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015. Rogue Musical Instruments

The suona was completely black and seemed to have detailed patterns on its surface. These patterns formed some kind of writing, but Lu Jian couldn't recognize it.

【The suona of the gangster】


[A weather-beaten suona, as long as you hold it in your hand, you can master how to play it]

[The suona only sounds in the mouths of some craftsmen from the East in the abandoned capital]

[People believe that this instrument originated from the worship of certain gods, and its sound can call the attention of great beings]

【No matter sad or happy, the loud voice always penetrates the heart】

【"Don't brag, we are one of our own!"】

[Price: 444 Silence Points]

More than 400 Silence Points are relatively cheap among high-quality products.

The reason why he fell in love with the suona was first of all because he thought the suona was very festive. No matter what kind of music it was, it would turn into a cheerful song when paired with the high-pitched tone of the suona.

In addition, the suona itself is also used in funerals and other occasions, and is closely related to the souls of the dead. The suona also has the effect of warding off evil spirits.

Finally, the description of this prop seems to be relatively safe, at least for ordinary people to use it. Moreover, the description of the task includes a statement not to stop playing. Lu Jian guessed that music may be the key to completing the task.

He really has no musical talent. The only instrument he knows is the recorder he learned in elementary school, and it can barely be considered a triangle.

So it was really difficult for Lu Kan to learn to play in a short time.

This suona seems to be tailor-made for Lu Tan.

Thinking of this, he got off the subway at the station, came to a deserted place, and immediately clicked to buy.

Lu Tan suddenly felt that his backpack became a little heavier.

He opened his backpack and found a suona inside.

The pattern on the surface of this suona actually looks like it has a headache-inducing complexity. When you touch it with your hands, it feels very smooth. The enamel of the suona is different from that of ceramic wood, and more like the bones of some kind of creature.

Holding it in his hand, Lu Jian felt certain knowledge flow into his brain. However, unlike [Last Words], this knowledge was like some kind of sticky spider web, scattered on the surface of the ravines of the cerebral cortex, as if it would come at any time.

Being pulled away.

Now Lu Jian is able to master the suona playing methods and techniques, and he feels that he is at the level of a skilled worker.

After thinking about it, Lu Tan brought the suona to his mouth and played it.

The high-pitched sound immediately penetrated the air and played beside the street.

Lu Jian's fingers moved naturally, and his hands and mouth seemed to no longer belong to him and existed only to play this piece of music.

The winding sound of the suona echoed in the street. This was a suburban area with not many pedestrians, but Lu Jian's actions were enough to attract attention.

Lu Tan felt that as he played, his whole body became tense and his joints became stiff, like a dying old man. Only his fingers became more and more flexible, and he played a short and intense melody.

Lu Jian has never heard of this piece of music, but from the melody, it seems to be a piece of music from some kind of festival or ceremony, which has a calming effect on people's minds.

Unknowingly, more and more people were surrounding Lu Tan.

Lu Tiao caught a glimpse of the audience next to him, and saw that the man seemed to have had his soul taken away by something. His expression was dull, his eyes were lifeless, and he was only slowly moving his body along with the ups and downs of the suona sound.

He found that all the listeners were in a similar state.

Those people were in a trance, confused, and sluggish. They only curled up slightly towards Lu Jian who was playing, as if they were worshiping some supreme being.

Lu Jian himself, who was playing, was like a puppet on a string. He looked ahead, at the sky above the low buildings in the suburbs. Above the originally blue sky, there was the deep and boundless universe and stars.

Among the stars, a star shines brightly, echoing the melody of the suona.


When Lu Kan saw that star, his scalp went numb, and he felt a buzzing sound in his brain, which was entangled with a cobweb of knowledge.

His field of vision penetrated the atmosphere, away from the solar system, and approached the dark yellow stars at an incredible speed.

At this moment, Lu Tan's body suddenly lost its restraint, and he hurriedly moved the suona away from his mouth.

Everything disappeared.

The people around Lu Tiao came to their senses. They were a little confused, but they soon thought that they were attracted by the sound of Lu Tiao's suona. Many people also took out banknotes from their wallets and placed them on the ground in front of Lu Tiao.

Lu Tan, who was holding the suona in his hand, had cold sweat on his forehead. Even the early summer sunshine could not dispel the gloom in his eyes.

"...This suona has a big problem."

Lu Tan felt that he had almost been sent away just now.

Compared to his friend under the bed, what he just experienced made Lu Tuan feel even weirder.

"Then the great being co-author is still an alien?"

Lu Tan didn't dare to look up at the sky for a moment, for fear of seeing the moon smiling at him.

At this time, Lu Jian saw that the characters on the banknotes on the ground were distorted and turned into the cold words of the system.

[Name: Lu Jian]

[Occupation: Director]

[Education: Bachelor's degree]






【Silence Points: 1666】

[Inherent skill: all-or-nothing]

[Inherent Skill: Last Words]

"There is less sense again."

Lu Tiao quickly noticed the difference in his panel.

The experience just now made Lu Tan lose another five points of sanity.

It seems that being frightened will lower your sanity... But why, although it is true that people are confused when they are frightened, they will return to normal afterward.

"What will happen if the sanity reaches zero?"

The more Lu Tan thought about it, the more he realized the problem was huge.

He bent down to pick up the money and counted it. It was almost a thousand dollars less. He didn't know whether it was because everyone was really infected by Suona or because of some mysterious and unknowable reason.

"If I really can't get rid of the problem in the future, I'll play this suona to make money."

Lu Jian joked to himself.

"So, these products are actually fighting fire with fire?"

He thought again.

If you encounter any ghosts and ghosts in the theater at night, if you blow the suona yourself, you may summon something even weirder to suppress those little ghosts.

Thinking of this, Lu Tian didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried.

"Forget it, I've changed everything."

He unravels himself.

Even if you don't blow it, maybe hitting those weird guys with the suona will be effective.

With more than a thousand Silence Points left, Lu Jian decided to exchange them for a suitable weapon.

He can't use hot weapons such as guns and ammunition, as they can easily hurt himself and may not be very effective against ghosts.

As he got on the bus to the former site of the Grand Theater, he continued to browse the product catalog.

The scenery outside the window became increasingly desolate, rapidly evolving from low-rise buildings to bungalows at the urban-rural fringe. Soon, Lu Jian saw paddy fields and irrigation streams.

When they arrived at the station, Lu Jian had already chosen the appropriate weapon.

That is the [Holy Sword of Physics] located under the [Weapon] list.

This chapter has been completed!
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