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135. 'Progress Report on the Demolition Project of Nanhua Private Renji Hospital in Jiangcheng City'

"Progress Report on the Demolition Project of Nanhua Private Renji Hospital in Jiangcheng City"

Time: March 2nd

What we are doing today is the planning work in the early stages of the demolition. We mainly used detection equipment to inspect each inpatient building of the hospital. The inspection work was supposed to end before four o'clock in the afternoon, but the debugging of the equipment took an unexpected time, until nine o'clock in the evening.

All the exploration work was finally completed.

The foundation building on this site is not strong. The reinforced concrete of the foundation has shown signs of erosion. Many gaps can be found. The underground parking lot is leaking seriously. It is recommended to prevent building collapse during demolition.

Reporter: Wang Yuan


Time: March 7th

Today, the construction team officially demolished the security booth, utility room and other buildings on the outermost side of the hospital. Due to the illness of the workers who stayed behind at night, the construction team is recruiting new workers, which has delayed the construction progress.

In addition, the workers on patrol today found a mezzanine in the archives room on the third floor of the main building. There are several file bags stored in the mezzanine. The files have been handed over to the client and should be the hospital's previous information.

According to the current progress, the entire hospital is expected to be demolished within three months.

Reporter: Wang Yuan


Time:March 20th

We encountered certain problems, mainly due to the serious aging of the building. Demolition explosives could not be oriented and might have an impact on surrounding buildings. Therefore, manual labor was used. As a result, due to the erosion and weathering of the building, worker operation problems often occurred. Just today.

One worker almost fell from the third floor due to carelessness. The quality of these newly recruited workers is worrying.

However, the demolition progress is normal, and the internal structure of the second hospital building has been basically cleaned, and we are just waiting for the excavator to arrive for finishing work.

In addition, some workers on vigil mentioned that some people were stealing from the main building of the hospital at night and hoped to strengthen security.

Reporter: Wang Yuan


Time: April 5th

The demolition work was not going well. When using an excavator for the final demolition of the second hospital building today, the operator mentioned that there were people in the building, which caused the demolition work to be suspended. All the workers searched the building through various means, but no operator was found.

The excavator worker mentioned the little girl, and the demolition work could not continue until the evening.

At nine o'clock in the evening, a worker reported that a child had been found sneaking into the main building of the hospital. I led the workers into the main building to search, but no child was found. The construction could only be stopped and continued until dawn.

Some workers suggested that it was haunted. To me, this was completely nonsense. It was probably a prank played by homeless people or children nearby. The second hospital building will definitely be demolished tomorrow.

Reporter: Wang Yuan


Time: April 13th

The demolition work of the second hospital building finally came to an end. During the period, the construction team encountered many difficulties, but they overcame them one by one, which demonstrated the hard work and dedication of the workers.

The next demolition will focus on the auxiliary building. It is reported that the building previously served as a warehouse and staff dormitory for the hospital. I believe the demolition work will go smoothly.

In addition, today is the first seven days of the Wang team. It is a pity that he could not see the day when the demolition was completed. I hope that his spirit in heaven will bless our subsequent construction smoothly.

Reporter: Liu Qingjiang


Time: May 1st

Today is a holiday at the construction site. Yesterday, when workers were sorting out the construction waste left behind by the demolition of the second hospital building, they found that the interiors of several load-bearing columns had been eroded and hollowed out. But strangely, there was no water flowing outside these load-bearing columns.

The traces of erosion are unknown as to how they were eroded. Moreover, the traces of erosion are different from normal natural erosion and seem to form some kind of outline.

The internal tidying up of the auxiliary building has been completed, but workers still report that some people will go to the main building of the hospital at night. I plan to arrange two more workers to keep watch and patrol the main building of the hospital.

Reporter: Liu Qingjiang


Time: May 22nd

Something unexpected happened during the demolition work of the auxiliary building. The worker operating the excavator said that he saw someone in the building again. However, I led a team to check and found no trace of anyone. However, the operator insisted that he saw someone and was unwilling to continue the construction.

I had no choice but to find another operator. During the demolition at two o'clock in the afternoon, an accident occurred at the construction site. For some reason, a worker appeared below the auxiliary building and was injured by falling rubble, which caused the construction to come to a halt.

I reiterated the safety regulations and supervised the whole process on site. In the evening, the ground part of the auxiliary building was finally demolished. The downstairs of the auxiliary building is the parking lot. The situation is complicated and the construction progress may be delayed.

Reporter: Liu Qingjiang


Time: June 6th

The three-month construction period has come to an end, but the main building of the hospital is still the most troublesome part of the demolition work.

Two more workers were injured today. When the workers were inspecting and sorting things out on the first floor, the elevator in the main building suddenly fell down, injuring two workers who were checking the situation. This was a mistake that should not have happened. The power supply to the main building had already been shut down.

Okay, the elevator car was confirmed to be on the first floor before, so why did it suddenly go to the fifth floor?

Some workers who live nearby said that this hospital is not clean. The Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce and foreign companies have done bad things here before. I am not a policeman, so I can't investigate the past. I don't believe in ghosts, but there is something weird about this hospital.


Reporter: Liu Qingjiang


Time: June 15th

Construction has been suspended.

Three workers had an accident while inspecting the main building of the hospital. Two were killed and one was injured. I don't know why they jumped from the fifth floor. The injured workers haven't woken up yet and don't know what happened.

This is a major safety incident and construction must be stopped. We don’t know when it will be able to restart.

In the end, I still failed to demolish the main building of the hospital, maybe this is not what I should do.

I finished writing this report in the duty room. Strangely enough, I saw that the light was still on in the room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor of the inpatient building. I was going to check out the situation. Hey, I hope nothing happens again.

Reporter: Liu Qingjiang


Lu Jian looked away from the report in his hand.

He had just taken the time to read several noteworthy reports, and this was the last one in his hand.

After June 15th, construction was completely suspended.

Liu Qingjiang, the leader of the demolition construction team, disappeared, and Wang Principle, the previous leader, died in a car accident. Counting these two people, the demolition of Nanhua Private Renji Hospital has caused more than ten casualties.

"It seems that the things hidden in this hospital are not easy to deal with."

In Lu Jian's field of vision, the text changed, from the somewhat strange construction report to systematic text.

At the same time, the layout of Lu Jian's room changed, and the balcony, cabinet, and door all made slight whimpering sounds.

Lu Tiao came to the door of the room, pushed it open, and saw the corridor of the abandoned hospital.

"It's you."

He took a step forward, and the door to the room at the end of the corridor slowly opened with a creak.

All the scenes suddenly became black and white and faded.

On the bulletin board nearby, system text appeared.


[No one knows how many secrets this hospital hides]

[She said that the room at the end of the corridor contains the secret of life and death. Those missing people did not die, they just changed their way of accompanying you]

[He said that the mirror in the elevator can reflect the truth and hypocrisy, and there are no shadows of those vicious and vicious guys]

【It said, I'm hungry】

[Task Difficulty: Optional]

[Task requirement: Enter Nanhua Private Renji Hospital and survive until dawn]

["Did you hear it? A newborn's first cry is a symbol of hope."]

These words had just caught Lu Jian's eyes, and at the bottom, another line of words appeared.

[Side mission props detected, mission changed]

[Task Difficulty: Erosion]

[Task requirement: Enter Nanhua Private Renji Hospital and survive until dawn]

[Task requirement: Find Du Danping’s melody fragments]


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