Turn off the lights
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018. Whose eyes

Take out the self-heating rice, unpack it, pour the rice, side dishes, and ingredients into a plastic bowl, add water, unpack the self-heating package, put it at the bottom of the outer bowl, add water, and put the plastic bowl on top

, close the lid.

Then it was time to wait to eat.

Some students may ask, can Lu Tiao eat in such a weird and unpredictable place?

The answer is that you can eat it, of course you can.

People are like iron, food is like steel, no one can stop Lu Tan from doing the work.

While waiting for the grown rice to become cooked automatically, Lu Jian randomly shined a flashlight into the hall.

Due to the leakage in the dome, the theater lobby is actually much more severely eroded than the corridors and dressing rooms, especially the area directly below the leakage.

In addition to the clean stage, the rest of the ground is covered with thick moss, which is very slippery. It is easy to fall if you step on it. The moisture also spreads from the damaged areas of the dome. There are some plants growing on the ceiling, but

Just near the cave entrance.

After nightfall, the temperature dropped, but Lu Jian didn't feel cold.

“The taste is okay.”

Lu Tan picked up the chopsticks, put the beef brisket covered in tomato sauce into his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

The temperature of the self-heating rice is actually not high, it is comparable to steaming the cooked rice. The beef brisket cubes are naturally prepared in advance. The rich sauce masks the smell of industrial production. As far as fast food is concerned, the taste is


While eating and drinking Coke, Lu Tan felt that he was not here to explore a secret place, but to eat and broadcast in the wild.

"Maybe we can really try it next time?"

Lu Tian thought of some wild food UP owners. Their videos were about going to the wilderness and eating better than restaurants. If he came to such a scary and weird place to do a mukbang and ate very sumptuously, would he also be popular?

While eating, he also watched the cached video on his phone. There was almost no signal in this wasteland. Fortunately, Lu Tuan was prepared.

He was watching supernatural adventure videos.

The video is about exploring a hotel that is said to be haunted by ghosts. I don’t know if it has eighty stars, but from the outside, the building is extremely dilapidated. Coupled with the dark green underworld filter, the person who shot the video is confused.

The thought was a bit scary.

While watching the video, Lu Tan ate the rice from the bowl.

Lu Tiao took a breath when he saw the anchor's flashlight turn and reveal a human face.

"How terrible!"

He couldn't help but take a big mouthful of food.

After the video was played, we didn’t find out what the problem was with the hotel, so it ended just like that.

I read it, but it seems I didn’t read it completely.

Lu Tan also finished his meal. He drank the Coke in one gulp, put the garbage into a bag and put it aside. He looked at his phone and saw that it was only eight o'clock.

Picking up the flashlight and crowbar, Lu Tiao was ready to go to the control room on the other side to check out the situation.

Lu Jian habitually shined the flashlight into the control room on the other side, and saw the mannequins with painted eyes still standing in front of the window, monitoring Lu Jian's every move in the theater hall.

He took another look at the control room directly opposite the stage. It was empty.

Lu Tan took the opportunity to look at the window of the control room he had visited before.

I saw that in the originally dark control room, behind the broken glass, a model doll with strange black eyes was standing there.


Lu Tan felt that his heartbeat suddenly became very noisy, and blood rushed to his eardrums, which made his ears hurt. Then, he felt that everything was far away from him. His eyes were fixed on the faces of those model dolls, and those

Their strange eyes stared at each other for a moment.

"Has it started..."

Lu Tan suppressed the various imaginations and speculations that emerged in his heart.

At this point, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

There are really ghosts in this Jiangcheng Grand Theater.

If he didn't know what was causing trouble, Lu Jian might have worried about whether he would be killed by a falling steamroller, but now that he understood that it was a ghost that was causing trouble, Lu Jian had a clear enemy.

Moreover, after what he saw and heard just now, Lu Jian quickly concluded some conclusions about ghosts.

"The ghosts in this theater can interfere with reality. Whether they make the piano make sounds or move the mannequins, they must rely on physical means."

"The ghosts here are not evil ghosts that will directly appear to kill living people when they see them, or because they are not strong enough to affect me, or because they have other agendas. In short, if these ghosts are extremely dangerous, then I will

Anyone who walks into the control room should be dead."

"The goal of the mission is to find the performer, and there is only one piano here, so I will definitely find the performer on this stage in the end. There is no need to explore other places."

After receiving this information, Lu Tiao sat down again.

Although the mission has an exploratory rating, Lu Tan feels that as an ordinary person with no strength, exploring the Jiangcheng Grand Theater at night is really not a wise choice.

Wouldn’t it be nice to sit here and watch videos to kill time?

He took out his phone again and continued watching another previously cached video.

This video is about a woman who thought her home was haunted, so she hired two "professional exorcists". The two men installed surveillance cameras in the house and slept in the guest room. As a result, they filmed the woman's head twisting.

, the picture of limbs crawling on the wall.

He saw the woman in pajamas slowly crawling up the wall like a spider. When she turned her head, Lu Tiao clearly heard the sound of something rolling to the ground at the entrance of the hall behind her.

He paused the video and looked back.

It was already dark far away from the hollow in the dome, especially at the door. Lu Jian used the light of a flashlight to see the situation clearly.

The door was empty, only the thick darkness outside, even the light of the flashlight could not penetrate.



Lu Jian's inspiration came to him, and he pointed his flashlight upward, illuminating the control room facing the stage.

The model doll in a tattered dress was standing there at some point, with its face pressed against the still intact glass, and its twisted and weird eyes staring straight at Lu Jian.

Lu Tan's breathing stopped for a moment.

The closer it gets to night, the more restless these things become.

Lu Tiao picked up the crowbar and used the flashlight to check the mannequins in the other two control rooms.

Then he discovered that the model doll in front of the control room window at the beginning was missing!

"These mannequin dolls can move on their own at night?"

Lu Tiao guessed.

"Are the performers inside these mannequin dolls? Were they victims of the fire at that time and stayed at the scene of the accident out of resentment?"

"What exactly happened back then?"

While he was questioning, the flashlight swept across the theater hall.

The circular light spot passed over the second floor, the VIP box, the back row, the front row, the security entrance, and the backstage.

At this moment, Lu Tiao suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a man in red standing at the entrance of the safe passage!

This chapter has been completed!
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