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137. The man in the mirror

"The Chinese New Year is very close, and there are fewer people in the hospital. At this time, people who are sick don't want to come to the hospital, not to mention the prices here are so expensive. Therefore, except for a few long-term patients, most of the people hospitalized

They all went home to celebrate the New Year.”

"My shift at night is in the middle of the night. I change my shift at 1 o'clock and I can still sleep for a while. Some people think that I am tired when I am on duty in the middle of the night, but if you ask me, I am only tired in the first half of the night. Patients have to come to you if they wake up late and can't fall asleep.

But in the second half of the night, most of the patients fell asleep and could still do some things of their own."

"The person on duty with me was Xu Xiao. She came in two years after me and was still a young girl. Just after eight o'clock, this little girl went to inspect the ward with a flashlight. I just lay down on the bed in the duty room.

, I fell asleep quickly. I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly someone shook me and woke me up. I looked at it, wasn’t it Xu Xiao? It was time to change shifts? I asked, but she didn’t answer,

Only then did I realize that Xu Xiao's expression was a little strange."

"This little girl has always been very lively, with a smile in her eyes, but that time, she had no expression and a straight face, just like in class. She didn't say a word, she just looked at me, which was very impressive.

I was so scared that I got up and looked at the time. It was just after twelve o'clock and I thought she was asking me to change my shift. But Xu Xiao suddenly stood up straight again and turned around to leave."

"I asked her to wait, quickly put on my clothes, picked up a flashlight and followed her, but Xu Xiao walked very fast and walked into the elevator all of a sudden. I was a little confused at that time and didn't think there was anything wrong at all. I just thought it was something wrong.

Xu Xiao reminded me and followed me into the elevator."

"The elevator is a bit worn out. I remember the dean said before that he wanted to replace it, but then nothing happened. From the first floor to the fifth floor, young people with faster steps are faster than the elevator. I saw Xu Xiao pressed the button for the fifth floor.

I waited, yawned, and looked for a mirror. The mirror in the elevator was very bright, and I saw the dark circles under my eyes, which were very ugly."

"I just wanted to talk to Xu Xiao, but at this moment, I suddenly realized that I was the only one in the mirror."

"Xu Xiao, who was standing next to the elevator button and looking at the floor, was not reflected in the mirror at all!"

"Suddenly, I thought of the ghost mentioned by the old nurse. She said that if there were unclean things in the hospital, it would take people to the fifth floor, and those who followed would disappear. Could it be that Xu Xiao has turned into a ghost?

Is she going to harm me?"

"I didn't dare to speak, so I could only stare at Xu Xiao's back. Only then did I realize that Xu Xiao walked on tiptoes! Only ghosts walk on tiptoes!"

"When the elevator reached the fifth floor, the sound made me shiver. I watched Xu Xiao walk out of the fifth floor. I stood at the elevator entrance and dared not move. There were no lights in the corridor. I watched Xu Xiao walk towards the end of the corridor. There

It seemed that there was a ward with the door open and the lights on. I wanted to call her, but my voice couldn't come out. I could only watch Xu Xiao walk into the ward, close the door, and the whole corridor fell into darkness again.


"I waited for a long time, until the elevator reached the fifth floor again, and the ding brought my soul back. I walked into the elevator and saw myself in the mirror. My face was pale, especially my eyes, which were pitch black.

Circle, like a person who has seen a ghost."

"The next day, Xu Xiao disappeared. We searched the whole hospital and couldn't find Xu Xiao. However, every time I took the elevator, I would subconsciously look in the mirror to see if there was anyone else in the mirror besides me.

There are others.”

The recorder of this duty memorandum is named Wang Ping. According to the record, she left the hospital in 12 years and returned to her hometown to do business. At the beginning of this year, she fell in the bathroom and lay in the hospital for half a month. She eventually died.


As for the Xu Xiao mentioned in the memo, Lu Tiao searched through the records of hospital personnel and found no such person.

There are several other similar memos, most of which point to the room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor. It seems that this room has incredible power, and all kinds of weird events are related to it.

"If you enter the hospital, this may be the focus of investigation."

Lu Tiao came to a conclusion.

He looked at the information about the previous construction team again. The leader of the construction team, Liu Qingjiang, was missing. He didn’t know where he went. Most of the previous workers had also disbanded and it was difficult to find traces. Now only the security guards from Jiangcheng Industrial remained on duty outside the construction site.

, to prevent others from entering.

"security guard?"

Lu Tiao noticed the problem.

He looked through the records and found the security guard's schedule and saw their photos.

The person on duty wearing a security uniform and the two workers who caught the anchor that day were obviously not from the same group.

In fact, there were no workers at all on the construction site.

"So, who took the anchor away that day...?"

Lu Tiao thought of the sentence in the mission description.

[Those missing people did not die, they just accompanied you in a different way]

"This is saying that maybe the people missing in this hospital are not really dead, but have turned into some kind of monster, or alienated into an inhuman existence, and are still wandering in the hospital? This is why the construction team carried out

During demolition, do you always encounter various unknown reasons for resistance?"

Lu Jian guessed.

"Or maybe there might have been some crisis hidden here, but Du Danping's visit solved the crisis to a certain extent, but it also left hidden dangers. Someone might be accidentally affected and become a monster?"

After three days of preparation, Lu Tian felt that he could enter the hospital.

He packed up his things, brought a suona, a crowbar, compressed dry food, a flashlight, and some equipment for reviewing the records, and came to Nanhua Road.

This once prosperous area of ​​the city was now extremely lonely. Lu Jian saw that in the shopping mall next door, only the security guards were napping and no shops were open. The main building of the hospital looked eerie even in the afternoon sun.

"There is something wrong with the design here, the orientation is wrong, so there is not enough lighting even during the day. I don't know if it is deliberately designed like this or it is just a coincidence."

Lu Tan thought of the designer of this hospital, who was a foreigner. After designing the building of this hospital, the foreign designer fell into depression and cut his own wrist with a knife three years later.

Died by suicide.

As for the companies that sponsored the hospital, most of them have gone bankrupt or turned to industries in completely different directions. It is like everything related to this place will eventually be doomed.

He raised his head and looked towards the end of the corridor on the fifth floor. The windows there were closed and he couldn't see anything at all.

Lu Jian showed the certificate to the security guards and then walked into the hospital gate with the security guards' strange eyes.

Looking up, Lu Tian saw what seemed to be a girl standing next to the window on the fifth floor. The girl had a dull expression and was staring at Lu Tian.

Lu Tan showed her a bright smile.

Then he walked into the hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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