who originally had their own lives.

, one’s own dream, a picture of ordinary people living their lives turned into irrational monsters due to the inadvertent passing of natural disasters.

Seeing Lu Jian's appearance at this moment, although Hong Ye's heart was filled with turmoil, it was immediately suppressed.

"No problem, but it's a pity that there is no sun now, otherwise it would be better faster."

As Lu Tan spoke, he pulled out the branches from his mouth one by one. The branches were very long, as if they were flowing back from the intestines and stomach, mixed with gastric juice and black dirty blood.

"Don't worry, I'm just an ordinary person. These are my friends who help me digest. You know, just like chickens eat stones to help them grind their feed, turtles also eat stones to help digest. That's it."

He explained seriously.

"...You call this an ordinary person?"

Hong Ye glanced at the branches on the ground that were still trembling and crawling like worms.

"By the way...are you okay?"

Lu Tan remembered something and looked aside again.

This made Hongye take another half step back, because there was no one around Lu Tian at all!

"Who are you talking to?"

Hongye asked immediately.

"My air friend, doesn't everyone in Wanda have an air friend?"

Lu Tiao asked back.

"...Who told you?"

Cold sweat broke out on Hongye's forehead. She considered the words and looked at the void beside Lu Tian. With the power of the miko, she concentrated and was able to see the nothingness.

It was the outline of a person, standing next to Lu Jian. He was not interested in the existence of the miko and just stood there.

"Air friends... are a kind of filth that exists in ghost stories in Hejima. It usually comes from the early death of one of the twins, or the residual obsession after the death of a close friend. Its existence itself is

A pollution!!!"

Hong Ye saw that the silhouette next to Lu Tiao suddenly changed.

It seemed to turn its head to look at the red leaves, and then grinned.

The mouth splits from the shoulder, spans the chest and abdomen, and ends at the other shoulder.

It noticed the red leaves!

This chapter has been completed!
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