Turn off the lights
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139. The footsteps behind

"This is my first month here and my first vigil."

"I heard from the seniors that although the salary in this hospital is high, some inexplicable things sometimes happen. When we eat in the cafeteria at noon, they will tell some scary stories."

"But in hospitals, there are always stories about dead people. I heard them before when I was in nursing school. It's not a big deal."

"In the evening, other nurses got off work, leaving Sister Wang Ping and I here to keep vigil. In the middle of the night, Sister Wang Ping went directly to bed. When I went to the cafeteria to eat, I ate with Sister He. She heard that it was my first time

During the night watch, he spoke to me mysteriously."

"She said that this hospital violated a taboo when it was being built. This area was originally a Caishikou in ancient times, a place where people were killed. Now it is used to build a place to rescue people. It is a taboo in itself, so there were taboos during the construction of the hospital.

There were a lot of problems, and people died, but in the end, living stakes were put in before the project was finally completed."

"I asked what a living stake was, and Sister He laughed and said that for those workers who died in accidents on the construction site, the hospital directly paid a large sum of money to their families to ask them not to take the corpses, saying that the corpses had been destroyed by machines.

It was crushed, but in fact, these corpses were sealed into the foundation, in those pillars. Only in this way can the things here be suppressed. After speaking, she pointed to the pillars next to me."

"Although Sister He is an old-timer, she seemed to have had an accident a few years ago, and she sometimes told nonsense. However, she was also planning to transfer to a public hospital this year, so everyone ignored her. After she said this, she told me

Tell me, tell me about the room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor. Don’t go there during the vigil, otherwise something bad will happen.”

"I thought to myself, isn't that the utility room? How could I go there? But without asking further, Sister He picked up the bowl and left."

"When I returned to the nurse's station, Sister Wang Ping was already asleep. I waited until the time was almost up, then picked up the flashlight and went upstairs. They all like to take the elevator, and I like to walk and exercise."

"However, when I went upstairs, I always felt that someone was following me, but I turned around several times and saw nothing. When I got to the fifth floor, I even heard the patter of footsteps."

"I turned around and used a flashlight to illuminate it. There was no one there. But when I looked around, I discovered that there were a series of footprints on the ground behind me."

"These are not so much footprints as crawling marks. Yes, they are the kind of marks where a child has crawled on the ground. It seems that the child has dirt on his body, and the crawling marks are left on the floor bit by bit.


"There are no children in the hospital. There can be no children. For some reason, our hospital does not have an obstetrics and gynecology department and does not deliver children, so there must be no children."

"I squatted down to see where the footprints came from, and I saw that the footprints had already passed me and crawled towards the end of the corridor."

"Most of the lights in the intensive care unit on the fifth floor have been turned off. It was pitch dark at the end of the corridor. I shined a flashlight and there was nothing except the wall at the end."

"But the footprints are just like this, step by step, staggering towards the room at the end."

"I feel a little guilty, but what if I really have a child?"

"After thinking about it, I decided to go take a look. After walking through several wards, I came to the room at the end of the corridor. It was strange that there was light through the crack in the door, but there should be no one in this room."

"Did the cleaning lady forget to turn off the lights? When I thought about this, I opened the door and prepared to turn off the lights."

"But, I saw that thing in the room at the end of the corridor."

"I was startled. I hurriedly closed the door and walked away as if I was running away. I didn't dare to look back, for fear that the thing would catch up. No, I had to tell Sister Wang Ping. I saw that the elevator had reached the fifth floor. I pressed the button to open the elevator. Before I entered

I mustered up the courage to take a look at the room at the end of the corridor, only to see the door slowly opening and a shadow lingering at the door."

"The elevator door finally closed. My legs were so frightened that I couldn't think of anything at all. As soon as the elevator opened on the first floor, I immediately went to the nurse's station. I don't know why, but the light at the nurse's station was turned off. Maybe it was because Sister Wang Ping thought it was too bright.

Come on, I turned on the light and shook Sister Wang Ping vigorously. After shaking for a while, she woke up."

"I told her what she saw in the room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor. She was also surprised. She put on her clothes and prepared to go see it with me. We took the elevator upstairs. When we got to the fifth floor, the door to the room was closed. I used

It took me the greatest courage in my life to push open the door, and then I found that Sister Wang Ping was gone, and the things in the room were also gone. It was empty except for clutter."

"I turned around and saw that the patients in the ward were also gone. It was strange. I didn't know what happened, so I could only go back to the nurse's station and want to call the police."

"But the phone didn't work either. I looked outside. It was very dark and there were no stars."

"I didn't dare to go out, so I could only turn on the light at the nurse's station and sit here waiting for others."

"I'm so scared. Is there anyone here to save me? Is there anyone..."

"Can you save me?"

Lu Tan saw that by the end, the handwriting had become messy and sloppy, and even the sentences were incomplete and unreadable.

He was sitting here, reading these words, and suddenly felt like there was someone beside him.

It's like the nurse who didn't know what accident happened was sitting in her chair, recording the last scene she saw bit by bit.

"Xu Xiao's record and Wang Ping's record are consistent in some parts, but they don't match in many places. In Wang Ping's record, Xu Xiao was abnormal when he woke her up, but Xu Xiao's record

I have always been normal, and it was only when I came to the end of the corridor for the second time that something went wrong. It seems that some of these two people have errors in their records, or maybe what they saw was real, but there was a deviation?"

"What's in the room at the end of the corridor?"

Lu Tan became more and more curious. According to Xu Xiao's records, the room at the end of the corridor was originally a utility room, but it seemed that something surprising was stored in it and was guarded. All the secrets of the hospital seemed to be there.

in the room.

All the information and clues pointed to that room. It seemed that as long as Lu Jian opened that door, all his problems would be solved and all the answers would be waiting for him there.

Rather than saying that Lu Tiao wanted to explore that room, it was better to say that the room was chasing Lu Tiao, tempting him to go there like a devil's whisper.

"There are still missing pages in this memo, but it seems that there is no movement for the time being. Does it mean that it needs to be taken to the corresponding location so that the records inside can emerge?"

Lu Tan immediately thought of the Sister He mentioned by Xu Xiao. According to this description, this Sister He should be He Bisong.

"The location related to her, besides the nurse's station... is room 502."

This chapter has been completed!
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