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013.【Who is playing the piano】

The moment he touched the pale head, Lu Jian seemed to hear a chuckle coming from his ears.


The head exploded silently, jumped between the pages, and the bones piled up, forming the text of the mission.

【Who is playing the piano】

[Who is singing and playing forbidden music in the theater in the middle of the night? In the empty auditorium, only lonely applause echoes]

[In the theater destroyed by fire, there are always weeping low voices. When you come here, you don’t know that you have become a character on the stage]

[Don’t stop playing, trust me, you don’t want to see that scene]

[Task Difficulty: Mortal]

[Task requirements: Arrive at Jiangcheng Grand Theater after sunset tomorrow, find the performer, and survive until dawn the next day to complete the task]

【"His performance even impressed the gods"】

"...can you survive until dawn the next day?"

When Lu Tan saw this description, he had a bad feeling.

Seriously speaking, if there is no danger, there will not be such restrictions as in a survival game.

It's very dangerous to find the performer in the abandoned theater and wait till dawn. No matter how you listen, it's very dangerous.

But after looking at the difficulty of the task, it was only at the level of an ordinary person.

Lu Tuan doesn't understand what a mortal difficulty mission is, but [Friends Under the Bed] is also a mortal difficulty mission, so it's probably about the same?

He thought that maybe he would hear some inexplicable sounds and see some mysterious people in the abandoned theater.

After looking under his bed, Lu Tian felt that the problem was not big.

After learning the corresponding mission information, he went to surf the Internet again, looking for clues.

After entering the name of Jiangcheng Grand Theater, Lu Jian quickly saw that there was indeed a grand theater in Jiangcheng.

This theater is located at the junction of the current Jiangcheng New District and the Old City. It has a history of more than 50 years. Until the 1990s, it was the weekend entertainment choice for Jiangcheng people.

However, with the development of movies and later the popularization of the Internet, the Jiangcheng Grand Theater gradually declined. Finally, around the beginning of the century, a serious fire broke out in the Jiangcheng Grand Theater due to circuit problems and could not be repaired.

The owner of the Grand Theater planned to demolish the place and sell the land to a real estate developer. However, due to unknown changes, the transaction was shelved and the place became a wasteland that no one was disposing of until today.

After all, these things happened twenty years ago, and the Internet was not developed at that time, so it seems reasonable that Lu Tiao could not find it.

Rumors about Jiangcheng Grand Theater are mostly distributed in local forums, post bars and other places that have long outlived the times. Many pages have expired, but Lu Jian still found some clues.

"...Legend has it that the fire that year was caused by the affair between a boss's wife and a theater actor. After the affair between the two was exposed, they were tied to the stage and burned alive in the theater!"

"No, it was people in the theater who used this place to conduct illegal transactions behind the scenes. Later, the uneven distribution of the spoils led to a fire and the entire theater was burned down. I saw the police surrounding the place with my own eyes!"

"Don't listen to the wind or the rain. In fact, this grand theater was originally built on an ancient battlefield. There were too many dead people and the yin energy was too strong, so it was often haunted. The reason why the theater was not sold was also because it was haunted!"

"I heard from the mother of my nephew's classmate that there are still people singing and playing piano in that theater at night. It's so scary!"

"What kind of gods and ghosts are you still believing in the 21st century? If you ask me, there may be a problem with the geomagnetic field there, which causes people to have hallucinations. This can all be explained by science!"

Speeches such as these have mostly disappeared into the history of the Internet along with simple web pages, and only a few glimpses can be seen through snapshots.

As for more in-depth information, Lu Jian felt that it might be difficult to find online and would have to go to the library.

Tomorrow I will go to the library to check out the newspapers and periodicals from that year during the day, and in the evening I will go to the Jiangcheng Grand Theater to read the cards.

After making the decision, he became calmer and no longer had the excitement of a primary school student going on a spring outing the next day.

After washing, Lu Tiao glanced under the bed again, but it was empty.

Although what happened made him hesitate, there was no other place for him to sleep now.

When people are poor, they can sleep in even haunted mourning halls.

After turning off the light, lying on the bed and watching videos for a while, Lu Knun gradually became enveloped in sleepiness.

In a daze, Lu Tan suddenly felt like something was pressing down on him.

He tried to open his eyes and get up, but his eyelids were as heavy as stones, and his body was stiff, as if he was dead. His chest seemed to be oppressed, making it difficult to breathe, and he would soon die.

This feeling is like waking up from a dream within a dream last night.

During his subconscious struggle, Lu Tan's right hand suddenly touched a cold, soft and delicate hand.

As if to comfort Lu Tiao, the hand gently held his fingers and rubbed Lu Tiao's palm.

With the touch of this hand, Lu Tiao felt that the pressure on his body suddenly decreased a lot. Although he still couldn't raise his eyelids and his hands and feet were still unable to move, Lu Tiao felt much more relaxed and his consciousness was not so hazy.

The fingertips of his left hand moved slightly, and a silver revolver with a long barrel and a large caliber appeared there.


Lu Tiao's consciousness finished firing the pistol, and a voice began to appear in his head, and it echoed in the room along with the opening and closing of his mouth.

"Good luck brings you good luck, good luck brings joy and love, good luck brings us good luck..."

It's "Good Luck Comes".

Lu Jian is currently loaded with five words of ammunition, including a section of "Good Luck Comes", which is the original version.

Don't ask, asking is to ward off evil spirits.

I don't know whether it was because of the cheerful melody of the song, or Lu Jian's use of his own abilities, but the feeling of oppression on his body suddenly disappeared.

Lu Tan opened his eyes.

In the dim room, the cabinets cast deep shadows in the dim light, and unknown shadows behind the curtains trembled and swayed. Lu Tiao subconsciously touched his shoulders first to make sure there was nothing else on them, and then with the help of the light of his mobile phone,

Climb out of bed to the song "Good Luck".

Turning on the light, he looked under the bed.


After getting up, Lu Tan carefully opened the cabinet again.


The sound of the cupboard door opening and closing sounded. Lu Tan took a look and found an eye staring at him among the clothes he had folded!


Lu Tan's heart skipped a beat and he took half a step back.

But soon, he saw clearly that the eyes were just prints on the sweater.

"There is probably something in this room."

By now, even Lu Jian could understand that there was probably something weird in his room.

And there's more than one.

At least what made him unable to move and the cold, soft hand were two different entities.

Lu Tan thought for a while.

He turned on his computer and started playing the playlist from the Spring Festival Gala, letting the cheerful music fill the whole room.

Lying on the bed, Lu Jian fell asleep peacefully to the melodious music of "Unforgettable Tonight".


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